49 research outputs found

    Geographical distribution of <i>Austrolebias monstrosus</i> (Huber, 1995), <i>A. elongatus</i> (Steindachner, 1881) and <i>A. vandenbergi</i> (Huber, 1995) (Teleostei: Cyprinodontiformes), with comments on the biogeography and ecology of rivulidae in pampasic and Chaco floodplains

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    We present a new record for Austrolebias elongatus from Gualeguaychú, in Entre Ríos province, Argentina, based on new fieldwork and a revision of materialdeposited in national ichthyological collections. We also give evidence on the erroneous records of Austrolebias monstrosus and A. vandenbergi from Ituzaingó, Corrientes province, as well as present additional records from Salta province for those species. Material previously determined as A. elongatus from Santiago del Estero is attributed to A. monstrosus. We restrict the distribution of these two species to Semi-arid Chaco Region in Argentina, Paraguay and Bolivia.Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y MuseoInstituto de Limnología "Dr. Raul A. Ringuelet

    First record of <i>Gymnogeophagus terrapurpura</i> (Teleostei: Cichliformes) from Argentina

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    The genus Gymnogeophagus Miranda Ribeiro 1918 is a diverse genus of geophagin Neotropical cichlids with 1 fossil (Malabarba et al., 2010) and 17 extant species (Malabarba et al., 2015; Loureiro et al., 2016). Species of this genus are endemic to the La Plata basin, the Laguna dos Patos/Merím system, and rio Tramandaí drainage (Malabarba et al., 2015) with one record of G. balzanii in the headwaters of the Guaporé river in the Amazon basin (Lowe-McConnell, 1975). This genus is diagnosed by the presence of a forward-directed spine on top of the first dorsal-fin pterygiophore and by the absence of bony supraneurals (Gosse, 1976). Recently, Gymnogeophagus terrapurpura Loureiro, Zarucki, Malabarba & González-Bergonzoni, 2016 was described as a member of the substrate brooding Gymnogeophagus-rhabdotus-group from the East of the lower Uruguay river basin, the Eastern coastal affluents of the Río de la Plata estuary, and affluents of the Atlantic Ocean in Uruguay. The aim of this work is to report the occurrence of this species in Argentina in tributaries of the Uruguay river near the city of Colón in Entre Ríos province. As part of a revision of the genus Gymnogeophagus from Argentina, we examined existing collection specimens from the San Benito creek and recently collected fresh material from the Perucho Verna and the La Leche creeks, which have been identified as Gymnogeophagus terrapurpura (fig. 1-5).Instituto de Limnología "Dr. Raúl A. Ringuelet

    Occurrence of <i>Astyanax dissensus</i> Lucena & Thofehrn, 2013 (Teleostei: Characidae) in Argentina

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    The occurrence of Astyanax dissensus in the Uruguay River, at Yapeyú, Corrientes, Argentina is reported for the first time in the country.Instituto de Limnología "Dr. Raúl A. Ringuelet

    Occurrence of <i>Astyanax dissensus</i> Lucena & Thofehrn, 2013 (Teleostei: Characidae) in Argentina

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    The occurrence of Astyanax dissensus in the Uruguay River, at Yapeyú, Corrientes, Argentina is reported for the first time in the country.Instituto de Limnología "Dr. Raúl A. Ringuelet

    Geographical distribution of <i>Austrolebias monstrosus</i> (Huber, 1995), <i>A. elongatus</i> (Steindachner, 1881) and <i>A. vandenbergi</i> (Huber, 1995) (Teleostei: Cyprinodontiformes), with comments on the biogeography and ecology of rivulidae in pampasic and Chaco floodplains

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    We present a new record for Austrolebias elongatus from Gualeguaychú, in Entre Ríos province, Argentina, based on new fieldwork and a revision of materialdeposited in national ichthyological collections. We also give evidence on the erroneous records of Austrolebias monstrosus and A. vandenbergi from Ituzaingó, Corrientes province, as well as present additional records from Salta province for those species. Material previously determined as A. elongatus from Santiago del Estero is attributed to A. monstrosus. We restrict the distribution of these two species to Semi-arid Chaco Region in Argentina, Paraguay and Bolivia.Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y MuseoInstituto de Limnología "Dr. Raul A. Ringuelet

    Lesión del nervio cubital secundario a terapia de ondas de choque extracorpóreas radiales identificada con ultrasonografía de alta resolución: Reporte de caso.: Ulnar nerve injury after radial extracorporeal shock wave therapy identified with high–resolution ultrasonography: Case Report.

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    A 49-year old woman was evaluated for developing bilateral acute medial elbow pain, numbness, and tingling sensation in the fourth and fifth fingers after receiving radial extracorporeal shock wave therapy (rESWT) for bilateral medial epicondylitis. Neurologic examination revealed the presence of Tinel’s sign, paresthesia and impaired two-point discrimination testing over the ulnar side of the fourth and fifth fingers bilaterally. High-resolution ultrasonography demonstrated findings of nerve injury, such as hypoechogenicity and increased diameter of both ulnar nerves.&nbsp; After conservative treatment, the patient improved her condition demonstrating an apparently acute compressive nerve injury as a result of the therapy. ESWT is used as a promising alternative for the treatment of various musculoskeletal disorders; however, there is limited evidence regarding its side effects, in particular peripheral mononeuropathy. To the authors’ knowledge, this is the first report demonstrating structural damage of a nerve after rESWT with the use of high-resolution ultrasonography

    Occurrence of <i>Astyanax dissensus</i> Lucena & Thofehrn, 2013 (Teleostei: Characidae) in Argentina

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    The occurrence of Astyanax dissensus in the Uruguay River, at Yapeyú, Corrientes, Argentina is reported for the first time in the country.Instituto de Limnología "Dr. Raúl A. Ringuelet

    Opening the Trojan horse: Phylogeny of Astyanax, two new genera and resurrection of Psalidodon (Teleostei: Characidae)

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    The freshwater fish genus Astyanax is one of the most diverse among the Characidae. The genus is defined by a combination of character states that are widely distributed in Characidae. In addition, the genus has the broadest geographical distribution in the family, being found in a great variety of environments of the Neotropical region. Although phylogenetic relationships were treated only partially, many authors agree that the genus is not monophyletic. In this contribution, we study the phylogenetic relationships of Astyanax in the context of the family Characidae, by combining morphological and molecular data. A total of 520 morphological characters, nine molecular markers and 608 taxa are analysed, of which 98 belong to Astyanax. According to our results, Astyanax is not monophyletic. We recovered species attributed to Astyanax in different subfamilies: Gymnocharacinae (including the type species), Stevardiinae and Tetragonopterinae. Among the species recovered in Gymnocharacinae, most (including the type species, the resurrected Psalidodon, and the new genus Andromakhe gen. nov.) were recovered in Gymnocharacini, while the remaining ones were recovered in Probolodini (transferred to Deuterodon or the new genus Makunaima gen. nov.).Fil: Terán, Guillermo Enrique. Fundación Miguel Lillo; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico - Tucumán. Unidad Ejecutora Lillo; ArgentinaFil: Benitez, Mauricio Fabián. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Nordeste. Instituto de Biología Subtropical. Instituto de Biología Subtropical - Nodo Posadas | Universidad Nacional de Misiones. Instituto de Biología Subtropical. Instituto de Biología Subtropical - Nodo Posadas; ArgentinaFil: Mirande, Juan Marcos. Fundación Miguel Lillo; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico - Tucumán. Unidad Ejecutora Lillo; Argentin

    Heptapterus mandimbusu Aguilera & Benitez & Terán & Alonso & Mirande 2017, sp. n.

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    &lt;i&gt;Heptapterus mandimbusu&lt;/i&gt;, sp. n. &lt;p&gt;Fig. 1, Table 1&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt; &lt;b&gt;Holotype.&lt;/b&gt; CI-FML 7238, 134.2 mm SL, Argentina, Misiones, Uruguay River basin, Melo stream, 27&deg;25'2.67&quot;S, 54&deg;42'7.93&quot;W, November 13, 2016. G. Aguilera, J. M. Mirande, G. Ter&aacute;n, M. Benitez, D. Baldo, J. M. Ferro and F. Alonso.&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt; &lt;b&gt;Paratypes.&lt;/b&gt; All material collected with Holotype. CI-FML 7239, 6 ex. (2 ex. C&amp;S), 54.6 &ndash; 175.6 mm SL; LGEP 529, 1 ex., 107.4 mm SL; LGEP 530, 5 ex., 58.3&ndash;113.4 mm SL; LGEP 538, 1 ex. C&amp;S, 70.5 mm SL; IBIGEO-I 446, 3 ex., 65.1&ndash;89.7 mm SL.&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt; &lt;b&gt;Diagnosis&lt;/b&gt;. &lt;i&gt;Heptapterus mandimbusu&lt;/i&gt; is distinguished by its unique coloration pattern, with aggregated melanophores scattered on dorsal and lateral surfaces of body, forming conspicuous blotches of variable size (Fig. 1 and 2) &lt;i&gt;vs&lt;/i&gt;. absence of this pattern in the remaining species of the genus. &lt;i&gt;Heptapterus bleekeri&lt;/i&gt;, &lt;i&gt;H. fissipinnis, H. multiradiatus, H. mustelinus, H. qenqo, H. stewarti, H. sympterigium&lt;/i&gt; and &lt;i&gt;H. tapanahoniensis&lt;/i&gt; present a rather uniform earth-brown coloration pattern (with some irregular markings on head and sometimes indistinct on back in &lt;i&gt;H. bleekeri&lt;/i&gt;); while &lt;i&gt;H. mbya&lt;/i&gt; and &lt;i&gt;H. ornaticeps&lt;/i&gt; have a uniform coloration pattern (greyish and blackish respectively).&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt; There are three species of &lt;i&gt;Heptapterus&lt;/i&gt; inhabiting Argentinean basins, the type species of the genus &lt;i&gt;Heptapterus mustelinus&lt;/i&gt;, and the recently described, &lt;i&gt;H. qenqo&lt;/i&gt; and &lt;i&gt;H. mbya&lt;/i&gt;. &lt;i&gt;Heptapterus mandimbusu&lt;/i&gt; n. sp., has a longer interdorsal distance (13.8&ndash;18.9 % SL), which distinguishes it from &lt;i&gt;H. mustelinus&lt;/i&gt; (3.1&ndash;5.0 % SL), &lt;i&gt;H. qenqo&lt;/i&gt; (9.5&ndash;13.2 % SL), and &lt;i&gt;H. mbya&lt;/i&gt; (5.8&ndash;8.3 % SL). &lt;i&gt;Heptapterus mandimbusu&lt;/i&gt; can be further distinguished from &lt;i&gt;H. mustelinus&lt;/i&gt; by a shorter distance between the anal-fin origin and hypural plate (32.9&ndash;39.1 % SL vs. 39.6&ndash;45.7 % SL), a longer distance between the origins of pelvic and pectoral fins (24.5&ndash;28.1 % SL vs. 20.4&ndash;24.2 % SL), a shorter adipose-fin base (33.8&ndash;41.5 % SL vs. 51.5&ndash;59.6 % SL), a shorter anal-fin base (15.7&ndash;20.9 % SL vs. 20.9&ndash; 28.0 % SL), a smaller orbital diameter (10.3&ndash;14.1 % HL vs. 15.0&ndash;19.9 % HL), and a lower number of anal-fin rays (14&ndash;18 vs 18&ndash;22). The number of free vertebrae in &lt;i&gt;Heptapterus mandimbusu&lt;/i&gt; (47) is lower than in &lt;i&gt;H. qenqo&lt;/i&gt; (51&ndash; 52) and &lt;i&gt;H. mbya&lt;/i&gt; (51&ndash;53), the caudal peduncle depth is shallowest than in &lt;i&gt;H. qenqo&lt;/i&gt; (13.8&ndash;19.3 % SL vs. 19.8&ndash;25.4 % SL), and the adipose-fin base is shorter than in &lt;i&gt;H. mbya&lt;/i&gt; (33.8&ndash;41.5 % SL vs. 47.4&ndash;58.55 % SL). From the remaining species of the genus, &lt;i&gt;Heptapterus mandimbusu&lt;/i&gt; can be distinguished from &lt;i&gt;H. stewarti&lt;/i&gt; Haseman and &lt;i&gt;H.&lt;/i&gt;&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt; &lt;i&gt;sympterygium&lt;/i&gt; Buckup by the dorsal fin never reaching the adipose fin; from &lt;i&gt;H. bleekeri&lt;/i&gt; Boeseman, &lt;i&gt;H. fissipinnis&lt;/i&gt; Miranda Ribeiro, &lt;i&gt;H. multiradiatus&lt;/i&gt; Ihering, &lt;i&gt;H. ornaticeps&lt;/i&gt; Ahl, &lt;i&gt;H. stewarti&lt;/i&gt; and &lt;i&gt;H. sympterygium&lt;/i&gt; by the lower number of anal-fin rays (14&ndash;18 vs. 20&ndash;22; 23; 38&ndash;46; 19; 30 and 22&ndash;29 respectively); from &lt;i&gt;H. bleekeri&lt;/i&gt;, &lt;i&gt;H. fissipinnis&lt;/i&gt;, &lt;i&gt;H. multiradiatus&lt;/i&gt;, &lt;i&gt;H. stewarti&lt;/i&gt;, &lt;i&gt;H. sympterigium&lt;/i&gt;, and &lt;i&gt;H. ornaticeps&lt;/i&gt; by the shorter maxillary barbel length that never reaches the pectoral fin, even in small juveniles; and from &lt;i&gt;H. tapanahoniensis&lt;/i&gt; Mees by the higher number of vertebrae (47 vs. 43) and branchiostegal rays (8&ndash;9 vs. 7) and the adipose fin confluent with the caudal fin (vs. separated). The monospecific genera &lt;i&gt;Acentronichthys&lt;/i&gt; Eigenmann &amp; Eigenmann, probably allied to &lt;i&gt;Heptapterus&lt;/i&gt; due to the share of an elongated body and the adipose fin confluent to caudal fin, can be distinguished from &lt;i&gt;Heptapterus mandimbusu&lt;/i&gt; by the caudal fin deeply forked (vs. distal profile of caudal fin slanted).&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt; &lt;b&gt;Description&lt;/b&gt;. Morphometric data of holotype and 16 paratypes presented in Table 1. Body and fins covered by small sharp papillae, more evident on dorsum. Papillae on first rays of dorsal, pectoral, and pelvic fins and upper caudal-fin lobe prolonged into small filament that can carry inside minute dark-brown soft structures, very thin and spiniform (see Figure 3 in Azpelicueta &lt;i&gt;et al&lt;/i&gt;. 2011).&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Dorsal profile of body slightly convex, from snout tip to dorsal-fin origin, almost straight through dorsal-fin base, concave along dorsal profile of peduncle. Ventral profile slanting ventrally from snout tip to vertical through middle opercle, slightly concave or straight to pelvic-fin origin, almost straight to anal-fin origin, and concave or almost straight to caudal fin. Maximum body depth at dorsal-fin origin. Maximum body width at level of pectoral fins, where body has circular section; posterior half of body increasingly laterally compressed to caudal peduncle.&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Head depressed and broad, covered by thick skin. Anterior nostrils with tubular rim, located closer to snout tip than to eye. Posterior nostrils surrounded by a membrane, largest on anterior margin, and closer to eye than to snout tip. Snout rounded in dorsal view, moderated in size (2.4 to 2.9 times in HL). Small eyes (7.7 to 9.7 times in HL) covered by skin. Interorbital width containing 1.3 to 2.0 times orbital diameter. Mouth subterminal, wide and opening anteriorly. Premaxilla without backward projections, anterior margin convex and posterior one slightly slanted, with a single broad band carrying the teeth. Premaxillary teeth conical and fine placed in 8&ndash;10 irregular rows. One tooth band on each dentary; bands anteriorly broad and slender posteriorly; distal end of band following curvature of inner wall of dentary. Dentary teeth conical, placed in 6&ndash;8 irregular rows. Cranial fontanel long and slender, with its anterior margin at line through half length of lateral ethmoid and reaching posteriorly end of supraoccipital. Anterior fontanel slightly wider than posterior fontanel. Epiphyseal bar situated at line through posterior eye margin. Maxillary barbel base at same level that anterior nostril, with its basal third resting in deep sulcus. Maxillary barbel short (1.3 to 1.9 times in HL) not reaching pectoral-fin origin, even in small juveniles. Outer mental barbel base at vertical through posterior nostril, its tip reaching near vertical through tip of maxillary barbel. Inner mental barbel base at same level than outer mental barbel, its tip slightly surpassing vertical through posterior orbital margin.&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Dorsal-fin origin a little anterior to vertical line trough pelvic-fin insertion, with one short unbranched ray (1.1&ndash;1.5 times in first branched dorsal-fin ray) and six branched rays. Dorsal fin not reaching adipose fin, separated from it by distance 1.1&ndash;1.8 of HL. Adipose-fin origin slightly anterior to vertical through anal-fin origin. Adiposefin base length short (2.4 to 3.0 times in SL) and confluent with caudal fin. Caudal-fin distal profile slanted, with i,6 + 6&ndash;7,i rays. Upper caudal-fin lobe longer and broader than lower lobe. Dorsal procurrent caudal-fin rays 9(3), ventral procurrent caudal-fin rays 12(1), 15(1), or 16(1). Anal-fin origin located on posterior half of body, with 14(1) 15(5), 16(6), 17(4*), or 18(1) rays. Anal-fin rays in two C&amp;S specimens vi,10&ndash;11 (total anal-fin rays 16 and 17 respectively). Pectoral fin with i,7&ndash;8 (one specimen with 7 and 16* with 8). Tip of pectoral fin reaching halflength or less between pectoral- and pelvic-fin origins. Pelvic fin with i,5 rays. Pelvic, pectoral, anal, and dorsal fins with their distal margins rounded.&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Cephalic sensory canal bearing five pores on supraorbital canal, five pores on infraorbital canal, and 11 on preoperculomandibular canal. Lateral line almost straight, complete, and uninterrupted, reaching compound caudal complex. Pores on anterior portion of lateral line well developed and almost inconspicuous on posterior portion.&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Counts on C&amp;S material: vertebrae 47(3), precaudal vertebrae 11(2)&ndash;12(1), caudal vertebrae 35(1)&ndash;36(2). Twelve to fourteen gill rakers of first gill arch (10&ndash;12 on ceratobranchial; one on cartilage between ceratobranchial and epibranchial, and one on epibranchial). Branchiostegal rays 8(2) to 9(1). First dorsal-fin pterygiophore between neural spine of sixth and seventh vertebrae (3), first anal-fin pterygiophore between hemal spine of vertebrae 22&ndash; 23(1), 23&ndash;24(1) or 24&ndash;25(1). Pleural ribs 8(2)&ndash;9(1).&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt; &lt;b&gt;Color in alcohol&lt;/b&gt;. Coloration pattern represented by aggregated melanophores scattered on dorsal and lateral surfaces of body, forming conspicuous size-variable blotches. Body background pale yellow, dorsum dark-brown with melanophores densely aggregated, especially over head, loosely aggregated on lateral surface of body, and ventral surface almost without melanophores, especially on prepelvic area. Five darker transverse bands, first one over supraoccipital region, second one at level of pectoral fins, third one just anterior to dorsal-fin origin and separated from fourth band by lighter area occupying dorsal-fin origin. Fourth dark band at insertion of third or fourth dorsal-fin rays and fifth band at interdorsal area. Second band is prolonged on lateral surface of body to pectoral-fin base. A very slender stripe from that band to end of caudal peduncle. Base of dorsal and anal fins with a dark band, not evident in all specimens, occupying one third of fin length. Caudal-fin base with dark band on distal margin of skin covering caudal-fin rays, more evident in small specimens. Pectoral and pelvic-fin base darker than distal end. Adipose fin with chromatophores scattered over entire fin and aggregated forming a diffuse dark band on distal margin of fin. All fins with minute chromatophores following each ray.&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt; &lt;b&gt;Distribution&lt;/b&gt;. Currently known only from its type locality at Melo stream (Fig. 3), Uruguay River basin, Northeastern Argentina.&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt; &lt;b&gt;Habitat and ecological notes&lt;/b&gt;. At type locality, the stream is characterized by clear water and low current velocity. The structure of the stream presents sequences of pools of 1 to 1.5 meters and shallow riffles, surrounded by native vegetation (Fig. 4).&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt; &lt;b&gt;Etymology&lt;/b&gt;. The specific name &ldquo; &lt;i&gt;mandimbusu&lt;/i&gt; &rdquo; is the combination of two words from the Guaran&iacute; language, mand&iacute;=catfish and mbusu=eel, in allusion to its body form and the vernacular name used in Argentina to refer to &lt;i&gt;Heptapterus&lt;/i&gt; (bagre anguila). The specific name is the apposition of two nouns.&lt;/p&gt;Published as part of &lt;i&gt;Aguilera, Gastón, Benitez, Mauricio, Terán, Guillermo Enrique, Alonso, Felipe &amp; Mirande, Juan Marcos, 2017, A new species of Heptapterus Bleeker 1858 (Siluriformes, Heptapteridae) from the Uruguay River Basin in Misiones, Northeastern Argentina, pp. 572-580 in Zootaxa 4299 (4)&lt;/i&gt; on pages 573-579, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4299.4.7, &lt;a href="http://zenodo.org/record/837101"&gt;http://zenodo.org/record/837101&lt;/a&gt