16 research outputs found

    The AMPA receptor modulator S18986 in the prelimbic cortex enhances acquisition and retention of an odor-reward association

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    Systemic administration of S18986, a positive allosteric modulator of AMPA receptors, improves cognition. The present study further characterizes the drug's memory-enhancing properties and is the first to investigate its intracerebral effects on learning and memory. The results showed that rats receiving a single dose of S18986 (3 μg/site) into the prelimbic cortex, prior to olfactory discrimination acquisition, exhibited significantly shorter latencies and fewer errors to make the correct response, both in the acquisition and two drug-free retention tests. Such findings corroborate the involvement of glutamate receptors in odor-reward learning and confirm the role of the AMPAkine S18986 as a cognitive enhancer

    D-cycloserine prevents relational memory deficits and suppression of long-term potentiation induced by scopolamine in the hippocampus

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    Previous research has demonstrated that systemic D-cycloserine (DCS), a partial agonist of the N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor (NMDAR), enhances memory processes in different learning paradigms and attenuates mnemonic deficits produced by diverse pharmacological manipulations. In the present study two experiments were conducted in rats to investigate whether DCS administered in the hippocampus may rescue relational memory deficits and improve deficient synaptic plasticity, both induced by an intracerebral injection of the muscarinic receptor antagonist scopolamine (SCOP). In experiment 1, we assessed whether DCS would prevent SCOP-induced amnesia in an olfactory learning paradigm requiring the integrity of the cholinergic system, the social transmission of food preference (STFP). The results showed that DCS (10 μg/site) injected into the ventral hippocampus (vHPC) before STFP acquisition compensated the 24-h retention deficit elicited by post training intra-vHPC SCOP (40μg/site), although it did not affect memory expression in non-SCOP treated rats. In experiment 2, we evaluated whether the perfusion of DCS in hippocampal slices may potentiate synaptic plasticity in CA1 synapses and thus recover SCOP-induced deficits in long-term potentiation (LTP). We found that DCS (50µM and 100µM) was able to rescue SCOP (100µM)-induced LTP maintenance impairment, in agreement with the behavioral findings. Additionally, DCS alone (50 µM and 100 µM) enhanced field excitatory postsynaptic potentials prior to high frequency stimulation, although it did not significantly potentiate LTP. Our results suggest that positive modulation of the NMDAR, by activation of the glycine-binding site, may compensate relational memory impairments due to hippocampal muscarinic neurotransmission dysfunction possibly through enhancements in LTP maintenance

    D-cycloserine in the basolateral amygdala prevents extinction and enhances reconsolidation of odor-reward associative learning in rats

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    It is well established that D-cycloserine (DCS), a partial agonist of the NMDA receptor glycine site, enhances learning and memory processes. Although the effects of DCS have been especially elucidated in the extinction and reconsolidation of aversive behavioral paradigms or drug-related behaviors, they have not been clearly determined in appetitive tasks using natural reinforcers. The current study examined the effects of pre-retrieval intra-basolateral amygdala (BLA) infusions of DCS on the extinction and reconsolidation of an appetitive odor discrimination task. Rats were trained to discriminate between three odors, one of which was associated with a palatable food reward, and, 20 min prior to extinction learning (experiment 1) or reactivation (experiment 2), they received bilateral intra-BLA infusions of DCS or vehicle. In experiment 1, DCS infusion reduced the rate of extinction learning, weakened extinction retention in a post-extinction test and enhanced reacquisition of the ODT task. In experiment 2, DCS improved subsequent memory expression in the reconsolidation test performed one day after the reactivation session. Such results indicate the involvement of BLA NMDA receptors in odor-food reward associative memory and suggest that DCS may potentiate the persistence or strength of the original memory trace

    Effects of excitotoxic lesion with inhaled anesthetics on nervous system cells of rodents

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    Different anesthesia methods can variably influence excitotoxic lesion effects on the brain. The main purpose of this review is to identify potential differences in the toxicity to nervous system cells of two common inhalation anesthesia methods, isoflurane and sevoflurane, used in combination with an excitotoxic lesion procedure in rodents. The use of bioassays in animal models has provided the opportunity to examine the role of specific molecules and cellular interactions that underlie important aspects of neurotoxic effects relating to calcium homeostasis and apoptosis activation. Processes induced by NMDA antagonist drugs involve translocation of Bax protein to mitochondrial membranes, allowing extra-mitochondrial leakage of cytochrome c, followed by sequence of changes that ending in activation of CASP-3. The literature demonstrates that the use of these anesthetics in excitotoxic surgery increases neuroinflammation activity facilitating the effects of apoptosis and necrosis on nervous system cells, depending on the concentration and exposure duration of the anesthetic. High numbers of microglia and astrocytes and high levels of proinflammatory cytokines and caspase activation possibly mediate these inflammatory responses. However, it is necessary to continue studies in rodents to understand the effect of the use of inhaled anesthetics with excitotoxic lesions in different developmental stages, including newborns, juveniles and adults. Understanding the mechanisms of regulation of cell death during development can potentially provide tools to promote neuroprotection and eventually achieve the repair of the nervous system in pathological conditions

    Parafascicular thalamic nucleus deep brain stimulation decreases NMDA receptor GluN1 subunit gene expression in the prefrontal cortex

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    The rodent parafascicular nucleus (PFn) or the centromedian-parafascicular complex of primates is a posterior intralaminar nucleus of the thalamus related to cortical activation and maintenance of states of consciousness underlying attention, learning and memory. Deep brain stimulation (DBS) of the PFn has been proved to restore arousal and consciousness in humans and to enhance performance in learning and memory tasks in rats. The primary expected effect of PFn DBS is to induce plastic changes in target neurons of brain areas associated with cognitive function. In this study, Wistar rats were stimulated for 20mins in the PFn following a DBS protocol that had previously facilitated memory in rats. NMDA and GABAB receptor binding, and gene expression of the GluN1subunit of the NMDA receptor (NMDAR) were assessed in regions related to cognitive functions, such as the prefrontal cortex and hippocampus. The results showed that PFn DBS induced a decrease in NMDAR GluN1 subunit gene expression in the cingulate and prelimbic cortices, but no significant statistical differences were found in the density of NMDA or GABAB receptors in any of the analyzed regions. Taken together, our findings suggest a possible role for the NMDAR GluN1 subunit in the prefrontal cortex in the procognitive actions of the PFn DBS

    Intra-hippocampal d-cycloserine rescues decreased social memory, spatial learning reversal, and synaptophysin levels in aged rats

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    Aging is characterized by a decrease in N-methyl-D-aspartate receptors (NMDARs) in the hippocampus, which might be one of the factors involved in the age-dependent cognitive decline. D-Cycloserine (DCS), a partial agonist of the NMDAR glycine recognition site, could improve memory deficits associated to neurodegenerative disorders and cognitive deficits observed in normal aging. Objectives and Methods: The aim of the present study was to explore whether DCS would reverse age-dependent memory deficits and decreases in NMDA receptor subunits (GluN1, GluN2A, and GluN2B) and the presynaptic protein synaptophysin in Wistar rats. We investigated the effects of pre-training infusions of DCS (10 μg/hemisphere) in the ventral hippocampus on two hippocampal-dependent learning tasks, the social transmission of food preference (STFP), and the Morris water maze (MWM). Results: The results revealed that infusions of DCS administered before the acquisition sessions rescued deficits in the STFP retention and MWM reversal learning in old rats. DCS also significantly increased the hippocampal levels of synaptophysin in old rats, which correlated with STFP and MWM performance in all tests. Moreover, although the levels of the GluN1 subunit correlated with the MWM acquisition and reversal, DCS did not enhance the expression of such synaptic protein. Conclusions: The present behavioral results support the role of DCS as a cognitive enhancer and suggest that enhancing the function of NMDARs and synaptic plasticity in the hippocampus may be related to improvement in social memory and spatial learning reversal in aged animals

    Efectes de l'estimulació i de la lesió del nucli parafascicular del tàlem sobre el condicionament d'evitació activa de dos sentits, en rates

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    Consultable des del TDXTítol obtingut de la portada digitalitzadaEl nucli parafascicular (PF) en rates, o complex centremitjà-parafascicular (CM-PF) en primats, forma part dels nuclis intralaminars posteriors del tàlem i participa en diferents funcions estat-dependents com, per exemple, l'arousal o l'atenció. Malgrat que el PF sembla contribuir a diferents funcions cognitives, la natura del seu efecte sobre diferents tasques encara no està clara. La present tesis doctoral pretén aclarir el paper específic del nucli PF en l'aprenentatge i la memòria avaluant la seva participació en l'adquisició i la retenció a llarg termini (RLT) d'un condicionament d'evitació activa de dos sentits (EV2). La tasca d'EV2 és un paradigma de condicionament operant que inclou un condicionament clàssic aversiu. En el paradigma típic, un estímul condicionat (EC)(per exemple, un so) s'associa repetidament a un xoc elèctric (estímul incondicionat, EI) que pot ser evitat pel subjecte experimental si creua cap al compartiment oposat de la gàbia (resposta d'evitació). En l'Experiment I, vàrem estudiar l'efecte de l'estimulació elèctrica intracranial post-entrenament del PF (PF-EIC ) en l'adquisició i la RLT de la tasca de EV2. Per tant, a tots els subjectes (rates mascle de la soca Wistar) se'ls hi va implantar un elèctrode d'estimulació al nucli PF. Els subjectes van realitzar 5 sessions idèntiques d'entrenament (10 assajos cadascuna) separades per un interval de 24-h. Després de cada sessió d'adquisició, dos grups experimentals van rebre tractament d'EIC al nucli PF durant 10min (EIC-10) o 5min (EIC-5). El grup Control no va rebre en cap moment EIC, mentre que els subjectes del grup EIC-Control van rebre només tractament en les sessions prèvies al condicionament en què es buscava la intensitat òptima d'EIC no-convulsiva. 10 dies després de les sessions d'adquisició tots els subjectes van ser sotmesos a una sessió de RLT de la EV2. Sorprenentment, el grup EIC-Pre va ser el què va mostrar un deteriorament de la tasca d'EV2 en comparació amb la resta de grups. Els resultats histològics van indicar que el tractament d'EIC pre-entrenament havia produït una certa lesió en el nucli PF. Aquest efecte deteriorant de les sessions prèvies d'EIC va ser revertit en el grup EIC-10. Per tant, en l'Experiment II vàrem avaluar els efectes sobre la mateixa tasca d'EV2 de: (1) lesions pre-entrenament del PF i (2) un tractament d'EIC al PF post-entrenament aplicant una intensitat menor que en l'experiment I i sense les sessions prèvies de cerca de la intensitat òptima no-convulsiva. En aquest cas, les lesions del PF van deteriorar l'adquisició i la RLT de la EV2 mentre que l'EIC post-entrenament no va tenir cap efecte. Aquests resultats recolzen la possible participació del nucli PF en l'aprenentatge i la memòria, tot i que calen nous experiments per esbrinar quin és el seu paper específic i sobre quines estructures el nucli PF exerciria la seva influència.El núcleo parafascicular (PF) en ratas, o complejo centromediano-parafascicular (CM-PF) en primates, forma parte de los núcleos intralaminares posteriores del tálamo y participa en diferentes funciones estado-dependientes como, por ejemplo, el arousal o la atención. Pese a que el PF parece contribuir a diferentes funciones cognitivas, la naturaleza de su efecto sobre diferentes tareas todavía no está clara. La presente tesis doctoral pretende estudiar el papel específico del núcleo PF en el aprendizaje y la memoria evaluando su participación en la adquisición y la retención a largo plazo (RLP) de un condicionamiento de evitación activa de dos sentidos (EV2). La tarea de EV2 es un paradigma de condicionamiento operante que incluye un condicionamiento clásico aversivo. En el paradigma típico, un estímulo condicionado (EC) (por ejemplo, un sonido) se asocia repetidamente a un choque eléctrico (estímulo incondicionado, EI) que puede ser evitado por el sujeto experimental si cruza al compartimento opuesto de la jaula (respuesta de evitación). En el Experimento I, estudiamos el efecto de la estimulación eléctrica intracraneal post-entrenamiento del PF (PF-EIC) en la adquisición y la RLP de la tarea de EV2. Por lo tanto, a todos los sujetos (ratas macho de la cepa Wistar) se les implantó un electrodo de estimulación en el núcleo PF. Los sujetos realizaron 5 sesiones idénticas de entrenamiento (10 ensayos cada una) separadas por un intervalo de 24-h. Tras cada sesión de adquisición, dos grupos experimentales recibieron tratamiento de EIC en el núcleo PF durante 10min (EIC-10) o 5min (EIC-5). El grupo Control no recibió en ningún momento EIC, mientras que los sujetos del grupo EIC-Control recibieron sólo tratamiento en las sesiones previas al condicionamiento en que se buscaba la intensidad óptima de EIC no-convulsiva. 10 días después de las sesiones de adquisición todos los sujetos fueron sometidos a una sesión de RLP. Sorprendentemente, el grupo EIC-Pre fue el que mostró un deterioro de la tarea en comparación con el resto de grupos. Los resultados histológicos indicaron que el tratamiento de EIC pre-entrenamiento había producido una cierta lesión en el núcleo PF. Este efecto deteriorante de las sesiones previas de EIC fue revertido en el grupo EIC-10. Por lo tanto, en el Experimento II evaluamos los efectos sobre la misma tarea de EV2 de: (1) lesiones pre-entrenamiento del PF y (2) un tratamiento d'EIC post-entrenamiento en el PF aplicando una intensidad menor que en el experimento I y sin las sesiones previas de busca de la intensidad óptima no-convulsiva. Las lesiones del PF impidieron la adquisición y la RLP de la EV2 mientras que la EIC post-entrenamiento no tuvo ningún efecto. Estos resultados apoyan la posible participación del núcleo PF en el aprendizaje y la memoria, a pesar de que son necesarios nuevos experimentos para averiguar su papel específico y sobre qué estructuras el núcleo PF ejercería su influencia.The rodent parafascicular (PF) nucleus, or centromedian-PF (CM-PF) complex in primates, is a caudal intralaminar component of the thalamus involved in various state-dependent functions, such as arousal and attention. Although the PF would seem to contribute to cognitive functions, the nature of the learning tasks in which this nucleus may be involved is not clear. The present study, sought to further elucidate the specific role of the PF nucleus in learning and memory evaluating the involvement of the PF nucleus in the acquisition and long-term retention (LTR) of a two-way active avoidance conditioning (TWAA). The TWAA task is an operant conditioning paradigm that includes an aversively motivated classical conditioning. In the standard paradigm, a conditioned stimulus (CS) (i.e., a sound signal) is repeatedly associated with a footshock (unconditioned stimulus, UC) that can be avoided by the rat crossing to the opposite side of a shuttle box (avoidance response). In Experiment 1, we evaluated the PF influence on TWAA learning by assessing the effects of PF post-training intracranial electrical stimulation (PF ICS) on the acquisition and/or the LTR of the task. All subjects (male Wistar rats) were implanted with an electrode at the PF. Rats were trained in five identical TWAA training sessions (10 trials each) separated by a 24-h interval. After each learning session two groups of Ss were stimulated for 10 (ICS-10 group) and 5 (ICS-5 group) min, respectively. A Control group never received PF ICS, while Ss in an ICS-Control group received PF ICS only during a previous search for a non-convulsive current intensity. Ten days after training, the rats were tested in a single 10-trial session. Unexpectedly, the ICS-Control group showed poor performance of the task compared to the remaining groups. However, this effect was reversed when a posttraining PF ICS treatment was also applied. The histological analyses showed that the pretraining ICS treatment produced some PF tissue lesion. Thus, Experiment II was aimed at evaluating the effects upon the same task of (1) pretraining PF electrolytical lesions (PF-Lesion group) and (2) posttraining PF ICS treatment (ICS group) at a lower current intensity and without a previous search for non-convulsive current intensity. PF pretraining lesion impaired TWAA conditioning, while posttraining PF ICS did not affect it. These findings are consistent with the idea that the PF nucleus might contribute to learning processes, although additional research is needed to elucidate its specific role and the brain structures in which PF modulation is critical

    Una experiència de dos anys de treball cooperatiu i col·laboratiu pel suport i la gestió docent

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    Des del curs 2010-11, la Facultat de Psicologia de la UAB compta amb un grup d'estudiants que es formen com a "assistents de titulació" dels estudis de Grau realitant tasques de suport a la docència. Amb l'objectiu de que aquesta experiènca tingui un caràcter formatiu per a l'estudiant i que a més signifiqui un suport notable al personal acadèmic de la facultat, es van prioritzar aquelles tasques amb una caràcter transversal i es va generar una estructura de treball basada en una metodologia col·laborativa. En el present treball presentem els resultats de l'experiència acumulada durant aquests dos cursos de funcionament.Since the academic year 2010-11, the Faculty of Psychology of the UAB has a group of students that work as "assistants of the Degree studies" realizing tasjs of teaching support. In order to facilitate students' acquisition of useful skills and to support teaching in a helpful way, trasnversal tasks were priopritized and the organizational structure of the group was based in a collaborative methodoogy. In presnet work, the results of the experiencie accumulated during these two years are presented and discussed

    D-cycloserine in prelimbic cortex reverses scopolamine-induced deficits in olfactory memory in rats

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    A significant interaction between N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) and muscarinic receptors has been suggested in the modulation of learning and memory processes. The present study further investigates this issue and explores whether dcycloserine (DCS), a partial agonist at the glycine binding site of the NMDA receptors that has been regarded as a cognitive enhancer, would reverse scopolamine (SCOP)-induced amnesia in two olfactory learning tasks when administered into the prelimbic cortex (PLC). Thus, in experiment 1, DCS (10 mg/site) was infused prior to acquisition of odor discrimination (ODT) and social transmission of food preference (STFP), which have been previously characterized as paradigms sensitive to PLC muscarinic blockade. Immediately after learning such tasks, SCOP was injected (20 mg/site) and the effects of both drugs (alone and combined) were tested in 24-h retention tests. To assess whether DCS effects may depend on the difficulty of the task, in the STFP the rats expressed their food preference either in a standard two-choice test (experiment 1) or a more challenging three-choice test (experiment 2). The results showed that bilateral intra-PLC infusions of SCOP markedly disrupted the ODT and STFP memory tests. Additionally, infusions of DCS alone into the PLC enhanced ODT but not STFP retention. However, the DCS treatment reversed SCOP-induced memory deficits in both tasks, and this effect seemed more apparent in ODT and 3-choice STFP. Such results support the interaction between the glutamatergic and the cholinergic systems in the PLC in such a way that positive modulation of the NMDA receptor/channel, through activation of the glycine binding site, may compensate dysfunction of muscarinic neurotransmission involved in stimulus-reward and relational learning tasks

    Effects of excitotoxic lesion with inhaled anesthetics on nervous system cells of rodents

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    Different anesthesia methods can variably influence excitotoxic lesion effects on the brain. The main purpose of this review is to identify potential differences in the toxicity to nervous system cells of two common inhalation anesthesia methods, isoflurane and sevoflurane, used in combination with an excitotoxic lesion procedure in rodents. The use of bioassays in animal models has provided the opportunity to examine the role of specific molecules and cellular interactions that underlie important aspects of neurotoxic effects relating to calcium homeostasis and apoptosis activation. Processes induced by NMDA antagonist drugs involve translocation of Bax protein to mitochondrial membranes, allowing extra-mitochondrial leakage of cytochrome c, followed by sequence of changes that ending in activation of CASP-3. The literature demonstrates that the use of these anesthetics in excitotoxic surgery increases neuroinflammation activity facilitating the effects of apoptosis and necrosis on nervous system cells, depending on the concentration and exposure duration of the anesthetic. High numbers of microglia and astrocytes and high levels of proinflammatory cytokines and caspase activation possibly mediate these inflammatory responses. However, it is necessary to continue studies in rodents to understand the effect of the use of inhaled anesthetics with excitotoxic lesions in different developmental stages, including newborns, juveniles and adults. Understanding the mechanisms of regulation of cell death during development can potentially provide tools to promote neuroprotection and eventually achieve the repair of the nervous system in pathological conditions