42 research outputs found

    A molecular density functional theory to study solvation in water

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    A classical density functional theory is applied to study solvation of solutes in water. An approx- imate form of the excess functional is proposed for water. This functional requires the knowledge of pure solvent direct correlation functions. Those functions can be computed by using molecular simulations such as molecular dynamic or Monte Carlo. It is also possible to use functions that have been determined experimentally. The functional minimization gives access to the solvation free energy and to the equilibrium solvent density. Some correction to the functional are also proposed to get the proper tetrahedral order of solvent molecules around a charged solute and to reproduce the correct long range hydrophobic behavior of big apolar solutes. To proceed the numerical minimization of the functional, the theory has been discretized on two tridimensional grids, one for the space coordinates, the other for the angular coordinates, in a functional minimization code written in modern Fortran, mdft. This program is used to study the solvation in water of small solutes of several kind, atomic and molecular, charged or neutral. More complex solutes, a neutral clay and a small protein have also been studied by functional minimization. In each case the classical density functional theory is able to reproduce the exact results predicted by MD. The computational cost is at least three order of magnitude less than in explicit methods.Comment: PhD Manuscript 157 pages, written in Frenc

    Fast Computation of Solvation Free Energies with Molecular Density Functional Theory: Thermodynamic-Ensemble Partial Molar Volume Corrections

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    Molecular Density Functional Theory (MDFT) offers an efficient implicit- solvent method to estimate molecule solvation free-energies whereas conserving a fully molecular representation of the solvent. Even within a second order ap- proximation for the free-energy functional, the so-called homogeneous reference uid approximation, we show that the hydration free-energies computed for a dataset of 500 organic compounds are of similar quality as those obtained from molecular dynamics free-energy perturbation simulations, with a computer cost reduced by two to three orders of magnitude. This requires to introduce the proper partial volume correction to transform the results from the grand canoni- cal to the isobaric-isotherm ensemble that is pertinent to experiments. We show that this correction can be extended to 3D-RISM calculations, giving a sound theoretical justifcation to empirical partial molar volume corrections that have been proposed recently.Comment: Version with correct equation numbers is here: http://compchemmpi.wikispaces.com/file/view/sergiievskyi_et_al.pdf/513575848/sergiievskyi_et_al.pdf Supporting information available online at: http://compchemmpi.wikispaces.com/file/view/SuppInf_sergiievskyi_et_al_07-04-2014.pdf/513576008/SuppInf_sergiievskyi_et_al_07-04-2014.pd

    Hydration of Clays at the Molecular Scale: The Promising Perspective of Classical Density Functional Theory

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    We report here how the hydration of complex surfaces can be efficiently studied thanks to recent advances in classical molecular density functional theory. This is illustrated on the example of the pyrophylite clay. After presenting the most recent advances, we show that the strength of this implicit method is that (i) it is in quantitative or semi-quantitative agreement with reference all-atoms simulations (molecular dynamics here) for both the solvation structure and energetics, and that (ii) the computational cost is two to three orders of magnitude less than in explicit methods. The method remains imperfect, in that it locally overestimates the polarization of water close to hydrophylic sites of the clay. The high numerical efficiency of the method is illustrated and exploited to carry a systematic study of the electrostatic and van der Waals components of the surface-solvant interactions within the most popular force field for clays, CLAYFF. Hydration structure and energetics are found to weakly depend upon the electrostatics. We conclude on the consequences of such findings in future force-field development.Comment: 24 pages, 8 figures. Molecular Physics (2014

    Simulating electrochemical systems by combining the finite field method with a constant potential electrode

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    International audienceA better understanding of interfacial mechanisms is needed to improve the performances of elec-trochemical devices. Yet, simulating an electrode surface at fixed electrolyte composition remains a challenge. Here we apply a finite electric field to a single electrode held at constant potential and in contact with an aqueous ionic solution, using classical molecular dynamics. The polarization yields two electrochemical interfaces on opposite sides of the same metal slab. While the net charge on one electrode surface is the opposite of the net charge on the other, maintaining overall charge neutrality of the metal. The electrode surface charges fluctuations are compensated by the adsorption of ions from the electrolyte, forming a pair of electric double layers with aligned dipoles. This opens the way towards the efficient simulation of electrochemical interfaces using any flavor of molecular dynamics, from classical to first principles-based methods

    Molecular Density Functional Theory for water with liquid-gas coexistence and correct pressure

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    The solvation of hydrophobic solutes in water is special because liquid and gas are almost at coexistence. In the common hypernetted chain approximation to integral equations, or equivalently in the homogenous reference fluid of molecular density functional theory, coexistence is not taken into account. Hydration structures and energies of nanometer-scale hydrophobic solutes are thus incorrect. In this article, we propose a bridge functional that corrects this thermodynamic inconsistency by introducing a metastable gas phase for the homogeneous solvent. We show how this can be done by a third order expansion of the functional around the bulk liquid density that imposes the right pressure and the correct second order derivatives. Although this theory is not limited to water, we apply it to study hydrophobic solvation in water at room temperature and pressure and compare the results to all-atom simulations. With this correction, molecular density functional theory gives, at a modest computational cost, quantitative hydration free energies and structures of small molecular solutes like n-alkanes, and of hard sphere solutes whose radii range from angstroms to nanometers. The macroscopic liquid-gas surface tension predicted by the theory is comparable to experiments. This theory gives an alternative to the empirical hard sphere bridge correction used so far by several authors.Comment: 18 pages, 6 figure

    Molecular Density Functional Theory of Water describing Hydrophobicity at Short and Long Length Scales

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    We present an extension of our recently introduced molecular density functional theory of water [G. Jeanmairet et al., J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 4, 619, 2013] to the solvation of hydrophobic solutes of various sizes, going from angstroms to nanometers. The theory is based on the quadratic expansion of the excess free energy in terms of two classical density fields, the particle density and the multipolar polarization density. Its implementation requires as input a molecular model of water and three measurable bulk properties, namely the structure factor and the k-dependent longitudinal and transverse dielectric susceptibilities. The fine three-dimensional water structure around small hydrophobic molecules is found to be well reproduced. In contrast the computed solvation free-energies appear overestimated and do not exhibit the correct qualitative behavior when the hydrophobic solute is grown in size. These shortcomings are corrected, in the spirit of the Lum-Chandler-Weeks theory, by complementing the functional with a truncated hard-sphere functional acting beyond quadratic order in density. It makes the resulting functional compatible with the Van-der-Waals theory of liquid-vapor coexistence at long range. Compared to available molecular simulations, the approach yields reasonable solvation structure and free energy of hard or soft spheres of increasing size, with a correct qualitative transition from a volume-driven to a surface-driven regime at the nanometer scale.Comment: 24 pages, 8 figure

    Une théorie de la fonctionnelle de la densité moléculaire pour la solvatation dans l'eau

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    A classical density functional theory is applied to study solvation of solutes in water. An approx- imate form of the excess functional is proposed for water. This functional requires the knowledge of pure solvent direct correlation functions. Those functions can be computed by using molecular simulations such as molecular dynamic or Monte Carlo. It is also possible to use functions that have been determined experimentally. The functional minimization gives access to the solvation free energy and to the equilibrium solvent density. Some correction to the functional are also proposed to get the proper tetrahedral order of solvent molecules around a charged solute and to reproduce the correct long range hydrophobic behavior of big apolar solutes. To proceed the numerical minimization of the functional, the theory has been discretized on two tridimensional grids, one for the space coordinates, the other for the angular coordinates, in a functional mini- mization code written in modern Fortran, mdft. This program is used to study the solvation in water of small solutes of several kind, atomic and molecular, charged or neutral. More complex solutes, a neutral clay and a small protein have also been studied by functional minimization. In each case the classical density functional theory is able to reproduce the exact results predicted by MD. The computational cost is at least three order of magnitude less than in explicit methods.La théorie de la fonctionnelle de la densité classique est utilisée pour étudier la solvatation de solutés quelconques dans le solvant eau. Une forme approchée de la fonctionnelle d’excès pour l’eau est proposée. Cette fonctionnelle nécessite l’utilisation de fonctions de corrélation du solvant pur. Celles-ci peuvent être calculées par simulations numériques, dynamique moléculaire ou Monte Carlo ou obtenues expérimentalement. La minimisation de cette fonctionnelle donne accès à l’énergie libre de solvatation ainsi qu’à la densité d’équilibre du solvant. Différentes corrections de cette fonctionnelle approchée sont proposées. Une correction permet de renforcer l’ordre tétraédrique du solvant eau autour des solutés chargés, une autre permet de reproduire le comportement hydrophobe à longue distance de solutés apolaires. Pour réaliser la minimisation numérique de la fonctionnelle, la théorie a été implémentée sur une double grille tridimensionnelle pour les coordonnées angulaires et spatiales, dans un code de minimisation fonctionnelle écrit en Fortran moderne, mdft. Ce programme a été utilisé pour étudier la solvatation en milieu aqueux de petits solutés atomiques neutres et chargés et de petites molécules polaires et apolaires ainsi que de solutés plus complexes, une argile hydrophobe et une petite protéine. Dans chacun des cas la théorie de la fonctionnelle de la densité classique permet d’obtenir des résultats similaires à ceux théoriquement exacts obtenus par dynamique moléculaire, avec des temps de calculs inférieurs d’au moins trois ordres de grandeurs