598 research outputs found
The Transition. Convergence and discrepancy in the international and national press coverage of Spain’s major postwar international news export
The role of the national and foreign press in the news coverage of the Spanish transition to democracy (1975-1978) has been a constant reference in the historical study of the period of political change after the end of the Francoist dictatorship. In this article we present the general results of three research projects concerning the role of the foreign press, of the Spanish daily press and the magazine marketin which we can observe both convergence and discrepance in the news narrative, editorial behaviour and political standpoints. The greater independence and informative freedom of the foreign press contrasts with the proximity of the Spanish press to both King and government with the exception of the critical support to reform expressed in both the new political magazines and newspapers during the first few months of the process of political change.El papel de la prensa nacional y extranjera en la cobertura informativa de la TransiciĂłn española a la democracia (1975-1978) ha sido una referencia constante en la historiografĂa del perĂodo de cambio polĂtico en España tras el final de la dictadura de Franco, asĂ como en la cultura periodĂstica. En este artĂculo presentamos los resultados generales de tres proyectos de investigaciĂłn sobre el papel de la prensa extranjera, de la prensa diaria española y de la prensa no diaria enlos que se pueden comprobar convergencias y discrepancias en el relato informativo, las valoraciones editoriales y los posicionamientos polĂticos. La mayor independencia y libertad informativa de la prensa extranjera contrasta con la proximidad de la prensa española al rey y al gobierno, con la excepciĂłn del apoyo crĂtico a la reforma de las nuevas revistas polĂticas y los diarios surgidos en los primeros meses del proceso de cambio polĂtico
De la Bisbal al front d'AragĂł: NarcĂs Lloveras Plaja, corresponsal de l'Autonomista de Girona
NarcĂs Lloveras Plaja (1876-1947) Ă©s un corresponsal local que du a terme
la seva tasca informativa a la Bisbal de l'EmpordĂ , durant els anys de la dictadura
de Primo de Rivera i de la Segona RepĂşblica, per al diari republicĂ federal
El Autonomista de Girona, esdevingut L'Autonomista l'any 1933. Des
de 1922 a 1936, Lloveras publica setmanalment les seves cròniques, amb
atenciĂł especial a la polĂtica municipal. Tot i la censura de la premsa durant
la dictadura, té dificultats amb l'alcalde i és objecte d'una sanció governativa,
que li Ă©s aixecada davant del suport de l'associaciĂł de periodistes i dels
directors dels diaris de Girona. Quan comença la Guerra Civil, a l'edat de
seixanta anys, marxa voluntari al front de l'AragĂł com a membre de la DivisiĂł
MaciĂ -Companys d'Esquerra Republicana de Catalunya, i durant el primer
any publica diverses cròniques de guerra. El gener de 1939 s'exilia a Ceret,
França, on mor el gener de 1947.NarcĂs Lloveras Plaja (1876-1947) was a local correspondent who, during
the Primo de Rivera dictatorship and the Second Spanish Republic, worked
out of the town La Bisbal (in the EmpordĂ region of Catalonia) for the Girona
federal republican newspaper El Autonomista, which became LÂ’Autonomista
in 1933. From 1922 to 1936 Lloveras published weekly articles,
which focused mainly on municipal politics. Although his articles had to
pass the filter of the dictatorship censor, he had difficulties with the
mayor and was the target of a government sanction, which was lifted
thanks to the support of the journalistsÂ’ association and the editors-inchief
of the Girona newspapers. When he was 60 years old and the Spanish
Civil War had broken out, he volunteered and went to the Aragon
front as a member of the MaciĂ -Companys Division of Esquerra Republicana
of Catalonia. During the first year there, numerous reports of his were
published. In January 1939 he went into exile in Ceret, France, where he
died in January 1947
L’arqueta de Projecta
Un descobriment fortuĂŻt l’any 1793 va desenterrar un tresor excepcional, ocult durant segles. Aquest conjunt d’objectes de plata que conformen el tresor d’EsquilĂ representa els bĂ©ns domèstics d’una famĂlia benestant romana de la segona meitat del segle iv dC. L’arqueta de Projecta Ă©s la peça mĂ©s destacada i coneguda d’aquest tresor descobert casualment pels treballadors que excavaven un pou, entre les restes d’una casa al turĂł d’EsquilĂ, a Roma. Rep el nom grĂ cies a la inscripciĂł dedicada a la parella formada per Secundus i Projecta
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