33 research outputs found

    Las barreras y los obst谩culos en el acceso de las profesoras universitarias a los cargos de gesti贸n acad茅mica

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    Las instituciones universitarias no son pioneras en tener la mejor proporci贸n posible de mujeres en cargos de gesti贸n acad茅mica. Todo lo contrario, en el mundo empresarial se ha avanzado m谩s. Las profesoras universitarias que ocupan cargos de gesti贸n acad茅mica permanecen durante m谩s tiempo ocupando cargos dentro de un mismo nivel en la estructura vertical de la organizaci贸n que sus compa帽eros y muestran escaso inter茅s por acceder a cargos de nivel superior en la escala jer谩rquica de la gesti贸n universitaria. El estudio de las razones por las cu谩les ocurre esto es el principal objetivo de este art铆culo. A trav茅s de un cuestionario suministrado a 150 profesores y profesoras pertenecientes a cuatro universidades catalanas, cuyos departamentos eran dirigidos por mujeres, as铆 como 18 entrevistas realizadas a personas expertas en temas de gesti贸n, liderazgo y g茅nero se obtiene una serie de razones y percepciones sobre las barreras y dificultades que encuentran las mujeres para acceder a cargos acad茅micos en la universidad y ejercerlos. Entre las barreras que impiden a las profesoras universitarias ejercer cargos de gesti贸n encontramos que algunas de tipolog铆a interna y otras de tipolog铆a externa. Entre las internas se pueden citar las propias de los procesos de socializaci贸n: diferencias en la educaci贸n de ni帽os y ni帽as, miedo a defraudar las expectativas del papel femenino, falta de modelos donde mirarse poco inter茅s por el estilo de liderazgo tradicional o baja autoestima. Entre las externas podemos citar la cooptaci贸n, la dificultad de conciliaci贸n entre vida profesional y familiar, la cultura sexuada de las universidades y los estereotipos ligados al g茅nero femenino y el liderazgo.Universities are not pioneering in having the best proportion of women in the academic management positions. All the opposite, business enterprise has moved forward faster. Furthermore, it seems that female professors who have an academic management charge remain during more time occupying charges in the same vertical structure level of the organization than do their male colleagues, showing a scarce interest in accessing to superior charges in the hierarchical scale of the university management. The main objective of this article is to study the reasons by which it happens. Applying a survey to 150 professors of four Catalan Universities, whose departments were leaded by women, and interviewing 18 experts in management, leadership and gender issues, several of the reasons and perceptions about the barriers and difficulties that female professors find in order to accede and develop academic management positions have been obtained. Barriers which make female professors unlikely to access to academic management positions are divided up into two groups: internal and external. Among those of an internal nature, we could mention the internalization of sex-specific behavioral models that correspond to a socialization process based on boy's and girl's differences, the fear of deceiving female role expectations, the absence of female mentors, the scarce interest of women in the traditional way of leadership or their poor self-esteem. Among the external barriers we can include cooptation, difficulties in balancing professional and familiar life, the gendered university culture and stereotypes related to feminine gender and leadership

    El Pla de tutoria a la universitat

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    La implicaci贸n de las profesoras en la gesti贸n universitaria

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    En este art铆culo se exponen los principales resultados obtenidos al investigar como ejercen la participaci贸n las mujeres en los 贸rganos de gobierno de la universidad. Partiendo de la aplicaci贸n de dos estrategias metodol贸gicas, la observaci贸n sistem谩tica categorial y la entrevista grupal, se concluye que existen ciertas diferencias de comportamiento entre g茅neros en las reuniones de toma de decisiones. Adem谩s, se constatan otros aspectos relacionados con la calidad de la decisi贸n, con el llamado 'estilo femenino' de participaci贸n y con otros factores, adem谩s del g茅nero, que parecen influir en la forma de gestionar de las profesoras universitariasThis article highlights the main results obtained from research into the manner in which women participate in the university's governing bodies. Starting from the application of two methodological strategies, systematic categoric observation and group-based interview, the article concludes that there are certain behavioural differences between genders in meetings of a decision-taking nature. Furthermore, other aspects are emphasised, relating to decision quality, to the so-called 'feminine mode' of participation as well as to other factors - in addition to gender - which appear to influence women university teachers' style of managemen

    Un estudi sobre la transici贸 secund脿ria - Universitat

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    La present comunicaci贸 presenta algunes reflexions i resultats obtinguts fru茂t de l'estudi de camp realitzat a partir del projecte La transici贸 secund脿ria universitat i incorporaci贸 a la universitat. L'acollida dels estudiants de primer curs (MQD convocat貌ria 2004, resoluci贸 UNI/371/2004 de 19 de gener)

    Elementos para la elaboraci贸n de planes de tutor铆a en la universidad

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    La tutor铆a, entendida como conjunto de actuaciones dirigidas a apoyar el pleno desarrollo personal y acad茅mico del estudiante universitario, se considera, cada vez m谩s, como un indicador de calidad. Bien organizada, contribuye a mejorar la adaptaci贸n y rendimiento de los estudiantes, a la vez que mejora la imagen p煤blica de la universidad. Bajo una perspectiva actual, la tutor铆a se considera un valor a帽adido para cualquier titulaci贸n, al incluir acciones muy diversas: acad茅micas, administrativas, centradas en el conocimiento de uno mismo y en los aprendizajes, abarcadoras del tiempo de permanencia en la instituci贸n universitaria, etc. No obstante, su 茅xito depende en gran parte del grado de articulaci贸n e institucionalizaci贸n que se consiga a trav茅s de un plan de acci贸n global (Plan de Acci贸n Tutorial). Toda planificaci贸n debe partir del an谩lisis de necesidades, concretar un plan de actuaci贸n (que, adem谩s de explicitar objetivos y recursos, delimita el modelo tutorial y la distribuci贸n /coordinaci贸n de funciones) y establecer mecanismos de seguimiento y mejora. El conocimiento, por 煤ltimo, de algunos errores que cabe evitar, posibilita la creaci贸n de propuestas t茅cnicamente justificadas y defendibles.Tutorship, understood as a series of actions aimed at supporting the full personal and academic development of University students is increasingly considered as a quality indicator. If it is properly organized, it helps to improve the adjustment and performance of the students and also boosts the public image of the institution involved. Nowadays, tutorship is considered as an added value in any diploma as it includes very varied actions: academic and administrative issues, actions focused on the knowledge of the self and learning processes, plans covering the whole stay at University, etc. However, its success depends to a great extent on the level of coordination and institutionalization reached through a global action plan (Tutorship Action Plan). Any planning must start with an analysis of the needs to devise an action plan (which, apart from explaining its objectives and resources, must specify the tutorship model chosen and the distribution/coordination of roles) and determine monitoring and improvement mechanisms. Finally, the knowledge of some mistakes to be avoided allows to create technically justified and defensible proposals

    La transici贸n Secundaria-Universidad y la incorporaci贸n a la Universidad : la acogida de los estudiantes de primer curso

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    El presente estudio analiza los procesos de transici贸n de secundaria a la universidad y la acogida por parte de esta de los estudiantes de primer a帽o. El estudio de campo realizado en la Universidad Aut贸noma de Barcelona recoge las opiniones que, sobre estos procesos, tienen responsables institucionales, estudiantes de primer a帽o, alumnos de secundaria y organizaciones de estudiantes, entre otros. Asimismo, se analizan documentalmente las pr谩cticas de promoci贸n y acogida de las 15 universidades extranjeras m谩s prestigiosas. Los resultados revelan variadas actuaciones dirigidas a la captaci贸n de estudiantes, pero son escasas las relacionadas con los procesos de orientaci贸n y tutor铆a dirigidas al mismo colectivo. En todos los casos, se trata de medidas estructurales que no siempre responden a las dificultades con que se encuentran los estudiantes o a sus preocupaciones impl铆citas (percepciones y expectativas, b谩sicamente).This article aims at analyzing the process of transition from secondary education to higher education and the reception given by universities to first year students. The study is carried out in Universitat Aut貌noma de Barcelonaand gathers information about the opinions and perceptions that first year students, secondary students, students associations, and vice-deans and institutional managers have about the process. In addition, a documental analysis of the promotion and reception actions undertaken by the 15 most prestigious international universities is considered. Results reveal different types of actions focused on the students' recruitment but only a few related with the processes of students orientation and guidance. Wherever they exist, they are considered structural measures which do not always meet the students needs or their implicit concerns (basically perceptions and expectations)

    La transici贸 secund脿ria-universitat : l'acollida als estudiants de primer curs

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    Aquest estudi analitza els processos de transici贸 de l'educaci贸 secund脿ria a la universitat i, en concret, la incorporaci贸 i l'acollida dels estudiants de primer curs. L'estudi de camp realitzat a la Universitat Aut貌noma de Barcelona (UAB) recull principalment les opinions de responsables institucionals, estudiants de primer curs, estudiants de secund脿ria i organitzacions d'estudiants. Aix铆 mateix, s'analitzen documentalment les pr脿ctiques de promoci贸, acollida i tutoritzaci贸 d'estudiants de primer curs d'altres universitats espanyoles i estrangeres. Els resultats revelen actuacions variades adre莽ades a la captaci贸 i l'acollida d'estudiants, per貌 s贸n escasses les vinculades amb els processos de tutoria i orientaci贸 dirigides al mateix col路lectiu. En qualsevol cas, es tracta de mesures estructurals que no sempre responen a les dificultats amb qu猫 es troben els estudiants o a les seves preocupacions, percepcions i expectatives.Este estudio analiza los procesos de transici贸n de la educaci贸n secundaria a la universidad y, en concreto, la incorporaci贸n y la acogida de los estudiantes de primer curso. El estudio de campo realizado en la Universitat Aut貌noma de Barcelona (UAB) recoge principalmente las opiniones de responsables institucionales, estudiantes de primer curso, estudiantes de secundaria y organizaciones de estudiantes. Asimismo, se analizan documentalmente las pr谩cticas de promoci贸n, acogida y tutorizaci贸n de estudiantes de primer curso de otras universidades espa帽olas y extranjeras. Los resultados revelan actuaciones variadas dirigidas a la captaci贸n y la acogida de estudiantes, pero son escasas las vinculadas con los procesos de tutor铆a y orientaci贸n dirigidas al mismo colectivo. En cualquier caso, se trata de medidas estructurales que no siempre responden a las dificultades con las que se encuentran los estudiantes o a sus preocupaciones, percepciones y expectativas.This study analyses the processes of transition from secondary education to the university, and specifically the induction and orientation of students in their first year of university. The field study performed at the Universitat Aut貌noma de Barcelona (UAB) primarily compiles the opinions of institutional leaders, students in their first year, students in secondary education and student organisations. Likewise, documentation on promotional practices, orientation and mentoring of students in their first year at Spanish and foreign universities is also examined. The results reveal a variety of actions aimed at recruiting and orienting students, but there are few links with the processes of mentoring and orientation aimed at the same group. In any event, these are structural measures that do not always fit in with the difficulties that students encounter or with their concerns, perceptions and expectations

    Energy Communities: Decarbonization And Decentralization Of Theenergy System

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    The European Commission's Clean Energy for All Europeans package confirms the leading role that citizens and communities will play in the future energy system. Energy communities are legal entities voluntarily integrated by individuals or companies, aligned with the objectives of sustainable development, allow partners to achieve energy, economic, environmental and social benefits that promote the expansion of renewable energies, improve energy efficiency, contribute to the decarbonization and decentralization of the energy system. The dual role of each member, shareholder and end user guarantees the advantages of energy communities: they create a sustainable environment, increase social development, control energy by its members, reduce costs, promote the use of clean energy, and help in the fight against climate change. In this field, this work presents a review of the state of the art of energy communities in Europe: the legal framework of the main countries, the activities and organizational forms, the types of renewable energy, a comparison of European success stories and Guide to project an energy community.2021-2

    Renewable hybrid systems for space heating and cooling bibliographic review

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    Environmental sustainability has become one of the biggest problems facing the energy sector today. In developed countries, the building sector represents 40% of the total primary energy demand which in most cases is still supplied mainly with conventional energy sources. Therefore, implementing energy efficiency measures combined with energy systems renewable is a major priority to decarbonize the economy. Interest in air conditioning systems has increased globally, as such systems have the potential to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, use fossil fuels, and improve energy security. Hybrid systems composed of renewable sources plus conventional systems focused on air conditioning, do not provide sufficient benefits. However, 100% renewable hybrid systems that replace traditional air conditioning systems have great environmental, social, and economic advantages and also overcome the barrier of intermittence of renewable energy sources. In this area, this work presents a review of the state of the art of specific renewable hybrid systems for air conditioning. It analyses the sources of renewable origin that are most used, the optimization models, storage methods, and type of systems: isolated or connected to the network.2021-2