138 research outputs found

    Melgares Guerrero, José Antonio: Crónicas para la historia de la Región de Murcia

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    Mazarrón y el agua. Del sistema de riego por boqueras en el siglo XV a la instalación de plantas desalinizadoras

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    In this study, we analyzed the struggle of a community to master the onslaught of their natural habitat; from the drought to the specific episodes of torrential rains. For five centuries the inhabitants of Mazarrón water sought by the most unlikely means, either with prayers to the Virgin, either by applying ancient mechanical devices that took advantage of the few flood in the dry riverbed. As in other occasions, nature has been finally dominated for the humans, acting it with an eagerness to sprawl that almost always ends up revolting against him. In this regard, we can mention the intensive tomato production in the last three decades has led to the overexploitation of farmland and the depletion of the main aquifers. The future, however seems to depend on desalination plants.En este trabajo hemos analizado la lucha de una comunidad por dominar los embates de su propio hábitat natural; desde las sequías a los episodios puntuales de lluvias torrenciales. Durante cinco siglos los habitantes de Mazarrón buscaron el agua por los medios más inverosímiles, bien fuera con rogativas a la Virgen, bien aplicando ancestrales ingenios mecánicos que aprovechasen las escasas crecidas de la rambla. Como en otras ocasiones, la naturaleza ha sido finalmente doblegada por el ser humano, actuando éste con un afán de crecimiento desordenado que casi siempre acaba por revolverse contra él. Al respecto, podemos citar la producción intensiva de tomates en las últimas tres décadas que ha conllevado la sobreexplotación de los campos de cultivo y el agotamiento de los principales acuíferos. El futuro, sin embargo, parece que dependerá de las plantas desalinizadoras

    Fiabilidad y validez del Cuestionario Básico de Depresión

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    Background/Objective: Depressive disorders have a high prevalence around the world. They present a great comorbidity with other disorders like anxiety, thereby making a differential diagnosis very difficult. The Basic Depression Questionnaire was designed to palliate this issue by isolating specific depression symptoms. Our aim is to study the reliability, factorial structure, and differential item functioning of this questionnaire. Method: The sample consisted of 1,397 adults without psychological problems (Mage = 29.76, SD = 11.25, 64.78% women) who completed the CBD. Results: We observed that none of the items presented differential functioning. A monofactorial structure was established. In this model a good fit was obtained by confirmatory factor analysis and a strict invariance by sex. The ordinal alpha was used to check the reliability and it fetched an index of .95. Conclusions: The Basic Depression Questionnaire has adequate psychometric properties. The absence of differential item functioning and the invariance by sex are guarantees of an adequate use to diagnose depression for men and women. So, its clinical use can help to differentiate between the specific diagnoses for depressive disorders and anxiety disorders.Antecedentes/Objetivo: Los trastornos depresivos tienen una elevada prevalencia a nivel mundial. Presentan una gran comorbilidad con otros trastornos como la ansiedad, lo que hace muy difícil su diagnóstico diferencial. El Cuestionario Básico de Depresión (CBD) fue diseñado para aislar los síntomas específicos de la depresión y así paliar este problema. El objetivo de este estudio es analizar la fiabilidad, la estructura factorial y el funcionamiento diferencial de los ítems del CBD. Método: La muestra estuvo compuesta de 1.397 adultos sin problemas psicológicos (64,78% mujeres, Medad= 29,76, DT = 11,25) a los que se le administró el CBD. Resultados: Se observó que ninguno de los ítems presentaba funcionamiento diferencial. Se obtuvo una estructura monofactorial. En dicho modelo se obtuvo un buen ajuste mediante análisis factorial confirmatorio y una invarianza estricta por sexo. Se usó el alfa ordinal para comprobarla fiabilidad, obteniendo un índice de 0,95. Conclusiones: El Cuestionario Básico de Depresión tiene adecuadas propiedades psicométricas. La ausencia de funcionamiento diferencial del ítem y la invarianza por sexo son garantías de un adecuado uso para diagnosticar depresión en hombres y mujeres. Por ello, su uso clínico puede ayudar al diagnóstico específico de trastornos depresivos frente a trastornos de ansiedad.This research was supported in part by a grant from the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities; Grant/Award Number: FPU17/05262

    Sleep Patterns during the COVID-19 Lockdown in Spain

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    Background: To mitigate the spread of the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic, governments around the world adopted exceptional lockdown measures. This led to the disruption of normal life routines, including sleep. The aim of this study was to analyze differences in sleep patterns and subjective variables of sleep quality before and during lockdown. Methods: A sample of 1673 Spanish adults (30% men; 82% of the total were between 21 and 50 years of age) was evaluated. The following sleep variables were evaluated: Sleep latency, sleep time, number and duration of awakenings, sleep satisfaction, daytime sleepiness, and the manifestation of symptoms related to sleep problems. Results: Although 45% of people changed their sleep schedules (resulting in 42% sleeping longer during lockdown), sleep quality (37.6% worse), daytime sleepiness (28% worse), number of awakenings (36.9% more), and duration of awakenings (45% longer) were markedly worse. Statistical analyses indicated significant differences in all the evaluated sleep variables before and during lockdown in both men and women. Women reported less sleep satisfaction, and more symptoms related to sleep problems than men. Conclusions: A deterioration in the sleep patterns of the Spanish population, especially women, because of the lockdown declared due to the COVID-19 pandemic

    A Reliability generalization Meta-analysis of the south oaks gambling screen (SOGS).

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    Background: The South Oaks Gambling Screen (SOGS) is one of the most widely used screening instruments for evaluating addiction to gambling. Method: The main objective of this study is to analyze whether the SOGS is a reliable instrument and what characteristics of studies on the SOGS are linked to its reported reliability. Results: A meta-analysis was carried out with 63 studies including 65 independent samples. The mean value of a was .86 (95% CI of .84-.88), with high heterogeneity (I2 = 98.27%). The variables that explain the most heterogeneity were the continent where the study was performed (R2 = .61), application to participants with or without clinical problems (R2 = .58), the form of administration of the questionnaire (R2 = .56), and the standard deviation in the SOGS score (R2 = .13). Conclusions: The results show that the SOGS is a reliable instrument for evaluating gambling addiction. However, the meta-analysis highlights the need to report the reliability values for each empirical study and to provide a set of recommendations for researchers and professionals who use this instrumen

    ¿Consumen más drogas los adolescentes con déficit en habilidades sociales?

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    Durante la adolescencia es común que se manifiesten conductas de riesgo para la salud entre las que destaca el uso de drogas. El déficit en habilidades sociales es uno de los factores de riesgo señalado por los modelos teóricos sobre el inicio del consumo. El objetivo de este estudio es aportar datos empíricos sobre la relación entre las habilidades sociales y el consumo de sustancias psicoactivas en población adolescente española. Se pretende además examinar las diferencias en este factor de riesgo en función de la edad y el sexo. Participaron 1.688 estudiantes españoles de secundaria con edades comprendidas entre 13 y 17 años que informaron sobre sus hábitos de consumo y su competencia social. Los resultados indicaron una clara relación entre las habilidades sociales y el consumo de sustancias. La conducta antisocial está asociada al consumo de alcohol y cannabis. Los varones puntúan en mayor medida en conducta agresiva/ antisocial, orgullo/arrogancia y soledad/ansiedad social. Los resultados confirman la importancia de prevenir el consumo de sustancias de forma selectiva con adolescentes que presenten conductas sociales inadecuadasDuring adolescence risk behaviors for health are common, including drug use. A deficit in social skills is one of the risk factors identified by the theoretical models of initiation to consumption. The aim of this study is to provide empirical data on the relationship between social skills and the use of psychoactive substances in Spanish adolescents. It also aims to examine the differences in this risk factor in terms of age and sex. 1,688 high school Spanish students aged between 13 and 17 years reported their consumption habits and their social competence. The results indicated a clear relationship between social skills and substance use. Antisocial behavior is associated with alcohol and cannabis. Males scored more on aggressive/antisocial behavior, pride/arrogance and loneliness/social anxiety. The results confirm the importance of selectively preventing consumption of substances among adolescents with inappropriate social behavior

    Network and Exploratory Factorial Analysis of the Depression Clinical Evaluation Test

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    Depression is a highly prevalent disorder with a wide range of symptomatology. Existing instruments for its assessment have only a few items for each factor. The Depression Clinical Evaluation Test (DCET) has been created to cover all depression symptoms at different times (month, year, and always) with several items for each facet. The content validity of this instrument has been judged by experts and, in this paper, we analyse its factorial structure and make a network analysis of it. The test (196 items) was administered to 602 adults without psychological disorders (Mage = 24.7, SD = 8.38, 72% women) both online and on paper. A network was estimated for each time point, using the absolute minimum selection and shrinkage operator. From the factor analysis, 12 factors were established for month, 11 for year, and 10 for always, leaving 94 items. The network analysis showed that the facets of depressive mood, anhedonia, and thoughts of Death, are central to all the estimated networks. The DCET is proposed as a valid and reliable multifactorial instrument to detect the variability of depressive symptoms in adults, guaranteeing its diagnostic usefulness.Spanish Government FPU17/0526

    Integración de las tablets y smartphones en asignaturas del ámbito de la Ingeniería del Terreno

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    Tras la constatación de que el alumnado actual es un asiduo usuario de las tablets y los smartphones, cada vez de mayor formato, desde el área de conocimiento de Ingeniería del Terreno del Departamento de Ingeniería Civil de la Universidad de Alicante, durante los últimos años, se ha venido implementando una serie de mejoras en la metodología docente relacionadas con las nuevas tecnologías. Las aplicaciones transversales que estos dispositivos tienen en docencia, tales como la edición de libros de texto, apuntes, cuadernos, etc. y la toma de notas en clase sobre este mismo soporte son también aquí aplicables. Sin embargo, en este texto también se plantean otras aplicaciones más específicas para las asignaturas de nuestro ámbito de conocimiento, las cuales presentan una gran carga práctica. En este sentido se desarrollan utilidades que van desde el uso de estos dispositivos para mediciones que se realizan en las prácticas de campo a través de app gratuitas, hasta el empleo de estos soportes para su uso didáctico por parte del profesor en las explicaciones de las prácticas de campo, donde sobre una fotografía tomada in situ, se dibujan los elementos geológicos o geomecánicos, que muchas veces son de difícil visualización para el alumnado

    Sleep among presentations of Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder: Analysis of objective and subjective measures

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    Background/Objective: To examine subjective and objective sleep patterns in children with different Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) presentations. Method: We assessed 92 children diagnosed with ADHD (29 ADHD-Inattentive [ADHD-I], 31 ADHD-Hyperactive/Impulsive [ADHD-H/I], and 32 ADHD-Combined [ADHD-C)]) aged 7-11 years. The Pediatric Sleep Questionnaire (PSQ), Pediatric Daytime Sleepiness Scale (PDSS), and a sleep diary were used as subjective sleep measures, and polysomnography was used to objectively assess sleep quantity, quality, and fragmentation. Results: Subjective data showed impaired sleep in 12.7% of the sample. No significant differences were found between ADHD presentations in any objective and subjective sleep variable. Nevertheless, data on sleep fragmentation suggested a worse sleep continuity for the ADHD-H/I group, and correlation analyses confirmed that sleep is affected by age. Conclusions: Children with ADHD may suffer from sleep breathing problems and daytime sleepiness, as reported by their parents, even when their total sleep time and sleep efficiency are not affected. It seems that sleep in this population does not largely vary as a function of the ADHD presentation. Sleep in children with ADHD evolves with age.This work was supported by the Spanish Ministry of Economyand Competitiveness [PSI2014-58046-P]

    Relación entre conducta prosocial, resolución de problemas y consumo de drogas en adolescentes

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    The objectives of the present study are the following ones: 1) to study the use of drugs, the prosocial behaviour and the problem-solving skills with respect to age and gender, and 2) to analyze the association of both the prosocial behaviour and the problem-solving skills with the use of drugs. An exploratory cross-sectional study was performed, amongst a sample of 567 students in Spanish Compulsory Secondary Education (48.14% males) with an age range from 14 to 17 years (M = 14.92; SD = 0.90). Statistically significant differences were found concerning alcohol use and the prosocial behaviour with respect to gender, as well as concerning alcohol and cannabis use with respect to age. Logistic regression analyses revealed statistical significance of the prosocial behaviour with respect to the use of alcohol and cannabis. The ability in problem-solving was the most important protective predictor with respect to the abuse of cannabis. The results from this study enhance the importance of tailored interventions based on the promotion of prosocial behaviours and/or problem-solving strategies as fundamental protective factors for substance use amongst adolescents.Este estudio presenta como objetivos: 1) estudiar el consumo de drogas, la conducta prosocial y la resolución de problemas en función del sexo y la edad, y 2) analizar la asociación de la conducta prosocial y las habilidades de resolución de problemas con el consumo de drogas. Se realizó un estudio exploratorio con un diseño transversal. La muestra se compuso de 567 escolares de Educación Secundaria Obligatoria (48.14% chicos) con edades entre 14 y 17 años (M = 14.92; DT = 0.90). Se hallaron diferencias significativas en el consumo de alcohol y conducta prosocial en función del sexo, así como en el consumo de alcohol y cannabis en función de la edad. El análisis de regresión logística mostró significación de la conducta prosocial en la variable de consumo de alcohol y cannabis. La resolución de problemas fue el predictor de mayor magnitud de protección frente al consumo de cannabis. Los resultados de este estudio resaltan la importancia de promover, en función del tipo de sustancia, conductas prosociales y/o estrategias de resolución de problemas como factores de protección del consumo de sustancias en la etapa adolescente