1,892 research outputs found

    Bit-interleaved coded modulation in the wideband regime

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    The wideband regime of bit-interleaved coded modulation (BICM) in Gaussian channels is studied. The Taylor expansion of the coded modulation capacity for generic signal constellations at low signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) is derived and used to determine the corresponding expansion for the BICM capacity. Simple formulas for the minimum energy per bit and the wideband slope are given. BICM is found to be suboptimal in the sense that its minimum energy per bit can be larger than the corresponding value for coded modulation schemes. The minimum energy per bit using standard Gray mapping on M-PAM or M^2-QAM is given by a simple formula and shown to approach -0.34 dB as M increases. Using the low SNR expansion, a general trade-off between power and bandwidth in the wideband regime is used to show how a power loss can be traded off against a bandwidth gain.Comment: Submitted to IEEE Transactions on Information Theor

    Bit-Interleaved Coded Modulation Revisited: A Mismatched Decoding Perspective

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    We revisit the information-theoretic analysis of bit-interleaved coded modulation (BICM) by modeling the BICM decoder as a mismatched decoder. The mismatched decoding model is well-defined for finite, yet arbitrary, block lengths, and naturally captures the channel memory among the bits belonging to the same symbol. We give two independent proofs of the achievability of the BICM capacity calculated by Caire et al. where BICM was modeled as a set of independent parallel binary-input channels whose output is the bitwise log-likelihood ratio. Our first achievability proof uses typical sequences, and shows that due to the random coding construction, the interleaver is not required. The second proof is based on the random coding error exponents with mismatched decoding, where the largest achievable rate is the generalized mutual information. We show that the generalized mutual information of the mismatched decoder coincides with the infinite-interleaver BICM capacity. We also show that the error exponent -and hence the cutoff rate- of the BICM mismatched decoder is upper bounded by that of coded modulation and may thus be lower than in the infinite-interleaved model. We also consider the mutual information appearing in the analysis of iterative decoding of BICM with EXIT charts. We show that the corresponding symbol metric has knowledge of the transmitted symbol and the EXIT mutual information admits a representation as a pseudo-generalized mutual information, which is in general not achievable. A different symbol decoding metric, for which the extrinsic side information refers to the hypothesized symbol, induces a generalized mutual information lower than the coded modulation capacity.Comment: submitted to the IEEE Transactions on Information Theory. Conference version in 2008 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory, Toronto, Canada, July 200

    Low-Density Parity-Check Codes for Nonergodic Block-Fading Channels

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    We solve the problem of designing powerful low-density parity-check (LDPC) codes with iterative decoding for the block-fading channel. We first study the case of maximum-likelihood decoding, and show that the design criterion is rather straightforward. Unfortunately, optimal constructions for maximum-likelihood decoding do not perform well under iterative decoding. To overcome this limitation, we then introduce a new family of full-diversity LDPC codes that exhibit near-outage-limit performance under iterative decoding for all block-lengths. This family competes with multiplexed parallel turbo codes suitable for nonergodic channels and recently reported in the literature.Comment: Submitted to the IEEE Transactions on Information Theor

    A BPS Skyrme model and baryons at large Nc

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    Within the class of field theories with the field contents of the Skyrme model, one submodel can be found which consists of the square of the baryon current and a potential term only. For this submodel, a Bogomolny bound exists and the static soliton solutions saturate this bound. Further, already on the classical level, this BPS Skyrme model reproduces some features of the liquid drop model of nuclei. Here, we investigate the model in more detail and, besides, we perform the rigid rotor quantization of the simplest Skyrmion (the nucleon). In addition, we discuss indications that the viability of the model as a low energy effective field theory for QCD is further improved in the limit of a large number of colors N_c.Comment: latex, 23 pages, 1 figure, a numerical error in section 3.2 corrected; matches published versio

    Light Gluinos and the Longitudinal Structure Function

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    The leading effect of light gluinos on the deep inelastic longitudinal structure function is calculated. We present the explicit analitic expression for the Wilson coefficient. After convolution with quark, gluon and gluino distributions we found that the size of the contribution is of order a few percent of the total FLF_L. Some phenomenological implications for HERA and LEP/LHC are given.Comment: Latex 8 pages, 4 figures available on request, preprint UCI-TR/94-

    Integrable subsystem of Yang--Mills dilaton theory

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    With the help of the Cho-Faddeev-Niemi-Shabanov decomposition of the SU(2) Yang-Mills field, we find an integrable subsystem of SU(2) Yang-Mills theory coupled to the dilaton. Here integrability means the existence of infinitely many symmetries and infinitely many conserved currents. Further, we construct infinitely many static solutions of this integrable subsystem. These solutions can be identified with certain limiting solutions of the full system, which have been found previously in the context of numerical investigations of the Yang-Mills dilaton theory. In addition, we derive a Bogomolny bound for the integrable subsystem and show that our static solutions are, in fact, Bogomolny solutions. This explains the linear growth of their energies with the topological charge, which has been observed previously. Finally, we discuss some generalisations.Comment: 25 pages, LaTex. Version 3: appendix added where the equivalence of the field equations for the full model and the submodel is demonstrated; references and some comments adde

    Difficulties in Writing English of the Students of the third year at “Juan Roberto Smith Institute” in the II semester in 2007

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    The secondary education in Nicaragua is very important but still we have to do a lot of work. Our present research contains important information that helps us to get an idea of one of the problem that we have in our classrooms. We focused our research in one general objective that is to find out the causes that influence difficulties in writing English in students of the third year at “Juan Roberto Smith Institute”. In addition, it includes ten specific objectives that refer to the psychological and educational factors that influence negatively in the learning of the writing skill. The methodology of investigation was the qualities type. We took into account the following techniques such as class observation that include , Classroom atmosphere( Bulletin board, charts, ornaments, comfortable) Students behaviors and motivation, recourses ( Dictionaries, norkbooks,notebooks), Teaching aids used by the English teacher (objects, pictures, drawings, chart.), interaction of the students (Group work, In pairs, individual)correction written work (the teacher/ the student), main mistakes done by the students (grammar, vocabulary, punctuation, spelling ) Moreover, we did interview to the English teacher in charge of the group that we observed, students homework, teacher’s feedback and all the notes that we did about the things that are not applied such as the system code and the criteria of that aspect we have to take into account when we correct a written paper and also the peer correction that is not applied. The theoretical framework contains a lot of important points of view of remarkable writers about the following aspects: components of a piece of written paper, written exercises and it description of how to carry out them, techniques of how to do corrections paper, and the description of the Process Method which is the modern method that is used widely

    Millimeter polarisation of the protoplanetary nebula OH 231.8+4.2: A follow-up study with CARMA

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    In order to investigate the characteristics and influence of the magnetic field in evolved stars, we performed a follow-up investigation of our previous submillimeter analysis of the proto-planetary nebula (PPN) OH 231.8+4.2 (Sabin et al. 2014), this time at 1.3mm with the CARMA facility in polarisation mode for the purpose of a multi-scale analysis. OH 231.8+4.2 was observed at ~2.5" resolution and we detected polarised emission above the 3-sigma threshold (with a mean polarisation fraction of 3.5 %). The polarisation map indicates an overall organised magnetic field within the nebula. The main finding in this paper is the presence of a structure mostly compatible with an ordered toroidal component that is aligned with the PPN's dark lane. We also present some alternative magnetic field configuration to explain the structure observed. These data complete our previous SMA submillimeter data for a better investigation and understanding of the magnetic field structure in OH 231.8+4.2.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figures, 2 tables. Accepted for publication in MNRA

    Een beroemde persoon die een product aanprijst: Wat vindt uw brein daarvan?

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    Bekende personen worden vaak ingehuurd voor reclamecampagnes. In dit onderzoek laten we zien dat een hoge gepercipieerde deskundigheid van de bekende persoon voor het product, sterk kan bijdragen aan het succes van dergelijke campagnes. Een expert zorgt zowel voor een beter geheugen voor het aangeprezen product als een hogere koopintentie. Met de toepassing van neuroimaging (fMRI) wordt onderzocht welke hersenprocessen hiervoor verantwoordelijk zijn. Experts zorgen voor activatie van associatienetwerken over de bekende persoon en het product en in het bijzonder tot sterkere activatie van de hippocampus waardoor het aangeprezen product beter wordt opgeslagen in het geheugen. Activatie van het caudatum door experts leidt tot verhoging van de koopintentie. Het caudatum maakt dat experts een fundamenteel gevoel van vertrouwen meegeven aan het product. Hiermee is een cruciale rol van dit hersengebied aangetoond in overredende communicatie. Implicaties voor marketing en marktonderzoek worden gegeven