
Difficulties in Writing English of the Students of the third year at “Juan Roberto Smith Institute” in the II semester in 2007


The secondary education in Nicaragua is very important but still we have to do a lot of work. Our present research contains important information that helps us to get an idea of one of the problem that we have in our classrooms. We focused our research in one general objective that is to find out the causes that influence difficulties in writing English in students of the third year at “Juan Roberto Smith Institute”. In addition, it includes ten specific objectives that refer to the psychological and educational factors that influence negatively in the learning of the writing skill. The methodology of investigation was the qualities type. We took into account the following techniques such as class observation that include , Classroom atmosphere( Bulletin board, charts, ornaments, comfortable) Students behaviors and motivation, recourses ( Dictionaries, norkbooks,notebooks), Teaching aids used by the English teacher (objects, pictures, drawings, chart.), interaction of the students (Group work, In pairs, individual)correction written work (the teacher/ the student), main mistakes done by the students (grammar, vocabulary, punctuation, spelling ) Moreover, we did interview to the English teacher in charge of the group that we observed, students homework, teacher’s feedback and all the notes that we did about the things that are not applied such as the system code and the criteria of that aspect we have to take into account when we correct a written paper and also the peer correction that is not applied. The theoretical framework contains a lot of important points of view of remarkable writers about the following aspects: components of a piece of written paper, written exercises and it description of how to carry out them, techniques of how to do corrections paper, and the description of the Process Method which is the modern method that is used widely

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