159 research outputs found

    An investigation of Australian and New Zealand hotel ownership

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    The results of a study seeking to advance a typology of hotel owners as well as examining the composition of hotel owners in Australia and New Zealand are reported. Interview observations resulted in the six hotel ownership categories, discernible from prior commentaries, being broadened to nine hotel owner types. Considerable insights with respect to differentials in the investment time horizon and capital expenditure strategy applied by different owner types were gleaned from the interview data. From a questionnaire survey phase it was found that high net worth private investors and hotel management companies each own approximately a quarter of large 3-5 star Australian and New Zealand hotels. Several distinct hotel operational characteristics are also apparent across the hotel owner types. These include the observation that developer, high net worth investor and strata-title owned hotels tend to be smaller in terms of revenue generated and also these owner types tend to own less hotels. Also, general managers tend to hold their position for shorter periods in hotels owned by hotel management companies and high net worth private investors tend to own older hotels

    Benefits Analysis of Wind-Optimal Operations For Trans-Atlantic Flights

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    North Atlantic Tracks are trans-Atlantic routes across the busiest oceanic airspace in the world. This study analyzes and compares current flight-plan routes to wind-optimal routes for trans-Atlantic flights in terms of aircraft fuel burn, emissions and the associated climate impact. The historical flight track data recorded by EUROCONTROL's Central Flow Management Unit is merged with data from FAA's Enhanced Traffic Management System to provide an accurate flight movement database containing the highest available flight path resolution in both systems. The combined database is adopted for airspace simulation integrated with aircraft fuel burn and emissions models, contrail models, simplified climate response models, and a common climate metric to assess the climate impact of flight routes within the Organized Track System (OTS). The fuel burn and emissions for the tracks in the OTS are compared with the corresponding quantities for the wind-optimized routes to evaluate the potential environmental benefits of flying wind-optimal routes in North Atlantic Airspace. The potential fuel savings and reduction in emissions depend on existing inefficiencies in current flight plans, atmospheric conditions and location of the city-pairs. The potential benefits are scaled by comparing them with actual flight tests that have been conducted since 2010 between a few city-pairs in the transatlantic and trans-pacific region to improve fuel consumption and reduce the environmental impact of aviation

    Developing an international concept-based curriculum for pharmacology education: The promise of core concepts and concept inventories

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    \ua9 2023 The Authors. British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd on behalf of British Pharmacological Society.Over recent years, studies have shown that science and health profession graduates demonstrate gaps in their fundamental pharmacology knowledge and ability to apply pharmacology concepts in practice. This article reviews the current challenges faced by pharmacology educators, including the exponential growth in discipline knowledge and competition for curricular time. We then argue that pharmacology education should focus on essential concepts that enable students to develop beyond β€˜know’ towards β€˜know how to’. A concept-based approach will help educators prioritize and benchmark their pharmacology curriculum, facilitate integration of pharmacology with other disciplines in the curriculum, create alignment between universities and improve application of pharmacology knowledge to professional contexts such as safe prescribing practices. To achieve this, core concepts first need to be identified and unpacked, and methods for teaching and assessment using concept inventories developed. The International Society for Basic and Clinical Pharmacology Education Section (IUPHAR-Ed) Core Concepts of Pharmacology (CCP) initiative involves over 300 educators from the global pharmacology community. CCP has identified and defined the core concepts of pharmacology, together with key underpinning sub-concepts. To realize these benefits, pharmacology educators must develop methods to teach and assess core concepts. Work to develop concept inventories is ongoing, including identifying student misconceptions of the core concepts and creating a bank of multiple-choice questions to assess student understanding. Future work aims to develop and validate materials and methods to help educators embed core concepts within curricula. Potential strategies that educators can use to overcome factors that inhibit adoption of core concepts are presented

    Timed daily exercise remodels circadian rhythms in mice

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    Regular exercise is important for physical and mental health. An underexplored and intriguing property of exercise is its actions on the body’s 24 h or circadian rhythms. Molecular clock cells in the brain’s suprachiasmatic nuclei (SCN) use electrical and chemical signals to orchestrate their activity and convey time of day information to the rest of the brain and body. To date, the long-lasting effects of regular physical exercise on SCN clock cell coordination and communication remain unresolved. Utilizing mouse models in which SCN intercellular neuropeptide signaling is impaired as well as those with intact SCN neurochemical signaling, we examined how daily scheduled voluntary exercise (SVE) influenced behavioral rhythms and SCN molecular and neuronal activities. We show that in mice with disrupted neuropeptide signaling, SVE promotes SCN clock cell synchrony and robust 24 h rhythms in behavior. Interestingly, in both intact and neuropeptide signaling deficient animals, SVE reduces SCN neural activity and alters GABAergic signaling. These findings illustrate the potential utility of regular exercise as a long-lasting and effective non-invasive intervention in the elderly or mentally ill where circadian rhythms can be blunted and poorly aligned to the external world

    Neuropeptide Signaling Differentially Affects Phase Maintenance and Rhythm Generation in SCN and Extra-SCN Circadian Oscillators

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    Circadian rhythms in physiology and behavior are coordinated by the brain's dominant circadian pacemaker located in the suprachiasmatic nuclei (SCN) of the hypothalamus. Vasoactive intestinal polypeptide (VIP) and its receptor, VPAC2, play important roles in the functioning of the SCN pacemaker. Mice lacking VPAC2 receptors (Vipr2βˆ’/βˆ’) express disrupted behavioral and metabolic rhythms and show altered SCN neuronal activity and clock gene expression. Within the brain, the SCN is not the only site containing endogenous circadian oscillators, nor is it the only site of VPAC2 receptor expression; both VPAC2 receptors and rhythmic clock gene/protein expression have been noted in the arcuate (Arc) and dorsomedial (DMH) nuclei of the mediobasal hypothalamus, and in the pituitary gland. The functional role of VPAC2 receptors in rhythm generation and maintenance in these tissues is, however, unknown. We used wild type (WT) and Vipr2βˆ’/βˆ’ mice expressing a luciferase reporter (PER2::LUC) to investigate whether circadian rhythms in the clock gene protein PER2 in these extra-SCN tissues were compromised by the absence of the VPAC2 receptor. Vipr2βˆ’/βˆ’ SCN cultures expressed significantly lower amplitude PER2::LUC oscillations than WT SCN. Surprisingly, in Vipr2βˆ’/βˆ’ Arc/ME/PT complex (Arc, median eminence and pars tuberalis), DMH and pituitary, the period, amplitude and rate of damping of rhythms were not significantly different to WT. Intriguingly, while we found WT SCN and Arc/ME/PT tissues to maintain a consistent circadian phase when cultured, the phase of corresponding Vipr2βˆ’/βˆ’ cultures was reset by cull/culture procedure. These data demonstrate that while the main rhythm parameters of extra-SCN circadian oscillations are maintained in Vipr2βˆ’/βˆ’ mice, the ability of these oscillators to resist phase shifts is compromised. These deficiencies may contribute towards the aberrant behavior and metabolism associated with Vipr2βˆ’/βˆ’ animals. Further, our data indicate a link between circadian rhythm strength and the ability of tissues to resist circadian phase resetting

    Defining and unpacking the core concepts of pharmacology : A global initiative

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    The authors acknowledge the contribution of the expert group members who contributed their expertise to the study and Professor Martin Kingsbury for his invaluable guidance on concept mapping.Peer reviewe

    Tissue-Specific Function of Period3 in Circadian Rhythmicity

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    The mammalian circadian system is composed of multiple central and peripheral clocks that are temporally coordinated to synchronize physiology and behavior with environmental cycles. Mammals have three homologs of the circadian Period gene (Per1, 2, 3). While numerous studies have demonstrated that Per1 and Per2 are necessary for molecular timekeeping and light responsiveness in the master circadian clock in the suprachiasmatic nuclei (SCN), the function of Per3 has been elusive. In the current study, we investigated the role of Per3 in circadian timekeeping in central and peripheral oscillators by analyzing PER2::LUCIFERASE expression in tissues explanted from C57BL/6J wild-type and Per3βˆ’/βˆ’ mice. We observed shortening of the periods in some tissues from Per3βˆ’/βˆ’ mice compared to wild-types. Importantly, the periods were not altered in other tissues, including the SCN, in Per3βˆ’/βˆ’ mice. We also found that Per3-dependent shortening of endogenous periods resulted in advanced phases of those tissues, demonstrating that the in vitro phenotype is also present in vivo. Our data demonstrate that Per3 is important for endogenous timekeeping in specific tissues and those tissue-specific changes in endogenous periods result in internal misalignment of circadian clocks in Per3βˆ’/βˆ’ mice. Taken together, our studies demonstrate that Per3 is a key player in the mammalian circadian system
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