71 research outputs found

    Experiencing anxietyin breast cancer survival: Does perceived emotional intelligence matter?

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    Background: The specialized literature shows that breast cancer (BC) survivors have a certain vulnerability to express anxiety about the changes that the disease entails in their lives. Breast cancer is a specific adverse circumstance, but women who have not experienced this disease may also be exposed to other anxiety-provoking life crises. In both cases, perceived emotional intelligence (PEI)—consisting of emotional attention (EA), emotional clarity (EC), and emotional repair (ER)—seems to impact on such emotional distress. Objective: To identify the mechanism through which PEI may mediate the relationship between BC survivorship, compared to a controlled group, and anxiety. Methods: 636 women were divided into two groups: 56 BC survivors and 580 healthy controls. The Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale and the Trait Meta-Mood Scale were administered. Results: BC survivors differed from the control group in showing lower levels of EA and higher levels of ER. The global mediation model showed an explanatory capacity of 27% on anxiety (p = 0.000). Four significant indirect effects were obtained: two acted as risk pathways and the other two as protective pathways. The strongest effect indicated an increase in anxiety in BC survivors due to the mediated effect of low EA and EC. Conclusions: Knowing the impact of PEI on anxiety on disease survival could be the empirical basis for developing interventions to improve psychological adjustment at the end of treatments. © 2023 The Authors. Psycho-Oncology published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd

    Personal relations in virtual social networks society

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    Colección ReSed. Es un artículo de ReSed Nº 3, perteneciente al monográfico Crisis Social, Educación y Desarrollo Profesional. Coordinación del Monográfico: Dra. Montserrat Vargas Vergara Dirección de ReSed: Dra. A-Beatriz Pérez-GonzálezLas redes sociales virtuales se han convertido en los últimos años en el fenómeno tecnológico-humano que ha marcado un antes y un después en la sociedad. Las relaciones comerciales y laborales, la transmisión de la información, la adquisición de conocimiento, pero también las interacciones grupales y personales han experimentado una regeneración que obliga a plantearse si los viejos paradigmas pueden seguir siendo útiles para comprender las reglas sociales. En el presente artículo expondremos el surgimiento de las redes sociales virtuales, cómo estas se diferencian de las redes tradicionales o clásicas y cuáles son los aspectos que en este nuevo modelo de interacción, permiten mejorar nuestras relaciones con los demás y nuestra propia satisfacción

    Impulsivity, Emotional Intelligence, and Alcohol Consumption in Young People: A Mediation Analysis

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    Alcohol consumption in young people is a public health problem. Due to the harmful consequences and the large population using alcoholic substances, it would be important to determine the biological, psychological, and social factors associated with alcohol use and abuse. The main object of this study is to explore which components of impulsivity, according to the main theoretical models, have predictive power regarding alcohol consumption in young people. A secondary objective is to determine if emotional intelligence has a mediating role between the components of impulsivity and alcohol consumption, and thus specifically contribute to the knowledge about the mediation processes between those variables that are involved in the initiation and maintenance of alcohol consumption. For this purpose, 384 participants were recruited (83.1% females, n = 319), with mean age of 20.46 years (SD = 1.90; range 18-25). All participants were alcohol consumers at the beginning of the study. Data collection was conducted via online survey; impulsivity was evaluated by several questionnaires (Sensation Seeking Scale Form V, Barratt Impulsivity Scales 11, and Sensitivity to Punishment and Sensitivity to Reward), and emotional intelligence was evaluated by the Trait Meta-Mood Scale. The results reveal that the dimension of disinhibition (a dimension of the sensation search scale) significantly has the highest predictive value on alcohol consumption. Moreover, our data show that the total effect and direct effect of disinhibition on frequency of alcohol consumption were both significant. The mediating role of emotional intelligence in this process was also significant. These findings show which variables should be considered to prevent alcohol consumption in young peopl

    The Key Role of Emotional Repair and Emotional Clarity on Depression among Breast Cancer Survivors

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    Breast cancer is the malignancy with the highest incidence in women worldwide. The empirical evidence is inconsistent with the prevalence of depression among breast cancer survivors (BCS), pointing to emotional competencies as protective factors against affective disorders. However, the mechanisms through which these competencies favor a more adaptive emotional state are unknown. Therefore, this study aims to explore the relationship between the experience of having survived the disease and depression levels in a group of BCS, and the mediating role of Perceived Emotional Intelligence (PEI) in this relation. This was a cross-sectional study with 237 women divided into two groups: 56 BCS and 181 healthy controls who completed the Trait Meta-Mood Scale 24 (TMMS-24) and the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS). Results showed that Survivorship and PEI explained and predicted 37.8% of the variance of depression, corresponding the 11.7% to the direct and/or the indirect effect of the PEI dimensions (Emotional Attention, Emotional Clarity, and Emotional Repair). In conclusion, interventions aimed at promoting an adequate PEI in this population-and in the Psycho-oncology field, in general-with a particular focus on the development of Emotional Clarity and Repair need to be implemented. Limitations and future research lines are discussed

    Assessing the ability to perceive basic and complex emotions in deaf people with the PERVALE-S

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    Un aspecto poco conocido de las personas sordas es su manejo de las emociones como habilidad cognitiva. Software PERVALE-S es una herramienta para la evaluación de la percepción, la expresión y la evaluación de emociones básicas y complejas de las personas sordas, con diferente código de comunicación (verbal y gestual). PERVALE-S presenta imágenes visuales e instrucciones (a través de un intérprete), en el que el sujeto debe identificar lo que la imagen transmite tanto la percepción de la emoción correcta como su nivel de intensidad. A pesar de la pequeña muestra que tenemos, se han encontrado algunos resultados los cuales indicaron que la edad (.555**), el género (.438**) y el sordo no oralizante (.556**)- cuando nuestra hipótesis era lo contrario; rindieron significativamente en la prueba de emociones sociales. La explicación a éste último se debe a que los sordos oralizantes están más entrenador a fijarse en la boca de la otra persona que los de LSE, y por lo tanto no captan parte de la imagen visual que los de LSE, y por tanto no captan parte de la imagen visual para reconocer la emoción con la misma eficacia que los no oralizantes.A poorly understood aspect in deaf people is their cognitive emotion information processing abilities. Deaf people have more difficulties to distinguish the tone, intensity and rhythm of the language that listener people. When deaf people that they acquired deafness oral communication system, so they achieve a greater development of self and understanding of own and others’ emotions than deaf people who develop a gestural (LSE). PERVALE-S software is a tool for assessing perception, expression and evaluation both basic and complex emotions in deaf people with different communication codes (verbal and gestural). PERVALE-S presents visual images and instructions (by an interpreter), where the subject must identify what the image conveys both emotion and intensity level. Though the small simple, initial finding indicated that age (.556**), gender (.438**) and just gestural deaf people (.556**, 1: oral; 2: gestural)- last one, the assessment (all of them did not show interaction effect). An alternative explanation, for the better performance among gestural, in that oral deaf people he been training focus his visual perception in the mouth under social context situation, while just gestural spend more time paying attention on the rest of body when they need to accurate a social emotion. Eye tracking instrument will be used to test this hypothesis.peerReviewe

    Use of new technologies and personality factors in college students

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    Internet y móvil son TIC de gran incidencia a nivel social. Aunque proporcionan innumerables ventajas, también pueden complicarnos la vida si se hace un uso inadecuado de las mismas. Los objetivos del estudio fueron caracterizar el posible uso problemático de Internet y móvil y las posibles relaciones con factores psicológicos. Para ello, se recogieron datos sociodemográficos y se administraron cinco cuestionarios a 229 estudiantes de la Universidad de Cádiz: Cuestionario de Experiencias Relacionadas con el uso de Internet (CERI), Cuestionario de Experiencias Relacionadas con el uso de Móvil (CERM), Escala de Autoestima de Rosenberg, NEO-FFI y Escala de Impulsividad Estado (EIE). La muestra reveló que un 5,7% presentaba problemas frecuentes con el uso de Internet y un 2,2% con el móvil. El uso problemático correlacionaba positivamente con neuroticismo y bajo control de impulsos, y negativamente con responsabilidad en ambas TIC. En conclusión, los datos aportan evidencias sobre la relación existente entre el uso problemático de las TIC y determinados factores psicológicos.Internet and mobile are ICT of high magnitude on the social level and provide many advantages, making easier our daily. However, our daily can also become difficult if we don’t use them appropriately. Our objectives were to determinate the problematic uses of Internet and mobile and its relationships with psychological factors. A sociodemographic data were collected and five questionnaires were applied to 229 from students of the University of Cádiz: one scale for problematic use of Internet (CERI) and for mobile (CERM), the Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale, the NEO-FFI Inventory, the impulsivity State Scale (EIE). The results revealed that 5.7% had frequent problems with Internet and 2.2% with mobile. The problematic use correlates positively with neuroticism and low impulse control, and negatively with responsibility for both ICT. In conclusion, the data provides evidence of the relationship between the problematic use of ICT and psychological factors

    Emotional intelligence and anxiety in women

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    El Informe de la Cuarta Conferencia Mundial sobre la Mujer (Naciones Unidas, 1995) declara el derecho a disfrutar de plena salud física y mental, entendida como un estado de bienestar emocional, social y físico. Siguiendo estos principios, la Fundación Municipal de la Mujer del Ayuntamiento de Cádiz promueve diversas actividades para mejorar la calidad de vida de las mujeres gaditanas, favoreciendo su desarrollo personal y social. En este sentido, el Laboratorio de Inteligencia Emocional de la Universidad de Cádiz colabora con la Fundación de la Mujer realizando un proyecto educativo de Socialización Emocional que potencie un mayor bienestar de las mujeres gaditanas. El objetivo de este trabajo es confirmar si los niveles de ansiedad, considerada como estado y como rasgo, de una muestra de mujeres gaditanas (N = 60) mejora tras la realización de un programa basado en el Modelo de Inteligencia Emocional (Mayer y Salovey, 1997). Los resultados presentan una mejora estadísticamente significativa en las dimensiones del Cuestionario Ansiedad Estado- Rasgo (STAI) (Spielberger, Gorsuch y Lushene, 1988; versión española de Buela-Casal, Guillén- Riquelme y Seisdedos, 2011), aun controlando variables como la edad, estado civil o situación laboral. La importancia de desarrollar las competencias emocionales propias del Modelo de Mayer y Salovey (1997) para disminuir la ansiedad ha sido evidenciada en nuestra investigaciónThe Report of the Fourth World Conference on Women (United Nations, 1995) declares the right to enjoy full physical and mental health, understood as a state of emotional, social and physical well-being. Following these principles, the Women’s Foundation of Cádiz Government promotes different activities to improve the quality of life of the women from this city, favouring their personal and social development. In this sense, the Emotional Intelligence Laboratory of the University of Cádiz collaborates with the Foundation of Women, developing an educational program of Emotional Socialization that promotes a greater wellbeing of these women. In this study, our objective is to confirm if the levels of anxiety, considered as a state and as a trait, of a sample of women from Cádiz (N = 60) improve after a training program based on the Emotional Intelligence Model (Mayer and Salovey, 1997). The results show a statistically significant improvement in the dimensions of the State-Trait Anxiety Questionnaire (STAI) (Spielberger, Gorsuch and Lushene, 1988, Spanish version of Buela-Casal, Guillén-Riquelme y Seisdedos, 2011), with no influence of variables such as age, marital status or employment status. The importance of developing emotional competencies from Mayer and Salovey Model (1997) to reduce anxiety has been evidenced in our research.peerReviewe

    Enhancing Self-Esteem and Body Image of Breast Cancer Women through Interventions: A Systematic Review

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    Breast Cancer (BC) is the most common neoplasm in women worldwide, considered a global public health problem. Among BC women, some of the most common psychological symptoms in the adaptation to the disease are reduction in self-esteem and distorted body image (BI). Although there are numerous studies with the goal of promoting different psychological variables, BI and self-esteem are often separately observed despite their relationship and their importance in the process of the illness. Moreover, there have been no reviews that have synthesized the findings related to interventions aimed at enhancing both self-esteem and BI in BC women. Therefore, the objective of this review was to identify and examine the implemented interventions aimed at boosting both variables in this population. For this purpose, a systematic review was implemented following the PRISMA statement. A thorough search was performed on the following databases: Web of Science, PubMed, PsychInfo, PsychArticles, and Scopus. Among 287 records, only eight articles met the eligibility criteria. Interventions were grouped into three types according to their characteristics: Group therapies, Physical activity therapies, and Cosmetic and beauty treatments. The levels of effectiveness of the different interventions varied between them, and within each, in their impact on self-esteem and BI. More interventions focused on developing BI and self-esteem in this population are needed due to their ability to predict psychological functioning and quality of life of women with breast cancer.This research was funded by the Ministry of Health of the Junta de Andalucia by the financed Project PIN-0109-2018-INIBICA, by the Research Group HUM-843 Emotional Intelligence from the University of Cadiz (Spain), and the University Institute for Sustainable Social Development (INDESS). The funding body had no involvement in the study design, collection, analysis, or interpretation data, writing of the manuscript, and the decision to submit the manuscript for publication

    Autoeficacia y riesgo psicosocial en personal técnico de un servicio de adopciones

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    It is necessary that Psychology continues to devote efforts to map psychosocial risks in different occupations, as well as to facilitate the understanding of the relationship between risks and consequences, including the role of vulnerability and protective factors. This study brings as a novelty the evaluation of psychosocial risks in a group that has not been studied until now: the technical staff of a service of information, training, assessment of suitability and post-adoption follow-ups in international adoption procedures. The objectives of this research are: to determine the proportion of professionals exposed to psychosocial risk working conditions; to establish the level of self-efficacy of these professionals for working under conditions of psychosocial risk; to establish the relationship between the degree of exposure to psychosocial risks and the level of self-efficacy of these professionals. A cross-sectional study was carried out through a survey in which a sample of 51 technicians participated, out of a total of 72 people who composed the service in the Autonomous Community of Andalusia. The instruments used, in addition to a sociodemographic data form, were the Inventory of Psychosocial Risks (León and Avargues, 2004) and the Professional Self-Efficacy under Psychosocial Risk Conditions Scale (Sánchez-Sevilla, Guillén and León-Rubio, 2006). The results showed that almost half of the people evaluated are exposed to very stressful working conditions that are a risk to work life quality and health related to work stress. Regarding professional self-efficacy under psychosocial risk conditions, the sample as a whole had a moderate-high score. On the possible relationship of self-efficacy with the level of psychosocial risk borne by the professionals evaluated, an inverse relationship was found between both variables.Es necesario que la Psicología siga dedicando esfuerzos a elaborar mapas de riesgos psicosociales por ocupaciones, así como a facilitar la comprensión de las relaciones entre riesgos y consecuencias, comprendiendo también el papel de los factores de vulnerabilidad y protección. Este estudio aporta como novedad la evaluación de riesgos psicosociales en un colectivo hasta ahora poco estudiado: los técnicos y técnicas de un servicio de información, formación, valoración de idoneidad y seguimientos postadoptivos en procedimientos de adopciones internacionales. Los objetivos de esta investigación son: determinar la proporción de profesionales expuestos a condiciones de trabajo de riesgo psicosocial; establecer el nivel de autoeficacia de estos profesionales para trabajar en condiciones de riesgo psicosocial; determinar la relación entre el nivel de exposición a riesgos psicosociales y el nivel de autoeficacia de estos profesionales. Se llevó a cabo un estudio transversal mediante encuesta en el que participó una muestra de 51 técnicos y técnicas, de un total de 72 personas que componían dicho servicio en la comunidad autónoma de Andalucía. Los instrumentos utilizados, además de un formulario de datos sociodemográficos, fueron el Inventario de Riesgos Psicosociales (León y Avargues, 2004) y la Escala de Autoeficacia Profesional bajo condiciones de Riesgo Psicosocial (Sánchez-Sevilla, Guillén y León-Rubio, 2006). Los resultados pusieron de manifiesto que casi la mitad de las personas evaluadas se encuentran expuestas a condiciones laborales de mucha tensión que suponen un riesgo para la calidad de vida laboral y la salud relacionada con el estrés laboral. En lo referente a la autoeficacia profesional bajo condiciones de riesgo psicosocial, el conjunto de la muestra obtuvo una puntuación moderada-alta. Con respecto a la posible relación de la autoeficacia con el nivel de riesgo psicosocial soportado por los profesionales evaluados, se encontró una relación inversa entre ambas variables

    Regulación emocional en jóvenes deportistas ante situaciones adversas en competición

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    This study was designed to examine the emotional regulation in a young football team (16-17 y. o.), regarding how they face adverse situations in the competition. A sample of 21 players filled a measure of trait emotional intelligence: TMMS-24 (Fernandez-Berrocal et al., 2004, Spanish version). Emotional Cognitive Regulation was with the CERQ (Domínguez et al., 2011, Spanish version), Emotional states were assessed with the POMS (McNair et al., 1971) and the Geneva Emotional Wheel (GEW, Sacharin, Schlegel, and Scherer, 2012), and the Competitive State Anxiety Inventory-2 (CSAI-2, Arruza et al., 2011). To increase their emotional competencies, players were training in emotional regulation with the Ellis Rational Emotive Imagination technique. The physiological variables: heart rate, skin conductance and respiration were recorded while performing the same exercise (Biofeedback-2000x-pert). Psychophysiological responses were monitored during the different phases: adaptation, motivation, motivation and recovery. Outcomes showed significant negative relationships between emotional intelligence and negative emotional states of POMS as well as with maladaptive strategies and positive with adaptive strategies. After emotional regulation training, participants were able to change their cognitive appraisals, and their emotional state in facing adverse situations as GEW measure reflected after training, and their psychophysiological parameters. Training in emotional regulation helps young football players to improve their both cognitive and emotional components of the affect and improving their competencies to face adverse situations during a football match.La finalidad del estudio fue examinar la regulación emocional en jóvenes deportistas, integrantesde un equipo de fútbol masculino entre 16 y 17 años, ante situaciones desfavorables en competición. Primero, se analizaron las relaciones entre diferentes aspectos psicoemocionales: Inteligencia Emocional medida con la Trait Meta-Mood Scale-24; Regulación Emocional medida con el Cognitive Emotional Regulation Questionnaire (CERQ); y Estados Emocionales medidos con el Profile of Mood States (POMS), la Rueda de Emociones de Ginebra y el Competitive State Anxiety Inventory-2 (CSAI-2). Posteriormente, tras un entrenamiento en regulación emocional mediante la técnica de Imaginación Racional Emotiva de Ellis, se realizaron los registros psicofisiológicos de la tasa cardiaca, conductancia de la piel y respiración (Biofeedback-2000x-pert) mientras realizaban el mismo ejercicio. El objetivo fue comprobar si los jugadores lograban regular sus emociones, ante la situación adversa, a partir del cambio en su valoración emocional cognitiva y en sus respuestas psicofisiológicas durante las diferentes fases: adaptación (A), desmotivación (D), motivación (M) y recuperación (R). Los resultados mostraron correlaciones significativas negativas entre variables de la inteligencia emocional y los estados emocionales negativos del POMS así como con estrategias desadaptativas; y, positivas con estrategias adaptativas. Asimismo se observó que los jóvenes, tras el entrenamiento en regulación emocional, consiguieron cambiar su valoración cognitiva y su estado emocional ante la situación adversa. Esto quedó reflejado en sus respuestas cognitivas y emocionales en la Rueda y en su patrón diferencial de respuesta psicofisiológico durante las distintas fases. También en los resultados deportivos del equipo. En conclusión, el entrenamiento en regulación emocional ayuda a los jóvenes a saber cómo regular sus emociones más adaptativamente, especialmente ante situaciones adversas. Esto supone una herramienta de gran utilidad para mejorar el bienestar psicológico de los deportistas y mejorar su rendimiento en competición