24 research outputs found

    Frammenti di una parachoresis a New York e Firenze (P.NYU inv. 22 + PSI inv. 137)

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    P. Vindob. G. 26221 riconsiderato: Omero, Il. 1, 601-602; 609-610 con parafrasi

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    New edition of this papyrus text published some years before by H. Harrauer, “Codices Manuscripti” 1, 1975, 74-77. The fragmentary lines in fact come from the Iliad, not from the Odyssey, as the first editor believed


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    The thirteenth volume of Comunicazioni dell’Istituto Papirologico «G. Vitelli» is divided, as was the previous one, into three sections: 1. Editions and rieditions of texts; 2. Critical notes; 3. Chronique de lexicographie papyrologique de la vie matérielle. In the first section there are texts which are being published for the first time or which are subject to a revision and a new edition, both belonging to various collections. This section also includes the exhibition of an exceptional artefact from the Arab period, belonging to the Papyrological Institute «G. Vitelli»’s collection. The second section includes three contributions with careful palaeographic and linguistic observations on literary and documentary texts, and a fourth contribution offering an exhaustive summary of the publication state of an archive from the Institute's collection. Lastly, the third section, as consolidated by the previous volume of the Comunicazioni, collects several findings of the international research project on the lexicography of material culture (Lex.Pap.Mat.), documented in the language of papyri

    Papiri della Società Italiana. Vol. XVI

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    This volume is the 16th of the PSI series (started by Girolamo Vitelli in 1912) and contains the edition of 79 texts written in Greek on papyri or other materials (wood, parchment), coming from Egypt and kept at the Papyrological Institute «G. Vitelli». There are both fragments of famous Ancient Greek authors (Homer, Hesiod, Herodotus, Thucydides, Xenophon, Isocrates, Demosthenes, Plutarch; the Septuagint, Cyril of Alexandria, the Physiologist), as well as fragments of unknown works: among others, a grammar text on the Ionian dialect and a doxographic fragment on Aristotelian philosophy. Then, there are texts of documentary nature: petitions, tax receipts, registers, reports, private letters, testimony of the daily life in Egypt during Roman and Byzantine times

    La corrente del Nilo: P. Lond. III 934, p. xlvii

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    P. Lond. III 934, p. xlviiP. Lond. III 934, p. xlvi

    P.Rainer Cent. 50-56: Petizioni a Apollonios

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    La maledizione di Artemisia (UPZ I I): un protocollo

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    Ripubblicando come prima documento nel prima volume delle Urkunden der Ptolemäerzeit (UPZ I 1) la celebre maledizione di Artemisia (IV secolo a. C.), uno dei papiri piu preziosi che siano conservati a Vienna, il Wilcken formulava una proposta di rettifica, rispetto a precedenti edizioni del Wessely, riguardo alla disposizione della scrittura sul foglio

    Una dichiarazione di un cammello. SPP XXII 97 riconsiderato

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    La riedizione di P.Vindob. G 24955, gia pubblicato da Carl Wessely nel 1922 (SPP XXII 97), non sembra inopportuna, poiche - quantunque gli ultimi righi visibili rimangano ancora problematici - una rilettura del testo ha portato al riconoscimento di un'ulteriore attestazione del prefetto d'Egitto C. Calvisius Statianus (cfr. nota ai rr. 6 -7), che implica una diversa datazione deI documento, con la conseguente individuazione di un nuovo scriba regio della divisione di Heraclides, Apollonius (cfr. nota al r. 1)

    Commentarium in Platonis "Theaetetum"

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