137 research outputs found

    Switching from IFX originator to biosimilar CT-P13 does not impact effectiveness,safety and immunogenicity in a large cohort of IBD patients

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    Background: Switching from IFX originator to CT-P13 is safe; however, little data on immunogenicity exists. Research design and methods: Consecutive IBD patients on IFX originator were switched to CT-P13 and followed-up for 12 months. Clinical activity, infliximab trough levels (ITLs), anti-drug antibodies (ATIs), and adverse events were recorded at predefined timepoints (baseline, second CT-P13 infusion, 6 and 12 months). The outcomes investigated were immunogenicity, pharmacokinetics, effectiveness and safety. Results: 119 patients were switched to CT-P13 after a median time with IFX of 5.8 years. No changes in mean ITLs were observed. ATIs were detected in 30 patients (25.2%): 14 before and 16 after switch. Mean persistent ATIs were significantly higher compared to mean transient ones (109.74 ng/mL ±84.70 vs 18.22 ng/mL ±11.37, p < 0.001), with significantly lower ITLs associated (mean 0.32 µg/mL ±0.6 vs 3.08 µg/mL ±3.22, p < 0.001). A significant decrease of patients in steroid-fee clinical remission was observed after the switch (p = 0.004), with subsequent improvement at 6 months (p = 0.005). Eighteen patients (15.1%) discontinued IFX, only 6 (5%) for loss of response. Conclusions: Switching from infliximab originator to CT-P13 seems safe and effective, without differences in immunogenicity. A temporary reduction of clinical benefit after switching could be potentially explained by a ‘nocebo-effect response’

    Allogeneic hematopoietic cell transplantation from unrelated donors in multiple myeloma: study from the italian bone marrow donor registry.

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    AbstractTo evaluate trends in allografting from unrelated donors, we conducted a study on 196 consecutive myeloma patients transplanted between 2000 and 2009 in Italy. Twenty-eight percent, 37%, and 35%, respectively, received myeloablative, reduced-intensity, and nonmyeloablative conditioning. In these 3 cohorts, 1-year and 5-year transplantation-related mortalities were 28.8% and 37.0%, 20.3% and 31.3%, and 25.0% and 30.3%, respectively (P = .745). Median overall survival (OS) and event-free survival from transplantation for the 3 cohorts were 29 and 10 months, 11 and 6 months, and 32 and 13 months, respectively (P = .039 and P = .049). Overall cumulative incidences of acute and chronic graft-versus-host-disease (GVHD) were 46.1% and 51.1%. By Cox multivariate analyses, chronic GVHD was significantly associated with longer OS (hazard ratio [HR], .51; P = .009), whereas the use of peripheral blood stem cells was borderline significant (HR, .55; P = .051). Better response posttransplantation was associated with longer event-free survival (HR, 2.13 to 4.25; P < .001). Acute GVHD was associated with poorer OS (HR, 2.53; P = .001). This analysis showed a strong association of acute and chronic GVHD and depth of response posttransplantation with clinical outcomes. Long-term disease control remains challenging regardless of the conditioning. In the light of these results, prospective trials may be designed to better define the role of allografting from unrelated donors in myeloma

    Testing gravitational-wave searches with numerical relativity waveforms: Results from the first Numerical INJection Analysis (NINJA) project

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    The Numerical INJection Analysis (NINJA) project is a collaborative effort between members of the numerical relativity and gravitational-wave data analysis communities. The purpose of NINJA is to study the sensitivity of existing gravitational-wave search algorithms using numerically generated waveforms and to foster closer collaboration between the numerical relativity and data analysis communities. We describe the results of the first NINJA analysis which focused on gravitational waveforms from binary black hole coalescence. Ten numerical relativity groups contributed numerical data which were used to generate a set of gravitational-wave signals. These signals were injected into a simulated data set, designed to mimic the response of the initial LIGO and Virgo gravitational-wave detectors. Nine groups analysed this data using search and parameter-estimation pipelines. Matched filter algorithms, un-modelled-burst searches and Bayesian parameter estimation and model-selection algorithms were applied to the data. We report the efficiency of these search methods in detecting the numerical waveforms and measuring their parameters. We describe preliminary comparisons between the different search methods and suggest improvements for future NINJA analyses. © 2009 IOP Publishing Ltd

    Status of NINJA: The Numerical INJection Analysis project

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    The 2008 NRDA conference introduced the Numerical INJection Analysis project (NINJA), a new collaborative effort between the numerical relativity community and the data analysis community. NINJA focuses on modeling and searching for gravitational wave signatures from the coalescence of binary system of compact objects. We review the scope of this collaboration and the components of the first NINJA project, where numerical relativity groups, shared waveforms and data analysis teams applied various techniques to detect them when embedded in colored Gaussian noise. © 2009 IOP Publishing Ltd

    Giosuè Carducci prosatore

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    Questo volume su Giosuè Carducci prosatore raccoglie i contributi presentati al XVII Convegno internazionale di Letteratura italiana "Gennaro Barbarisi", tenutosi a Palazzo Feltrinelli (Gargnano del Garda) dal 29 settembre al 1° ottobre 2016. Si è trattato di una proficua occasione di incontro, di studio e di approfondimento su un tema forse poco frequentato, soprattutto in tempi recenti, ma ricco di sollecitazioni per una più articolata e storicamente fondata definizione della personalità di un autore così significativo nel panorama della cultura italiana fra Otto e primo Novecento; non soltanto sul versante della poesia (un primato sancito dal premio Nobel nel 1906) ma anche, e forse ancora di più, su quello della prosa saggistica, degli scritti di polemica, delle curatele editoriali, delle ricerche erudite, fino alle prove di alta oratoria e all'epistolografia

    Caratterizzazione microstrutturale e meccanica di un acciaio da utensili a caldo processato tramite Selective Laser Melting in diverse condizioni di trattamento termico

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    I processi di Additive Manufacturing, che consentono di realizzare componenti in maniera additiva, hanno recentemente vissuto un crescente sviluppo e interesse applicativo in molti settori, fra cui quello dell’automotive.Tra questi, il processo di Selective Laser Melting, ossia di fusione selettiva di un letto di polveri metalliche mediante un fascio laser, di acciai da utensili a caldo è al momento oggetto di ricerca e interesse per via del possibile impiego nel campo strutturale. Il presente elaborato di tesi riguarda la caratterizzazione microstrutturale e meccanica dell’acciaio da utensili a caldo Bӧhler W360 AMPO, prodotto mediante Selective Laser Melting. Lo studio si colloca all’interno di una campagna di ricerca volta a studiare materiali e processi innovativi e valutare l’utilizzo di acciai da utensili per la realizzazione di elementi strutturali. L’acciaio in esame è stato studiato in diverse condizioni di trattamento termico eseguito dopo il processo produttivo. In particolare, è stato valutato un trattamento di distensione e due trattamenti di tempra e rinvenimenti multipli, caratterizzati da diverse temperature di trattamento e dalla presenza o meno di un trattamento sottozero. La caratterizzazione meccanica è stata eseguita mediante prove di durezza e trazione e l’analisi frattografica delle superfici di frattura. La caratterizzazione microstrutturale ha invece previsto la misura della densità del materiale, attraverso diverse tecniche, la caratterizzazione del contenuto di difetti e l’osservazione della microstruttura del materiale nelle diverse condizioni di trattamento termico considerate. Tutti i risultati relativi alle proprietà meccaniche e alle caratteristiche microstrutturali sono stati confrontati con quelli dell’acciaio Bӧhler W360, caratterizzato dalla medesima composizione chimica ma prodotto mediante processo convenzionale, studiato durante sperimentazioni precedenti