44 research outputs found

    Lyman-\alpha{} Emitters in the context of hierarchical galaxy formation: predictions for VLT/MUSE surveys

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    The VLT Multi Unit Spectroscopic Explorer (MUSE) integral-field spectrograph can detect Ly\alpha{} emitters (LAE) in the redshift range 2.8z6.72.8 \lesssim z \lesssim 6.7 in a homogeneous way. Ongoing MUSE surveys will notably probe faint Ly\alpha{} sources that are usually missed by current narrow-band surveys. We provide quantitative predictions for a typical wedding-cake observing strategy with MUSE based on mock catalogs generated with a semi-analytic model of galaxy formation coupled to numerical Ly\alpha{} radiation transfer models in gas outflows. We expect \approx 1500 bright LAEs (FLyαF_{Ly\alpha} \gtrsim 101710^{-17} erg s1^{-1} cm2^{-2}) in a typical Shallow Field (SF) survey carried over \approx 100 arcmin2^2, and \approx 2,000 sources as faint as 101810^{-18} erg s1^{-1} cm2^{-2} in a Medium-Deep Field (MDF) survey over 10 arcmin2^2. In a typical Deep Field (DF) survey of 1 arcmin2^2, we predict that \approx 500 extremely faint LAEs (FLyαF_{Ly\alpha} \gtrsim 4×10194 \times 10^{-19} erg s1^{-1} cm2^{-2}) will be found. Our results suggest that faint Ly\alpha{} sources contribute significantly to the cosmic Ly\alpha{} luminosity and SFR budget. While the host halos of bright LAEs at z \approx 3 and 6 have descendants with median masses of 2×10122 \times 10^{12} and 5×10135 \times 10^{13} MM_{\odot} respectively, the faintest sources detectable by MUSE at these redshifts are predicted to reside in halos which evolve into typical sub-LL^{*} and LL^{*} galaxy halos at z = 0. We expect typical DF and MDF surveys to uncover the building blocks of Milky Way-like objects, even probing the bulk of the stellar mass content of LAEs located in their progenitor halos at z \approx 3.Comment: 18 pages, 13 figures, accepted for publication in MNRA

    Contribution of Galaxies to the Background Hydrogen-Ionizing Flux

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    We estimate the evolution of the contribution of galaxies to the cosmic background flux at 912A˚912 \AA by means of a semi-analytic model of galaxy formation and evolution. Such a modelling has been quite successful in reproducing the optical properties of galaxies. We assume hereafter the high-redshift damped Lyman-α\alpha (DLA) systems to be the progenitors of present day galaxies, and we design a series of models which are consistent with the evolution of cosmic comoving emissivities in the available near infrared (NIR), optical, ultraviolet (UV), and far infrared (FIR) bands along with the evolution of the neutral hydrogen content and average metallicity of damped Lyman-α\alpha systems (DLA). We use these models to compute the galactic contribution to the Lyman-limit emissivity and background flux for 0z40 \simeq z \le 4. We take into account the absorption of Lyman-limit photons by HI and dust in the interstellar medium (ISM) of the galaxies. We find that the background Lyman-limit flux due to galaxies might dominate (or be comparable to) the contribution from quasars at almost all redshifts if the absorption by HI in the ISM is neglected. The ISM HI absorption results in a severe diminishing of this flux--by almost three orders of magnitude at high redshifts to between one and two orders at z0z \simeq 0. Though the resulting galaxy flux is completely negligible at high redshifts, it is comparable to the quasar flux at z0z \simeq 0.Comment: 14 pages, 5 figures, requires mn.sty, accepted for publication in MNRA

    Towards a new modelling of gas flows in a semi-analytical model of galaxy formation and evolution

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    We present an extended version of the semi-analytical model, GalICS. Like its predecessor, eGalICS applies a post-treatment of the baryonic physics on pre-computed dark-matter merger trees extracted from an N-body simulation. We review all the mechanisms that affect, at any given time, the formation and evolution of a galaxy in its host dark-matter halo. We mainly focus on the gas cycle from the smooth cosmological accretion to feedback processes. To follow this cycle with high accuracy we introduce some novel prescriptions: i) a smooth baryonic accretion with two phases: a cold mode and a hot mode built on the continuous dark-matter accretion. In parallel to this smooth accretion, we implement the standard photoionisation modelling to reduce the input gas flow on the smallest structures. ii) a complete monitoring of the hot gas phase. We compute the evolution of the core density, the mean temperature and the instantaneous escape fraction of the hot atmosphere by considering that the hot gas is in hydrostatic equilibrium in the dark-matter potential well, and by applying a principle of conservation of energy on the treatment of gas accretion, supernovae and super massive black hole feedback iii) a new treatment for disc instabilities based on the formation, the migration and the disruption of giant clumps. The migration of such clumps in gas-rich galaxies allows to form pseudo-bulges. The different processes in the gas cycle act on different time scales, and we thus build an adaptive time-step scheme to solve the evolution equations. The model presented here is compared in detail to the observations of stellar-mass functions, star formation rates, and luminosity functions, in a companion paper

    Galaxy stellar mass assembly: the difficulty matching observations and semi-analytical predictions

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    Semi-analytical models (SAMs) are currently the best way to understand the formation of galaxies within the cosmic dark-matter structures. While they fairly well reproduce the local stellar mass functions, correlation functions and luminosity functions, they fail to match observations at high redshift (z > 3) in most cases, particularly in the low-mass range. The inconsistency between models and observations indicates that the history of gas accretion in galaxies, within their host dark-matter halo, and the transformation of gas into stars, are not well followed. Hereafter, we briefly present a new version of the GalICS semi-analytical model. We explore the impacts of classical mechanisms, such as supernova feedback or photoionization, on the evolution of the stellar mass assembly. Even with a strong efficiency, these two processes cannot explain the observed stellar mass function and star formation rate distribution and some other relations. We thus introduce an ad-hoc modification of the standard paradigm, based on the presence of a \textit{no-star-forming} gas component, and a concentration of the star-forming gas in galaxy discs. The main idea behind the existence of the no-star-forming gas reservoir is that only a fraction of the total gas mass in a galaxy is available to form stars. The reservoir generates a delay between the accretion of the gas and the star formation process. This new model is in much better agreement with the observations of the stellar mass function in the low-mass range than the previous models, and agrees quite well with a large set of observations, including the redshift evolution of the specific star formation rate. However, it predicts a large fraction of no-star-forming baryonic gas, potentially larger than observed, even if its nature has still to be examined in the context of the missing baryon problem

    Accretion, feedback and galaxy bimodality: a comparison of the GalICS semi-analytic model and cosmological SPH simulations

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    We compare the galaxy population of an SPH simulation to those predicted by the GalICS semi-analytic model and a stripped down version without supernova and AGN feedback. The SPH simulation and the no-feedback GalICS model make similar predictions for the baryonic mass functions of galaxies and for the dependence of these mass functions on environment and redshift. The two methods also make similar predictions for the galaxy content of dark matter haloes as a function of halo mass and for the gas accretion history of galaxies. Both the SPH and no-feedback GalICS models predict a bimodal galaxy population at z=0. The "red'' sequence of gas poor, old galaxies is populated mainly by satellite systems while, contrary to observations, the central galaxies of massive haloes lie on the "blue'' star-forming sequence as a result of continuing hot gas accretion at late times. Furthermore, both models overpredict the observed baryonic mass function, especially at the high mass end. In the full GalICS model, supernova-driven outflows reduce the masses of low and intermediate mass galaxies by about a factor of two. AGN feedback suppresses gas cooling in large haloes, producing a sharp cut-off in the baryonic mass function and moving the central galaxies of these massive haloes to the red sequence. Our results imply that the observational failings of the SPH simulation and the no-feedback GalICS model are a consequence of missing input physics rather than computational inaccuracies, that truncating gas accretion by satellite galaxies automatically produces a bimodal galaxy distribution with a red sequence, but that explaining the red colours of the most massive galaxies requires a mechanism like AGN feedback that suppresses the accretion onto central galaxies in large haloes.Comment: 17 pages, 11 figures, submitted to MNRA

    GALICS III: Predicted properties for Lyman Break Galaxies at redshift 3

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    This paper illustrates how mock observational samples of high-redshift galaxies with sophisticated selection criteria can be extracted from the predictions of GALICS, a hybrid model of hierarchical galaxy formation that couples the outputs of large cosmological simulations and semi-analytic recipes to describe dark matter collapse and the physics of baryons respectively. As an example of this method, we focus on the properties of Lyman Break Galaxies at redshift 3. With the MOMAF software package described in a companion paper, we generate a mock observational sample with selection criteria as similar as possible to those implied in the actual observations of z = 3 LBGs by Steidel et al.(1995). Our model predictions are in good agreement with the observed number density and 2D correlation function. We investigate the optical/IR luminosity budget as well as several other physical properties of LBGs and find them to be in general agreement with observed values. Looking into the future of these LBGs we predict that 75% of them end up as massive ellipticals today, even though only 35% of all our local ellipticals are predicted to have a LBG progenitor. In spite of some shortcomings, this new 'mock observation' method clearly represents a necessary first step toward a more accurate comparison between hierarchical models of galaxy formation and real observational surveys.Comment: 19 pages, 15 figures, submitted to MNRAS. Full resolution figures at http://galics.iap.fr

    Search and analysis of giant radio galaxies with associated nuclei (SAGAN) -- I : New sample and multi-wavelength studies

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    We present the first results of a project called SAGAN, which is dedicated solely to the studies of relatively rare megaparsec-scale radio galaxies in the Universe, called giant radio galaxies (GRGs). We have identified 162 new GRGs primarily from the NVSS with sizes ranging from ~0.71 Mpc to 2.82 Mpc in the redshift range of ~0.03 - 0.95, of which 23 are hosted by quasars (giant radio quasars, GRQs). As part of the project SAGAN, we have created a database of all known GRGs, the GRG catalogue, from the literature (including our new sample); it includes 820 sources. For the first time, we present the multi-wavelength properties of the largest sample of GRGs. Our results establish that the distributions of the radio spectral index and the black hole mass of GRGs do not differ from the corresponding distributions of normal-sized radio galaxies (RGs). However, GRGs have a lower Eddington ratio (ER) than RGs. Using the mid-infrared data, we classified GRGs in terms of their accretion mode: either a high-power radiatively efficient high-excitation state, or a radiatively inefficient low-excitation state. We find that GRGs in high-excitation state statistically have larger sizes, stronger radio power, jet kinetic power, and higher ER than those in low-excitation state. Our analysis reveals a strong correlation between the ER and the scaled jet kinetic power, which suggests a disc-jet coupling. Our environmental study reveals that ~10% of all GRGs may reside at the centres of galaxy clusters, in a denser galactic environment, while the majority appears to reside in a sparse environment. We find that the probability of BCG as a GRG is quite low. We present new results for GRGs that range from black hole mass to large-scale environment properties. We discuss their formation and growth scenarios, highlighting the key physical factors that cause them to reach their gigantic size. Abridged.Comment: Accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysics. 14 figures, 7 tables and 7 montages. Comments are welcome. "SAGAN Project website https://sites.google.com/site/anantasakyatta/sagan