21 research outputs found

    Nucleosome reorganisation in breast cancer tissues.

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    Background Nucleosome repositioning in cancer is believed to cause many changes in genome organisation and gene expression. Understanding these changes is important to elucidate fundamental aspects of cancer. It is also important for medical diagnostics based on cell-free DNA (cfDNA), which originates from genomic DNA regions protected from digestion by nucleosomes. Results We have generated high-resolution nucleosome maps in paired tumour and normal tissues from the same breast cancer patients using MNase-assisted histone H3 ChIP-seq and compared them with the corresponding cfDNA from blood plasma. This analysis has detected single-nucleosome repositioning at key regulatory regions in a patient-specific manner and common cancer-specific patterns across patients. The nucleosomes gained in tumour versus normal tissue were particularly informative of cancer pathways, with ~ 20-fold enrichment at CpG islands, a large fraction of which marked promoters of genes encoding DNA-binding proteins. The tumour tissues were characterised by a 5-10 bp decrease in the average distance between nucleosomes (nucleosome repeat length, NRL), which is qualitatively similar to the differences between pluripotent and differentiated cells. This effect was correlated with gene activity, differential DNA methylation and changes in local occupancy of linker histone variants H1.4 and H1X. Conclusions Our study offers a novel resource of high-resolution nucleosome maps in breast cancer patients and reports for the first time the effect of systematic decrease of NRL in paired tumour versus normal breast tissues from the same patient. Our findings provide a new mechanistic understanding of nucleosome repositioning in tumour tissues that can be valuable for patient diagnostics, stratification and monitoring

    Selection and thermostability suggest G-quadruplexes are novel functional elements of the human genome

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    Approximately 1% of the human genome has the ability to fold into G-quadruplexes (G4s)-noncanonical strand-specific DNA structures forming at G-rich motifs. G4s regulate several key cellular processes (e.g., transcription) and have been hypothesized to participate in others (e.g., firing of replication origins). Moreover, G4s differ in their thermostability, and this may affect their function. Yet, G4s may also hinder replication, transcription, and translation and may increase genome instability and mutation rates. Therefore, depending on their genomic location, thermostability, and functionality, G4 loci might evolve under different selective pressures, which has never been investigated. Here we conducted the first genome-wide analysis of G4 distribution, thermostability, and selection. We found an overrepresentation, high thermostability, and purifying selection for G4s within genic components in which they are expected to be functional-promoters, CpG islands, and 5' and 3' UTRs. A similar pattern was observed for G4s within replication origins, enhancers, eQTLs, and TAD boundary regions, strongly suggesting their functionality. In contrast, G4s on the nontranscribed strand of exons were underrepresented, were unstable, and evolved neutrally. In general, G4s on the nontranscribed strand of genic components had lower density and were less stable than those on the transcribed strand, suggesting that the former are avoided at the RNA level. Across the genome, purifying selection was stronger at stable G4s. Our results suggest that purifying selection preserves the sequences of functional G4s, whereas nonfunctional G4s are too costly to be tolerated in the genome. Thus, G4s are emerging as fundamental, functional genomic elements

    Non-B DNA: a major contributor to small- and large-scale variation in nucleotide substitution frequencies across the genome

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    Approximately 13% of the human genome can fold into non-canonical (non-B) DNA structures (e.g. G-quadruplexes, Z-DNA, etc.), which have been implicated in vital cellular processes. Non-B DNA also hinders replication, increasing errors and facilitating mutagenesis, yet its contribution to genome-wide variation in mutation rates remains unexplored. Here, we conducted a comprehensive analysis of nucleotide substitution frequencies at non-B DNA loci within noncoding, non-repetitive genome regions, their ±2 kb flanking regions, and 1-Megabase windows, using human-orangutan divergence and human single-nucleotide polymorphisms. Functional data analysis at single-base resolution demonstrated that substitution frequencies are usually elevated at non-B DNA, with patterns specific to each non-B DNA type. Mirror, direct and inverted repeats have higher substitution frequencies in spacers than in repeat arms, whereas G-quadruplexes, particularly stable ones, have higher substitution frequencies in loops than in stems. Several non-B DNA types also affect substitution frequencies in their flanking regions. Finally, non-B DNA explains more variation than any other predictor in multiple regression models for diversity or divergence at 1-Megabase scale. Thus, non-B DNA substantially contributes to variation in substitution frequencies at small and large scales. Our results highlight the role of non-B DNA in germline mutagenesis with implications to evolution and genetic diseases

    A locally funded Puerto Rican parrot (Amazona vittata) genome sequencing project increases avian data and advances young researcher education

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    Background: Amazona vittata is a critically endangered Puerto Rican endemic bird, the only surviving native parrot species in the United States territory, and the first parrot in the large Neotropical genus Amazona, to be studied on a genomic scale. Findings: In a unique community-based funded project, DNA from an A. vittata female was sequenced using a HiSeq Illumina platform, resulting in a total of ~42.5 billion nucleotide bases. This provided approximately 26.89x average coverage depth at the completion of this funding phase. Filtering followed by assembly resulted in 259,423 contigs (N50 = 6,983 bp, longest = 75,003 bp), which was further scaffolded into 148,255 fragments (N50 = 19,470, longest = 206,462 bp). This provided ~76% coverage of the genome based on an estimated size of 1.58 Gb. The assembled scaffolds allowed basic genomic annotation and comparative analyses with other available avian whole-genome sequences. Conclusions: The current data represents the first genomic information from and work carried out with a unique source of funding. This analysis further provides a means for directed training of young researchers in genetic and bioinformatics analyses and will facilitate progress towards a full assembly and annotation of the Puerto Rican parrot genome. It also adds extensive genomic data to a new branch of the avian tree, making it useful for comparative analyses with other avian species. Ultimately, the knowledge acquired from these data will contribute to an improved understanding of the overall population health of this species and aid in ongoing and future conservation efforts.Science, Faculty ofNon UBCReviewedFacult