8 research outputs found

    Non-monotonic behavior of timescales of passage in heterogeneous media: Dependence on the nature of barriers

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    Usually time of passage across a region may be expected to increase with the number of barriers along the path. Can this intuition fail depending on the special nature of the barrier? We study experimentally the transport of a robotic bug which navigates through a spatially patterned array of obstacles. Depending on the nature of the obstacles we call them either entropic or energetic barriers. For energetic barriers we find that the timescales of first passage vary non-monotonically with the number of barriers, while for entropic barriers first passage times increase monotonically. We perform an exact analytic calculation to derive closed form solutions for the mean first passage time for different theoretical models of diffusion. Our analytic results capture this counter-intuitive non-monotonic behaviour for energetic barriers. We also show non-monotonic effective diffusivity in the case of energetic barriers. Finally, using numerical simulations, we show this non-monotonic behaviour for energetic barriers continues to hold true for super-diffusive transport. These results may be relevant for timescales of intra-cellular biological processes

    sj-docx-1-inq-10.1177_00469580231221290 – Supplemental material for Higher Frequency of Healthcare Professionals is Associated With a Low Incidence of COVID-19-Related Death

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    Supplemental material, sj-docx-1-inq-10.1177_00469580231221290 for Higher Frequency of Healthcare Professionals is Associated With a Low Incidence of COVID-19-Related Death by Soumya Kanti Guha and Sougata Niyogi in INQUIRY: The Journal of Health Care Organization, Provision, and Financing</p

    The effect of prefixation on the diameter of chromosome fibers isolated by the Langmuir trough critical point method

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    The formation, maintenance and reorganization of the cytoskeletal filament network is essential for a number of cellular processes. While the crucial role played by active forces generated by motor proteins has been studied extensively, only recently the importance of passive forces exerted by non-enzymatic crosslinkers has been realized. The interplay between active and passive proteins manifests itself, e.g., during cell division, where the spindle structure formed by overlapping microtubules is subject to both active sliding forces generated by crosslinking motor proteins and passive forces exerted by passive crosslinkers, such as Ase1 and PRC1. We propose a minimal model to describe the stability behaviour of a pair of anti-parallel overlapping microtubules resulting from the competition between active motors and passive crosslinkers. We obtain the stability diagram which characterizes the formation of stable overlap of the MT pair, identify the controlling biological parameters which determine their stability, and study the impact of mutual interactions between motors and passive crosslinkers on the stability of these overlapping filaments.Comment: 10 Pages, 6 figure

    Stabilization of overlapping biofilaments by passive crosslinkers

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    The formation, maintenance and reorganization of the cytoskeletal filament network is essential for a number of cellular processes. While the crucial role played by active forces generated by motor proteins has been studied extensively, only recently the importance of passive forces exerted by non-enzymatic crosslinkers has been realized. The interplay between active and passive proteins manifests itself, e.g., during cell division, where the spindle structure formed by overlapping microtubules is subject to both active sliding forces generated by crosslinking motor proteins and passive forces exerted by passive crosslinkers, such as Ase1 and PRC1. We propose a minimal model to describe the stability behaviour of a pair of anti-parallel overlapping microtubules resulting from the competition between active motors and passive crosslinkers. We obtain the stability diagram which characterizes the formation of stable overlap of the microtubule pair, identify the controlling biological parameters which determine their stability, and study the impact of mutual interactions between motors and passive crosslinkers on the stability of these overlapping filaments

    Novel mechanism for oscillations in catchbonded motor-filament complexes

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    Generation of mechanical oscillations is ubiquitous to a wide variety of intracellular processes, ranging from activity of muscle fibers to oscillations of the mitotic spindle. The activity of motors plays a vital role in maintaining the integrity of the mitotic spindle structure and generating spontaneous oscillations. Although the structural features and properties of the individual motors are well characterized, their implications on the functional behavior of motor-filament complexes are more involved. We show that force-induced allosteric deformations in dynein, which result in catchbonding behavior, provide a generic mechanism to generate spontaneous oscillations in motor-cytoskeletal filament complexes. The resultant phase diagram of such motor-filament systemsÂżcharacterized by force-induced allosteric deformationsÂżexhibits bistability and sustained limit-cycle oscillations in biologically relevant regimes, such as for catchbonded dynein. The results reported here elucidate the central role of this mechanism in fashioning a distinctive stability behavior and oscillations in motor-filament complexes such as mitotic spindles