39 research outputs found

    Animaci?n a la lectura mediante estrategias virtuales para favorecer la interacci?n literaria en los estudiantes del Ciclo 1, del colegio San Bernardino I.E.D.

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    119 P?ginasRecurso Electr?nicoEl presente informe tiene como principal objetivo esquematizar los resultados del proyecto de investigaci?n formativa; la indagaci?n gir? en torno a la pregunta ?De qu? manera la animaci?n a la lectura y el uso de estrategias virtuales permiten favorecer la interacci?n literaria en los estudiantes de ciclo uno, del Colegio San Bernardino I.E.D? En este sentido, el proceso de intervenci?n tom? varios enfoques metodol?gicos; uno de ellos fue el m?todo de animaci?n a la lectura de Montserrat Sarto (1998) que usa las estrategias en forma de juego creativo para contribuir al desarrollo de la capacidad lectora que tiene el ni?o, cultivar su inteligencia y buscar el placer literario. Del mismo modo, se tom? como referencia los aportes de Carmen Gil para desarrollar m?ltiples actividades de animaci?n a la lectura que intentan convencer por encantamiento el gusto por la literatura. Los aportes metodol?gicos se articularon con la creaci?n de un ambiente virtual, que permiti? favorecer, motivar y cautivar a los estudiantes, a trav?s de nuevos lenguajes incorporados por las tics, de acuerdo a los postulados de Jes?s Mart?n Barbero y Manuel Castells. Las actividades propuestas se distribuyeron en tres talleres educativos: el primer taller se denomin? ?La magia de la lectura?; el segundo se denomin? ?leyendo aprendo? y el tercer taller ?la tecnolog?a: puerta a la lectura y a la fantas?a?, fase que permiti? plasmar en un blog la producci?n de los procesos lectores alcanzados por los ni?os.ABSTRACT. The following report is aimed to show the results got from the research project Inquiring was focused on the question: How can the using of the on-line strategies encourage students from elementary grades, cycle 1 at San Bernardino School, to read literature? Thus, the intervention process had some methodological approaches; one of them was motivation to reading from Montserrat Sarto (1998) who stated ?use the strategies in terms of creative game? to contribute to children?s reading capacity development , grow their intelligence and search the perfection in reading? similarly, it was taken as reference, Carmen Gil?s contributions, besides she is developing multiple encouraging activities toward reading that intend to convince people by charming the enjoyment of reading. The methodological contributions above were linked with the creation of an on-line environment that allowed upholding, motivating and captivating the students through ?the new languages inserted by the educational technology? according to Jesus Martin Barbero?s postulates and Manuel Castells. The activities proposed were organized in three educational workshops: The first one was labeled ?the magic of reading?; the second was called ?by reading I can learn? and the third workshop ?technology: the door toward reading and fantasy?; stage that allowed capture in a blog reader production process reached by children.INTRODUCCI?N 15 1. PLANTEAMIENTO DEL PROBLEMA 17 1.1 DESCRIPCI?N Y FORMULACI?N DEL PROBLEMA 17 2. MARCO TE?RICO 19 2.1. MARCO LEGAL 19 2.2. MARCO EPISTEMOL?GICO 23 2.3. MARCO PEDAG?GICO 25 2.4. MARCO PSICOL?GICO 30 2.5. ANTECEDENTES 33 3. JUSTIFICACI?N 36 4. OBJETIVOS 37 4.1 OBJETIVO GENERAL 37 4.2 OBJETIVOS ESPEC?FICOS 37 5. DISE?O METODOL?GICO 38 5.1 TIPO DE INVESTIGACI?N 38 5.2 HIP?TESIS EXPLICATIVA 38 5.3 PAR?METROS DE LA INVESTIGACI?N 39 5.3.1 Poblaci?n 40 5.3.2 Muestra 40 5.4 FORMA DE RECOLECCI?N DE LA INFORMACI?N 42 5.4.1 Observaci?n 42 5.4.2 Diario de campo 42 5.4.3 Estudio de caso 43 5.4.4 Entrevista 43 5.4.5 Grupo focal 43 5.4.6 Cuadro resumen 43 6. INSTRUMENTOS Y METODOLOG?A UTILIZADOS EN EL PROCESO DE INTERVENCI?N PEDAG?GICA 44 7. T?CNICAS QUE SE UTILIZARON PARA REALIZAR El AN?LISIS DE RESULTADOS 45 8. AN?LISIS DE LOS RESULTADOS 47 8.1 PERFIL DEL ESTUDIANTE 47 8.1.1 Desde la edad 48 8.1.2 Desde el contexto socio-econ?mico 48 9. DESARROLLO DE LAS ACTIVIDADES Y RESULTADOS 50 9.1 TALLER DE AMBIENTACI?N: LA MAGIA DE LA LECTURA 50 9.1.1 Tabla 6. Taller de ambientaci?n: la magia de la lectura 50 9.2 TALLER DE DESARROLLO: LEYENDO APRENDO 58 9.2.1 Tabla 7. Taller de desarrollo: leyendo aprendo 58 9.3 Taller de producci?n: La tecnolog?a, puerta a la lectura y a la fantas?a 63 9.3.1 Tabla 8. Taller de producci?n: la tecnolog?a, puerta a la lectura y a la fantas?a 64 10. AN?LISIS COMPARATIVO: TALLER DE AMBIENTACI?N Y DE PRODUCCI?N 71 10.1 An?lisis del taller de ambientaci?n: la magia de la lectura 71 10.2 An?lisis del taller de producci?n: la tecnolog?a, puerta a la fantas?a 75 11. CONCLUSIONES 80 RECOMENDACIONES 82 REFERENCIAS 8

    Development of a conditionally immortalized human pancreatic β cell line

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    International audienceDiabetic patients exhibit a reduction in β cells, which secrete insulin to help regulate glucose homeostasis; however, little is known about the factors that regulate proliferation of these cells in human pancreas. Access to primary human β cells is limited and a challenge for both functional studies and drug discovery progress. We previously reported the generation of a human β cell line (EndoC-βH1) that was generated from human fetal pancreas by targeted oncogenesis followed by in vivo cell differentiation in mice. EndoC-βH1 cells display many functional properties of adult β cells, including expression of β cell markers and insulin secretion following glucose stimulation; however, unlike primary β cells, EndoC-βH1 cells continuously proliferate. Here, we devised a strategy to generate conditionally immortalized human β cell lines based on Cre-mediated excision of the immortalizing transgenes. The resulting cell line (EndoC-βH2) could be massively amplified in vitro. After expansion, transgenes were efficiently excised upon Cre expression, leading to an arrest of cell proliferation and pronounced enhancement of β cell–specific features such as insulin expression, content, and secretion. Our data indicate that excised EndoC-βH2 cells are highly representative of human β cells and should be a valuable tool for further analysis of human β cells

    Molecular mechanisms involved in the cell cycle of human pancreatic beta cells

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    Le diabète est une maladie qui touche 347 millions de personnes dans le monde (90% ayant un diabète de type 2) (OMS, septembre 2012). Elle se définit par une perturbation de la régulation de l’homéostasie glucidique avec un déficit dans la fonction des cellules ß du pancréas. Dans le diabète de type 1, ce déficit est provoqué par une destruction autoimmune. Dans le diabète de type 2, il est dû à une insulino-résistance périphérique conduisant à un épuisement des cellules ß qui ne peuvent plus maintenir leur fonction. Une stratégie pour restaurer une masse fonctionnelle de cellules ß est, soit d’induire la prolifération de ces cellules in vitro avant de les greffer, soit d’induire leur prolifération in vivo. Cependant, ceci implique une meilleure compréhension des mécanismes moléculaires impliqués dans le cycle cellulaire des cellules ß pancréatiques humaines. L’objectif de ma thèse a été de disséquer ces mécanismes. Pour cela, nous disposons au laboratoire d’un outil unique, deux lignées de cellules ß pancréatiques humaines. Dans l’une d’elle, les transgènes immortalisant peuvent être délétés. Les cellules arrêtent alors de proliférer donnant des cellules ß pseudo-primaires. En comparant l’expression des régulateurs du cycle cellulaire de la lignée de cellules ß humaine immortalisées aux cellules ß humaine pseudo-primaires, nous avons pu montrer que le cycle de ces cellules était bloqué en phase G1. L’absence de plusieurs protéines responsables de la progression du cycle cellulaire en aval de cette phase a été confirmée dans les îlots humains. Nous avons également observé une diminution du temps de doublement des cellules ß humaines suite à leur traitement avec de la GH et de l’EPO. Suite à ce traitement nous observons également une activation du facteur de transcription STAT5 connue pour son implication dans la prolifération cellulaire des cellules ß de rongeurs. Enfin nous avons étudié l’effet que provoquait un apport nutritif sur la fonction et la prolifération des cellules ß humaines. Nous avons ainsi pu voir que les cellules répondaient mieux à la fonction ß avec un temps de doublement du nombre de cellules plus court dans un milieu enrichi en nutriment. De plus, dans ces conditions, l’autophagie, préexistante avant l’apport de nutriments et vraisemblablement due à un manque en énergie cellulaire, disparait. Ces résultats nous permettent de mieux comprendre les mécanismes contrôlant la prolifération des cellules ß pancréatiques humaines et d’envisager de nouvelles thérapies du diabète.Diabetes is a disease that affects 347 million people worldwide (90% with type 2 diabetes) (WHO, September 2012). It is defined by a disturbance in the regulation of glucose homeostasis with a deficit in function of pancreatic beta cells. In type 1 diabetes, this deficit is caused by autoimmune destruction. In type 2 diabetes, it is due to peripheral insulin resistance leading to a depletion of beta cells that can no longer maintain their function. A strategy to restore a functional beta cell mass is, or of inducing proliferation of these cells in vitro prior to transplant, or to induce proliferation in vivo. However, this implies a better understanding of the molecular mechanisms involved in the cell cycle of human pancreatic beta cells. The aim of my thesis was to dissect these mechanisms. For this, we have a unique laboratory tool, two lines of human pancreatic beta cells. In one of them, immortalizing transgenes may be deleted. Then, the cells stop to proliferate giving pseudo- primary beta-cells. By comparing the expression of cell cycle regulators of the lineage of human beta cells immortalized pseudo- primary human beta- cells, we could show that the cycle of these cells was blocked in the G1 phase. The lack of several proteins responsible for cell cycle progression downstream of this phase has been confirmed in human islets. We also observed a decrease in the doubling time of human beta cells following treatment with GH and EPO. Following this treatment we also observe an activation of the transcription factor STAT5 known for its involvement in cell proliferation of rodent beta cells. Finally, we studied the effect that caused a nutrient supply on the function and proliferation of human beta cells. We have seen that the cells responded better to beta function with a doubling time shorter amount of cells in a nutrient enriched environment. In addition, under these conditions, autophagy, existing before the supply of nutrients and likely due to a lack of cellular energy, disappears. These results allow us to better understand the mechanisms controlling proliferation of human pancreatic ß and consider new diabetes therapies cells

    Etude des mécanismes moléculaires impliqués dans le cycle cellulaire des cellules b pancréatiques humaines

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    Le diabète est une maladie qui touche 347 millions de personnes dans le monde (90% ayant un diabète de type 2) (OMS, septembre 2012). Elle se définit par une perturbation de la régulation de l homéostasie glucidique avec un déficit dans la fonction des cellules ß du pancréas. Dans le diabète de type 1, ce déficit est provoqué par une destruction autoimmune. Dans le diabète de type 2, il est dû à une insulino-résistance périphérique conduisant à un épuisement des cellules ß qui ne peuvent plus maintenir leur fonction. Une stratégie pour restaurer une masse fonctionnelle de cellules ß est, soit d induire la prolifération de ces cellules in vitro avant de les greffer, soit d induire leur prolifération in vivo. Cependant, ceci implique une meilleure compréhension des mécanismes moléculaires impliqués dans le cycle cellulaire des cellules ß pancréatiques humaines. L objectif de ma thèse a été de disséquer ces mécanismes. Pour cela, nous disposons au laboratoire d un outil unique, deux lignées de cellules ß pancréatiques humaines. Dans l une d elle, les transgènes immortalisant peuvent être délétés. Les cellules arrêtent alors de proliférer donnant des cellules ß pseudo-primaires. En comparant l expression des régulateurs du cycle cellulaire de la lignée de cellules ß humaine immortalisées aux cellules ß humaine pseudo-primaires, nous avons pu montrer que le cycle de ces cellules était bloqué en phase G1. L absence de plusieurs protéines responsables de la progression du cycle cellulaire en aval de cette phase a été confirmée dans les îlots humains. Nous avons également observé une diminution du temps de doublement des cellules ß humaines suite à leur traitement avec de la GH et de l EPO. Suite à ce traitement nous observons également une activation du facteur de transcription STAT5 connue pour son implication dans la prolifération cellulaire des cellules ß de rongeurs. Enfin nous avons étudié l effet que provoquait un apport nutritif sur la fonction et la prolifération des cellules ß humaines. Nous avons ainsi pu voir que les cellules répondaient mieux à la fonction ß avec un temps de doublement du nombre de cellules plus court dans un milieu enrichi en nutriment. De plus, dans ces conditions, l autophagie, préexistante avant l apport de nutriments et vraisemblablement due à un manque en énergie cellulaire, disparait. Ces résultats nous permettent de mieux comprendre les mécanismes contrôlant la prolifération des cellules ß pancréatiques humaines et d envisager de nouvelles thérapies du diabète.Diabetes is a disease that affects 347 million people worldwide (90% with type 2 diabetes) (WHO, September 2012). It is defined by a disturbance in the regulation of glucose homeostasis with a deficit in function of pancreatic beta cells. In type 1 diabetes, this deficit is caused by autoimmune destruction. In type 2 diabetes, it is due to peripheral insulin resistance leading to a depletion of beta cells that can no longer maintain their function. A strategy to restore a functional beta cell mass is, or of inducing proliferation of these cells in vitro prior to transplant, or to induce proliferation in vivo. However, this implies a better understanding of the molecular mechanisms involved in the cell cycle of human pancreatic beta cells. The aim of my thesis was to dissect these mechanisms. For this, we have a unique laboratory tool, two lines of human pancreatic beta cells. In one of them, immortalizing transgenes may be deleted. Then, the cells stop to proliferate giving pseudo- primary beta-cells. By comparing the expression of cell cycle regulators of the lineage of human beta cells immortalized pseudo- primary human beta- cells, we could show that the cycle of these cells was blocked in the G1 phase. The lack of several proteins responsible for cell cycle progression downstream of this phase has been confirmed in human islets. We also observed a decrease in the doubling time of human beta cells following treatment with GH and EPO. Following this treatment we also observe an activation of the transcription factor STAT5 known for its involvement in cell proliferation of rodent beta cells. Finally, we studied the effect that caused a nutrient supply on the function and proliferation of human beta cells. We have seen that the cells responded better to beta function with a doubling time shorter amount of cells in a nutrient enriched environment. In addition, under these conditions, autophagy, existing before the supply of nutrients and likely due to a lack of cellular energy, disappears. These results allow us to better understand the mechanisms controlling proliferation of human pancreatic ß and consider new diabetes therapies cells.PARIS5-Bibliotheque electronique (751069902) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Animaci?n a la lectura mediante estrategias virtuales, para favorecer la interacci?n literaria en los estudiantes del ciclo I del Colegio San Bernardino I.E.D

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    119 p. Recurso Electr?nicoEl presente informe tiene como principal objetivo esquematizar los resultados del proyecto de investigaci?n formativa; la indagaci?n gir? en torno a la pregunta ?De qu? manera la animaci?n a la lectura y el uso de estrategias virtuales permiten favorecer la interacci?n literaria en los estudiantes de ciclo uno, del Colegio San Bernardino I.E.D? En este sentido, el proceso de intervenci?n tom? varios enfoques metodol?gicos; uno de ellos fue el m?todo de animaci?n a la lectura de Montserrat Sarto (1998) que usa las estrategias en forma de juego creativo para contribuir al desarrollo de la capacidad lectora que tiene el ni?o, cultivar su inteligencia y buscar el placer literario. Del mismo modo, se tom? como referencia los aportes de Carmen Gil para desarrollar m?ltiples actividades de animaci?n a la lectura que intentan convencer por encantamiento el gusto por la literatura. Los aportes metodol?gicos se articularon con la creaci?n de un ambiente virtual, que permiti? favorecer, motivar y cautivar a los estudiantes, a trav?s de nuevos lenguajes incorporados por las tics, de acuerdo a los postulados de Jes?s Mart?n Barbero y Manuel Castells. Las actividades propuestas se distribuyeron en tres talleres educativos: el primer taller se denomin? ?La magia de la lectura?; el segundo se denomin? ?leyendo aprendo? y el tercer taller ?la tecnolog?a: puerta a la lectura y a la fantas?a?, fase que permiti? plasmar en un blog la producci?n de los procesos lectores alcanzados por los ni?os.The following report is aimed to show the results got from the research project Inquiring was focused on the question: How can the using of the on-line strategies encourage students from elementary grades, cycle 1 at San Bernardino School, to read literature? Thus, the intervention process had some methodological approaches; one of them was motivation to reading from Montserrat Sarto (1998) who stated ?use the strategies in terms of creative game? to contribute to children?s reading capacity development , grow their intelligence and search the perfection in reading? similarly, it was taken as reference, Carmen Gil?s contributions, besides she is developing multiple encouraging activities toward reading that intend to convince people by charming the enjoyment of reading. The methodological contributions above were linked with the creation of an on-line environment that allowed upholding, motivating and captivating the students through ?the new languages inserted by the educational technology? according to Jesus Martin Barbero?s postulates and Manuel Castells. The activities proposed were organized in three educational workshops: The first one was labeled ?the magic of reading?; the second was called ?by reading I can learn? and the third workshop ?technology: the door toward reading and fantasy?; stage that allowed capture in a blog reader production process reached by children. Keywords: reading promotion, TIC, literary interaction, virtual interaction, initial cycle

    CIGALE, Capture of Interactional, Artistic, Cospeech and Expressive Gestures

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    International audienceCIGALE (Capture et Interaction avec des Gestes Artistiques, Langagiers et Expressifs) is an artistic and dialogical platform that explores the hybridization between human and virtual gestures in real time. This platform allows studying complementary aspects of gestures, from the linguistic field to the arts. CIGALE allows understanding the relationships between symbolic gestures (coverbal ones), expressive gestures (choral conducting and poetry) and full body gestures (mime). Starting from motion capture (1), we have created four databases of gestures. The platform allows to study and analyses gestures, strokes and meaning (2). We propose then to generate new gestures using genetic algorithm that converges to new gestures inspired by the ones of the database (3). In order to visualize the gestures, we can render the motion on different characters by changing body aspect(mesh), using particles effect or trails (4). At least, it’s possible to interact using gestures with the virtual characters that can answer autonomously to the user or to the audience (5)