2,329 research outputs found

    Promotion of proliferation and metastasis of hepatocellular carcinoma by LncRNA00673 based on the targeted-regulation of notch signaling pathway

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    we read with great interest the paper by Dr. Chen et al1, recently published in European Review for Medical and Pharmacological Sciences and titled ‘‘Promotion of proliferation and metastasis of hepatocellular carcinoma by LncRNA00673 based on the targeted-regulation of notch signaling pathway’’. Authors concluded that lncRNA00673 is highly expressed and may be a potential target for the treatment of Hepatocellular Carcinoma (HCC). Moreover, according to authors, it can promote the proliferation and metastasis of HCC by the regulation of Notch signaling pathway. We congratulate the authors for their interesting work

    Innerspec: Technical Report

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    In this report we describe “InnerSpec”, an approach for symmetric object detection that is based both on the com- putation of a symmetry measure for each pixel and on gra- dient information analysis. The symmetry value is obtained as the energy balance of the even-odd decomposition of an oriented square patch with respect to its central axis. Such an operation is akin to the computation of a row-wise con- volution in the midpoint. The candidate symmetry axes are then identified through the localization of peaks along the direction perpendicular to each considered angle. These axes are finally evaluated by computing the image gradient in their neighborhood, in particular checking whether the gradient information displays specular characteristics

    single grain grinding an experimental and fem assessment

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    Abstract Peripheral grinding is inherently complex due to peculiar factors such as: the non deterministic microgeometry of the grinding wheel, the composition of the grinding wheel, essentially non homogeneous, the cutting process dynamics, where the grains' cutting edges operate on a surface whose microgeometry is the result of the cutting actions of the preceding abrasive grains. This paper compares the results of the experimental analysis of the effect of single cutting grains on the actual microgeometry of worked surfaces, and the results obtained by a FEM cutting model where the measured microgeometry of the cutting grains is considered

    A New Video authentication Template Based on Bubble random Sampling

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    The rapid growth of digital video distribution has highlighted new important issues in digital rights management, as well as in other important applications such as video authentication. Digital watermarking offers a promising solution against piracy and it is therefore a very active area of research. However, robustness to video manipulations, either malicious or not, is a demanding task because there are many different types of possible attacks that can be envisioned. Among these, geometric and temporal distortions play the major roles. The countermeasures against these specific attacks are still an open challenge. In this paper we propose the use of a video authentication template based on bubble random sampling. The authentication template is introduced in order to ensure temporal synchronization and to prevent content tampering. The simulation results are encouraging and this approach is therefore worth further development efforts

    Metagenomic analysis through the extended Burrows-Wheeler transform

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    Background: The development of Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) has had a major impact on the study of genetic sequences. Among problems that researchers in the field have to face, one of the most challenging is the taxonomic classification of metagenomic reads, i.e., identifying the microorganisms that are present in a sample collected directly from the environment. The analysis of environmental samples (metagenomes) are particularly important to figure out the microbial composition of different ecosystems and it is used in a wide variety of fields: for instance, metagenomic studies in agriculture can help understanding the interactions between plants and microbes, or in ecology, they can provide valuable insights into the functions of environmental communities. Results: In this paper, we describe a new lightweight alignment-free and assembly-free framework for metagenomic classification that compares each unknown sequence in the sample to a collection of known genomes. We take advantage of the combinatorial properties of an extension of the Burrows-Wheeler transform, and we sequentially scan the required data structures, so that we can analyze unknown sequences of large collections using little internal memory. The tool LiME (Lightweight Metagenomics via eBWT) is available at https://github.com/veronicaguerrini/LiME. Conclusions: In order to assess the reliability of our approach, we run several experiments on NGS data from two simulated metagenomes among those provided in benchmarking analysis and on a real metagenome from the Human Microbiome Project. The experiment results on the simulated data show that LiME is competitive with the widely used taxonomic classifiers. It achieves high levels of precision and specificity - e.g. 99.9% of the positive control reads are correctly assigned and the percentage of classified reads of the negative control is less than 0.01% - while keeping a high sensitivity. On the real metagenome, we show that LiME is able to deliver classification results comparable to that of MagicBlast. Overall, the experiments confirm the effectiveness of our method and its high accuracy even in negative control samples

    A proposal for Video Signature Tool and Video Fingerprinting

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    In this document we present and evaluate a video signature system, proposed by Signals and Communications Laboratory – Department of Electronic for Automation, University of Brescia (Italy)

    Improved Face Tracking Thanks to Local Features Correspondence

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    In this paper, we propose a technique to enhance the quality of detected face tracks in videos. In particular, we present a tracking algorithm that can improve the temporal localization of the tracks, remedying to the unavoidable failures of the face detection algorithms. Local features are extracted and tracked to “fill the gaps” left by missed detections. The principal aim of this work is to provide robust and well localized tracks of faces to a system of Interactive Movietelling, but the concepts can be extended whenever there is the necessity to localize the presence of a determined face even in environments where the face detection is, for any reason, difficult. We test the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm in terms of faces localization both in space and time, first assessing the performance in an ad-hoc simulation scenario and then showing output examples of some real-world video sequences

    High Dynamic Range Image Watermarking Robust Against Tone-Mapping Operators

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    High dynamic range (HDR) images represent the future format for digital images since they allow accurate rendering of a wider range of luminance values. However, today special types of preprocessing, collectively known as tone-mapping (TM) operators, are needed to adapt HDR images to currently existing displays. Tone-mapped images, although of reduced dynamic range, have nonetheless high quality and hence retain some commercial value. In this paper, we propose a solution to the problem of HDR image watermarking, e.g., for copyright embedding, that should survive TM. Therefore, the requirements imposed on the watermark encompass imperceptibility, a certain degree of security, and robustness to TM operators. The proposed watermarking system belongs to the blind, detectable category; it is based on the quantization index modulation (QIM) paradigm and employs higher order statistics as a feature. Experimental analysis shows positive results and demonstrates the system effectiveness with current state-of-art TM algorithms

    Identification versus CBCD: a comparison of different evaluation techniques

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    Fingerprint techniques have a significant advantage in respect of watermarking: a fingerprint can be extracted in each moment of the lifetime of a multimedia content. This aspect is fundamental to solve the problem of copy detection mainly because many copies can be available in huge amount of data in circulation and because each copy can be attacked in several ways (compression, re-encoding, text-overlay, etc.). In this paper the problem of copy detection is studied and tested from two different point of views: content based and identification approaches. The results show that the proposed system is quite robust to some copy modifications and most of all show that the overall results depend on the evaluation method used for testing
