72 research outputs found

    The Work of Sculptor Ricardo Bellver

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    El trabajo de investigación (cuyo título original era Los escultores de la primera promoción de la Academia de Roma. Catálogo-Inventario y que fue subvencionado por la Universidad Complutense de Madrid a través de una ayuda a grupos precompetitivos) muestra un exhaustivo estudio que verifica y actualiza la información relativa a la obra del escultor Ricardo Bellver y Ramón. Por un lado, el trabajo ubica las circunstancias artísticas de la época, es decir, hacia 1874, cuando el escultor fue pensionado por la Academia, y relata los complejos comienzos para conseguir la fundación de la Academia en Roma y unos reglamentos que ayudasen a la conservación de las pensiones, y por otro, documenta la vida y trabajos del escultor Ricardo Bellver, de quien se han localizado veinte obras, aunque se describen en mayor o menor grado, dependiendo de los documentos hallados, otras dieciocho. Entre las obras hay monumentos, bustos, imaginería y grupos escultóricos, que se reparten por diversas ciudades de la geografía española, dando cuenta de su actual estado, su calidad, e incluso se rebate parte de la información más reciente publicada al respecto y se analizan los motivos que han provocado la pérdida de algunas piezas.The research project (whose original title was The First Generation of Sculptors from the Rome Academy. Catalogue-Inventory which was funded by the Universidad Complutense de Madrid through a grant for precompetitive groups), represents and exhaustive study that verifies and brings up to date information on the work of the sculptor Ricardo Bellver y Ramón. On one hand, the study locates the artistic context of the era, that is, around 1874, when the sculptor was given a pension by the Academy, and relates the complex beginnings of the founding of the Roma academy and regulations which helped preserve pensions, and on the other hand, it documents the life and work of the sculptor Ricardo Bellver, twenty of whose works have been found, although another eighteen have been described in documents to a lesser or greater extent. Among the works are monuments, busts, religious images sculptural groups, found in different Spanish cities, and the study describes their current condition, analyses the causes for the loss of some pieces and even refutes part of the most recent information published on them

    Caring fathers in Europe: Toward universal caregiver families?

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    Increasingly, men are challenging the assumption that care is a feminine task and are involving themselves in childcare and the care of dependent adults. However, this does not necessarily have consequences for their work, as they very rarely make costly adaptations in their working lives. In this study, we propose a definition of a man in care (MIC) as a working father who, in order to meet care needs, has adapted his working life in a way that potentially entails a financial penalty. We analyze the prevalence of men in care among men living with children below the age of 15 across the EU-27 plus Iceland, Norway, Switzerland, and the UK using recent representative data (the European Labour Survey and its 2018 ad hoc module on work-life balance). We find that although the number of men engaging in costly work adaptations is still very low when compared to their female counterparts, the characteristics of these men can be clearly outlined: they have a non-manual occupation (managers excluded), they have temporary contracts or are self-employed, they are partnered to women who hold jobs of 40 or more hours a week and have a high educational attainment, and they work in family-friendly companies. Also, at the context level, the prevalence of MIC is clearly related to gender equality and values. However, we do not find evidence of any country having reached the universal caregiver model proposed by Nancy Fraser, including those with more advanced gender and welfare regimes

    Técnicas y materiales de caracterización aplicados a la escultura

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    Recorrido por distintos procesos, técnicas y materiales procedentes del ámbito de la caracterización (efectos especiales) y su posible aplicación al terreno de la escultura. Contenidos: Captura de registro de rostro sobre modelo del natural y su posterior transferencia a elastómero traslúcido para proceder a su caracterización (efecto piel, inserciones de pelo, maquillaje, etc). Materiales de caracterización: espuma de poliuretano, foam látex, silicona de adicción, silicona de reconstrucción maxilofacial, flockings, plastilinas especiales, gelatinas, alginatos, etc

    El perfil del alumnado y profesorado en un grupo de institutos con resultados destacables en inglés

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    Based on results from the English test in the PAU, six public high schools were selected in Catalonia whose results were among the highest with the objective of analyzing the features of the students' and teachers' at these schools. The instruments used were a student questionnaire (n=312) and a teacher questionnaire (n=12) and results show that what makes these schools more effective mainly lies on the students' good academic orientation as well as their positive attitudes towards English). Also the teacher profile with a good command of the foreign language, good communication skills and a sense of vocation towards the profession have also been found to be contributing factors

    Six high schools with outstanding results in the PAU: The views of the English teachers and their students

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    For this research, six public high schools in Catalonia were selected whose students had obtained outstanding results on the English test in the PAU in 2005, 2006 and 2007. Interviews and questionnaires were used to learn about teachers' and students' attributions of success as well about their more general views on English language teaching in their schools and in Catalonia. Data show success is often attributed to both internal and external factors and rarely to methodological factors. Also, both teachers and students are well aware of the limitations of teaching and learning English in their context and are able to articulate valuable ideas for change

    Cómo se enseña inglés en un grupo de institutos donde se obtienen resultados destacables en la prueba de lengua inglesa en las PAU

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    Según los resultados de la prueba de inglés en las PAU (Pruebas de Acceso a la Universidad) de los años 2005, 2006 y 2007 se seleccionaron seis institutos públicos de Secundaria en Cataluña que habían obtenido resultados destacables, con el objetivo de analizar características de gestión docente, pedagógicas y organizativas que puedan haber contribuido a los buenos resultados. El análisis se realizó a partir de entrevistas, cuestionarios, observaciones de aula y una prueba escrita de inglés y con la participación de directores de departamento ( n=6), profesores (n=12) y alumnos de Bachillerato (n=391). Los resultados obtenidos en la prueba escrita sitúan a buena parte de los alumnos en el nivel B2 según el MERC, que es superior al nivel medio de los alumnos de segundo de Bachillerato de Cataluña. El análisis de los datos apunta a que la singularidad de los centros estudiados se encuentra principalmente en el nivel de exigencia por parte de los profesores de inglés, en la buena gestión del tiempo en clase y en una ausencia de problemas de disciplina. En cambio, la metodología empleada, con un predominio de trabajo individual, de producción escrita y de uso del libro de texto, no parece ser un rasgo distintivo y es similar a la descrita en los resultados de una muestra representativa de profesores de Bachillerato en Cataluña (CSd'A, 2005). En el artículo se discuten algunos factores que pueden haber influido en esta ausencia de rasgos distintivos en el plano metodológico entre los institutos seleccionados, como el haber utilizado las pruebas de las PAU para la selección de los institutos o la influencia del formato de las PAU (que no incluye un componente oral) en la práctica docente de los profesores. Finalmente, se mencionan algunos factores externos a la docencia que también pueden haber influido en el buen rendimiento de los institutos objeto de estudio

    Pre-treatment with grape seed extract reduces inflammatory response and oxidative stress induced by helicobacter pylori infection in human gastric epithelial cells

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    Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) is a pathogenic bacteria identified as a potential risk factor for gastritis, gastric ulcers and gastric cancer. During the stomach colonization, H. pylori triggers a strong inflammatory response and subsequent oxidative stress, which are associated with tissue damage. For this reason, it is of particular interest to develop alternative natural tools that enable modulation of the associated damaging immune response. With this purpose, we obtained grape seed extract (GSE) from sweet (not fermented) food grade seeds. The aim of our study was to investigate the effect of GSE and its two enriched procyanidins fractions (OPC and PPC) on the inflammatory process and oxidative stress produced by different H. pylori strains in human gastric epithelial cells (AGS). Anti-inflammatory activity was evaluated by measuring the level of interleukin-8 (IL-8) secretion. IL-8 production was significantly reduced in H. pylori-infected human gastric epithelial cells pretreated with GSE or its enriched fractions when compared with non-pre-treated infected cells (from 21.6% to 87.8%). Pre-treatment with GSE or its fractions significantly decreased intracellular reactive oxygen species (ROS) production in AGS cells after infection, depending on the H. pylori strain. Our results also showed that GSE and its fractions demonstrate antibacterial activity against all strains of H. pylori used in the study. This work demonstrates the effectiveness of GSE enriched in procyanidins against the main events associated with H. pylori infection

    Gene expression analyses determine two different subpopulations in KIT-negative GIST-like (KNGL) patients

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    Introduction: there are limited findings available on KIT-negative GIST-like (KNGL) population. Also, KIT expression may be post-transcriptionally regulated by miRNA221 and miRNA222. Hence, the aim of this study is to characterize KNGL population, by differential gene expression, and to analyze miRNA221/222 expression and their prognostic value in KNGL patients. Methods: KIT, PDGFRA, DOG1, IGF1R, MIR221 and MIR222 expression levels were determined by qRT-PCR. We also analyzed KIT and PDGFRA mutations, DOG1 expression, by immunohistochemistry, along with clinical and pathological data. Disease-free survival (DFS) and overall survival (OS) differences were calculated using Log-rank test. Results: hierarchical cluster analyses from gene expression data identified two groups: group I had KIT, DOG1 and PDGFRA overexpression and IGF1R underexpression and group II had overexpression of IGF1R and low expression of KIT, DOG1 and PDGFRA. Group II had a significant worse OS (p = 0.013) in all the series, and showed a tendency for worse OS (p = 0.11), when analyzed only the localized cases. MiRNA222 expression was significantly lower in a control subset of KIT-positive GIST (p < 0.001). OS was significantly worse in KNGL cases with higher expression of MIR221 (p = 0.028) or MIR222 (p = 0.014). Conclusions: we identified two distinct KNGL subsets, with a different prognostic value. Increased levels of miRNA221/222, which are associated with worse OS, could explain the absence of KIT protein expression of most KNGL tumors

    Dissecting the role of the NADPH oxidase NOX4 in TGF-beta signaling in hepatocellular carcinoma

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    The NADPH oxidase NOX4 has been proposed as necessary for the apoptosis induced by the Transforming Growth Factor-beta (TGF-I3) in hepatocytes and hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) cells. However, whether NOX4 is required for TGF-I3-induced canonical (SMADs) or non-canonical signals is not fully understood yet, neither its potential involvement in other parallel actions induced by TGF-I3. In this work we have used CRISPR Cas9 technology to stable attenuate NOX4 expression in HCC cells. Results have indicated that NOX4 is required for an efficient SMAD2/3 phosphorylation in response to TGF-I3, whereas non-canonical signals, such as the phos-phorylation of the Epidermal Growth Receptor or AKT, are higher in NOX4 silenced cells. TGF-I3-mediated in-hibition of cell proliferation and viability is attenuated in NOX4 silenced cells, correlating with decreased response in terms of apoptosis, and maintenance of high expression of MYC and CYCLIN D1. These results would indicate that NOX4 is required for all the tumor suppressor actions of TGF-I3 in HCC. However, analysis in human HCC tumors has revealed a worse prognosis for patients showing high expression of TGF-I31-related genes concomitant with high expression of NOX4. Deepening into other tumorigenic actions of TGF-I3 that may contribute to tumor progression, we found that NOX4 is also required for TGF-I3-induced migratory effects. The Epithelial-Mesenchymal transition (EMT) program does not appear to be affected by attenuation of NOX4 levels. However, TGF-I3-mediated regulation of cytoskeleton dynamics and focal adhesions require NOX4, which is necessary for TGF-I3-induced increase in the chaperone Hsp27 and correct subcellular localization of Hic-5 within focal adhesions, as well for upregulation of the metalloprotease MMP9. All these results together point to NOX4 as a key element in the whole TGF-I3 signaling in HCC cells, revealing an unknown role for NOX4 as tumor promoter in HCC patients presenting activation of the TGF-I3 pathway

    Guia per a gestionar correctament els aliments que contenen al·lèrgens en el sector de la restauració i comerç al detall

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    Al·lèrgia alimentària; Intolerància alimentària; Malaltia celíaca; MenjarsAlergia alimentaria; Intolerancia alimentaria; Enfermedad celíaca; ComidasAllergy alimentary; Intolerance alimentary; Celiac disease; MealsIntroducció: aquesta guia s'ha elaborat amb la intenció que sigui pràctica i ajudi a millorar la seguretat en la gestió d’aliments que poden contenir al·lèrgens. Objectiu: Disposar d’un document informatiu amb eines per treballar amb seguretat. Material i mètode: s'ha adaptat la Guia per gestionar correctament els aliments en centres educatius i altres menjadors socials per a persones amb al·lèrgies i/o intoleràncies i/o malaltia celíaca. Conclusions: resulta una guia amb propostes de bones pràctiques i protocols per gestionar el risc que poden suposar els al·lèrgens amb la finalitat de proporcionar aliments segurs.Introducción: esta guía se ha elaborado con la intención de que sea práctica y ayude a mejorar la seguridad en la gestión de los alimentos que pueden contener alérgenos. Objetivo: Disponer de un documento informativo con herramientas para trabajar con seguridad. Material y método: se ha adaptado la Guía para gestionar correctamente los alimentos en centros educativos y otros comedores sociales para personas con alergias y/o intolerancias y/o enfermedad celiaca. Conclusiones: resulta una guía con propuestas de buenas prácticas y protocolos para gestionar el riesgo que pueden suponer los alérgenos con la finalidad de proporcionar alimentos seguros.Introduction: This guide has been developed with the intention that it follows practice and helps improve the security in the management of the products that could contain allergens. Objective: Have a document with the information and tools required to work securely. Material and Method: the guide has been adapted to correctly manage the food in educational centers and other social canteens for people with allergies and/or intolerances and/or celiac disease. Conclusions: results in a guide which proposes good practices and protocols to correctly manage the risk and be able to serve safe foods, without allergens. Índe