157 research outputs found

    Introduced rabbits as seed-dispersing frugivores: a study case on an environmentally diverse oceanic island (Tenerife, Canaries)

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    Rabbits have travelled with humans to the most remote archipelagos, having been introduced on at least 800 islands worldwide. This herbivore has caused a devastating effect on endemic insular plants, causing changes in species composition, cascading extinctions and disruption of native seed dispersal systems worldwide. However, its ecological impacts as disrupting native seed dispersal systems have not been studied from a holistic perspective in any of the archipelagos where rabbits were introduced. Here, we assess the role of rabbits as frugivores and seed-dispersers on the most extensive and diverse island of the Canary Archipelago, Tenerife, across its five main vegetation zones represented in an altitudinal gradient 0 – 3715 m a.s.l. To this end, 120 transects per vegetation zone were conducted (August 2020-November 2021) to collect fresh faecal samples from a total of 244 latrines. They consisted of 29,538 droppings in which we found seeds from 73 plant species, 29 of which were identified to species level (13 endemic, eight natives and eight introduced by humans). About 70% of the seeds were identified as fleshy-fruited plant species while the remaining nine were dry fruits. Of the former, only nine showed a percentage of intact seeds greater than 75%, another nine species between 50-75%, and three lower than 50%. The digestive effect of rabbits on seedling emergence was generally low, compared to that produced by native seed dispersers. Since fleshy-fruited plants and rabbits have not been linked in their evolutionary history in the Canaries, the former seems to have their own legitimate seed dispersers

    Use of google drive and whatsapp for the follow-up and development of the final master's project through m-learning

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    Mobile Learning can be defined as the teaching-learning process that takes place at any place and time, thanks to the use of mobile devices with wireless connection. These tools allow us to access the required information through the network. In this study we analyse the influence of Google Drive and WhatsApp Application to investigate and develop the final Master's Project in students enrolled in the Master's Degree in Teacher Training in Compulsory Secondary and Upper Secondary School Education, Vocational Training and Language Teaching in the Campus of Ceuta. In this case the research has been applied to a group of six volunteer students. It is a descriptive method with an analysis developed from a qualitative approach. In order to obtain the research results, an outline for a half-structured interview was elaborated and validated by content validity. The interviews were individual and recorded for later transcription and ordering. The results show that students value the experience in a positive way, highlighting the possibility of asking and solving doubts through WhatsApp anywhere and anytime, not only with the teacher, but also with the opinion and participation of the rest of classmates, being able to see and solve the inadequate aspects that arose in the elaboration of the final Master's Project through the teacher’s comments. As a conclusion we can argue that the experience was positive, adapted to the students’ style and learning rhythm, receiving a positive feedback in less than 48 hours for writing the final Master's Project and solving the doubts along its creation

    Use of Web 2.0 Tools running a wiki for contents creation through cooperative groups

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    Web 2.0 has generated a change in people’s attitudes ranging from static to dynamic thanks to the web tools that allow users to share, collaborate and participate, generating contents in a cooperative way. This research aims to identify whether the Wiki tool is suitable for contents creation, both theoretical and practical, following the philosophy of cooperative groups, in students enrolled in the Master's Degree in Teacher Training in Compulsory Secondary and Upper Secondary School Education, Vocational Training and Language Teaching in the Campus of Ceuta (n = 73). The method is descriptive and correlational, carrying out an analysis from a mixed approach (quantitative and qualitative). Two instruments were created to obtain the data: a questionnaire to evaluate the Wiki application as a valid tool for the teaching-learning process (post); and a debate outline for the discussion groups consisting of eight groups of 8 members, except one formed by 9. The quantitative results showed the application favoured the class group participation, the inquiry, collaboration and learning and in fact it offers new perspectives for the teaching process. The lack of time to properly develop the activity stands out as a negative aspect. At a qualitative level the results showed that students were reluctant to apply a new educational methodology, but as the classes progressed, they valued the action positively, considering the possibility of applying them when they were teachers. As an improvement proposal they suggested to create smaller groups to produce contents through the Wiki. We can conclude the Wiki application can be a valid tool for contents creation, as long as it is applied in smaller groups

    A simulation-based study of TCP performance over an Optical Burst Switched backbone with 802.11 access

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    13th Open European Summer School and IFIP TC6.6 Workshop, EUNICE 2007, Enschede, The Netherlands, July 18-20, 2007. ProceedingsThe combined effect of optical and wireless subnetworks in an hypothetical future scenario where core networks have evolved to the still prototype Optical Burst Switching (OBS) technology is an open research issue. This paper studies this hybrid scenario, in the particular case of 802.11 access, by reviewing the key aspects of OBS and 802.11 with an impact on the performance of TCP, and makes a simulation-based assessment of the relative influence of both technologies over the effective end-to-end behaviour of TCP.This work has been partly supported by the EU under the IST e-Photon/One+ project (FP6-IST-027497) and by the Spanish CAPITAL project (TEC2004-05622-C04-03).Publicad

    Plan piloto de coaching en una organización social de la región del Maule

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    75 p.El presente estudio da cuenta de los resultados de la implementación de un plan piloto de coaching efectuado por estudiantes de la carrera de Psicología de la Universidad de Talca, en una organización social de la Región del Maule. El objetivo de este estudio es describir la implementación del plan piloto, para ello se consideró la aplicación Pre y Post-Test de dos instrumentos, el TMMS-24 y la versión española de las Escalas RYFF a 14 sujetos intervenidos. Se comparó a los sujetos tanto en el pre-test como en el post-test, los análisis efectuados arrojan diferencias significativas en lo que se refiere a Crecimiento Personal, una de las dimensiones de Bienestar Psicológico, siendo la media del Pre-Test (x=3,986) significativamente menor a la media del Post-Test (x=4,186), p<0,005. En el análisis cualitativo, la totalidad de los participantes se refieren al proceso como algo positivo y de ayuda en su quehacer profesional, obteniendo aprendizajes aplicables a su entorno laboral. Palabras Clave: Coaching, Programa de Intervención, Inteligencia emocional, Bienestar psicológico

    Acute stress assessment using infrared thermography in fattening rabbits reacting to handling under winter and summer conditions

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    Aim of study: This study assesses acute stress by measuring, through infrared thermography in summer and winter, the temperature of the eye, outer ear, inner ear and nose in 40 fattening rabbits before and after handling.Area of study: Seville (Spain).Material and methods: Body thermographic temperatures were recorded during a 38-day fattening period twice weekly and twice a day, before and after the handler held the rabbits in their arms for one minute. Ambient temperature and relative humidity were also recorded, and their influence on body temperatures was assessed. For each anatomical part, the variation of the temperature between the handled and undisturbed rabbit, and the differential temperature between the anatomical part in the undisturbed rabbit and the ambient temperature were calculated.Main results: The variation in temperatures between handled and undisturbed rabbits ranged from 0.25±0.041 ºC for eye to 3.09±0.221 ºC for outer ear in summer and -0.41±0.182 ºC for nose to 2.09±0.178 ºC for outer ear in winter. The day of the fattening period influenced all the temperature traits during summer and winter, except for the inner ear in winter. In summer, unlike winter, the temperature variation at the end of fattening period between handled and undisturbed rabbits was lower than at weaning (-0.04 to 1.94 ºC vs. 0.54 to 5.52 ºC, respectively). The temperatures in undisturbed rabbits were correlated with ambient temperature.Research highlights: Measuring body temperature with infrared thermography is a useful tool to evaluate acute stress in handled rabbits, with the inner ear and eye the most reliable body parts for measuring it

    Augmented Reality as a Resource for Improving Learning in the Physical Education Classroom

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    We acknowledge the researchers of the research group AreA (HUM-672), which belongs to the Ministry of Education and Science of the Junta de Andalucía and is registered in the Department of Didactics and School Organization of the Faculty of Education Sciences of the University of Granada.Recently, there has been a proliferation of technopedagogical practices, based on the application of active teaching and learning processes through the use of information and communication technologies (ICT). The main objective of this work is to analyse the impact of training action through the use of augmented reality in physical education for the development and acquisition of spatial orientation, as opposed to more traditional training based on the exhibition method. The methodology developed is quantitative, through a quasi-experimental design post-test in 140 high school students in the field of physical education. The results indicate that all of the dimensions show a very high, significant relationship. The greatest difference in average is observed in motivation. In contrast, the smallest difference, although significant, is observed in the grades given by the teachers themselves. It can be concluded that the method of teaching through augmented reality is effective in teaching high school students in the subject of physical education, especially for the acquisition of spatially oriented content.Corporacion Escuela Tecnologica del Oriente ISPRS-2017-7202Secretariat of Education of Santander ISPRS-2017-7202AreA HUM/672 Research Group of the University of Granada ISPRS-2017-720

    Factores de riesgo psicosocial y satisfacción laboral en una empresa subcontratista del área de la minería

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    122 p.El objetivo de esta investigación es identificar si existe relación entre Factores de Riesgo Psicosocial y Satisfacción Laboral en trabajadores de una empresa subcontratista del sector minero de la Región del Libertador General Bernardo O'Higgins. Diferenciando esta relación basándose en las variables sociodemográficas y sociolaborales de los trabajadores. Para la realización de este estudio de tipo correlacional, se utilizó el cuestionario SUSESO-ISTAS 21, adaptación a la población Chilena del ISTAS 21, que a su vez es una adaptación a la lengua castellana del CoPsoQ21, cuestionario psicosocial de Copenhague (Kristensen, 2000) además se utilizó el Cuestionario de Satisfacción Laboral de Meliá y Peiró S20/23(1989) los que fueron aplicados a una muestra de 100 trabajadores de una empresa subcontratista del área de la minería. Los principales resultados dan cuenta de que existe una correlación significativa y negativa entre las siguientes dimensiones del instrumento de factores de riesgo; dimensiones de trabajo activo y posibilidades del desarrollo, apoyo social en la empresa y calidad de liderazgo, compensaciones y doble presencia las cuales indican que a mayor riesgo psicosocial percibido menor es la satisfacción laboral en los trabajadores. Para la dimensión trabajo activo y posibilidades de desarrollo en la variable cargo, se encontró que operarios/ayudantes, se encuentran en un rango de exposición alto y los demás en un rango medio

    Diversity and abundance of planktonic communities in the deep waters off the galician coast (NW Spain)

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    Comunicación oralPlanktonic communities play pivotal roles within marine ecosystems, affecting their structure, functioning and services. Although they have been extensively studied in the epipelagic ocean, the knowledge about these communities in the dark ocean is rather short. In this study, we explored patterns of abundance and biomass of a wide variety of taxonomic groups from the prokaryotes to mesozooplankton in the epi-, meso- and bathypelagic waters off the Galician coast. As expected, ciliate and zooplankton abundances are depleted in the bathypelagic waters relative to abundances of prokaryotes and nanoflagellates. The rate of decrease of zooplankton biomass with depth is twice as that of prokaryotes and nanoflagellates, indicating that relative contribution of mesozooplancton to the total plankton biomass decreases with depth. Overall, the diversity of prokaryotes in the dark ocean is almost as high as in the epipelagic layer, although the phylotypes are different. The major fraction of epipelagic ciliates belongs to alloricate genera, whereas tintinnids dominate the deep ciliate populations. Small copepods were dominant in the epi- and meso-pelagic zone. By contrast, foraminiferans, big copepods and myctophic fishes were more abundant in the deep ocean

    Desenvolvimento abrangente de alunos da Educação Infantil por meio de dança flamenca e jogos interativos

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    Resumen: Introducción: la finalidad de la Educación infantil es la de contribuir al desarrollo físico, afectivo, social e intelectual de los niños y las niñas, es decir, a su desarrollo integral. Dentro del ámbito físico, la psicomotricidad juega un papel fundamental en la etapa de Educación Infantil, sin embargo, en la práctica se sigue observando que a la educación motriz no se le da el valor que realmente tiene en esta etapa educativa. Este estudio parte de la idea de conocer cómo recursos innovadores como son el juego interactivo y el baile flamenco pueden contribuir en el desarrollo integral del alumnado para darlo a conocer a los profesionales de la Educación Infantil y que, a partir de las experiencias de otros compañeros, se despierte en ellos el interés por ponerlas en práctica. Objetivos: conocer la influencia de la danza y el juego en el desarrollo integral del niño haciendo especial hincapié en el desarrollo motriz. Métodos: revisión de la literatura científica consultando relevantes bases de datos. Resultados: la revisión realizada demuestra que tanto el baile flamenco como el juego interactivo favorecen el desarrollo integral del alumnado. Conclusiones: si se quiere alcanzar un desarrollo integral, debemos tener en cuenta el juego y otros recursos motivadores motores como el baile flamenco.Abstract: Introduction: the purpose of Early Childhood Education is to contribute to the physical, emotional, social and intellectual development of children, that is, to their integral development. Within the physical environment, psychomotor skills play a fundamental role in the Infant Education stage; however, in practice it is still observed that motor education is not given the value it really has at this stage of education. This study is based on the idea of knowing how innovative resources such as interactive games and flamenco dance can contribute to the integral development of the students, in order to make them known to professionals in infant education and, based on the experiences of other classmates, to awaken in them an interest in putting them into practice. Aim: to know the influence of dance and play on the child's comprehensive development, with special emphasis on motor development. Methods: review of the scientific literature relevant consultation databases. Results: the review carried out shows that both flamenco dance and interactive games favour the integral development of students. Conclusions: if you want to achieve an integral development, we must take into account the game and other motivating motor resources such as flamenco dance.Resumo: Introdução: o objetivo da Educação Infantil é contribuir para o desenvolvimento físico, emocional, social e intelectual de meninos e meninas, ou seja, para seu desenvolvimento integral. No âmbito físico, a psicomotricidade desempenha papel fundamental na etapa da Educação Infantil, no entanto, na prática, continua sendo observado que a educação motora não recebe o valor que realmente tem nessa etapa educacional. Este estudo parte da idéia de saber como recursos inovadores, como a brincadeira interativa e a dança flamenca, podem contribuir para o desenvolvimento abrangente dos alunos, para torná-los conhecidos pelos profissionais da Educação Infantil e, com base nas experiências de outros colegas de classe o interesse em colocá-los em prática é despertado neles. Objectivos: conhecer a influência da dança e da brincadeira no desenvolvimento abrangente da criança, com ênfase especial no desenvolvimento motor. Métodos: revisão da literatura científica consultando bases de dados relevantes. Resultados: a revisão realizada mostra que tanto a dança flamenca como os jogos interactivos favorecem o desenvolvimento integral dos alunos. Conclusões: se você deseja alcançar um desenvolvimento abrangente, devemos levar em consideração o jogo e outros recursos motivadores, como a dança flamenca