4,233 research outputs found

    One-dimensional definable topological spaces in o-minimal structures

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    We study the properties of topological spaces (X,τ)(X,\tau), where XX is a definable set in an o-minimal structure and the topology τ\tau on XX has a basis that is (uniformly) definable. Examples of such spaces include the canonical euclidean topology on definable sets, definable order topologies, definable quotient spaces and definable metric spaces. We use o-minimality to undertake their study in topological terms, focussing here in particular on spaces of dimension one. We present several results, given in terms of piecewise decompositions and existence of definable embeddings and homeomorphisms, for various classes of spaces that are described in terms of classical separation axioms and definable analogues of properties such as separability, compactness and metrizability. For example, we prove that all Hausdorff one-dimensional definable topologies are piecewise the euclidean, discrete, or upper or lower limit topology; we give a characterization of all one-dimensional, regular, Hausdorff definable topologies in terms of spaces that have a lexicographic ordering or a topology generalizing the Alexandrov double of the euclidean topology; and we show that, if the underlying structure expands an ordered field, then any one-dimensional Hausdorff definable topology that is piecewise euclidean is definably homeomorphic to a euclidean space. As applications of these results, we prove definable versions of several open conjectures from set-theoretic topology, due to Gruenhage and Fremlin, on the existence of a 3-element basis for regular, Hausdorff topologies and on the nature of perfectly normal, compact, Hausdorff spaces; we obtain universality results for some classes of Hausdorff and regular topologies; and we characterize when certain metrizable definable topologies admit a definable metric

    A sequence analysis of behaviors in immersive virtual reality for indoor earthquake and post-earthquake evacuation

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    Behavioral sequence analysis (BSA) gives insights to understand and model individual behaviors. The present study uses BSA for a virtual earthquake. The virtual earthquake drill was facilitated by a head-mounted display (HMD)-based immersive virtual reality (IVR) system. Eighty-three participants experienced a full earthquake and post-earthquake evacuation in a virtual hospital building. Concurrent verbal protocol analysis (VPA) and retrospective video analysis of the footage of participants’ in-IVR behaviors have been conducted to identify the behavioral sequence of participants. As a result, behavioral transition diagrams are generated, showing the progression of behaviors exhibited in the virtual earthquake drill. A variety of behavioral paths for each individual participant is presented using a visual analytics approach. The behavioral transition diagrams and behavioral paths expose the full picture of human behaviors in an earthquake emergency, which are vital to developing behavior-oriented strategies for earthquake emergencies.Publishe

    Quantitative study of hydration of C3S and C2S by thermal analysis. Evolution and composition of C-S-H gels formed

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    This research is part of a European project (namely, CODICE project), main objective of which is modelling, at a multi-scale, the evolution of the mechanical performance of non-degraded and degraded cementitious matrices. For that, a series of experiments were planned with pure synthetic tri-calcium silicate (C3S) and bi-calcium silicate (C2S) (main components of the Portland cement clinker) to obtain different calcium–silicate–hydrate (C–S–H) gel structures during their hydration. The characterization of those C–S–H gels and matrices will provide experimental parameters for the validation of the multi-scale modelling scheme proposed. In this article, a quantitative method, based on thermal analyses, has been used for the determination of the chemical composition of the C–S–H gel together with the degree of hydration and quantitative evolution of all the components of the pastes. Besides, the microstructure and type of silicate tetrahedron and mean chain length (MCL) were studied by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and 29Si magic-angle-spinning (MAS) NMR, respectively. The main results showed that the chemical compositions for the C–S–H gels have a CaO/SiO2 M ratio almost constant of 1.7 for both C3S and C2S compounds. Small differences were found in the gel water content: the H2O/SiO2 M ratio ranged from 2.9 ± 0.2 to 2.6 ± 0.2 for the C3S (decrease) and from 2.4 ± 0.2 to 3.2 ± 0.2 for the C2S (increase). The MCL values of the C–S–H gels, determined from 29Si MAS NMR, were 3.5 and 4 silicate tetrahedron, for the hydrated C3S and C2S, respectively, remaining almost constant at all hydration periods

    Four-Dimensional Computed Tomography-Based Treatment Planning for Intensity-Modulated Radiation Therapy and Proton Therapy for Distal Esophageal Cancer

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    Purpose: To compare three-dimensional (3D) and four-dimensional (4D) computed tomography (CT)-based treatment plans for proton therapy or intensity-modulated radiation therapy (IMRT) for esophageal cancer in terms of doses to the lung, heart, and spinal cord and variations in target coverage and normal tissue sparing. Methods and Materials: The IMRT and proton plans for 15 patients with distal esophageal cancer were designed from the 3D average CT scans and then recalculated on 10 4D CT data sets. Dosimetric data were compared for tumor coverage and normal tissue sparing. Results: Compared with IMRT, median lung volumes exposed to 5, 10, and 20 Gy and mean lung dose were reduced by 35.6%, 20.5%, 5.8%, and 5.1 Gy for a two-beam proton plan and by 17.4%, 8.4%, 5%, and 2.9 Gy for a three-beam proton plan. The greater lung sparing in the two-beam proton plan was achieved at the expense of less conformity to the target (conformity index [CI], 1.99) and greater irradiation of the heart (heart-V40, 41.8%) compared with the IMRT plan(CI, 1.55, heart-V40, 35.7%) or the three-beam proton plan (CI, 1.46, heart-V40, 27.7%). Target coverage differed by more than 2% between the 3D and 4D plans for patients with substantial diaphragm motion in the three-beam proton and IMRT plans. The difference in spinal cord maximum dose between 3D and 4D plans could exceed 5 Gy for the proton plans partly owing to variations in stomach gas filling. Conclusions: Proton therapy provided significantly better sparing of lung than did IMRT. Diaphragm motion and stomach gas-filling must be considered in evaluating target coverage and cord doses. © 2008 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved

    Regulating mobility in the Peruvian Andes: road safety, social hierarchies and governmentality in Cusco's rural provinces

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    Significant developments in road safety regulation have taken place in Peru during recent years, reflecting international efforts to reduce worldwide fatalities and injuries. A series of measures has sought to bring about transformations in governmentality among passengers on public transport. Seen ethnographically, these have had uneven success on the ground. In rural provinces of Cusco, situated histories and sociologies of mobility have sometimes led to ambivalence, unobtrusive resistance or reinforcement of discriminatory attitudes. This article explores how reception of the regulations has been refracted through class, ethnic and geographical divisions within Peruvian society, and argues for both the applied and theoretical utility of anthropological study of road safety governance

    Shigella sonnei infection of zebrafish reveals that O-antigen mediates neutrophil tolerance and dysentery incidence.

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    Funder: Lister Institute of Preventive Medicine; funder-id: http://dx.doi.org/10.13039/501100001255Shigella flexneri is historically regarded as the primary agent of bacillary dysentery, yet the closely-related Shigella sonnei is replacing S. flexneri, especially in developing countries. The underlying reasons for this dramatic shift are mostly unknown. Using a zebrafish (Danio rerio) model of Shigella infection, we discover that S. sonnei is more virulent than S. flexneri in vivo. Whole animal dual-RNAseq and testing of bacterial mutants suggest that S. sonnei virulence depends on its O-antigen oligosaccharide (which is unique among Shigella species). We show in vivo using zebrafish and ex vivo using human neutrophils that S. sonnei O-antigen can mediate neutrophil tolerance. Consistent with this, we demonstrate that O-antigen enables S. sonnei to resist phagolysosome acidification and promotes neutrophil cell death. Chemical inhibition or promotion of phagolysosome maturation respectively decreases and increases neutrophil control of S. sonnei and zebrafish survival. Strikingly, larvae primed with a sublethal dose of S. sonnei are protected against a secondary lethal dose of S. sonnei in an O-antigen-dependent manner, indicating that exposure to O-antigen can train the innate immune system against S. sonnei. Collectively, these findings reveal O-antigen as an important therapeutic target against bacillary dysentery, and may explain the rapidly increasing S. sonnei burden in developing countries

    Phenotypic Variation and Bistable Switching in Bacteria

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    Microbial research generally focuses on clonal populations. However, bacterial cells with identical genotypes frequently display different phenotypes under identical conditions. This microbial cell individuality is receiving increasing attention in the literature because of its impact on cellular differentiation, survival under selective conditions, and the interaction of pathogens with their hosts. It is becoming clear that stochasticity in gene expression in conjunction with the architecture of the gene network that underlies the cellular processes can generate phenotypic variation. An important regulatory mechanism is the so-called positive feedback, in which a system reinforces its own response, for instance by stimulating the production of an activator. Bistability is an interesting and relevant phenomenon, in which two distinct subpopulations of cells showing discrete levels of gene expression coexist in a single culture. In this chapter, we address techniques and approaches used to establish phenotypic variation, and relate three well-characterized examples of bistability to the molecular mechanisms that govern these processes, with a focus on positive feedback.

    Spectroscopic Time-series Performance of JWST/NIRSpec from Commissioning Observations

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    We report on JWST commissioning observations of the transiting exoplanet HAT-P-14 b, obtained using the Bright Object Time Series (BOTS) mode of the NIRSpec instrument with the G395H/F290LP grating/filter combination (35μ3-5\mum). While the data were used primarily to verify that the NIRSpec BOTS mode is working as expected, and to enable it for general scientific use, they yield a precise transmission spectrum which we find is featureless down to the precision level of the instrument, consistent with expectations given HAT-P-14~b's small scale-height and hence expected atmospheric features. The exquisite quality and stability of the \emph{JWST/NIRSpec} transit spectrum -- almost devoid of any systematic effects -- allowed us to obtain median uncertainties of 50-60 ppm in this wavelength range at a resolution of R=100R=100 in a single exposure, which is in excellent agreement with pre-flight expectations and close to the (or at the) photon-noise limit for a J=9.094J = 9.094, F-type star like HAT-P-14. These observations showcase the ability of NIRSpec/BOTS to perform cutting-edge transiting exoplanet atmospheric science, setting the stage for observations and discoveries to be made in Cycle 1 and beyond.Comment: 16 pages, 14 figures; part of the PASP Focus Issue "JWST Time-Series Observations: Commissioning Performance". Paper after the first round of referee comments; inputs welcom