2,809 research outputs found

    The Integration of Western Hemisphere Grain Markets in the Eighteenth Century: Early Progress and Decline of Globalization

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    In this work it is shown evidence supporting the idea that, if globalization is defined as the convergence of commodity prices between distant markets, the process started and advanced gradually in the eighteenth century instead of suddenly appearing after 1820, as claimed by the canonical version developed in a series of important works by O’Rourke and Williamson (1999, 2002, 2004). We use long time-series of grain prices for several markets in Western Europe and the Americas to explore the extent and dynamics of market integration across the Western Hemisphere throughout the eighteenth century. An innovative methodology, consisting in studying the standard deviations of the innovations in the ARMA model of pairwise relative prices between markets, is used. A general decrease in price dispersion is observed when the early eighteenth century is compared with the three decades preceding 1793. Neither Argentina nor Mexico participated in this general trend towards closer market integration across the Western Hemisphere. From 1793 to 1828 we observe a substantial increase in dispersion between markets. After this first backlash, globalization resumed at an unprecedented pace since it was favored by the transport revolution and other factors.En este trabajo se muestra que, si se acepta la definición de globalización como convergencia de los precios de mercancías de amplio consumo entre mercados distantes entre sí, el proceso comenzó y avanzó gradualmente in el siglo XVIII en vez de “explotar” después de 1820, como sostiene la versión canónica desarrollada en una serie de importantes trabajos de O’Rourke y Williamson (1999, 2002 y 2004). Usamos series históricas largas de precios de granos en varios mercados de Europa Occidental y América para determinar el alcance y la dinámica de la integración de mercados en el Hemisferio Occidental durante el siglo XVIII. Nuestra metodología es original, pues consiste en estudiar las desviaciones standard de las innovaciones en los modelos ARMA de las series de precios relativos entre pares de mercados. Un descenso general de la dispersión de precios se observa al comparar los inicios del siglo XVIII con las tres décadas que preceden a 1793. Ni Argentina ni México participan en esta tendencia general hacia una mayor integración de los mercados del Hemisferio Occidental. Entre 1793 y 1828 observamos un aumento sustancial de la dispersión entre mercados. Tras este primer retroceso, la globalización se relanzó a un ritmo antes desconocido gracias a la revolución de los transportes y otros factores.market integration, globalization, mercados de integración, globalización.

    A Topological-Based Method for Allocating Sensors by Using CSP Techniques

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    Model-based diagnosis enables isolation of faults of a system. The diagnosis process uses a set of sensors (observations) and a model of the system in order to explain a wrong behaviour. In this work, a new approach is proposed with the aim of improving the computational complexity for isolating faults in a system. The key idea is the addition of a set of new sensors which allows the improvement of the diagnosability of the system. The methodology is based on constraint programming and a greedy method for improving the computational complexity of the CSP resolution. Our approach maintains the requirements of the user (detectability, diagnosability,. . .).Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología DPI2003-07146-C02-0

    The human side of leadership: Inspirational leadership effects on follower characteristics and happiness at work (HAW)

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    Leadership has received significant attention over the past years. Now is the time to refine how leaders impact on followers and their attitudes. This study examines how inspirational leaders influence follower characteristics (FC), and in turn, their happiness at work. In this study, the mediating effect of follower characteristics in the relationship between inspirational leadership and happiness at work was specifically examined. Data was gathered from 389 frontline banking employees working in Italian and Spanish banks. A confirmatory factor analysis revealed a positive partial mediating role of follower characteristics in the relationship between inspirational leadership and happiness at work. Results showed that inspirational leadership exerts a more positive influence on followers' happiness at work when follower characteristics are more positive. Our discussion highlights the importance of understanding the role of the follower characteristics that are involved in the effectiveness of inspirational leadership

    An Integration of FDI and DX Techniques for Determining the Minimal Diagnosis in an Automatic Way

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    Two communities work in parallel in model-based diagnosis: FDI and DX. In this work an integration of the FDI and the DX communities is proposed. Only relevant information for the identification of the minimal diagnosis is used. In the first step, the system is divided into clusters of components, and each cluster is separated into nodes. The minimal and necessary set of contexts is then obtained for each cluster. These two steps automatically reduce the computational complexity since only the essential contexts are generated. In the last step, a signature matrix and a set of rules are used in order to obtain the minimal diagnosis. The evaluation of the signature matrix is on-line, the rest of the process is totally off-line.Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología DPI2003-07146-C02-0

    Diagnosing Errors in DbC Programs Using Constraint Programming

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    Model-Based Diagnosis allows to determine why a correctly designed system does not work as it was expected. In this paper, we propose a methodology for software diagnosis which is based on the combination of Design by Contract, Model-Based Diagnosis and Constraint Programming. The contracts are specified by assertions embedded in the source code. These assertions and an abstraction of the source code are transformed into constraints, in order to obtain the model of the system. Afterwards, a goal function is created for detecting which assertions or source code statements are incorrect. The application of this methodology is automatic and is based on Constraint Programming techniques. The originality of this work stems from the transformation of contracts and source code into constraints, in order to determine which assertions and source code statements are not consistent with the specification.Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología DPI2003-07146-C02-0

    Erótica y Saber a propósito de un cuento de Las Mil y Una Noches

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    Las Mil y una noches es una colección de cuentos. En muchos de ellos se exponen saberes que se han ido elaborando en diversos pueblos a lo largo de la historia. Uno de ellos recoge la concepción que sobre el amor como tendencia hacia el saber creó y desarrolló la filosofía griega desde Platón. En este artículo se recuerda brevemente este proceso de construcción a través de la filosofía griega, el mundo cristiano y el islam medieval para esbozar finalmente el cuento de Las Mil y una noches.The Thousand and One Nights is a collection of tales; many of which exposed a wisdom elaborated along the history by various peoples. A tale collects the conception that Greek philosophy, since Plato, set up and developed about love as a trend toward wisdom. In this article, I recall shortly this process through Greek philosophy, Christian world and medieval Islam, and I finally sketch the tale of the Thousand and One Nights