1,111 research outputs found

    Testing M2T/T2M Transformations

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    Presentado en: 16th International Conference on Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems (MODELS 2013). Del 29 de septiembre al 4 de octubre. Miami, EEUU.Testing model-to-model (M2M) transformations is becoming a prominent topic in the current Model-driven Engineering landscape. Current approaches for transformation testing, however, assume having explicit model representations for the input domain and for the output domain of the transformation. This excludes other important transformation kinds, such as model-to-text (M2T) and text-to-model (T2M) transformations, from being properly tested since adequate model representations are missing either for the input domain or for the output domain. The contribution of this paper to overcome this gap is extending Tracts, a M2M transformation testing approach, for M2T/T2M transformation testing. The main mechanism we employ for reusing Tracts is to represent text within a generic metamodel. By this, we transform the M2T/T2M transformation specification problems into equivalent M2M transformation specification problems. We demonstrate the applicability of the approach by two examples and present how the approach is implemented for the Eclipse Modeling Framework (EMF). Finally, we apply the approach to evaluate code generation capabilities of several existing UML tools.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech. Proyecto TIN2011-2379

    Análisis del clima urbano a partir de imágenes de satélite en el centro peninsular español

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    In this paper, urban thermic island of some cities of central Spain (Madrid, Segovia, Ávila, Guadalajara and Toledo), with very different natural and social characteristics, has been analyzed. Field-city thermic contrasts have been drawn out through NOAA and Landsat images, as well as weather stations data. Diurnal temperatures are often lower inside the cities than on not urbanised areas of their surroundings. This urban thermical anomaly seems to be related to the different heating-cooling rate of the land cover, so «urban heat island» is only apparent by night, while, inversely, during day time these cities show an «urban cool island» in relation to their neighbouring areas. In this way, cities work as heat accumulators during day time and releasing the stored energy during night.Este trabajo analiza la isla térmica urbana de ciudades del centro de España (Madrid, Segovia, Ávila, Guadalajara y Toledo), con características físicas y humanas muy dispares. El contraste térmico campo-ciudad se analiza a partir de la información aportada por los satélites NOAA y Landsat y por las estaciones meteorológicas. Las temperaturas diurnas resultan con frecuencia más bajas en el interior de las ciudades que en las áreas no urbanizadas de su entorno. Esta anomalía térmica urbana diurna parece responder al distinto ritmo de caldeamiento-enfriamiento de los materiales, de modo que la «isla de calor urbana» sólo se manifiesta por la noche, mientras que durante el día las ciudades estudiadas muestran una «isla de frío» respecto a su entorno. Así, las ciudades estarían funcionando como acumuladores térmicos durante el día, y liberando la energía almacenada en todo el entramado urbano por la noche

    Effect of Design Parameters on Compressive and Split Tensile Strength of Self-Compacting Concrete with Recycled Aggregate: An Overview

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    [EN] One of the prime objectives of this review is to understand the role of design parameters on the mechanical properties (Compressive and split tensile strength) of Self-Compacting Concrete (SCC) with recycled aggregates (Recycled Coarse Aggregates (RCA) and Recycled Fine Aggregates (RFA)). The design parameters considered for review are Water to Cement (W/C) ratio, Water to Binder (W/B) ratio, Total Aggregates to Cement (TA/C) ratio, Fine Aggregate to Coarse Aggregate (FA/CA) ratio, Water to Solid (W/S) ratio in percentage, superplasticizer (SP) content (kg/cu.m), replacement percentage of RCA, and replacement percentage of RFA. It is observed that with respect to different grades of SCC, designed parameters affect the mechanical properties of SCC with recycled aggregates

    ROM-Based Finite State Machine Implementation in Low Cost FPGAs

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    This work presents a technique for the resource optimization of input multiplexed ROM-based Finite State Machines. This technique exploits the don't care value of the inputs to reduce the memory size as well as multiplexer complexity. This technique has been applied to a publicly available FSM benchmarks and implemented in a low-cost FPGA. Results have been compared with tools supported ROM and standard logic cells implementations. In a significant number of test cases, the proposed technique is the best design alternative, both in resource requirements and speed

    Caprellid assemblages (Crustacea: Amphipoda) in shallow waters invaded by Caulerpa racemosa var. cylindracea from southeastern Spain

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    Growth of the invasive algae Caulerpa racemosa var. cylindracea in shallow habitats may inXuence the faunal assemblage composition. We studied its eVects on caprellid assemblages associated with shallow-water habitats of hard and soft bottoms from the SE Iberian Peninsula (native rocky-bottom algae, C. racemosa from hard and soft bottoms, and Caulerpa prolifera, Cymodocea nodosa and Posidonia oceanica from soft bottoms). Samples were taken in two diVerent sampling periods (September 2004 and March 2005). A total of seven caprellid species were identiWed, with important diVerences in their distribution in diVerent habitats. Total abundance of caprellids was very high in March on native algae on hard bottoms, and on C. racemosa on both soft and hard bottoms. On both hard and soft bottoms, abundances of Caprella hirsuta recorded from C. racemosa were low. On the other hand, a higher abundance of other species, namely C. acanthifera, C. santosrosai, Phtisica marina and Pseudoprotella phasma, was recorded from C. racemosa. The results indicate that C. racemosa may have a positive inXuence on some caprellid species, while seasonal changes are also evident. It is concluded that introduced C. racemosa may serve as a new habitat, promoting and maintaining caprellid populations in shallow Mediterranean habitats.Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia de España y fondos FEDER de la Unión Europea. CGL2007-60044/BOSConsejería de Innovación, Ciencia y Empresa de la Junta de Andalucía. P07-RNM-0252

    The Canary Deep Poleward Undercurrent

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    Poleward undercurrents are well known features in Eastern Boundary systems. In the California Current Eastern Boundary upwelling system (CalCEBS) the California poleward undercurrent has been widely reported, and it has been demonstrated that it transports nutrients from the equator waters to the northern limit of the subtropical gyre. However, in the Canary Current Eastern Boundary upwelling system (CanCEBS), the Canary deep poleward undercurrent (CdPU) has not been properly characterized. In this study, we use trajectories of Argo floats and model simulations to properly characterize the CdPU, including its seasonal variability, and the driving mechanism. The Argo observations show that the CdPU flows from 20oN, near cape Blanc, to, approximately, 45oN, near cape Finisterre in the northwest Spanish’s coast. The CdPU flows deeper than the CalUC, and its mean depth varies with latitude, from the surface at 20oN to 900 m at 44oN. The CdPU shows a marked seasonal variability, with it maximum strength in fall, and the minimum in spring

    Fast optimized Monte Carlo phase-space generation and dose prediction for low energy x-ray intra-operative radiation therapy

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    Low energy x-ray intra-operative radiation therapy (IORT) is used mostly for breast cancer treatment with spherical applicators. X-ray IORT treatment delivered during surgery (ex: INTRABEAM (R), Carl Zeiss) can benefit from accurate and fast dose prediction in a patient 3D volume. However, full Monte Carlo (MC) simulations are time-consuming and no commercial treatment planning system (TPS) was available for this treatment delivery technique. Therefore, the aim of this work is to develop a dose computation tool based on MC phase space information, which computes fast and accurate dose distributions for spherical and needle INTRABEAM (R) applicators. First, a database of monoenergetic phase-space (PHSP) files and depth dose profiles (DDPs) in water for each applicator is generated at factory and stored for on-site use. During commissioning of a given INTRABEAM (R) unit, the proposed fast and optimized phase-space (FOPS) generation process creates a phase-space at the exit of the applicator considered, by fitting the energy spectrum of the source to a combination of the monoenergetic precomputed phase-spaces, by means of a genetic algorithm, with simple experimental data of DDPs in water provided by the user. An in-house hybrid MC (HMC) algorithm which takes into account condensed history simulations of photoelectric, Rayleigh and Compton interactions for x-rays up to 1 MeV computes the dose from the optimized phase-space file. The whole process has been validated against radiochromic films in water as well as reference MC simulations performed with pen Easy in heterogeneous phantoms. From the pre-computed monoenergetic PHSP files and DDPs, building the PHSP file optimized to a particular depth-dose curve in water only takes a few minutes in a single core ([email protected] GHz), for all the applicators considered in this work, and this needs to be done only when the x-ray source (XRS) is replaced. Once the phase-space file is ready, the HMC code is able to compute dose distributions within 10 min. For all the applicators, more than 95% of voxels from dose distributions computed with the FOPS+hybrid code agreed within 7%-0.5 mm with both reference MC simulations and measurements. The method proposed has been fully validated and it is now implemented into radiance (GMV SA, Spain), the first commercial IORT TPS

    Propuesta para la elaboración de prácticas de codiseño de bajo coste

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    En esta comunicación se presenta una propuesta para la elaboración de prácticas de sistemas digitales basados en codiseño. A partir de un estudio de los distintos elementos presentes en sistemas de este tipo y teniendo como objetivo la utilización de recursos de bajo coste, se proponen distintas alternativas. Como ejemplo de aplicación se describe un pequeño coprocesador de imágenes, que ha sido utilizado por los autores para realizar sesiones de prácticas durante dos cursos consecutivos alcanzando resultados satisfactorios