69 research outputs found

    Effects of a soluble dietary fibre NUTRIOSEÂź on colonic fermentation and excretion rates in rats

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    The resistant dextrin NUTRIOSEÂź, developed from starch, is expected to act as a prebiotic. The aim of this study was to determine the effects of NUTRIOSEÂź on cecal parameters, short-chain fatty acid (SCFA) concentrations, and fecal excretion in rats. In an initial experiment, twenty-four male Fischer F344 rats were randomly assigned to one of the following four treatments for 14 days: G0 (control diet), G2.5 (control diet + 2.5% of dextrin), G5 (control diet + 5% of dextrin), and G10 (control diet + 10% of dextrin). After 14 days, total cecal weight, cecal content, and cecal wall weight were significantly increased in G5 and G10 compared to G0. At the same time, cecal pH was significantly lower in G10 compared to G0. Total SCFA concentration was significantly higher in G10 than in G5, G2.5, and G0, and significantly higher in G5 than in G0. Acetate, butyrate, and propionate concentrations were significantly increased in G5 and G10 compared to the controls. In a second trial based on a similar design, eighteen male Fischer F344 rats were treated with a control diet supplemented with 5% of dextrin or 5% of fructo-oligosaccharide. The results obtained with NUTRIOSEÂź were similar to those obtained with the fructo-oligosaccharide. In a third experiment, two groups of 5 Fischer F344 rats were orally treated with 100 and 1,000 mg/kg NUTRIOSEÂź, respectively, and from 18% to 25% of the dextrin was excreted in the feces. The results of these three studies show that the consumption of NUTRIOSEÂź, by its effects on total cecal weight, cecal content, cecal wall weight, pH, and SCFA production, could induce healthy benefits since these effects are reported to be prebiotic effects

    JCO Clin Cancer Inform

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    PURPOSE: Many institutions throughout the world have launched precision medicine initiatives in oncology, and a large amount of clinical and genomic data is being produced. Although there have been attempts at data sharing with the community, initiatives are still limited. In this context, a French task force composed of Integrated Cancer Research Sites (SIRICs), comprehensive cancer centers from the Unicancer network (one of Europe's largest cancer research organization), and university hospitals launched an initiative to improve and accelerate retrospective and prospective clinical and genomic data sharing in oncology. MATERIALS AND METHODS: For 5 years, the OSIRIS group has worked on structuring data and identifying technical solutions for collecting and sharing them. The group used a multidisciplinary approach that included weekly scientific and technical meetings over several months to foster a national consensus on a minimal data set. RESULTS: The resulting OSIRIS set and event-based data model, which is able to capture the disease course, was built with 67 clinical and 65 omics items. The group made it compatible with the HL7 Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources (FHIR) format to maximize interoperability. The OSIRIS set was reviewed, approved by a National Plan Strategic Committee, and freely released to the community. A proof-of-concept study was carried out to put the OSIRIS set and Common Data Model into practice using a cohort of 300 patients. CONCLUSION: Using a national and bottom-up approach, the OSIRIS group has defined a model including a minimal set of clinical and genomic data that can be used to accelerate data sharing produced in oncology. The model relies on clear and formally defined terminologies and, as such, may also benefit the larger international community

    Cross-ocean patterns and processes in fish biodiversity on coral reefs through the lens of eDNA metabarcoding

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    Increasing speed and magnitude of global change threaten the world's biodiversity and particularly coral reef fishes. A better understanding of large-scale patterns and processes on coral reefs is essential to prevent fish biodiversity decline but it requires new monitoring approaches. Here, we use environmental DNA metabarcoding to reconstruct well-known patterns of fish biodiversity on coral reefs and uncover hidden patterns on these highly diverse and threatened ecosystems. We analysed 226 environmental DNA (eDNA) seawater samples from 100 stations in five tropical regions (Caribbean, Central and Southwest Pacific, Coral Triangle and Western Indian Ocean) and compared those to 2047 underwater visual censuses from the Reef Life Survey in 1224 stations. Environmental DNA reveals a higher (16%) fish biodiversity, with 2650 taxa, and 25% more families than underwater visual surveys. By identifying more pelagic, reef-associated and crypto-benthic species, eDNA offers a fresh view on assembly rules across spatial scales. Nevertheless, the reef life survey identified more species than eDNA in 47 shared families, which can be due to incomplete sequence assignment, possibly combined with incomplete detection in the environment, for some species. Combining eDNA metabarcoding and extensive visual census offers novel insights on the spatial organization of the richest marine ecosystems

    L'intĂ©rĂȘt des indicateurs de performances dans la gestion des services d'eau et d'assainissement

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    In France, the fields of water and sewerage services have undergone great change over the past twenty years. It is now obvious that the operator, either public or private, has to account for his activity and has to fulfil his commitment, not only in terms of price, but also in terms of the content of the service. The reinforcement of regulation and transparency is all the more important in France because the price increase has been badly accepted by the users. This article reviews the possible introduction of performance measurement by indicators in the water services and underlines the prospect and the current applications in France, notably for the regulation involving local authorities.En France, la gestion des services d'eau et d'assainissement a connu des changements importants au court des vingt derniĂšres annĂ©es. Il est devenu Ă©vident que l'exploitant, qu'il soit d'ailleurs public ou privĂ©, doit dĂ©sormais rendre des comptes sur son activitĂ© et tenir ses engagements non seulement en terme de prix, mais aussi en terme de contenu du service. Le renforcement de la rĂ©gulation et de la transparence dans le secteur de l'eau est d'autant plus important que l''augmentation du prix de l''eau a Ă©tĂ© mal acceptĂ©e par les usagers. Cet article fait le point sur l''introduction possible de la mesure de performance par indicateurs dans les services d'eau, sur les apports que l'on peut en attendre et sur les applications en cours en France, notamment pour la rĂ©gulation impliquant les collectivitĂ©s locales.Guerin-Schneider Laetitia. L'intĂ©rĂȘt des indicateurs de performances dans la gestion des services d'eau et d'assainissement. In: Eau et Ă©conomie. 27Ăšmes JournĂ©es de l'Hydraulique. CongrĂšs de la SociĂ©tĂ© Hydrotechnique de France. Paris, 24 au 26 septembre 2002. 2002

    Il n'y a pas de grandes personnes

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    International audienceÀ partir du dĂ©veloppement d’un cas, il s’agit d’interroger l’implication du processus adolescent dans le dĂ©clenchement d’une psychose paranoĂŻaque. Cette rĂ©flexion s’étaye sur la conception lacanienne de la psychose relativement Ă  la logique prĂ©cise de son dĂ©clenchement. Elle questionne particuliĂšrement la temporalitĂ© de celui-ci Ă  travers ses dĂ©terminations temporelles diachroniques et/ou synchroniques

    Il n'y a pas de grandes personnes

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    International audienceÀ partir du dĂ©veloppement d’un cas, il s’agit d’interroger l’implication du processus adolescent dans le dĂ©clenchement d’une psychose paranoĂŻaque. Cette rĂ©flexion s’étaye sur la conception lacanienne de la psychose relativement Ă  la logique prĂ©cise de son dĂ©clenchement. Elle questionne particuliĂšrement la temporalitĂ© de celui-ci Ă  travers ses dĂ©terminations temporelles diachroniques et/ou synchroniques

    Governance and Regulation of the Urban Water Sector: Quoi de Neuf?

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    This chapter examines three broad themes of change in governance and regulation which have emerged in recent decades in the urban water supply, treatment, and wastewater sector - collectively described here as the 'urban water sector'. In brief, these themes are the devolution in management and control, increased sophistication in regulation, and the re-emergency of social and environmental concerns

    Le service public d'eau délégué : du contrÎle local des moyens au suivi de la performance

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    ContrÎle des moyens ou contrÎle des résultats ? Cette question est particuliÚrement significative dans le domaine de la délégation des services publics d'eau. Alors que la réglementation et la pratique poussent actuellement vers la premiÚre solution, cet article montre que le suivi local des coûts reste souvent illusoire. Au contraire, la fixation toujours plus fine des objectifs et le suivi de la performance donnent aux gestionnaires publics un nouvel outil pour stimuler la qualité de leurs services. Cela dit, il reste à mettre en place les conditions effectives de ce suivi des performances et à concevoir un dispositif concret de régulation compatible avec les particularités du systÚme français.Guerin-Schneider Laetitia, Nakhla Michel. Le service public d'eau délégué : du contrÎle local des moyens au suivi de la performance. In: Politiques et management public, vol. 18, n° 1, 2000. pp. 105-123
