243 research outputs found

    Does Who We Are Influence What We Say? The Impact of Organizational Identity on Responses to Ethical Issues

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    Business organizations frequently face ethical issues which may lead stakeholders to question the competence or integrity of organizational actors. In such cases, the way the organization communicates with its stakeholders can play a critical role in preserving or restoring organizational reputation, financial performance, and trust. Thus, understanding factors that influence organizational communication in the wake of ethical issues is important. Previous research has focused on the impact of situational characteristics on organizational responses and stakeholder reactions to those responses but has not explored the role that organizational characteristics play in shaping firms\u27 responses to ethical issues. The current study seeks to understand how organizational characteristics influence responses to ethical issues. The focus of the paper is the initial communicative response, defined as the first public statement made by an organization regarding an issue which may be perceived as an ethical one. This study examines responses to one type of ethical issue which many companies face - financial restatements. The outcomes of interest in this study are the prominence and informativeness of restatement announcements made by organizations after learning of a need to correct previous financial misstatements. Hypotheses focus on the influence of organizational characteristics on restatement announcements, using an organizational identity framework. Specifically, it is predicted that organizational identity orientation and the extent to which social responsibility is included in the content of an organization\u27s identity will shape managers\u27 perceptions of and responses to ethical issues. Results provide evidence of a relationship between a relational/collectivistic OIO and the informativeness of a firm\u27s initial restatement announcement as well as a positive correlation between the magnitude of the restatement and the informativeness of the restatement announcement. Results also show a significant negative interaction between a relational/collectivistic OIO and the magnitude of the restatement in predicting the amount of information provided. The interaction between commitment to social responsibility and the magnitude of the restatement in predicting the informativeness of the announcement is marginally significant and positive. Taken together, these findings provide evidence that organizational characteristics can influence responses to ethical issues and also interact with situational factors to further influence responses to these issues

    Gimme shelter: the I built house

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    Owning a home has always been the Great American Dream. It is not possible to achieve this dream in all cases, as many Americans are affected by a variety of social and economic factors that prevent them from purchasing the quality of housing that they desire. The I Built Housing System was developed in response to this problem, and allows Americans to purchase a house that is much larger than what they could afford had they chosen to build a house using traditional construction methods. The I Built House is broken up into a series of prefabricated modular components that allow the homeowner to assemble the house using an instruction manual. This system virtually eliminates on-site labor costs, which typically account for half of the construction cost of the house. Homeowners can choose from a variety of designs that are published in the I Built House Catalog. The I Built Housing System allows the house to be taken apart or altered at any time in the future, which allows the house to respond to the changing needs of the American family

    Draft genome sequence of Colletotrichum acutatum sensu lato (Colletotrichum fioriniae)

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    In addition to its economic impact, Colletotrichum acutatum sensu lato is an interesting model for molecular investigations due to the diversity of host-determined specialization and reproductive lifestyles within the species complex. The pathogen Colletotrichum fioriniae forms part of this species complex and causes anthracnose in a wide range of crops and wild plants worldwide. Some members of this species have also been reported to be entomopathogenic. Here, we report the draft genome sequence of a heterothallic reference isolate of C. fioriniae (strain PJ7). This sequence provides a range of new resources that serve as a useful platform for further research in the field

    Calentamiento y aumento de la salinidad en el Mediterráneo Occidental durante la segunda mitad del siglo XX: Inconsistencias, incertidumbres e influencia del procesado de datos

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    Many papers that have appeared since the late 1980s have reported trends for the salinity and temperature of the upper, intermediate and deep layers within the western Mediterranean. The review of these works shows that the figures reported depend on the period of time considered. In some cases, opposite results are obtained by different studies dealing with the same period of time. These results make it difficult to assess the mean trends of these variables during the second half of the 20th century and to distinguish long-term changes from decadal and multi-decadal variability. In order to determine the origin of these discrepancies, we analyse temperature and salinity profiles from MEDAR/2002 in three areas of the western Mediterranean: the Gulf of Lions, the Balearic Islands and the Alboran Sea. We use data analysis methods that have all been tested and used previously in the literature. Our results show that the scarcity of data makes trend estimations very sensitive to the data analysis methods, questioning the robustness of such estimations and showing the suitability of systematic sampling for studying long-term changes. We attempt to provide temperature and salinity trends from 1950 to 2000 for the three aforementioned regions, which show a higher degree of uncertainty than the previous studies. Long-term temperature and salinity increases for this 50-year period are within the intervals [0.02°C, 0.19°C] and [0.01, 0.1] for deep waters, [0.06°C, 0.38°C] and [0.01, 0.26] for LIW, and [0, 0.45°C] for the upper layers. No salinity change has been observed for the upper layer.Numerosos trabajos aparecidos desde finales de la década de los 80 han mostrado tendencias para la temperatura y salinidad de las capas superficial, intermedia y profunda en el Mediterráneo Occidental. La revisión de estos trabajos muestra que las tendencias calculadas dependen del periodo de tiempo considerado. En algunos casos, trabajos que consideran el mismo periodo de tiempo muestran resultados opuestos lo que hace difícil determinar cuáles han sido los cambios de estas variables a lo largo de la segunda mitad del siglo XX, así como distinguir estos cambios a largo plazo de la variabilidad decadal y multidecadal. Con el objeto de esclarecer el origen de estas discrepancias, analizamos todos los perfiles de temperatura y salinidad disponibles en MEDAR/2002 en tres zonas del Mediterráneo Occidental: Golfo de León, Islas Baleares y Mar de Alborán. Cada serie temporal es analizada usando distintos métodos, siendo todos ellos correctos y previamente usados en la literatura existente. Nuestros resultados muestran que la escasez de datos hace la estimación de tendencias muy sensible al método de análisis de los datos, lo que cuestiona la robustez de estas estimaciones. En este trabajo se obtienen nuevas estimaciones para las tendencias de la temperatura y salinidad desde 1950 al año 2000 para las tres áreas geográficas ya mencionadas, proporcionando incertidumbres mayores que las consideradas en trabajos previos. Los incrementos medios para la temperatura y la salinidad en este periodo de 50 años estarían dentro de los intervalos [0.02ºC, 0.19ºC] y [0.01, 0.1] para las aguas profundas, [0.06ºC, 0.38ºC] y [0.01, 0.26] para el Agua Levantina Intermedia, y [0ºC, 0.45ºC] para las capas superficiales. No se observan cambios de salinidad para esta última capa

    Endophyte Effects on Antioxidants and Membrane Leakage in Tall Fescue During Drought

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    Tall fescue [Festuca arundinacea (Schreb.)=Lolium arundinaceum (Schreb.) S.J. Darbyshire] infected (E+) by its fungal endophyte [(Neotyphodium coenphialum Morgan-Jones & Gams.) Glenn, Bacon & Hanlin] often shows greater persistence during summer drought than endophyte-free (E-) plants (Malinowski et al., 2005). Survival of the apical meristem and growing zone of vegetative tillers likely involves biochemical adaptations whose benefits to the host are enhanced by endophyte presence. Antioxidant enzymes may scavenge free radicals during heat and drought, and thereby reduce membrane damage. Their roles in endophyte-mediated drought tolerance in tall fescue have not been tested. Our objective was to determine the endophyte influence on antioxidant enzyme activities, membrane leakage, and tiller survival in tall fescue during water deficit

    O Contestado e o passado que não passsa

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    The purpose of this article is to examine the developments of the nationalization process of the Southern Brazil Lumber and Colonization Company, culminating in the transformation of its headquarters in the Training Field “Marechal Hermes”. The approach considers the focus of English Social History - particularly the notions suggested by Thompson (2021) - from the perspective of reciprocity between the working class and the ruling classes, as well as their relations with the State. The research methodology employed was dialectical, recognizing that facts cannot be regarded in isolation from their social context. It analyzes contradictions that go beyond superficial appearances and seeks comprehensive solutions. The results of the present study outline several findings, including the transformations in the organizational culture of Lumber Incorporated following the assumption of administrative control by the military; the apparent irregularities in the process of selling the assets of Lumber Incorporated; suspicions regarding the actions of the former governor of the state of Santa Catarina, Irineu Bornhausen; the ulterior motives behind the actions of businessman Alberto Dalcanale, who transferred the land area of Lumber Incorporated's headquarters to the Ministry of War; the plight of Lumber Incorporated's workers during prolonged salary payment delays; the unjust process of expropriating land areas adjacent to Lumber Incorporated for the purpose of military field expansion. The presence of Lumber Company wielded a significant and influential role, ultimately shaping the trajectory of events within the region under its sphere of influence. Key words: Lumber Company. Nationalization. Contestado.El objetivo de este artículo es examinar el desarrollo del proceso de nacionalización de la Compañía Maderera y Colonizadora del Sur de Brasil, que culminó con la transformación de su sede en el Campo de Instrução Marechal Hermes. A abordagem considera o enfoque da História Social Inglesa – especialmente as noções sugeridas por Thompson – na perspectiva da reciprocidade entre a classe trabalhadora e as classes dominantes, além de suas relações com o Estado. El método de investigación utilizado fue el dialéctico, considerando que los hechos no pueden ser considerados fuera de un contexto social, buscando analizar las contradicciones que trascienden y buscan soluciones. Entre los resultados del estudio se describe: los cambios en la cultura organizacional de Lumber Incorporada luego de que los militares tomaran el control de la administración; las aparentes irregularidades en el proceso de venta de los activos de Lumber Incorporated; sospecha sobre las acciones del entonces gobernador del estado de Santa Catarina, Irineu Bornhausen; la actuación con segundas intenciones del empresario Alberto Dalcanale, quien cedió el terreno de la sede de Lumber Incorporada al Ministerio de la Guerra; la agonía de los trabajadores de Lumber Incorporated durante largos períodos de retraso en el pago de salarios; el injusto proceso de expropiación de terrenos contiguos a Lumber Incorporated, para efectos de composición del campo militar. Se concluye que la presencia de la Compañía Maderera afectó decisivamente el curso de los acontecimientos en la región bajo su influencia. Palabras clave: Lumber Company. Nacionalización. Contestado.O objetivo deste artigo consiste em examinar os desdobramentos do processo de estatização da Southern Brazil Lumber and Colonization Company, culminando com a transformação de sua sede no Campo de Instrução Marechal Hermes. A abordagem considera o enfoque da História Social Inglesa – especialmente as noções sugeridas por Thompson – na perspectiva da reciprocidade entre a classe trabalhadora e as classes dominantes, além de suas relações com o Estado. Dentre os resultados do estudo, descreve-se: as mudanças na cultura organizacional da Lumber Incorporada após os militares assumirem o controle da administração; as aparentes irregularidades no processo de venda do acervo de bens da Lumber Incorporada; a suspeição acerca da atuação do então governador do estado de Santa Catarina, Irineu Bornhausen; a atuação com segundas intenções do empresário Alberto Dalcanale, que cedeu a área de terras da sede da Lumber Incorporada ao Ministério da Guerra; a agonia dos trabalhadores da Lumber Incorporada em longos períodos de atraso nos pagamentos de salários; o processo injusto de desapropriações de áreas de terras contíguas à Lumber Incorporada, para fins de composição do campo militar. Concluí-se que a presença da Lumber Company afetou decisivamente o curso dos eventos na região sob sua influência. Palavras chave: Lumber Company. Nacionalização. Contestado