317 research outputs found

    The lessons of Northern Ireland: lessons of Northern Ireland and the relevance of the regional context

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    It should be stated at the outset that the notion of Northern Ireland’s political settlement as a model for other societies evokes as much hostility as it does enthusiasm. Indeed, at least as much has been written in criticism of the idea of Northern Ireland as a model as in its support. Understanding the perspective of the critics on this issue is a useful starting point for reviewing the lessons to be learnt from the application to Northern Ireland of a variety of counter terrorism and conflict resolution policies, since it provides a means of sorting out in which respects Northern Ireland’s experience might be relevant to other cases and in which it is not

    South African foreign policy in Africa

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    In order to take account of the radical change in South Africa's international and continental environment, I have divided this thesis under two headings; policy towards colonial Africa (broadly, the period 1910 - 1959) and secondly, policy towards independent Africa (1960 - ). The division is by no means an absolute one. South Africa first began to feel the pressures of decolonization soon after the end of the Second World War. These took a variety of forms; for example, India's attacks on South Africa's racial policy and the United Nations' refusal to countenance the incorporation of South West Africa into the Union. They were echoed internally by growing militancy on the part of the African National Congress in the 1950's. Similarly after 1960, by which time most of the countries of Africa had achieved independence, the remnants of colonialism remained important to South African foreign policy. Firstly, the continuing existence of the Portuguese empire has carried the colonial order into the 1970's. Secondly, the former colonial powers have continued to exercise considerable influence on their ex-colonies. In particular, France's neo-colonial hold on many of her former colonies has assumed special importance in the context of South African initiatives towards francophone Africa

    Les catholiques en Irlande du nord face a l'Europe

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    L'accord anglo-irlandais de 1985 a aidé à restreindre le conflit politique en Irlande du Nord, par contre l'accord n'a pas solutionné la question du statut politique de l'Irlande du Nord ni l'entente entre les partis politiques sur la question de la redistribution des pouvoirs politiques. De ce fait, il y a un intérêt marqué dans la possibilité que l'union européenne peut fournir un cadre équitable à une solution plus complète à la question irlandaise. La minorité catholique est divisée autour de la question du rôle de l'Europe. Sinn Fein considère que l'intégration européenne représente un obstacle à son but d'une Irlande unifiée. Par contre, le parti social démocrate travailliste appuie la vision d'une Europe conçue en termes de régions comme modèle d'accommodement politique entre protestants et catholiques de l'Irlande du Nord. L'enthousiasme pour l'intégration politique témoigné par le parti social démocrate travailliste est fondé sur les avantages politiques qu'il retire de l'avancement de l'intégration européenne.The Anglo-lrish Agreement of 1985 has helped containing the Northern Ireland conflict, but it has neither resolved the issue of Northern Ireland's status as a political entity nor led to an agreement on the redistribution of political power among the parties in Northern Ireland. As a result there has been an increasing interest for the possibility of the European Union providing a suitable framework for a more complete solution to the Irish Question. The Catholic minority is divided on the question of Europe's role. Sinn Fein regards the European integration as an obstacle to the achievement of its goal of a united Ireland. By contrast, the Social Democratic Labour Party has enthusiastically supported the notion of a Europe of Regions capable of providing the context for political accommodation between Protestants and Catholics in Northern Ireland. The party's enthusiasm for the European Union is based on the political advantages it has derived from the progress of European integration

    "The age of terrorism" and the international political system, 1967-1992.

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    The thesis examines the notion that an age of terrorism began In the late 1960s. It Is argued that this Issue is complicated by the different meanings associated with the term, terrorism. Three main meanings of the term are identified: a normative usage treating terrorism as violence without humanitarian constraints; its association with the lowest level of violent conflict; and a usage that treats terrorism as in practice co-terminus with assaults on the west. An examination of the most common generalisations about terrorism to be found in the literature follows. The use of the term In different contexts is highlighted by case studies of West Germany and Northern Ireland. It is argued that in so far as it is possible to treat the varieties of modern terrorisms as one, they are best seen as a post-colonial phenomenon which drew on the legitimisation of anti-imperialist violence against colonial rule. The reluctance to apply the term, terrorism, to political violence inside Third World countries is considered. The centrality of an international dimension to terrorism is analysed, followed by an examination of International co-operation to control covert violence by small groups that crosses state boundaries. Case studies of the ending of campaigns of violence by small groups are presented to underline the role played by internal group dynamics in terrorism. In conclusion, it is argued that the term, terrorism, is losing its coherence and, partly for that reason, terrorism is unlikely to be seen as a central feature of the international political system in the post-bipolar era

    Violations of privacy and law : The case of Stalking

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    This paper seeks to identify the distinctive moral wrong of stalking and argues that this wrong is serious enough to criminalize. We draw on psychological literature about stalking, distinguishing types of stalkers, their pathologies and victims. The victimology is the basis for claims about what is wrong with stalking. Close attention to the experiences of victims often reveals an obsessive preoccupation with the stalker and what he will do next. The kind of harm this does is best understood in relation to the value of privacy and conventionally protected zones of privacy. We compare anti-stalking laws in different jurisdictions, claiming that they all fail in some way to capture the distinctive privacy violation that stalking involves. Further reflection on the seriousness of the invasion of privacy it represents suggests that it is a deeply personal wrong. Indeed, it is usually more serious than obtrusive surveillance by states, precisely because it is more personal. Where state surveillance genuinely is as intrusive as stalking, it tends to adopt the tactics of the stalker, imposing its presence on the activist victim at every turn. Power dynamics – whether rooted in the power of the state or the violence of a stalker – may exacerbate violations of privacy, but the wrong is distinct from violence, threats of violence and other aggression. Nor is stalking a simple expression of a difference in power between stalker and victim, such as a difference due to gender

    Impacto del liderazgo, capacitación, inducción y entrenamiento del personal en el desempeño de las actividades laborales en la empresa PUMA CHILE S.P.A.

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    El entrenamiento, la inducción y capacitación para la empresa PUMA CHILE S.P.A alcanza a ser direccionado como una práctica que coopera al desarrollo organizacional, logrando obtener personal idóneo y calificado, por lo tanto, es de suma importancia que se cuente con programas de capacitación, que pueda verse reflejado como una ventaja competitiva que les permita brindar un servicio de calidad. Con esta investigación se busca conocer el efecto en los colaboradores de la empresa PUMA CHILE S.P.A resaltando los procesos de inducción y capacitación, como elementos de gran importancia para el desarrollo integral de los colaboradores o empleados.The training, induction and coaching for the company PUMA CHILE SPA reaches to be directed as a practice that cooperates with the organizational development, obtaining suitable and qualified personnel, therefore, it is of the utmost importance that there are training programs that can be reflected as a competitive advantage that allows them to provide a quality service. This research seeks to know the effect on the collaborators of the company PUMA CHILE S.P.A, highlighting the induction and training processes, as elements of great importance for the integral development of the collaborators or employees

    The practices of apartheid as a war crime: a critical analysis

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    The human suffering caused by the political ideology of apartheid in South Africa during the Apartheid era (1948-1994) prompted worldwide condemnation and a variety of diplomatic and legal responses. Amongst these responses was the attempt to have apartheid recognised both as a crime against humanity in the 1973 Apartheid Convention as well as a war crime in Article 85(4)(c) of Additional Protocol I. This article examines the origins, nature and current status of the practices of apartheid as a war crime and its possible application to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict

    Iron isotope systematics in estuaries : the case of North River, Massachusetts (USA)

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    Author Posting. © The Author(s), 2009. This is the author's version of the work. It is posted here by permission of Elsevier B.V. for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 73 (2009): 4045-4059, doi:10.1016/j.gca.2009.04.026.Recent studies have suggested that rivers may present an isotopically light Fe source to the oceans. Since the input of dissolved iron from river water is generally controlled by flocculation processes that occur during estuarine mixing, it is important to investigate potential fractionation of Fe-isotopes during this process. In this study, we investigate the influence of the flocculation of Fe-rich colloids on the iron isotope composition of pristine estuarine waters and suspended particles. The samples were collected along a salinity gradient from the fresh water to the ocean in the North River estuary (MA, USA). Estuarine samples were filtered at 0.22 μm and the iron isotope composition of the two fractions (dissolved and particles) were analyzed using high resolution MC-ICP-MS after chemical purification. Dissolved iron results show positive δ56Fe values (with an average of 0.43 ± 0.04 ‰) relative to the IRMM-14 standard and do not display any relationships with salinity or with percentage of colloid flocculation. The iron isotopic composition of the particles suspended in fresh water is characterized by more negative δ56Fe values than for dissolved Fe and correlate with the percentage of Fe flocculation. Particulate δ56Fe values vary from -0.09‰ at no flocculation to ~ 0.1‰ at the flocculation maximum, which reflect mixing effects between river-borne particles, lithogenic particles derived from coastal seawaters and newly precipitated colloids. Since the process of flocculation produces minimal Fe-isotope fractionation in the dissolved Fe pool, we suggest that the pristine iron isotope composition of fresh water is preserved during estuarine mixing and that the value of the global riverine source into the ocean can be identified from the fresh water values. However, this study also suggests that δ56Fe composition of rivers can also be characterized by more positive δ56Fe values (up to 0.3 per mil) relative to the crust than previously reported. In order to improve our current understanding of the oceanic iron isotope cycling, further work is now required to determine the processes controlling the fractionation of Fe isotopes during continental run-off.This study was supported by the National Science Foundation (OCE 0550066) to O. Rouxel and Edward Sholkovitz