121 research outputs found

    Detection of circumstellar CH2CHCN, CH2CN, CH3CCH and H2CS

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    We report on the detection of vinyl cyanide (CH2CHCN), cyanomethyl radical (CH2CN), methylacetylene (CH3CCH) and thioformaldehyde (H2CS) in the C-rich star IRC +10216. These species, which are all known to exist in dark clouds, are detected for the first time in the circumstellar envelope around an AGB star. The four molecules have been detected trough pure rotational transitions in the course of a 3 mm line survey carried out with the IRAM 30-m telescope. The molecular column densities are derived by constructing rotational temperature diagrams. A detailed chemical model of the circumstellar envelope is used to analyze the formation of these molecular species. We have found column densities in the range 5 x 10^(12)- 2 x 10^(13) cm^(-2), which translates to abundances relative to H2 of several 10^(-9). The chemical model is reasonably successful in explaining the derived abundances through gas phase synthesis in the cold outer envelope. We also find that some of these molecules, CH2CHCN and CH2CN, are most probably excited trough infrared pumping to excited vibrational states. The detection of these species stresses the similarity between the molecular content of cold dark clouds and C-rich circumstellar envelopes. However, some differences in the chemistry are indicated by the fact that in IRC +10216 partially saturated carbon chains are present at a lower level than those which are highly unsaturated, while in TMC-1 both types of species have comparable abundances.Comment: 9 pages, 5 figures; accepted for publication in A&

    A new infrared band in the Interstellar and Circumstellar Clouds: C_4 or C_4H?

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    We report on the detection with the Infrared Space Observatory (ISO) of a molecular band at 57.5 microns (174 cm^{-1}) in carbon-rich evolved stars and in Sgr B2. Taking into account the chemistry of these objects the most likelihood carrier is a carbon chain. We tentatively assign the band to the nu_5 bending mode of C_4 for which a wavenumber of 170-172.4 cm^{-1} has been derived in matrix experiments (Withey et al. 1991). An alternate carrier might be C_4H, although the frequency of its lowest energy vibrational bending mode, nu_7, is poorly known (130-226 cm^{-1}). If the carrier is C_4, the derived maximum abundance is nearly similar to that found for C_3 in the interstellar and circumstellar media by Cernicharo, Goicoechea & Caux (2000). Hence, tetra-atomic carbon could be one of the most abundant carbon chain molecules in these media.Comment: 11 pages, 1 figure, accepted in ApJ Letter

    Laboratory And Astronomical Detection Of The Negative Molecular Ion C3N-

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    The negative molecular ion C3N- has been detected at millimeter wavelengths in a low-pressure laboratory discharge, and then with frequencies derived from the laboratory data in the molecular envelope of IRC+10216. Spectroscopic constants derived from laboratory measurements of 12 transitions between 97 and 378 GHz allow the rotational spectrum to be calculated well into the submillimeter-wave band to 0.03 km s(-1) or better in equivalent radial velocity. Four transitions of C3N- were detected in IRC+10216 with the IRAM 30 m telescope at precisely the frequencies calculated from the laboratory measurements. The column density of C3N- is 0.5% that of C3N, or approximately 20 times greater than that of C4H- relative to C4H. The C3N- abundance in IRC+10216 is compared with a chemical model calculation by Petrie & Herbst. An upper limit in TMC-1 for C3N- relative to C3N (< 0.8%) and a limit for C4H- relative to C4H (< 0.004%) that is 5 times lower than that found in IRC+10216, were obtained from observations with the NRAO 100 m Green Bank Telescope (GBT). The fairly high concentration ofNRFKorean government MEST 2012R1A1A1014646, 2012M4A2026720Southeast Physics Network (SEP-Net)Science and Technology Facilities Council ST/F002858/1, ST/I000976/1Swedish Research Council 2009-4088U.S. NSF AST-0708176, AST-1009799NASA NNX07AH09G, NNG04G177G, NNX11AE09GChandra grant SAO TM8-9009XBiochemistr

    Molecular Line Observations of Carbon-Chain-Producing Regions L1495B and L1521B

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    We present the first comprehensive study on physical and chemical properties of quiescent starless cores L1495B and L1521B, which are known to be rich in carbon-chain molecules like the cyanopolyyne peak of TMC-1 and L1521E. We have detected radio spectral lines of various carbon-chain molecules such as CCS, C3_{3}S, C4_{4}H, HC3_{3}N, and HC5_{5}N. On the other hand, the NH3_{3} lines are weak and the N2_{2}H+^{+} lines are not detected. According to our mapping observations of the HC3_{3}N, CCS, and C3_{3}S lines, the dense cores in L1495B and L1521B are compact with the radius of 0.063 and 0.044 pc, respectively, and have a simple elliptical structure. The distributions of CCS seem to be different from those of well-studied starless cores, L1498 and L1544, where the distribution of CCS shows a shell-like structure. Since the H13^{13}CO+^{+}, HN13^{13}C, and C34^{34}S lines are detected in L1495B and L1521B, the densities of these cores are high enough to excite the NH3_{3} and N2_{2}H+^{+} lines. Therefore, the abundances of NH3_{3} and N2_{2}H+^{+} relative to carbon-chain molecules are apparently deficient, as observed in L1521E. We found that longer carbon-chain molecules such as HC5_{5}N and C4_{4}H are more abundant in TMC-1 than L1495B and L1521B, while those of sulfur-bearing molecules such as C34^{34}S, CCS, and C3_{3}S are comparable. Both distributions and abundances of the observed molecules of L1495B and L1521B are quite similar to those of L1521E, strongly suggesting that L1495B and L1521B is in a very early stage of physical and chemical evolution.Comment: 19 pages, 6 figures, accepted to The Astrophysical Journa

    Laboratory Measurement of the Pure Rotational Transitions of the HCNH+ and its Isotopic Species

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    The pure rotational transitions of the protonated hydrogen cyanide ion, HCNH+, and its isotopic species, HCND+ and DCND+, were measured in the 107 - 482 GHz region with a source modulated microwave spectrometer. The ions were generated in the cell with a magnetically confined dc-glow discharge of HCN and/or DCN. The rotational constant B0 and the centrifugal distortion constant D0 for each ion were precisely determined by a least-squares fitting to the observed spectral lines. The observed rotational transition frequencies by laboratory spectroscopy and the predicted ones are accurate in about 30 to 40 kHz and are useful as rest frequencies for astronomical searches of HCNH+ and HCND+.Comment: 14 pages in TeX, 1 figures in JPE

    Respuesta sísmica de suelos con histéresis y viscosidad

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    Un problema importante de ingeniería sísmica es la respuesta de depósitos estratificados de suelos cuando se encuentran sometidos a la acción del terremoto. El problema puede ser directo o inverso, según se pretenda obtener el movimiento en superficie cuando el fondo es solicitado por un sismo dado o, lo que es muy común en la técnica de análisis sísmico, se pretende realizar la deconvolución de un movimiento en superficie hasta una profundidad determinada con objeto de realizar a posteriori un análisis de interacción terreno-estructura. El problema es bien conocido así como sus dificultades relacionadas principalmente con el carácter no lineal del suelo y sus propiedades de amortiguamiento

    The essential signature of a massive starburst in a distant galaxy

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    Observations of carbon monoxide (CO) emission in high redshift (z>2) galaxies indicate the presence of large amounts of molecular gas. Many of these galaxies contain an active galactic nucleus (AGN) powered by accretion of gas onto a supermassive black hole, and a key question is whether their extremely high infrared luminosities result from the AGN, or from bursts of massive star formation (associated with the molecular gas), or both. In the Milky Way, high-mass stars form in the dense cores of interstellar molecular clouds; gas densities are n(H2)>105 cm-3 in the cores. Recent surveys show that virtually all galactic sites of high-mass star formation have similarly high densities. The bulk of the cloud material traced by CO observations is at a much lower density. In galaxies in the local Universe, the HCN(J=1-0) line is an effective tracer of the high-density molecular gas. Here we report observations of HCN emission in the early Universe from the infrared luminous 'Cloverleaf' quasar (at a redshift z=2.5579). The HCN line luminosity indicates the presence of 10 billion solar masses of very dense gas, an essential feature of an immense starburst that contributes, together with the AGN it harbors, to its high infrared luminosity.Comment: PDF pape

    Oxygen Chemistry in the Circumstellar Envelope of the Carbon-Rich Star IRC+10216

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    In this paper we study the oxygen chemistry in the C-rich circumstellar shells of IRC+10216. The recent discoveries of oxygen bearing species (water, hydroxyl radical and formaldehyde) toward this source challenge our current understanding of the chemistry in C-rich circumstellar envelopes. The presence of icy comets surrounding the star or catalysis on iron grain surfaces have been invoked to explain the presence of such unexpected species. This detailed study aims at evaluating the chances of producing O-bearing species in the C-rich circumstellar envelope only by gas phase chemical reactions. For the inner hot envelope, it is shown that although most of the oxygen is locked in CO near the photosphere (as expected for a C/O ratio greater than 1), some stellar radii far away species such as H2O and CO2 have large abundances under the assumption of thermochemical equilibrium. It is also shown how non-LTE chemistry makes very difficult the CO-->H2O,CO2 transformation predicted in LTE. Concerning the chemistry in the outer and colder envelope, we show that formaldehyde can be formed through gas phase reactions. However, in order to form water vapor it is necessary to include a radiative association between atomic oxygen and molecular hydrogen with a quite high rate constant. The chemical models explain the presence of HCO+ and predict the existence of SO and H2CS (which has been detected in a 3 mm line survey to be published). We have modeled the line profiles of H2CO, H2O, HCO+, SO and H2CS using a non-local radiative transfer model and the abundance profiles predicted by our chemical model. The results have been compared to the observations and discussed.Comment: 20 pages, 9 figures, accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journa

    Dust and gas in luminous infrared galaxies - results from SCUBA observations

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    We present new data taken at 850 μ\mum with SCUBA at the JCMT for a sample of 19 luminous infrared galaxies. Fourteen galaxies were detected. We have used these data, together with fluxes at 25, 60 and 100 μ\mum from IRAS, to model the dust emission. We find that the emission from most galaxies can be described by an optically thin, single temperature dust model with an exponent of the dust extinction coefficient (kλλβk_\lambda \propto \lambda^{-\beta}) of β1.52\beta \simeq 1.5 - 2. A lower β1\beta\simeq 1 is required to model the dust emission from two of the galaxies, Arp 220 and NGC 4418. We discuss various possibilities for this difference and conclude that the most likely is a high dust opacity. In addition, we compare the molecular gas mass derived from the dust emission, MdustM_{dust}, with the molecular gas mass derived from the CO emission, MCOM_{CO}, and find that MCOM_{CO} is on average a factor 3 higher than MdustM_{dust}.Comment: 10 pages, 6 figures, latex, with MN-macros, accepted by MNRAS - revised version (changed flux values for some galaxies

    A New Probe of Dense Gas at High Redshift: Detection of HCO+(5-4) Line Emission in APM 08279+5255

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    We report the detection of HCO+(5-4) emission from the Broad Absorption Line (BAL) quasar APM08279+5255 at z=3.911 based on observations conducted at the IRAM Plateau de Bure interferometer. This represents the first detection of this molecular ion at such a high redshift. The inferred line luminosity, uncorrected for lensing, is L'(HCO+)=(3.5+-0.6)x10^10 Kkms^-1pc^2. The HCO+ J=5-4 source position coincides within the errors with that reported from previous HCN J=5-4 and high-J CO line observations of this quasar. The HCO+ line profile central velocity and width are consistent with those derived from HCN. This result suggests that HCO+(5-4) emission comes roughly from the same circumnuclear region probed by HCN. However, the HCN(5-4)/HCO+(5-4) intensity ratio measured in APM08279+5255 is significantly larger than that predicted by simple radiative transfer models, which assume collisional excitation and equal molecular abundances. This could imply that the [HCN]/[HCO^+] abundance ratio is particularly large in this source, or that the J=5 rotational levels are predominantly excited by IR fluorescent radiation.Comment: Accepted for publication in ApJ Letters, May 2