14 research outputs found

    Data from: Population genetic structure in hyacinth macaws (Anodorhynchus hyacinthinus) and identification of the probable origin of confiscated individuals

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    Understanding the intraspecific genetic composition of populations in different geographic locations is important for the conservation of species. If genetic variability is structured, conservation strategies should seek to preserve the diversity of units. Also, origin of individuals can be determined, which is important for guiding actions against animal trafficking. The hyacinth macaw (Anodorhynchus hyacinthinus) is located in allopatric regions, vulnerable to extinction and suffering animal trafficking pressure. Therefore, we characterized its population genetic structure based on 10 microsatellites from 98 individuals and 2123bp of mitochondrial sequence (ND5, cytochrome b, and ND2) from 80 individuals. Moderate to high levels of differentiation were observed among 3 geographic regions of Brazil: the north/northeast of the country, the north Pantanal, and the south Pantanal. Differentiation between the 2 regions within the Pantanal was not expected, as they are relatively close and there is no known barrier to macaw movement between these regions. These genetically differentiated groups were estimated to have diverged 16000 to 42000 years ago. The low genetic variability observed seems not to be the result of past bottlenecks, although a star-shaped haplotype network and the mismatch distribution suggest that there was recent demographic expansion in the north and northeast. Environmental changes in the Holocene could have caused this expansion. Given the genetic structure observed, the most probable regions of origin of 24 confiscated individuals were identified. Thus, these data helped to trace illegal traffic routes and identify natural populations that are being illegally harvested

    Genetic variation and population structure of the endangered Hyacinth Macaw (Anodorhynchus hyacinthinus): implications for conservation

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    The Hyacinth Macaw (Anodorhynchus hyacinthinus) is one of 14 endangered species in the family Psittacidae occurring in Brazil, with an estimated total population of 6,500 specimens. We used nuclear molecular markers (single locus minisatellites and microsatellites) and 472 bp of the mitochondrial DNA control region to characterize levels of genetic variability in this species and to assess the degree of gene flow among three nesting sites in Brazil (Pantanal do Abobral, Pantanal de Miranda and Piaui). The origin of five apprehended specimens was also investigated. The results suggest that, in comparison to other species of parrots, Hyacinth Macaws possess relatively lower genetic variation and that individuals from two different localities within the Pantanal (Abobral and Miranda) belong to a unique interbreeding population and are genetically distinct at nuclear level from birds from the state of Piaui. The analyses of the five apprehended birds suggest that the Pantanal is not the source of birds for illegal trade, but their precise origin could not be assigned. The low genetic variability detected in the Hyacinth Macaw does not seem to pose a threat to the survival of this species. Nevertheless, habitat destruction and nest poaching are the most important factors negatively affecting their populations in the wild. The observed genetic structure emphasizes the need of protection of Hyacinth Macaws from different regions in order to maintain the genetic diversity of this species

    Altura de planta e acúmulo de matéria seca do feijoeiro cvs. BRS MG Talismã e Ouro Negro em plantio direto e convencional Plant height and dry matter acumulation by common bean cvs. BRS MG Talismã and Ouro Negro under no-tillage and conventional crop systems

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    Com o objetivo de estudar a curva de crescimento em altura de planta, taxa e acúmulo de matéria seca da parte aérea ao longo do ciclo cultural do feijoeiro (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) foram conduzidos quatro experimentos de campo, com as cvs. Ouro Negro e BRS MG Talismã, em plantio direto e convencional, sendo um em Lavras (Latossolo Vermelho distroférrico típico, inverno primavera 2002) e os demais em Madre de Deus de Minas (Latossolo Vermelho Amarelo ácrico, seca 2005). O delineamento experimental foi feito com blocos casualizados com três repetições e 11 ou 12 tratamentos (épocas de coleta). De 7 em 7 dias foram amostradas 10 ou 20 plantas para determinação da altura, através do comprimento da haste principal, e outras 20 plantas para determinação do peso da matéria seca da parte aérea após secagem em estufa com circulação de ar a 65-70ºC até peso constante. Os dados foram submetidos a análises de variância e regressão, com ajuste de curvas representativas do comportamento das características avaliadas. Em plantio direto, a altura máxima foi alcançada aos 50 DAE, enquanto no plantio convencional o feijoeiro continuou crescendo até os 72-73 DAE, ocorrendo fechamento mais tardio da lavoura. As cvs. Ouro Negro e BRS MG Talismã mostraram padrões de acúmulo de matéria seca muito próximos, com pouco incremento até os 81 DAE, na BRS MG Talismã, e ambas alcançaram maiores acúmulos em plantio direto. Em geral, as maiores taxas de acúmulo de matéria seca foram verificadas entre 45-48 DAE.<br>The aim of this research was to study the plant growth in height and the dry matter accumulation pattern along the bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) crop cycle. Four field experiments were carried out in Lavras (winter-spring 2002) and other were performed in Madre de Deus de Minas, MG (dry crop season 2005) with common bean, cvs. Ouro Negro and BRS MG Talismã, under no-tillage and conventional crop systems. Every seven days 10 or 20 plants were sampled to height measurements and other 20 plants for dry matter evaluation. The experiments were carried out in randomized block outlines with three replications and 11 or 12 treatments (sampling times). The data were treated with a variance and regression analysis and representative curves of the evaluated variables were fitted and adjusted. The growth curves had showed that the maximum height was reached by the 50 DAE in no-tillage crop system while in the conventional crop system the bean kept on growing up to the 72-73 DAE, closing further in field. The pattern of dry matter accumulation showed that there was a small increment until the 21-24 DAE for the two cultivars. The maximum accumulation could be observed in the no-tillage croping systems by the 75-76 DAE for the cv. Ouro Negro and by the 80-81 DAE for the cv. BES MG Talismã. In general, the highest rates of dry matter accumulation were verified by the 45-48 DAE

    Sucção do recém-nascido prematuro: comparação do método Mãe-Canguru com os cuidados tradicionais Suckling of the premature newborn child: comparison between the Kangaroo Mother method with traditional care

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    OBJETIVOS: comparar o processo de sucção em recém-nascidos prematuros incluídos no método Mãe-Canguru com recém-nascidos submetidos aos cuidados tradicionais. MÉTODOS: foram selecionados 30 recém-nascidos prematuros com idade gestacional entre 30 e 35 semanas. A amostra foi constituída de dois grupos: Grupo 1, composto por 16 recém-nascidos inseridos no Alojamento Mãe-Canguru da Maternidade Escola Assis Chateaubriand e Grupo 2, constituído por 14 recém-nascidos submetidos aos cuidados tradicionais, ou seja, Berçário de Médio Risco do Hospital Geral de Fortaleza. Todos os recém-nascidos foram avaliados, submetidos à intervenção fonoaudiológica e reavaliados durante a alta hospitalar. RESULTADOS: no Grupo 1 houve uma melhora significativa em relação ao estado comportamental, sinais de estresse, coordenação e ritmo de sucção. O tempo de permanência hospitalar foi consideravelmente menor. No Grupo 2 foi verificada uma melhora significativa em relação à coordenação entre sucção, deglutição e respiração. CONCLUSÕES: os recém-nascidos de ambos os grupos foram beneficiados com a intervenção fonoaudiológica, no entanto, os melhores resultados foram referentes ao método Mãe-Canguru. Verificou-se que esse método constitui uma ótima alternativa para países em desenvolvimento, pois contribui para a efetividade da amamentação, diminuindo o tempo de permanência hospitalar, acarretando menores custos para a saúde pública.<br>OBJECTIVES: to compare premature newborns' suction in the Mother-Kangoroo method with newborns submitted to traditional care. METHODS: thirty premature newborns with gestational age between 30 and 35 weeks were selected. The samples were comprised of two groups: Group 1: 16 newborns of the Mother Kangoroo Ward of the Maternity School Assis Chateaubriand and Group 2: formed by 14 newborns submitted to traditional care, i.e. Medium Risk Nursery of the General Hospital of Fortaleza. All newborns were evaluated and submitted to phoniatric intervention in the process of hospital discharge. RESULTS: in Group 1 there was a significant improvement related to behavior, stress signs, coordination and suction rhythm. Hospital stay was considerably shorter. In group 2 there was a significant improvement related to the coordination between suction, deglutition and breathing. CONCLUSIONS: newborns of both groups were benefited by phoniatrics, nevertheless, the best results related to the Kangaroo-Mother Method. It has been noted that this method is a good alternative for developing countries for it contributes to the effectiveness of nursing, shortening hospital stay and reducing public health costs