75 research outputs found


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    The current trends in the aircraft building market are highlighted and the transformation need of the management system from the industrial to the partner model of the aviation products manufacture are actualized. The prerequisites for the target approach usage to assessing the management effectiveness are substantiated. The research methodology based on the use of the balanced indicator system BSC and the author adapted model of the key indicators of the company's efficiency for assessing the management effectiveness of the aircraft building enterprise is proposed. Such indicator was defined the social responsibility of business — an integrated indicator of the value of the enterprise for the society in order to improve the quality of life. At forming of the system of evaluation indexes certainly main principles of their construction: simplicity and visibility of the indicator system; limited number of indicators; the ability to measure indicators; determining the impact of each indicator on the enterprise efficiency as a whole. In order to evaluate the financial component of achieving the long-term goals on the basis of the BSC model and within the financial policy of JSC «Motor Sich» the following indicators have been chosen:  return on equity, turnover assets, value of capital, structure of equity capital, loan interest rate, market size, market companies share, sales profitability, net profit per one share, coefficient of gross change ratio, coefficient of production cost factor, coefficient of administrative expense ratio, coefficient of implementation costs and coefficient the ratio of net profit. Research results specify on the positive changing — increase on the enterprise of efficiency of management operating charges. The factors of their negative influence on the possibility of achieving the strategic goal of the enterprise have been determined on the basis of their calculation and quantitative data analysis: According to the criteria of the financial component of the activity of the aircraft building enterprise, trends of changes were determined and the depth of deterministic influence of the indicators of efficiency of JSC «Motor Sich».Висвітлено сучасні тенденції на ринку авіабудування та актуалізовано необхідність трансформації системи менеджменту від індустріальної до партнерської моделі виробництва авіапродукції. Обґрунтовано передумови використання цільового підходу до оцінювання ефективності менеджменту. Запропоновано методику досліджень на основі використання системи збалансованих показників BSC та адаптовану нами модель ключових показників ефективності компанії для оцінювання ефективності менеджменту авіапідприємства. При формуванні системи показників оцінювання визначено головні принципи їх побудови: простота і наочність системи показників; певна кількість показників; можливість вимірювання показників; визначення значущості впливу кожного показника на ефективність діяльності підприємства в цілому. Для оцінювання фінансової складової досягнення довгострокових цілей підприємства на основі BSC-моделі у рамках фінансової політики ПАТ «Мотор Січ» обрано показники та індикатори: рентабельність власного капіталу, оборотність активів, вартість позикового капіталу, структура позикового капіталу, процентна ставка за кредитом, ємність ринку, частка підприємства на ринку, рентабельність продаж, чистий прибуток на одну просту акцію, коефіцієнт зміни валових продаж, коефіцієнт виробничої собівартості, коефіцієнт адміністративних витрат, коефіцієнт реалізаційних витрат, коефіцієнт чистого прибутку. Результати дослідження вказують на позитивні зміни — підвищення на підприємстві ефективності управління операційними витратами. На основі їх розрахунку та аналізу кількісних даних визначено фактори негативного впливу на можливість досягнення стратегічної мети підприємством: зниження рентабельності власного капіталу та рентабельності продаж; збільшення вартості залученого капіталу; зменшення витрат на інноваційну діяльність, низькі темпи впровадження передових високотехнологічних виробництв, операційна недосконалість. За критеріями фінансової складової визначено тенденції змін і встановлено глибину детермінантного впливу показників ефективності ПАТ «Мотор Січ»

    Specifics, character and basic approaches to the treatment of complications of BCG vaccination

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    One of the main components of the tuberculosis control program for children worldwide, as well as in Ukraine, BCG vaccination. It is proved that high-quality immunization reduces the incidence of tuberculosis by 7–10 times, and infectivity – by 1.5–3 times. However, the introduction of a vaccine, which is a strain of attenuated live mycobacterium tuberculosis, can lead to the development of complications. To study the prevalence, nature of the course and basic approaches to treatment of surgical complications of anti-TB immunization. A comprehensive analysis of scientific data on the development of complications of BCG vaccination and own clinical observations has been carried out. The third part of all the complications is due to the properties of the vaccines themselves, 30–40% of the violations of the vaccination technology and about 30% of the immunological protection of vaccinated children. Among children, boys were predominant: 69 (62.7%), girls 41 (37.3%). BCG complications often occur in the background of anemia (22,3%) and non-specific inflammatory diseases (4,5%). The volume of surgical intervention in BCG-lymphadenitis is determined depending on the stage, nature and severity of inflammatory changes in the lymph nodes

    Collagen-associated syntropy in children with functional disorders of the digestive system

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    Objective. The aim of this study was to determine the features of collagen-associated syntropic pathology in children with functional gastrointestinal disorders. Materials and methods. 63 children with functional gastrointestinal disorders aged 2.5 to 16 years were examined. Two clinical groups of patients depending on the leading clinical manifestations were identified: children with irritable bowel syndrome – 39 patients (61.9 %) and children with functional disorders of the biliary tract – 24 (38.1 %) of patients. All children, except for the general clinical examination, were evaluated for individual phenotypic signs of connective tissue dysplasia using diagnostic criteria for the severity of connective tissue dysplasia by L. N. Abbakumova, and collagen type III alpha 1 polymorphism (rs1800255 2092G>A) by PCR-RFLP (restriction fragment length polymorphism) method was determined. Results. Digestive system syntropic pathology was defined in 84.13 % (95 % CI 74.93 – 93.33) of the examined patients. A statistically significant association was found between the frequency of gallbladder anomalies (χ2 = 8.75; P = 0.003), pancreas exocrine function violation (χ2 = 8.97, P = 0.003), metabolic disturbances presence in the form of secondary acetonemic syndrome (χ2 = 8.5; P = 0.001) and functional disorders of the biliary tract. The severity of connective tissue dysplasia in preschool children was characterized by mild and moderate manifestations (OR = 4.27 (95 % CI 1.32 – 13.82; P = 0.025)), there were severe manifestations of dysplasia in the older children group (OR = 0.23 (95 % CI 0.07 – 0.76, P = 0.025)). By the results of molecular-genetic test the most of children – 47.62 % (95 % CI 35.04 – 60.2) were genotyped for heterozygous rs1800255, COL3A1 G/A polymorphism, with significant prevalence of patients with the biliary tract functional disorders group (P = 0.008), which associated with wide range of accompanying pathology (P = 0.002) and severe dysplastic signs (P = 0.034). Conclusions. The wide prevalence of the syntropic pathology in children with functional gastrointestinal disorders has been determined. Genetic polymorphism with predominance of the G/A genotype has been revealed. The statistically significant correlation of the G/A genotype with severe phenotypic signs of connective tissue dysplasia has been shown. The association of genetic polymorphism with age and functional disorders of the biliary tract has been established

    General approaches to gestalt’s definition: linguistic, sociologic and psychologic points of view

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    The study deals with the problems of the term gestalt and its interpretations in linguistics, psychology and sociology. The main idea of the study is to find the most relevant and systemic definition of the term which could be used as a tool for further analysis applied to the cognitive interdisciplinary research. Special attend on is paid to the description of a gestalt and frames as its constituents, their correlation with other mental structures in synergetic development in the process of society evolutio

    General System Theory: the Biotic Systems, Basic Concepts, Laws of Functioning

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    This article presents a short review of historical background for the creation of the general theory of systems. There are also given basic statements of this theory and as well her scientific significance in the field of scientific facts’ synthesis is shown. The greatest emphasis is placed on biotic systems. There are presented the questions of structure, function and evolution in medical and biological aspects


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    Purpose: To study peculiarities of pregnant women somnological status with different type of stereofunctional organization of mother-placenta-fetus system.Materials and Methods: 291 pregnant women aged 17 to 36 years made the group of physiological pregnancy (147 pers.) And the group with the threatening pregnancy loss was made by 144 women. Results: We revealed stereospecifics of somnological indices, that is more functional vulnerability of left-oriented motherplacenta-fetus system. Key somnological violations: the deterioration of the quality of sleep, snoring, sleep apnea breathing rhythm disturbances, impaired respiratory function.Summary: At the same time it is important to take into account that neurophysiological substrate that is responsible for central control for the gestational processes is gestational dominanta, determining the full range of central-peripheral relations in a functional system «mother-placenta-fetus», whose role is to maintain the asymmetry of neuro-conductive afferent-efferent effects that prevent abortion

    Rehabilitative therapy of the persons who suffered consequences of the Chernobyl accident

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    Приведенные данные отображают структуру заболеваемости и подтверждают целесообразность ежегодной госпитализации лиц, перенесших последствия аварии на ЧАЭС.Наведені дані відбивають структуру захворювань і доцільність щорічної стаціонарної реабілітації осіб, що перенесли наслідки аварії на ЧАЕС.They analyze data about structure, mobility rate and results of every year hospitalization of the persons who suffered consequences of the Chernobyl accident

    Influence of Near-Alpha Titanium Alloy Sample Surface Preparation on the Results of X-Ray Powder Diffraction Analysis

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    Samples of two near-α titanium alloys were studied by X-ray diffraction analysis. The surface of the samples was prepared by mechanical polishing with diamond pastes of various grains and electrochemical polishing.Методом рентгеновского дифракционного анализа были исследованы образцы псевдо-α титановых сплавов ПТ3В и ПТ7М, поверхность которых была подготовлена методом механической полировки алмазными пастами различной дисперсности и электрохимической полировки.Работа выполнена при финансовой поддержке РНФ в рамках гранта № 19–73–00295

    Нарушения в тромбоцитарном звене гемостаза больных острым гепатитом В

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    Обследовано 90 больных острым гепатитом В с различной тяжестью течения болезни. В сыворотке крови и эритроцитах больных изучали концентрацию диеновых конъюгатов и малонового диальдегида. Исследовали показатели тромбоцитарного звена гемостаза: количество тромбоцитов, степень и время агрегации тромбоцитов. Установлено уменьшение количества тромбоцитов, повышение степени и удлинение времени агрегации тромбоцитов в первые дни желтушного периода.90 patients with diff erent forms of acute hepatitis B were examined. Concentration of dienic conjugates and malonic dialdehyde were investigated in patients’ serum and erythrocytes. Indexes of hemostasis trombocytes chain were studied: trombocytes’ number, degree and time of trombocytes’ aggregation. Decreasing of trombocytes’ number, increasing of degree and prolongation of time of trombocytes’ aggregation were found

    Comparison of Different Approaches to Surface Functionalization of Biodegradable Polycaprolactone Scaffolds

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    Due to their good mechanical stability compared to gelatin, collagen or polyethylene glycol nanofibers and slow degradation rate, biodegradable poly-epsilon-caprolactone (PCL) nanofibers are promising material as scaffolds for bone and soft-tissue engineering. Here, PCL nanofibers were prepared by the electrospinning method and then subjected to surface functionalization aimed at improving their biocompatibility and bioactivity. For surface modification, two approaches were used: (i) COOH-containing polymer was deposited on the PCL surface using atmospheric pressure plasma copolymerization of CO2 and C2H4, and (ii) PCL nanofibers were coated with multifunctional bioactive nanostructured TiCaPCON film by magnetron sputtering of TiC-CaO-Ti3POx target. To evaluate bone regeneration ability in vitro, the surface-modified PCL nanofibers were immersed in simulated body fluid (SBF, 1x) for 21 days. The results obtained indicate different osteoblastic and epithelial cell response depending on the modification method. The TiCaPCON-coated PCL nanofibers exhibited enhanced adhesion and proliferation of MC3T3-E1 cells, promoted the formation of Ca-based mineralized layer in SBF and, therefore, can be considered as promising material for bone tissue regeneration. The PCL-COOH nanofibers demonstrated improved adhesion and proliferation of IAR-2 cells, which shows their high potential for skin reparation and wound dressing