43 research outputs found
Military-political trends within the CIS during the Chechen campaign. (I): The multilateral approach
Noch während des Tschetschenienkriegs sicherte Rußland die Stationierung russischer Truppen in Belarus, Armenien und Georgien in bilateralen Verträgen ab. Darüber hinaus wurden militärische Kooperationsverträge mit Kasachstan und Belarus geschlossen. In der ersten Jahreshälfte 1995 wurden wichtige Schritte im Hinblick auf eine engere militärische Kooperation im Rahmen der GUS unternommen. In dem Beitrag werden die gegenwärtigen Integrationstendenzen unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Rolle Rußlands dargestellt. Schwerpunkte der von Rußland gesteuerten Militärpolitik der GUS bilden die gemeinsame Luftverteidigung, die gemeinsame Grenzbewachung und die Implementierung des Gemeinsamen Sicherheitsvertrags. (BIOst-Mrk
Military-political trends within the CIS during the Chechen campaign. (II): Bilateral approaches
Neben multilateralen Verträgen strebt Rußland auch spezielle Vereinbarungen mit einigen strategisch wichtigen GUS-Staaten an. Während der Wiederaufbau einer Armee traditionellen sowjetischen Typs auf GUS-Ebene ausgeschlossen scheint, sind die Bemühungen um die Schaffung russisch dominierter Militärformationen auf regionaler Ebene aussichtsreicher. Hier bilden die Ostachse (Rußland-Kasachstan), die Westachse (Belarus-Moldawien-Kaliningrad) und der Transkaukasus die Hauptzielrichtung der russischen Politik. In allen drei Regionen wurden in der ersten Jahreshälfte 1995 militärische Kooperationsverträge unterzeichnet. Dieser Trend zu größerer Integration scheint von Rußlands Kriegsführung in Tschetschenien nicht negativ beeinflußt zu werden. (BIOst-Mrk
The Russian Army and foreign wars 1859-1871.
The thesis examines how the Russian army interpreted and what lessons it learned from the wars in Europe between 1859 and 1871 and the American Civil War. This was a time marked by rapid change - political, social, economic and technological. By raising the question of learning from foreign wars the thesis attempts to fill a gap in the historiography of the Russian army. The army was one of the pillars on which the Russian regime built its power, and it was crucial for the survival of the regime both in domestic and foreign affairs. The reactions and thinking of the military at a time of rapid social, political, economic, and technological change, therefore, tell a lot about the regime's ability to adjust, develop, and ultimately survive. Furthermore, the influence of foreign wars on Russian strategic war planning is analysed with the use of the first Russian war plan of 1873 and the proceedings from the strategic conference, chaired by Alexander II, in 1873. The influence of foreign wars on the General Staff officer education is also investigated. The thesis is largely based on extensive research in Russian archives. Special attention is given to the military attaches and, thus, the thesis fills a gap in the historiography of the Russian army. It uncovers the development of the military attache institution with the use of new archival material. The Russian military attache reports from the European Great Powers 1859-71 and the observer reports from the different war scenes are also examined. In addition, extensive use has been made of the military press and contemporary military literature with regard to the wars
Мониторинг этиологической структуры возбудителей у пациентов с гнойными ранами
РАНЕВАЯ ИНФЕКЦИЯ /МИКРОБ /ЭТИОЛСТАФИЛОКОККИ /ПАТОГЕНSTAPHYLOCOCCUS /ПАТОГЕНЭНТЕРОБАКТЕРИИ /ПАТОГЕНENTEROBACTERIACEAE /ПАТОГЕНКОЛИФОРМНЫЕ БАЦИЛЛЫ /ПАТОГЕНПАРАКОЛОБАКТЕРИИ /ПАТОГЕНПСЕВДОМОНАДЫ /ПАТОГЕНГИДРОГЕНОМОНАДЫ /ПАТОГЕНХЛОРОБАКТЕРИИ /ПАТОГЕНКЛЕБСИЕЛЛЫ /ПАТОГЕНАКИНЕТОБАКТЕРИИ /ПАТОГЕНACINETOBACTER /ПАТОГЕНHERELLEA /ПАТОГЕНMIMA /ПАТОГЕНБАКТЕРИИ АНАЭРОБНЫЕ /ПАТОГЕНЦель исследования – изучить изменения в этиологической структуре возбудителей у пациентов с гнойными ранами. Материал и методы. На базе бактериологической лаборатории в 2006-2007 годах и в 2019-2020 годах обследованы бактериологическими методами 92 и 99 пациентов с гнойными ранами различных локализаций, соответственно. Пациенты проходили стационарное лечение в отделении гнойной хирургии УЗ "Витебская областная клиническая больница". Определение видовой принадлежности производилось в автоматическом режиме на биохимическом анализаторе АТВ Expression "bioMerieux" с использованием тест-систем: ID 32 STAPH – для стафилококков, ID 32 E – для энтеробактерий, ID 32 GN – для грамотрицательных палочек, rapid ID 32 A – для анаэробов и разработанных нами тест-систем "ИД-ЭНТЕР", "ИД-АНА" для энтеробактерий и анаэробных возбудителей, соответственно. Результаты. В результате проведенных исследований установлено, что на 13,96% (р<0,05) уменьшилась роль рода Staphylococcus, на 6,19% (р<0,05) Streptococcus pyogenes. На 12,25% (р<0,05) увеличилась доля Klebsiella pneumoniae, на 15,58% (р<0,05) – Acinetobacter baumannii. В микробном пейзаже начали появляться новые ассоциации: S.aureus + A.baumannii – 14,71% (р<0,05), представитель семейства Enterobacteriaceae + A.baumannii – 11,76% (р<0,05). Заключение. За 13 лет произошли существенные изменения в этиологической структуре экзогенных микроорганизмов у пациентов с гнойными ранами. На фоне снижения роли грамположительной флоры отмечается достоверное увеличение доли грамотрицательных проблемных возбудителей, таких как K.pneumoniae и A.baumannii. Полученные результаты необходимо учитывать при проведении антибиотикотерапии у пациентов с гнойными ранами.Objectives. To study changes in the etiological structure of pathogens in patients with purulent wounds. Material and methods. On the basis of the bacteriological laboratory, in 2006-2007 and in 2019-2020, 92 and 99 patients with purulent wounds of various locations, respectively, were examined by bacteriological methods. Patients underwent inpatient treatment at the department of purulent surgery at the Vitebsk Regional Clinical Hospital. Microflora was identified on an automated biochemical analyzer ATB Expression "bioMerieux" using test-systems: ID 32 STAPH – for staphylococci, ID 32 E – for enterobacteria, ID 32 GN – for gram-negative bacilli, rapid ID 32 A – for anaerobes and the "ID-ENTER", "ID-ANA" test-systems, developed by us for identification of enterobacteria and anaerobes, respectively. Results. As a result of the conducted investigations it has been found, that the role of the genus Staphylococcus decreased by 13.96% (p<0.05), and that of S.pyogenes decreased by 6.19% (p<0.05). The proportion of K.pneumoniae increased by 12.25% (p <0.05), and that of A.baumannii increased by 15.58% (p<0.05). New associations began to appear in the microbial landscape: S.aureus + A.baumannii – 14.71% (p<0.05), a representative of the family Enterobacteriaceae + A.baumannii – 11.76% (p<0.05). Conclusions. Over 13 years, significant changes have occurred in the etiological structure of exogenous microorganisms in patients with purulent wounds. Against the background of a decreasing role of gram-positive flora, a significant increase in the proportion of gram-negative problem pathogens, such as K.pneumoniae and A.baumannii, is observed. The obtained results must be taken into account, when providing antibiotic therapy in patients with purulent wounds
Fusion Centres - Lessons Learned : En studie av samverkansfunktioner på underrättelse- och säkerhetstjänstområdet
Efter terrordådet den 11 september mot World Trade Center och de därpå åtföljande attentaten i bl a Madrid 2004 och i London 2005 blev det uppenbart för många länder att samverkansfunktionerna på underrättelse- och säkerhetsområdet måste stärkas för att ingen relevant operativ information skulle ”falla mellan stolarna”. Den traditionella legala gränsdragningen sedan det kalla kriget mellan utrikes underrättelsetjänst och inrikes säkerhetstjänst behövde nu ses över i ljuset av det terrorhot där dessa distinktioner blev allt mer obsoleta. Denna studie granskar de olika ambitioner och modeller som ett antal länder genomfört för att förbättra informationshanteringen i kontraterrorsammanhang
Fusion Centres - Lessons Learned : A study of coordination functions for intelligence and security services
After the September 11th terrorist attacks in 2001 in the USA, it became apparent to many countries that coordination functions between intelligence and security services must be strengthened. There was a dramatic boost in the number of fusions centres. This can be explained by the increased need for cooperation between various intelligence and security services in order to meet the threat of terrorism which was perceived as increasingly acute. In 2003, Britain established the JTAC, and thereafter, several European countries followed suit. The traditional legal boundaries since the Cold War between foreign intelligence services and domestic security services needed to be reviewed in the light of the increased terrorist threat where the distinctions became increasingly obsolete. This study examines different solutions to this challenge. It deals with fusion centres at the national level, and examines future ambitions
Sjuksköterskors upplevelser av den mobila intensivvårdsgruppen MIG-team och NEWS : En deskriptiv litteraturstudie
Bakgrund: Västvärlden har hög medellivslängd vilket inte bara innebär att människor är friska utan att de också finns många som lever med svåra sjukdomar och stort lidande. I Australien startades den Mobila Intensivvårds Gruppen, MIG-team för att minska dödlighet av akut sviktande patienter, som sedan infördes runt om i världen. Syfte: Syftet med denna litteraturstudie var att beskriva sjuksköterskornas upplevelser av den mobila intensivvårdgruppen (MIG-team) samt National Early Warning Score (NEWS), samt beskriva de inkluderade artiklarnas datainsamlingsmetod. Metod: Beskrivande litteraturstudie. De inkluderade vetenskapliga artiklarna söktes fram i databasen PubMed. Elva artiklar inkluderades som svarade på syftet. Artiklarna inkluderade både kvalitativ och kvantitativ ansats. Huvudresultat: Många sjuksköterskor ansåg att kommunikationen var viktig. NEWS – National Early Warning Score sågs som ett viktigt verktyg för att effektivisera patientvården då kommunikationen blev snabb och exakt mellan sjuksköterskan och MIG-team. Detta ökade även patientsäkerheten genom att både hjärtstoppslarm och dödsfall har minskat. Sjuksköterskorna önskar överlag mer utbildning för att stärka den egna kompetensen. Det har påvisats att en del av sjuksköterskorna känner sig osäkra att hantera NEWS samt att de känner sig osäkra vid vilken tidpunkt de bör kontakta MIG-team. Osäkerheten skulle med största sannolikhet minska om de fick tillgång till mer utbildning samtidigt som det skulle stärka teamarbetet kring patienten. Datainsamlingsmetoderna i de inkluderade studierna var ett flertal intervjuer, en observationsstudie och datainsamlingar från olika dataprogram. Slutsats: Kommunikation har visat sig ha stor betydelse både för att säkerhetsställa patientarbete och främja teamarbete i personalgruppen. Införande av NEWS och MIG-team runt om i världen har visats minska hjärtstopplarm och dödligheten på sjukhus, vilket skulle kunna motivera till ytterligare utbildning för sjuksköterskor i NEWS och MIG-team.Background: In the west world it is a high life expectancy, which not only means thatpeople are healthy but that they also are many who are living with serious illnesses andgreat suffering. The Mobile Intensive Care Group (MIG team) started in Australia toreduce mortality from acute fragile patients, who then introduced around the world. Aim: To describe the nurse´s experiences of Rapid Response Team (MIG-team), andthe National Early Warning Score (NEWS), and to describe the data collection of theincluded articles. Methods: A literature study with descriptive design. The included scientific articleswere sought out in the PubMed database. Eleven articles were included who answeredthe aim. The articles included both qualitative and quantitative approach. Results: Many of the nurse´s concider that the communication was important. NEWSseen as an important tool to streamline patient care when communication was fast andaccurately between the nurse and the MIG- team. This also increased patient safety,which showed that both cardiac arrest alarm and deaths have declined. Nurses wishgenerally more education to enhance their skills. It has been demonstrated that some ofthe nurses feel insecure dealing with NEWS and that they feel uncertain when theyshould contact MIG -Team. The uncertainty would most likely decrease if they hadaccess to more education while it also would strengthen the teamwork around thepatient. Data collection methods in the included studies were several interviews, oneobservational study and data collection from various data programs. Conclusion: Communication has proved to be very important both to the collateralpatient work and promote teamwork in the personnel group. Introduction of NEWS andMIG teams around the world have been shown to reduce cardiac alarms and mortality inhospitals, which could warrant additional training in the MEWS and MIG team for thenurse´s