83 research outputs found

    Cytochromes c and the evolution of gram positive bacteria

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    The alternative complex III from Rhodothermus marinus – A prototype of a new family of quinol:electron acceptor oxidoreductases

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    AbstractThe biochemical and genetic search for a bc1 complex in Rhodothermus marinus was always fruitless; however, a functional equivalent, i.e. having quinol:cytochrome c oxidoreductase activity was characterized. Now, with the sequencing of R. marinus genome, it was possible to assign the N-terminal sequences of several proteins of this complex to its coding genes. The alternative complex III from R. marinus has the same genomic organization of the so-called MFIcc complexes, proposed to be oxidoreductases of the respiratory and photosynthetic electron transfer chains. In this report, we establish undoubtedly the existence of an alternative complex III, a functional substitute of the bc1 complex, by its identification at both the biochemical and genomic level

    Enzymatic depolymerization of alginate by two novel thermostable alginate lyases from Rhodothermus marinus

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    Alginate (alginic acid) is a linear polysaccharide, wherein (1→4)-linked β-D-mannuronic acid and its C5 epimer, α-L-guluronic acid, are arranged in varying sequences. Alginate lyases catalyze the depolymerization of alginate, thereby cleaving the (1→4) glycosidic linkages between the monomers by a β-elimination mechanism, to yield unsaturated 4-deoxy-L-erythro-hex-4-enopyranosyluronic acid (Δ) at the non-reducing end of resulting oligosaccharides (α-L-erythro configuration) or, depending on the enzyme, the unsaturated monosaccharide itself. In solution, the released free unsaturated monomer product is further hydrated in a spontaneous (keto-enol tautomerization) process to form two cyclic stereoisomers. In this study, two alginate lyase genes, designated alyRm3 and alyRm4, from the marine thermophilic bacterium Rhodothermus marinus (strain MAT378), were cloned and expressed in Escherichia coli. The recombinant enzymes were characterized, and their substrate specificity and product structures determined. AlyRm3 (PL39) and AlyRm4 (PL17) are among the most thermophilic and thermostable alginate lyases described to date with temperature optimum of activity at ∼75 and 81°C, respectively. The pH optimum of activity of AlyRm3 is ∼5.5 and AlyRm4 at pH 6.5. Detailed NMR analysis of the incubation products demonstrated that AlyRm3 is an endolytic lyase, while AlyRm4 is an exolytic lyase, cleaving monomers from the non-reducing end of oligo/poly-alginates

    MEGGASENSE – pretraživač (meta)genomski anotiranih sekvencija pomoću govornog jezika – platforma za izradu bioloških skladišta podataka

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    The MEGGASENSE platform constructs relational databases of DNA or protein sequences. The default functional analysis uses 14 106 hidden Markov model (HMM) profiles based on sequences in the KEGG database. The Solr search engine allows sophisticated queries and a BLAST search function is also incorporated. These standard capabilities were used to generate the SCATT database from the predicted proteome of Streptomyces cattleya. The implementation of a specialised metagenome database (AMYLOMICS) for bioprospecting of carbohydrate-modifying enzymes is described. In addition to standard assembly of reads, a novel ‘functional’ assembly was developed, in which screening of reads with the HMM profiles occurs before the assembly. The AMYLOMICS database incorporates additional HMM profiles for carbohydrate-modifying enzymes and it is illustrated how the combination of HMM and BLAST analyses helps identify interesting genes. A variety of different proteome and metagenome databases have been generated by MEGGASENSE.Platforma MEGGASENSE služi za izradu relacijskih baza podataka koje sadržavaju nukleotidne ili proteinske sekvencije. Osnovna funkcionalna analiza zasniva se na primjeni 14 106 profila skrivenih Markovljevih modela (HMM), temeljenih na sekvencijama dostupnim u bazi podataka KEGG. Pomoću tražilice Solr mogu se zadati napredni upiti u sprezi s implementiranom pretragom BLAST. Osnovne funkcionalnosti platforme omogućile su izradu baze podataka SCATT, temeljene na predviđenom proteomu bakterije Streptomyces cattleya. U radu je opisana implementacija specijalizirane metagenomske baze podataka (AMYLOMICS) za „bioprospecting“ enzima koji modificiraju ugljikohidrate. Uz standardno slaganje očitanih kratkih sljedova DNA, razvijen je funkcionalni postupak pretraživanja HMM profila u očitanim slijedovima DNA prije slaganja. Baza podataka AMYLOMICS sadržava i dodatne HMM profile enzima za modifikaciju ugljikohidrata. U radu je prikazano kako se kombinacijom analiza HMM i BLAST mogu identificirati ciljani geni. Platforma MEGGASENSE upotrijebljena je za izradu raznih proteomskih i metagenomskih baza podataka

    Characterization of carotenoids in Rhodothermus marinus

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    Rhodothermus marinus, a marine aerobic thermophile, was first isolated from an intertidal hot spring in Iceland. In recent years, the R. marinus strain PRI 493 has been genetically modified, which opens up possibilities for targeted metabolic engineering of the species, such as of the carotenoid biosynthetic pathway. In this study, the carotenoids of the R. marinus type‐strain DSM 4252T, strain DSM 4253, and strain PRI 493 were characterized. Bioreactor cultivations were used for pressurized liquid extraction and analyzed by ultra‐high performance supercritical fluid chromatography with diode array and quadropole time‐of‐flight mass spectrometry detection (UHPSFC‐DAD‐QTOF/MS). Salinixanthin, a carotenoid originally found in Salinibacter ruber and previously detected in strain DSM 4253, was identified in all three R. marinus strains, both in the hydroxylated and nonhydroxylated form. Furthermore, an additional and structurally distinct carotenoid was detected in the three strains. MS/MS fragmentation implied that the mass difference between salinixanthin and the novel carotenoid structure corresponded to the absence of a 4‐keto group on the ß‐ionone ring. The study confirmed the lack of carotenoids for the strain SB‐71 (ΔtrpBΔpurAcrtBI’::trpB) in which genes encoding two enzymes of the proposed pathway are partially deleted. Moreover, antioxidant capacity was detected in extracts of all the examined R. marinus strains and found to be 2–4 times lower for the knock‐out strain SB‐71. A gene cluster with 11 genes in two operons in the R. marinusDSM 4252T genome was identified and analyzed, in which several genes were matched with carotenoid biosynthetic pathway genes in other organisms.Vetenskapsrådet, Grant/Award Number: 622-2010-333; Svenska Forskningsrådet Formas, Grant/Award Number: 239-2013-971 and 942-2015-1952; Seventh Framework Programme, Grant/Award Number: 311932Peer Reviewe

    Composition analysis and minimal treatments to solubilize polysaccharides from the brown seaweed Laminaria digitata for microbial growth of thermophiles

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    Publisher's version (útgefin grein)Brown macroalgae (Phaeophyta) hold high potential as feedstock for biorefineries due to high biomass productivity and carbohydrate content. They are, however, a challenging, unconventional feedstock for microbial refining and several processing problems need to be solved to make them a viable option. Pre-treatment is necessary to enhance accessibility and solubility of the biomass components but should be minimal and mild to assure sustainable and cost-effective processing. Here, two routes to pre-treatLaminaria digitata to release polysaccharides were investigated: hot water pre-treatment by autoclaving (121 °C, 20 min or 60 min) and a two-step extraction with mild acid (0.1 M HCl) followed by alkaline treatment. Hot water pre-treatment resulted in partial extraction of a mixture of polysaccharides consisting of alginate, fucoidan and laminarin. After mild acid pre-treatment, alginate was found in the remaining insoluble residues and was extracted in a second step via alkaline treatment using Na2CO3 (0.15 M) at 80 °C and CaCl2 (10%) for the precipitation. In addition to carbohydrates, a fraction of other components such as proteins, phenolic compounds, minerals and trace elements was detected in the extracts. Cultivation of the thermophilic bacterial strains Rhodothermus marinus DSM 16675 and Bacillus methanolicus MGA3 (ATCC 53907) in media supplemented with the respective extracts resulted in growth of both strains, indicating that they were able to utilize the available carbon source for growth. R. marinus displayed the highest cell density in the medium containing the extract from acid pre-treatment, whereas B. methanolicus growth was highest with the extract from hot water pre-treatment.Open access funding provided by Lund University. The authors received financial support for the projects Thermofactories, (Era-net MBT1, grant agreement No 604814), MacroVal (the Swedish research council Formas, grant 2015-769), Marine food resources for new markets (Formas, grant 2018-01863), Macro cascade (Bio-Based Industries Joint Undertaking under EU Horizon 2020, grant agreement No 720755), the Novo Nordisk foundation (grant agreement No NNF18OC00349792) and ProSeaFood, (Era-net SusFood2, grant agreement No 727473).Peer Reviewe

    Identifying Fishes through DNA Barcodes and Microarrays

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    Background: International fish trade reached an import value of 62.8 billion Euro in 2006, of which 44.6% are covered by the European Union. Species identification is a key problem throughout the life cycle of fishes: from eggs and larvae to adults in fisheries research and control, as well as processed fish products in consumer protection. Methodology/Principal Findings: This study aims to evaluate the applicability of the three mitochondrial genes 16S rRNA (16S), cytochrome b (cyt b), and cytochrome oxidase subunit I (COI) for the identification of 50 European marine fish species by combining techniques of ‘‘DNA barcoding’’ and microarrays. In a DNA barcoding approach, neighbour Joining (NJ) phylogenetic trees of 369 16S, 212 cyt b, and 447 COI sequences indicated that cyt b and COI are suitable for unambiguous identification, whereas 16S failed to discriminate closely related flatfish and gurnard species. In course of probe design for DNA microarray development, each of the markers yielded a high number of potentially species-specific probes in silico, although many of them were rejected based on microarray hybridisation experiments. None of the markers provided probes to discriminate the sibling flatfish and gurnard species. However, since 16S-probes were less negatively influenced by the ‘‘position of label’’ effect and showed the lowest rejection rate and the highest mean signal intensity, 16S is more suitable for DNA microarray probe design than cty b and COI. The large portion of rejected COI-probes after hybridisation experiments (.90%) renders the DNA barcoding marker as rather unsuitable for this high-throughput technology. Conclusions/Significance: Based on these data, a DNA microarray containing 64 functional oligonucleotide probes for the identification of 30 out of the 50 fish species investigated was developed. It represents the next step towards an automated and easy-to-handle method to identify fish, ichthyoplankton, and fish products

    The structure of Rhodothermus marinus Cel12A, a highly thermostable family 12 endoglucanase, at 1.8 Å resolution

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    Cellulose is one of the most abundant polysaccharides in nature and microorganisms have developed a comprehensive system for enzymatic breakdown of this ubiquitous carbon source, a subject of much interest in the biotechnology industry. Rhodothermus marinus produces a hyperthermostable cellulase, with a temperature optimum of more than 90 °C, the structure of which is presented here to 1.8 Å resolution. The enzyme has been classified into glycoside hydrolase family 12; this is the first structure of a thermophilic member of this family to have been solved. The β-jelly roll fold observed has identical topology to those of the two mesophilic members of the family whose structures have been elucidated previously. A Hepes buffer molecule bound in the active site may have triggered a conformational change to an active configuration as the two catalytic residues Glu124 and Glu207, together with dependent residues, are observed in a conformation similar to that seen in the structure of Streptomyces lividans CelB2 complexed with an inhibitor. The structural similarity between this cellulase and the mesophilic enzymes serves to highlight features that may be responsible for its thermostability, chiefly an increase in ion pair number and the considerable stabilisation of a mobile region seen in S. lividans CelB2. Additional aromatic residues in the active site region may also contribute to the difference in thermophilicity

    Data from: Present-day genetic structure of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) in Icelandic rivers and ice-cap retreat models

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    Due to an improved understanding of past climatological conditions, it has now become possible to study the potential concordance between former climatological models and present-day genetic structure. Genetic variability was assessed in 26 samples from different rivers of Atlantic salmon in Iceland (total of 2,352 individuals), using 15 microsatellite loci. F-statistics revealed significant differences between the majority of the populations that were sampled. Bayesian cluster analyses using both prior information and no prior information on sampling location revealed the presence of two distinguishable genetic pools - namely, the Northern (Group 1) and Southern (Group 2) regions of Iceland. Furthermore, the random permutation of different allele sizes among allelic states revealed a significant mutational component to the genetic differentiation at four microsatellite loci (SsaD144, Ssa171, SSsp2201 and SsaF3), and supported the proposition of a historical origin behind the observed variation. The estimated time of divergence, using two different ABC methods, suggested that the observed genetic pattern originated from between the Last Glacial Maximum to the Younger Dryas, which serves as additional evidence of the relative immaturity of Icelandic fish populations, on account of the re-colonisation of this young environment following the Last Glacial Maximum. Additional analyses suggested the presence of several genetic entities which were likely to originate from the original groups detected

    Immobilization of a recombinant Escherichia coli producing a thermostable alpha-L-rhamnosidase: Creation of a bioreactor for hydrolyses of naringin

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    An U-L-rhamnosidase (E.C. from a newly discovered thermophilic bacterium was expressed in Escherichia coli BL21 DE3 pRIL cells. The cells were immobilized in Ca2+-alginate beads. The temperature of 50 degrees C used in reactions, appeared to be sufficient for making the mesophilic strain porous enough for the substrate to access the cloned thermostable enzyme. Pretreatment of cells with heat or lysozyme prior to bead formation did not improve the results. The best cell concentration (w/w) for bead preparation was found to be 0.0 192 g ml(-1) and stability of beads increased if CaCl2 concentration in buffers and substrate was kept at 50 mM. In a 60 min assay, the optimal pH of the entrapped cells was found to be 7.8 and the optimal temperature 60 degrees C. By packing the beads in a column, a bioreactor for production Of L-rhamnose from naringin was created. Full degradation of 7.9 mM naringin could be reached by running the reactor at 1 ml min(-1) at 50 degrees C. The optimal running temperature of the reactor was found to be 50 degrees C and the reactor was fully stable over 3 days at that temperature. On the fourth day, substrate degradation capacity had decreased by 10-15%. (c) 2006 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved