32 research outputs found
Statybų sektoriaus smulkių ir vidutinių įmonių ateities e. vizija: e. verslo perspektyva
Europos Komisijos finansuojamo e-NVISION projekto tikslas – sukurti naujovišką e. verslo platformą smulkioms ir vidutinio dydžio įmonėms, sudarant joms sąlygas modeliuoti ir pritaikyti savo organizacijose konkrečius e. verslo scenarijus, kurie tenkintų vartotojų ir tiekėjų poreikius. Straipsnyje nagrinėjamas šių scenarijų įgyvendinimas, grindžiamas sprendimais, integruojančiais partnerių reikalavimus atitinkančias paslaugas. Laikomasi į paslaugas orientuotos sprendimų architektūros kūrimo principo, įvertinančio teisinius, ekonominius ir socialinius veiksnius, lemiančius tokio pobūdžio paslaugų įgyvendinimą. Kuriami technologiniai sprendimai siekti bendro tikslo – paskatinti smulkių ir vidutinių įmonių, ypač naujų šalių narių įmonių, dalyvavimą Europos Sąjungos ateities e. verslo scenarijuose.SMEs in construction sector: future business scenariosRenaldas Gudauskas, Rimantas Gatautis, Elena Vitkauskaitė
SummaryFuture business in Europe will be conducted through flexible networks of interdependent organizations. It will be global, open and collaborative, dynamic and adoptive, frictionless and consistent. Information communication technologies (ICT) will be one of the essential presuppositions for successful business development. All industries will be affected by such kind transformations and construction sector is not an exception.Problem: e-Business use in construction sector is very limited comparing with other industries analysed in e-Business W@tch (2005). Most of companies prefer reactive activities to active ones in terms of ICT use. Such situation might be explained by particularities of services provided and construction processes and by slow penetration of ICT in sector there dominates SMEs. The main objective of EU funded project e-NVISION is the development and validation of an innovative e-Business platform enabling Construction SMEs to model and adapt particular business scenarios; to integrate all their enterprise applications and to incorporate legal, economical, social and cultural services, with the final goal of facilitating their participation in the Future European e-Business Scenario.The aim: to identify most important internal processes of construction SMEs and to evaluate possibilities to use ICT to optimise those processes
Advisory, Negotiation and Intelligent Decision Support System for Leadership Analysis
The development of the Leader Model for quantitative and qualitative analyses began with the goal of integrating managerial, organizational, technical, technological, economic, legal/regulatory, innovative, social, cultural, ethical, psychological, religious, ethnic and other aspects involved in the process of a leaders life cycle. The need to determine the most efficient life cycle of a leader led to the development of the Advisory, Negotiation and Intelligent DEcision support System for Leadership Analysis (ANDES). The objective of the authors of this work for integrating text analytics, advisory, negotiation and decision support systems is to improve the quality and efficiency of intelligent decision-making regarding a leaders life cycle. This ANDES consists of an intelligent database, database management system, model-base, model-base management system and user interface
Sustainable development of real estate: decision support model and recommendations for the period of crisis
The aim of this paper is to propose a decision support model for real estate development and recommendations that could help Lithuania during economic crises. Research, theoretical and practical tasks of sustainable real estate development process were revised, particular examples presented. Different models and methods for analysis of real estate development discussed. Decision support model, encompassing extensive analysis of the global trends, best crisis management practices, assessment of the factual situation and provision of recommendations for different stakeholders under conditions of market instability presented. According to proposed model, the research was performed by studying the expertise of advanced industrial economies and by adapting such to Lithuania while taking into consideration its specific history, development level, needs and traditions. Basing on these findings, accumulated know-how, the results of previous scientific studies and practical insights of the other authors, specific recommendations to avoid crisis and minimize its consequences in macro-, meso- and micro- levels were provided. Recommendations illustrate holistic point of view and assumption that real estate development consists of creativity, research and art
Multiple criteria assessment of apartment building performance for refurbishment purposes
The selection of buildings for refurbishment is a multi-objective problem and it should be based on integrated assessment of the current performance of the buildings. Accurate assessment allows the development of strategies for the optimisation of building performance and the selection of appropriate and most efficient refurbishment measures. This paper presents a computer-based integrated building performance assessment methodology based on the multiple-criteria approach. A case study from the Šiauliai district, Lithuania, illustrates the proposed methodology in use. The assessment results indicate what are the worst performing buildings and help with the selection of appropriate refurbishment measures and estimation of possible outcomes
Подготовка высококвалифицированных библиотечных специалистов в университете
Attempts to organize higher library education in Lithuania were made long ago. An epizodic course in bibliography was read in the old Vilnius University in 1829–1830.After the restoration of Soviet power in Lituania in 1940 the Chair of bibliology was established at Vilnius State University, the course of bibliography was read. Lectures to start the preparation of skilled librarians and bibliographers were planed to read begining from the autumn of 1941. The work was interrupted by the war and nazi occupation.The department of Librarianship was founded at Vilnius State University in 1949 (the Librarianship Chair in 1952; the Scientific Information Chair in 1973). During a short period the Chairs achieved good results in various branches. They developed the scientific and research activity in librarianship and bibliography and gave skilled specialists for the libraries of our republic.During the last years more than 2000 specialists were trained in the University. They were appointed to work in different public, children, school, scientific, special and technical libraries, in scientific information offices.The great experience of library staff training gathering in for 40 years in the USSR’ universities shows that librarian’s profession does not contradict to the conception of university education. This article reveals specification of library staff training in university conditions, shows achievements and possibility of university library education, grounds necessity to carry out scientific researches in modern problem of development and perfection professional training of library staff in the USSR universities.Correspond to the aims and possibilities of university education the author proposes scientifically elaborate experimental individual curiculum, connected with contemporary needs of librarianship theory and practice, as a main way to perfect teaching. The search of more optimum way for organization and perfection library staff training – one of the main problems of soviet librarianship; it is necessary to mobilize all potential possibilities for its allowance.Попытки организовать высшее библиотечное образование в Литве были предприняты давно, эпизодически курс библиографии читалея в старом Вильнюсском университете в 1929–1830 годах.После восстановления советской власти в Литве в 1940 г. в ВГУ была создана кафедра библиологии, читался курс библиографии, намечалось с осени 1941 года начать подготовку библиотекарей и библиографов высшей квалфикации. Работу прервала война и гитлеровская оккупация.Библиотечное отделение в ВГУ было создано в 1949 г. (кафедра библиотековеденния в 1952 г., кафедра научной инФормации в 1973 г.). За небольшой промежуток времени кафедрами достигнуты хорошие результаты в разных сферах своей деятельности: развивая научно-исследовательскую работу в области библиотековедения и библиограФии, подготавливая квалифицированных специалистов для библиотек республики.За прошедшие годы в университете подготовлено свыше 2000 специалистов. Они направлены на работу в различные массовые, детские, школьлные, научные, технические и публичные библиотеки, в opганы научной инФормации.Накопленный в течение 40 лет опыт подготовки библиотечных кадров в рамках БГУ и других учиверситетов страны показывает, что профессия библиoтекаря совершенно не противоречит концепции университетского образования. В статье раскрывается специфика подготовки библиотечных кадров в условиях университета, показываются достижения и возможности университетского библиотечного образования, обосновывается необходимость проведения научного исследования по современным проблемам развития и совершенствования профессиональной полготовки бибюютечных кадров в университетах СССР.Оснонвным путем оптимизации учебного процесса автор считает разработку научно обоснованного, отвечающего современным требованиям библиотечной теории и практики экспериментального индивидуального учебного плана, соответствующего целям и возможностям университетского образования. Проблема поиска оптимального варианта организации и содержания лодготоввки библиотечных кадров – одна из основных лроблем советского библиотековедения, и для теоретического и практического ее решения необходимо мобилизовать все имеющиеся потенциальные возможности
Information society technologies in the context of knowledge economy : issues for the eEurope mid-term review
E. Europos 2005 m. veiksmų planas yra dalis Europos Tarybos Lisabonos konferencijos strateginių nutarimų, kuriais siekiama modernizuoti ir sukurti Europoje žiniomis grįstą ekonomiką. 2004 metų gegužę Europos Sąjunga išsiplės ir turės jau 25 šalis nares. Dešimt naujų šalių narių ir trys šalys kandidatės parengė panašius veiksmų planus e. Europa+, patvirtintus ministrų konferencijoje Budapešte 2004 m. vasarį. Šiame straipsnyje apžvelgiami e. Europos vidutinės trukmės programos rezultatai, kurių tikimasi pasiekti išsiplėtusioje Europos Sąjungoje bendromis europinio, nacionalinio ir vietinio lygmens pastangomis, partneriams aktyviai besikeičiant informacija. Straipsnyje aptariamos svarbiausios bendrosios strateginės direktyvos ir veiksmų planai, e. vyriausybės, e. švietimo, e. sveikatos apsaugos, e. verslo kūrimo problemos, apibendrinamos šių procesų raidos tendencijos Lietuvoje. Reikšminiai žodžiai: žinių ekonomika; Veiklos planas; Informacinė visuomenė; Knowledge economy; Action plan; Information society; žinių visuomenė; E-vyriausybė; E-mokymasis; E-verslas; Knowledge society; E-government; E-learning; E-businessThe eEurope 2005 Action Plan is part of the strategy set out at the Lisbon European Council to modernise the European economy and to build knowledge based economy in Europe. In May 2004, the EU will be extended to 25 Member States. The ten new Member States and the 3 Candidate Countries developed a similar Action Plan, eEurope+ which will end at the ministerial conference in Budapest in February 2004. The mid-term review must ensure the targets and actions of eEurope are appropriate for the enlarged EU. eEurope objectives can only be achieved by action at European, national and local levels and a key element of the mid-term review must be to ensure that the action plan is implemented effectively and to identify if improvements can be made to the flow of information between the many participants
Socioedukaciniai žinių vadybos aspektai: patyrimo bendruomenių formavimas
Vienas iš veiksmingiausių būdų paspartinti ir išplėtoti organizacinį mokymąsi yra patyrimo bendruomenių formavimas. Straipsnyje aktualizuojamas edukologinis patyrimo bendruomenių svarbos kontekstas. Analizuojant modernių žinių vadybos metodų taikymo galimybes, pateikiamos principinės inicijuojamo požiūrio nuostatos. Patyrimo bendruomenės ypač naudingos ten, kur dalykinės-disciplininės komandos yra organizacijos struktūros pagrindas. Tokiose organizacijose darbuotojai dažniausiai bendrauja tik su komandos nariais, kurių specializacija skirtinga. Tai stiprina projektų koordinavimą ir dalijimąsi žiniomis, tačiau gali atriboti komandos narius nuo kitų organizacijos darbuotojų, atliekančių panašaus pobūdžio darbus ar turinčius analogiško dalyko žinių. Patyrimo bendruomenės yra vienas iš būdų optimizuoti veiklas suvienijant darbuotojus bei išlaikant ir skatinant įvairių funkcinių komandų bendradarbiavimo veiksmingumą