97 research outputs found

    Sensibilización en Violencias desde un Abordaje Interdisciplinario en APS

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    Esta capacitación fue programada ante la emergencia de Las Violencias como problemática social diseñando el dispositivo para sensibilizar y desnaturalizar, a aquellas personas que resulte el primer contacto de auxilio de las víctimas, con el propósito de promocionar los derechos para prevenir las violencias. Las representantes de las diversas disciplinas del cuidado de la salud, tienen una importante función que cumplir para proteger la salud y la vida, detectando las diversas manifestaciones de las violencias, ya que por lo general, no se relaciona la perturbación de la salud integral como consecuencia del maltrato que recibieron y/o reciben las víctimas, situaciones donde las personas se encuentran vulneradas en su integridad bio-psico-social. Los Objetivos fueron -Capacitar agentes de salud; -Sensibilizar en la detección de signos, síntomas e indicadores de violencias; - Concientizar sobre la problemática, a fin de generar espacios de discusión; - Brindar herramientas para la detección, abordaje (atención en crisis), derivación y/o tratamiento; - Capacitar en el marco normativo vigente en materia de violencia e igualdad de género; - Instalar la perspectiva interdisciplinaria para el abordaje integral. La Población destinataria fue Profesionales de la salud (en el mas amplio sentido de la palabra) y estudiantes avanzados de carreras a fines. Respecto a los Materiales y Métodos, esta capacitación se dicto en 6 módulos: introductorio, social, psicológico, legal, medico y reflexivo, designando una docente responsable en cada uno de ellos; participando las demás desde sus disciplinas, estableciendo la importancia del abordaje interdisciplinario, utilizando casos característicos, ejes conductores, los cuales fueron trabajados y analizados desde distintas perspectivas a partir de la metodología teórico- práctica y taller. Cada actividad era acompañada de bibliografía y disparadores audiovisuales. Llegando a los siguientes Resultados: Durante 2010-11 y el primer trimestre de 2012 se logró capacitar a 423 personas, llegando a 12 de los 17 departamentos de Entre Ríos. Se prevé continuar este año y aspiramos alcanzar el doble de capacitaciones puntualizando acciones específicas en Centros de Salud (APS) de zonas rurales. Trabajamos con la convicción de generar multiplicadores para dar batalla y romper con los silencios cómplices que facilitan y perpetúan este flagelo social que se cobra cientos de vidas por año

    Prediction of severe thunderstorm events with ensemble deep learning and radar data

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    The problem of nowcasting extreme weather events can be addressed by applying either numerical methods for the solution of dynamic model equations or data-driven artificial intelligence algorithms. Within this latter framework, the most used techniques rely on video prediction deep learning methods which take in input time series of radar reflectivity images to predict the next future sequence of reflectivity images, from which the predicted rainfall quantities are extrapolated. Differently from the previous works, the present paper proposes a deep learning method, exploiting videos of radar reflectivity frames as input and lightning data to realize a warning machine able to sound timely alarms of possible severe thunderstorm events. The problem is recast in a classification one in which the extreme events to be predicted are characterized by a an high level of precipitation and lightning density. From a technical viewpoint, the computational core of this approach is an ensemble learning method based on the recently introduced value-weighted skill scores for both transforming the probabilistic outcomes of the neural network into binary predictions and assessing the forecasting performance. Such value-weighted skill scores are particularly suitable for binary predictions performed over time since they take into account the time evolution of events and predictions paying attention to the value of the prediction for the forecaster. The result of this study is a warning machine validated against weather radar data recorded in the Liguria region, in Italy


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    Telah diketahui bahwa paduan Cu2Se.31n2Sed, ari sistem pseudobinari Cu2Se-lnSe3k elihatannya pegangr eran utama pada mekanisme photovoltaik sel-surya ZnO/CdS/CuInSe2/Mo. Akan tetapi belum banyak infonnasi yang didapat tentang sifat paduan ini. Untuk alasan inilah kami telah memulai mempelajari secara sitematik paduan Cu2Se.31n2Se3te rsebutdalam bentuk kristal batangan dan lapisan film tipis yang masingmasing dibuat dengan metoda Bridgman horisontal daD deposisi daTi evaporasi-cepat. Pada makalah ini disajikan hasil karakterisasi difraktografi sinar-x dari paduan yang dibuat dengan metoda pemanasan bertahap berdasarkan energi bebas Gibbs untuk pembuatan paduano Sifat optik paduan diambil dari hasil photoluminesen pada suhu 4.2 oK dan 77 oK, daD transmisi daD refleksi pada 300 oK untuk lapisan tipis. Komposisi paduan ditentukan dengan mikroanalisa probe elektron

    Flare forecasting and feature ranking using SDO/HMI data

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    We describe here the application of a machine learning method for flare forecasting using vectors of properties extracted from images provided by the Helioseismic and Magnetic Imager in the Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO/HMI). We also discuss how the method can be used to quantitatively assess the impact of such properties on the prediction process

    Students' perspectives on first year coursework in times of pandemic

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    El escenario de pandemia por COVID-19 repercutió en el ámbito educativo, desencadenando la implementación de acciones para garantizar la continuidad pedagógica, las cuales implicaron el pasaje de la modalidad de enseñanza presencial a la remota de emergencia. Ante este panorama, el presente trabajo se centra en conocer la perspectiva de los estudiantes sobre la experiencia del cursado de la asignatura Sistemas y Organizaciones de la Licenciatura en Sistemas de Información de la Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales y Agrimensura de la Universidad Nacional del Nordeste, en modalidad remota. Es un estudio descriptivo, con abordaje cuanti cualitativo. Para el relevamiento de datos se diseñó un cuestionario, el cual fue aplicado a estudiantes, al finalizar el cursado. Los resultados permiten identificar y describir sus condiciones de acceso y uso de tecnologías para el estudio, las percepciones sobre el desarrollo de la asignatura y el proceso de aprendizaje remoto, así como también, sus perspectivas a futuro en relación al cursado de la carrera en esta modalidad.The COVID-19 pandemic scenario had repercussions in the educational field, triggering the implementation of actions to guarantee pedagogical continuity, which implied the transition from the face-to-face teaching modality to the remote emergency one. Given this scenario, this paper focuses on knowing the students' perspective on the experience of the Information Systems and Organizations course at the Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales y Agrimensura de la Universidad Nacional del Nordeste, in remote modality. It is a descriptive study, with a qualitative approach. A questionnaire was designed for data collection, which was applied to students of the subject, at the end of the course. The results allow us to identify and describe their conditions of access and use of technologies for the study, the perceptions about the development of the subject and the process of remote learning, as well as their future perspectives in relation to the course of study in this modality.Facultad de Informátic

    Active Learning for Auditory Hierarchy

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    Much audio content today is rendered as a static stereo mix: fundamentally a fixed single entity. Object-based audio envisages the delivery of sound content using a collection of individual sound ‘objects’ controlled by accompanying metadata. This offers potential for audio to be delivered in a dynamic manner providing enhanced audio for consumers. One example of such treatment is the concept of applying varying levels of data compression to sound objects thereby reducing the volume of data to be transmitted in limited bandwidth situations. This application motivates the ability to accurately classify objects in terms of their ‘hierarchy’. That is, whether or not an object is a foreground sound, which should be reproduced at full quality if possible, or a background sound, which can be heavily compressed without causing a deterioration in the listening experience. Lack of suitably labelled data is an acknowledged problem in the domain. Active Learning is a method that can greatly reduce the manual effort required to label a large corpus by identifying the most effective instances to train a model to high accuracy levels. This paper compares a number of Active Learning methods to investigate which is most effective in the context of a hierarchical labelling task on an audio dataset. Results show that the number of manual labels required can be reduced to 1.7% of the total dataset while still retaining high prediction accuracy

    Perception of urban park soundscape

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    A number of studies have been initiated to explore how to improve the soundscape quality in urban parks. However, good soundscape quality in parks cannot be provided without a thorough understanding of the complex relationships among sound, environment, and individuals. As acoustic comfort is considered to be an important outcome of soundscape quality, this study investigates the relative impacts of the factors influencing acoustic comfort evaluation by formulating a multivariate ordered logit model. This study also explores the inter-relationships among acoustic comfort evaluation, acceptability of the environment, and preference to stay in a park using a path model. A total of 595 valid responses were obtained from interview surveys administered in four parks in Hong Kong while objective sound measurements were carried out at the survey spots concurrently. The findings unveil that acoustic comfort evaluation, besides visual comfort evaluation of landscape, also plays an important role on users’ acceptability of the urban park environment. Compared with all the studied acoustic related factors, acoustic comfort evaluation serves as a better proxy for park users’ preference to stay in urban parks. Hearing the breeze will significantly increase the likelihood of individuals in giving high acoustic comfort evaluation. Conversely, hearing the sounds from heavy vehicles or sounds from bikes will significantly reduce the likelihood in giving a high acoustic evaluation.Department of Building Services EngineeringDepartment of Mechanical Engineerin