38 research outputs found

    Influence of parenting style on the academic performance of middle school students

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    Students who don't succeed in school are a persistent problem in our educational system. This fact shows that all the efforts to reduce this problem are not succeeding. One third of our students are left behind by the educational system; their results are discouraging. The measures to fight the academic failure are not working and that we have to put into practice new ways of analysis and treatment of this problem. This research explores the relationship between the way children perceive the parenting style of their parents and his o her own academic performance. In the intersection of both phenomena we find our hypothesis: the way parents socialise their children influences significantly on their academic performance. This research is orientated to decision taking process: the aim is to define the level of influence of the parenting style on academic outcomes. The main result is that parents acceptation/implication appears to be significantly linked to the school performance (this evidence shows a big area for new researches: the family). Our research confirms and frames the correlation between these two variables and underlies the family as a new scenario of pedagogical concern to explain and treat school failure

    TRPV4 Channels Promote Pathological, but Not Physiological, Cardiac Remodeling through the Activation of Calcineurin/NFAT and TRPC6

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    TRPV4 channels, which respond to mechanical activation by permeating Ca2+ into the cell, may play a pivotal role in cardiac remodeling during cardiac overload. Our study aimed to investigate TRPV4 involvement in pathological and physiological remodeling through Ca2+-dependent signaling. TRPV4 expression was assessed in heart failure (HF) models, induced by isoproterenol infusion or transverse aortic constriction, and in exercise-induced adaptive remodeling models. The impact of genetic TRPV4 inhibition on HF was studied by echocardiography, histology, gene and protein analysis, arrhythmia inducibility, Ca2+ dynamics, calcineurin (CN) activity, and NFAT nuclear translocation. TRPV4 expression exclusively increased in HF models, strongly correlating with fibrosis. Isoproterenol-administered transgenic TRPV4-/- mice did not exhibit HF features. Cardiac fibroblasts (CFb) from TRPV4+/+ animals, compared to TRPV4-/-, displayed significant TRPV4 overexpression, elevated Ca2+ influx, and enhanced CN/NFATc3 pathway activation. TRPC6 expression paralleled that of TRPV4 in all models, with no increase in TRPV4-/- mice. In cultured CFb, the activation of TRPV4 by GSK1016790A increased TRPC6 expression, which led to enhanced CN/NFATc3 activation through synergistic action of both channels. In conclusion, TRPV4 channels contribute to pathological remodeling by promoting fibrosis and inducing TRPC6 upregulation through the activation of Ca2+-dependent CN/NFATc3 signaling. These results pose TRPV4 as a primary mediator of the pathological response

    GeoServicios de AMB y migración a OpenStreetMap

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    Este documento resume el trabajo realizado por la Mancomunitat de Municipis de l’Àrea Metropolitana de Barcelona (AMB) para la difusión por Internet de la información cartográfica que generan y la colaboración con la Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC) para migrar el callejero de los municipios que componen el AMB a formato OpenStreetMap (OSM). La difusión gratuita por Internet de la mayor parte, los más utilizados, de los productos que componen el catálogo de Cartografía de la MMAMB pretende facilitar a todos los interesados el acceso a esta infraestructura tan valiosa. Se ha desarrollado también una exportación de los datos que conforman la “Guia de carrers de l’AMB” a OSM. Los objetivos de esta exportación son: la evaluación de la cesión de datos públicos a OSM; el establecimiento de los protocolos necesarios para usar datos procedentes de OSM; la creación de un portal web usando la tecnología de OSM para que los diferentes municipios puedan realizar la edición distribuida de datos cartográficos de AMB; y el uso de herramientas libres para la renderización de mapas, tanto en tiempo real como diferido.Postprint (published version

    Changes in the requirement for early surgery in inflammatory bowel disease in the era of biological agents

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    This is the peer reviewed version of the following article: Changes in the requirement for early surgery in inflammatory bowel disease in the era of biological agents. Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology (2020): 29 April, which has been published in final form at https://doi.org/10.1111/jgh.15084. This article may be used for non-commercial purposes in accordance with Wiley Terms and Conditions for Use of Self-Archived VersionsBiological therapies may be changing the natural history of inflammatory bowel diseases, reducing the need for surgical intervention. We aimed to assess whether the availability of anti‐TNF agents impacts the need for early surgery in Crohn's disease (CD) and ulcerative colitis (UC). Methods Retrospective, cohort study of patients diagnosed within a 6‐year period before and after the licensing of anti‐TNFs (1990‐1995 and 2007‐2012 for CD; 1995‐2000 and 2007‐2012 for UC) were identified in the ENEIDA Registry. Surgery‐free survival curves were compared between cohorts. Results A total of 7,370 CD patients (2,022 in Cohort 1 and 5,348 in Cohort 2) and 8,069 UC patients (2,938 in Cohort 1 and 5,131 in Cohort 2) were included. Immunosuppressants were used significantly earlier and more frequently in both CD and UC post‐biological cohorts. The cumulative probability of surgery was lower in CD following anti‐TNF approval (16% and 11%, 22% and 16%, and 29% and 19%, at 1, 3 and 5 years, respectively p<0.0001), though not in UC (3% and 2%, 4% and 4%, and 6% and 5% at 1, 3 and 5 years, respectively; p=0.2). Ileal involvement, older age at diagnosis and active smoking in CD, and extensive disease in UC, were independent risk factors for surgery, whereas high‐volume IBD centres (in both CD and UC) and immunosuppressant use (in CD) were protective factors. Conclusions Anti‐TNF availability was associated with a reduction in early surgery for CD (driven mainly by earlier and more widespread immunosuppressant use) but not in U

    Identification of Human IKK-2 Inhibitors of Natural Origin (Part I): Modeling of the IKK-2 Kinase Domain, Virtual Screening and Activity Assays

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    BACKGROUND: Their large scaffold diversity and properties, such as structural complexity and drug similarity, form the basis of claims that natural products are ideal starting points for drug design and development. Consequently, there has been great interest in determining whether such molecules show biological activity toward protein targets of pharmacological relevance. One target of particular interest is hIKK-2, a serine-threonine protein kinase belonging to the IKK complex that is the primary component responsible for activating NF-κB in response to various inflammatory stimuli. Indeed, this has led to the development of synthetic ATP-competitive inhibitors for hIKK-2. Therefore, the main goals of this study were (a) to use virtual screening to identify potential hIKK-2 inhibitors of natural origin that compete with ATP and (b) to evaluate the reliability of our virtual-screening protocol by experimentally testing the in vitro activity of selected natural-product hits. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: We thus predicted that 1,061 out of the 89,425 natural products present in the studied database would inhibit hIKK-2 with good ADMET properties. Notably, when these 1,061 molecules were merged with the 98 synthetic hIKK-2 inhibitors used in this study and the resulting set was classified into ten clusters according to chemical similarity, there were three clusters that contained only natural products. Five molecules from these three clusters (for which no anti-inflammatory activity has been previously described) were then selected for in vitro activity testing, in which three out of the five molecules were shown to inhibit hIKK-2. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: We demonstrated that our virtual-screening protocol was successful in identifying lead compounds for developing new inhibitors for hIKK-2, a target of great interest in medicinal chemistry. Additionally, all the tools developed during the current study (i.e., the homology model for the hIKK-2 kinase domain and the pharmacophore) will be made available to interested readers upon request

    L’execució penal a Justícia Juvenil a Tarragona. Anàlisi comparativa entre Tarragona, Lleida i Girona

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    La finalitat d’aquest estudi és conèixer quines són les singularitats de la província de Tarragona respecte a les característiques de les persones ateses, del seu entorn sociofamiliar, dels agents que intervenen, dels fets delictius comesos, de les mesures imposades i quina és la taxa de reincidència i comprovar fins a quin punt hi ha diferències respecte Lleida i Girona. Aquesta primera part recull els resultats de justícia juvenil i està previst l’any que ve completar l’informe amb els resultats de les mesures penals alternatives. L’encàrrec el va fer el Centre d’Estudis Jurídics i Formació Especialitzada, a demanda dels Serveis Territorials de Justícia a Tarragona, a la Universitat Rovira i Virgili. L’estudi és fonamentalment descriptiu i exposa les característiques sociofamiliars, sociodemogràfiques, personals, criminògenes i de resposta judicial i penal que han tingut els joves atesos a Justícia Juvenil a Tarragona, Lleida i Girona. S’estudien els casos que van finalitzar una causa judicial l’any 2010 (N=1.437) i se’ls ha seguit fins el 31 de desembre de 2013, per saber si han tornat a reincidir. També es compara entre els diferents territoris i amb les característiques de la població infantil i juvenil (entre 0 i 18) a les 3 províncies. S’han recollit també dades de l’evolució dels indicadors del sistema d’execució penal dels anys 2010 fins el 2013 i dades macrosocials dels diferents àmbits socials (ensenyament, salut, demogràfiques, laborals, etc.). Juntament amb la part quantitativa, l’estudi té una part qualitativa feta a partir de les entrevistes amb informants claus del sistema penal juvenil, diferents operadors jurídics i del sistema d’execució penal. Els resultats donen molta informació comuna i particular de cadascun dels 3 territoris estudiats i permeten una amplia visió del fenomen amb la possibilitat d’entendre i atendre les singularitats i particularitats de cada territori.The purpose of this research is to know the singularities of Tarragona (one of the 4 Catalan provinces) regarding the characteristics of its young offenders (their social environment, the agents involved, the crimes committed, the measures imposed and their recidivism). Young offenders of Tarragona are compared with the ones of Lleida and Girona (2 different provinces) to see if there are many differences among them and why. The study is primarily descriptive and exposes the characteristics of the juveniles and their families, as well as the penal response that they received because of the offence committed. The study reviews the files of the juveniles that finished their sentence in 2010 (N = 1,437) and follows them, until December 2013, to see if they re-offend. It also compares the 3 provinces through different variables: the general characteristics of children (0 to 18); indicators of criminality; and macro data from different social sectors (education, health, population, work, etc.). The research has also a qualitative part with results of interviews with key stakeholders of the juvenile justice system. The results give a lot of information of each of the three territories studied regarding how juvenile justice works and its context. This is the first part of a wider research that will also analyze the singularities of Tarragona related adults offenders subject to community sanctions and measures and that will be published next year.La finalidad de este estudio es conocer cuáles son las singularidades de la provincia de Tarragona respecto a las características de las personas atendidas, de su entorno socio familiar, los agentes que intervienen, de los hechos delictivos cometidos, de las medidas impuestas y cuál es la tasa de reincidencia y comprobar hasta qué punto hay diferencias respecto a Lleida y Girona. Esta primera parte recoge los resultados sobre justicia juvenil y está previsto que el año que viene se complete el informe con los resultados de las medidas penales alternativas. El encargo lo hizo el Centro de Estudios Jurídicos y Formación Especializada, a demanda de los Servicios Territoriales de Justicia en Tarragona, a la Universidad Rovira i Virgili. El estudio es fundamentalmente descriptivo y expone las características socio familiares, socio demográficas, personales, criminógenas y de respuesta judicial y penal que han tenido los jóvenes atendidos en Justicia Juvenil en Tarragona, Lleida y Girona. Se estudian los casos que finalizaron una causa judicial en 2010 (N=1.437) y se les ha seguido hasta el 31 de diciembre de 2013, para saber si han vuelto a reincidir. También se compara entre los diferentes territorios y con las características de la población infantil y juvenil (entre 0 y 18) en las 3 provincias. Se han recogido también datos de la evolución de los indicadores del sistema de ejecución penal de los años 2010 hasta el 2013 y datos macrosociales de los diferentes ámbitos sociales (educación, salud, demográficos, laborales, etc.). Junto con la parte cuantitativa, el estudio tiene una parte cualitativa hecha a partir de las entrevistas con informantes claves del sistema penal juvenil, diferentes operadores jurídicos y del sistema de ejecución penal. Los resultados dan mucha información común y particular de cada uno de los 3 territorios estudiados y permiten una amplia visión del fenómeno con la posibilidad de entender y atender las singularidades y particularidades de cada territorio

    La ejecución penal en Justicia Juvenil en Tarragona. Análisis comparativo entre Tarragona, Lleida y Girona

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    La finalidad de este estudio es conocer cuáles son las singularidades de la provincia de Tarragona respecto a las características de las personas atendidas, de su entorno socio familiar, los agentes que intervienen, de los hechos delictivos cometidos, de las medidas impuestas y cuál es la tasa de reincidencia y comprobar hasta qué punto hay diferencias respecto a Lleida y Girona. Esta primera parte recoge los resultados sobre justicia juvenil y está previsto que el año que viene se complete el informe con los resultados de las medidas penales alternativas. El encargo lo hizo el Centro de Estudios Jurídicos y Formación Especializada, a demanda de los Servicios Territoriales de Justicia en Tarragona, a la Universidad Rovira i Virgili. El estudio es fundamentalmente descriptivo y expone las características socio familiares, socio demográficas, personales, criminógenas y de respuesta judicial y penal que han tenido los jóvenes atendidos en Justicia Juvenil en Tarragona, Lleida y Girona. Se estudian los casos que finalizaron una causa judicial en 2010 (N=1.437) y se les ha seguido hasta el 31 de diciembre de 2013, para saber si han vuelto a reincidir. También se compara entre los diferentes territorios y con las características de la población infantil y juvenil (entre 0 y 18) en las 3 provincias. Se han recogido también datos de la evolución de los indicadores del sistema de ejecución penal de los años 2010 hasta el 2013 y datos macrosociales de los diferentes ámbitos sociales (educación, salud, demográficos, laborales, etc.). Junto con la parte cuantitativa, el estudio tiene una parte cualitativa hecha a partir de las entrevistas con informantes claves del sistema penal juvenil, diferentes operadores jurídicos y del sistema de ejecución penal. Los resultados dan mucha información común y particular de cada uno de los 3 territorios estudiados y permiten una amplia visión del fenómeno con la posibilidad de entender y atender las singularidades y particularidades de cada territorio.La finalitat d’aquest estudi és conèixer quines són les singularitats de la província de Tarragona respecte a les característiques de les persones ateses, del seu entorn sociofamiliar, dels agents que intervenen, dels fets delictius comesos, de les mesures imposades i quina és la taxa de reincidència i comprovar fins a quin punt hi ha diferències respecte Lleida i Girona. Aquesta primera part recull els resultats de justícia juvenil i està previst l’any que ve completar l’informe amb els resultats de les mesures penals alternatives. L’encàrrec el va fer el Centre d’Estudis Jurídics i Formació Especialitzada, a demanda dels Serveis Territorials de Justícia a Tarragona, a la Universitat Rovira i Virgili. L’estudi és fonamentalment descriptiu i exposa les característiques sociofamiliars, sociodemogràfiques, personals, criminògenes i de resposta judicial i penal que han tingut els joves atesos a Justícia Juvenil a Tarragona, Lleida i Girona. S’estudien els casos que van finalitzar una causa judicial l’any 2010 (N=1.437) i se’ls ha seguit fins el 31 de desembre de 2013, per saber si han tornat a reincidir. També es compara entre els diferents territoris i amb les característiques de la població infantil i juvenil (entre 0 i 18) a les 3 províncies. S’han recollit també dades de l’evolució dels indicadors del sistema d’execució penal dels anys 2010 fins el 2013 i dades macrosocials dels diferents àmbits socials (ensenyament, salut, demogràfiques, laborals, etc.). Juntament amb la part quantitativa, l’estudi té una part qualitativa feta a partir de les entrevistes amb informants claus del sistema penal juvenil, diferents operadors jurídics i del sistema d’execució penal. Els resultats donen molta informació comuna i particular de cadascun dels 3 territoris estudiats i permeten una amplia visió del fenomen amb la possibilitat d’entendre i atendre les singularitats i particularitats de cada territori.The purpose of this research is to know the singularities of Tarragona (one of the 4 Catalan provinces) regarding the characteristics of its young offenders (their social environment, the agents involved, the crimes committed, the measures imposed and their recidivism). Young offenders of Tarragona are compared with the ones of Lleida and Girona (2 different provinces) to see if there are many differences among them and why. The study is primarily descriptive and exposes the characteristics of the juveniles and their families, as well as the penal response that they received because of the offence committed. The study reviews the files of the juveniles that finished their sentence in 2010 (N = 1,437) and follows them, until December 2013, to see if they re-offend. It also compares the 3 provinces through different variables: the general characteristics of children (0 to 18); indicators of criminality; and macro data from different social sectors (education, health, population, work, etc.). The research has also a qualitative part with results of interviews with key stakeholders of the juvenile justice system. The results give a lot of information of each of the three territories studied regarding how juvenile justice works and its context. This is the first part of a wider research that will also analyze the singularities of Tarragona related adults offenders subject to community sanctions and measures and that will be published next year