1,954 research outputs found

    La ciudad federal y la Ilustración española

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    La frontera oriental de Europa. Nuevas perspectivas para viejos problemas

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    Sin duda, la movilidad de la frontera oriental es uno de sus rasgos distintivos frente al resto de fronteras de la Unión Europea. La reciente ampliación de la Unión a los países de la Europa Central y Oriental ha extendido las fronteras comunitarias hasta nuevos territorios. Se trata de antiguas repúblicas soviéticas que, tras la independencia, han seguido un camino marcado por la inestabilidad política interna, la escasa o nula democratización, la crisis económica y la dependencia energética de Rusia. Nuestra aportación trata de analizar la compleja relación de la UE con estos países (Bielorrusia, Ucrania y Moldova), con quienes trata de impulsar una política de acercamiento para favorecer su democratización y dotar de mayor seguridad a la frontera oriental. (A

    Textile Memory in Colchane: Weavers Revitalizing the Aymara Tradition

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    In Aymara culture, textiles have played a fundamental role as highly valued community possessions and significant media for ritual and tradition. In Chilean territory, the Colchane community has been fortunate, because they have here retained, with fidelity and vigor, their culture and traditional textile practices. However, the average age of active weavers is rising and those younger do not have the technical expertise of their elders, which has led to the loss of a significant part of traditional technical knowledge. To not forget the “handwork” became an urgent concern for artisans in the community, members of the Aymar Warmi association, who sought the support of textile professionals to develop a project that would permit them to organize in order to recover the know-how to make some pieces that they had ceased to weave. Between 2015 and 2016, we carried out the project “Memoria Textil: Reproducción y muestra de una selección aymara de Colchane,” (Fondart N  80940) which sought to revitalize local traditional weaving by creating a collection of textile pieces representative of inherited expertise. The collection remained on display in the community as reference materials to be consulted by the weavers. In the project, a methodology was defined in which the professionals assumed the role of facilitators and guides, with all decisions made by the weavers. This led to greater recognition from their peers for local teachers, who directed the transmission of knowledge that went beyond the technical and practical sphere, since together with the textiles their reason for existence was recovered, documenting the contexts in which they were used, some of them forgotten. A consequence of this initiative has been participation of these weavers in the national award Sello Indigena, a prize now received on two occasions based on the practices and pieces recovered

    Evaluating the Chile Solidario program: results using the Chile Solidario panel and the administrative databases

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    This paper presents the results of a three-year evaluation performed on the first cohorts of Chile Solidario, the most important anti-poverty program in Chile. The paper presents a description of the program, emphasizing the mechanism by which people were admitted into the program. We then propose evaluation strategies and discuss their validity. The final evaluation is conducted using a Matching estimator, and we discuss the principles surrounding the potential for this to be a valid evaluation method. The initial results using the Chile Solidario Panel suggest that the program had positive effects on psychosocial welfare and on take-up of subsidies and social programs. However, it is not possible to obtain reliable results due to data shortcomings, particularly the lack of baseline data. In order to solve the problem, we generated a database using six years of administrative data, including around 1,000,000 family records per year. A method for overcoming the treatment substitution problem is discussed and implemented. Results are much more robust than those of the Chile Solidario Panel and show small, but clearly positive effects for several variables, especially the number of workers in the family, the percentage of workers in the famly and the employment of the head of the family.Matching, Extreme poverty, Impact evaluation, Treatment substitution, Administrative data.

    Hacia la creación de la República Federal. España y los Estados Unidos: 1783-1789

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    Desde el final de la Guerra de Independencia en 1783 y hasta la ratificación de la Constitución Federal en 1789, Estados Unidos vivió momentos difíciles. Con sólo una institución común a los Estados, el Congreso de la Confederación, que además contaba con escasos poderes, la nueva nación tuvo que afrontar los problemas ocasionados por la transición de colonias a Estados soberanos. En este texto, utilizando como ejemplo las difíciles relaciones con la Monarquía hispana, examinamos las razones que llevaron a un reforzamiento del poder federal en Estados Unidos. Desde luego, el deseo de mantener una política exterior eficaz estuvo detrás de la reivindicación de una «unión más perfecta».From the end of the War of Independence in 1783 to the ratification of the Federal Constitution in 1789, the United States went through critical times. With only one institution in common, the Confederation Congress, which in any case had very little power, the new nation had to face deal with the problems caused by the transition from colonies to sovereign states. Using as a case study the difficult relations with the Spanish monarchy, this article examines the factors that led to a reinforcement of federal power in the United States. The desire to maintain an efficient foreign policy was behind the drive for a «more perfect union»

    International Competitiveness in Services in Some European Countries: Basic Facts and a Preliminary Attempt of Interpretation.

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    In spite of the increasing economic and social importance of services, the analysis of their international competitiveness is still in its very preliminary stages. The lack of adequate statistical information and theoretical background explains that backwardness. The aim of this paper is to contribute to a better understanding of competitiveness in services activities of European countries. To carry out this task the investigation is divides into two parts: the first consists of the classification of the competitive position of the economies along 1990-2001 according to the competitiveness matrix developed by the UNO and the World Bank. Secondly, a first attempt of interpretation is made by exploring the factors which can explain the different behaviour of the countries, giving an especial importance to elements related to knowledge incorporation. In both cases, three sub-sectors are considered: transport and communication, travel and other business services. Finally, a number of recommendations as well as future research topics are included in the conclusions.A pesar de la creciente importancia económica y social de los servicios, el análisis de su competitividad internacional está todavía en sus fases preliminares, como consecuencia de las dificultades de información estadística existentes, así como por el escaso desarrollo de una teoría convincente. El propósito de este estudio es contribuir a un mejor conocimiento de la competitividad de los países europeos en los servicios. Para llevar a cabo esta tarea la investigación se divide en dos pare complementarias: la primera consiste en una clasificación de la posición competitiva de los países siguiendo la matrices de competitividad desarrolladas por la ONU y el Banco Mundial, la segunda incluye una primer intento de interpretación de aquellas posiciones y su evolución en el tiempo, dando especial importancia a factores relacionados con el conocimiento. En ambas fases el estudio se hace para tres sectores ampliamente representativos: transporte y comunicaciones, viajes y otros servicios a empresas. Por último, en las conclusiones se ofrecen algunas recomendaciones de actuación, así como futuras líneas de trabajo.Services, Competitiveness, Internationalisation, knowledge, Servicios, competitividad, internacionalización, conocimiento.