943 research outputs found

    Trees and semi-lattices: analysing space configuration of two urban systems in Lisbon region

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    This study examines patterns of order and structure in street networks and its relationships with spatial life of two urban neighborhoods (housing estates). It explores the concepts of “tree” and “semi-lattice” as two different ways of looking and thinking about the structure of cities, each one generating a different form of life and community place (Alexander, 1965). The authors propose a configurational analysis of street networks of two urban plans designed according to different city ideologies and historical background. Based on space syntax methodology the street network was represented both as convex spaces and axial lines as nodes of a graph. The network was then analyzed in terms of the mathematical properties of the graph. The objective was to address a comparative study of structural properties of the urban street networks in order to speculate some implications on social life of each neighborhood. Syntactic measures have shown that conceptual designs have different spatial and social patterns both at global and local scales. It was corroborated that the difference between the characteristics of topological properties which reflects the mathematical principle of tree and semi-lattice is responsible for the different character of public life we found in each urban area.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Religion, space and culture

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    Traditional places of worship were related with sacred spaces and this fact has been reflected in spatial cultures and within the structures of the city and territory. Dematerialization and placelessness characterizes the new urban landscape. Location and functionality of the buildings seem to be the common elements between new religious movements. The appropriation of available spaces and buildings (factories and industrial structures, warehouses, shops, cinemas, etc.) with good global accessibility seems to be the main reasons for choosing a place for worship. This paper examines the relationship between space and religion within Lisbon landscape and it aims to answer the following questions: In which way spatiality has implications in the constitution of the new places of worship? What is their relationship with the local communities and how they help to form new spatial cultures and urbanities in suburban landscapes? What are the change and persistence of the traditional pattern of sacred spaces as places of worship? To answer this questions, we present a new methodology to investigate the urban spatial structure by using Space Syntax with the GIS for analysis and visualization of places of worship. Two levels of scale analysis were required: Global (Lisbon city and suburbs) and local (neighborhood-street). Space Syntax models the spatial configurations of urban spaces by using a connectivity graph representation. Using GIS software all places of worship were mapped within the region according to different religions. The patterns of distribution and clustering were then correlated with the syntactic measures.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Space as place: mapping patterns of social life in public spaces

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    One of the most fascinating aspects in the study of urban spaces is the interaction of people – with the physical environment as well as with other people. Urban spaces comprise not only the physical aspects, like the form of buildings, the streets, etc., but also the people who live in them. This paper is about the understanding of the informal process which creates life in public spaces. How space configure people behavior? And how people behavior configure space? Is that space layout performative of life in public space and vice versa? Why some places work and others don’t? What are the evidences of the relationships between spatial patterns, life patterns and social patterns? Can we measure it, simulate it and use it in design? We will examine spatial and social patterns in small urban spaces in Lisbon. Through descriptive analyses and quantification, it would be discussed how space layout can contribute to the urban life. The research combines configuracional analysis with findings from observation in order to understand how physical structures influence human behavior. Space Syntax techniques will be used to describe and analyze spatial configurations in relation to social patterns, (Hillier and Hanson, 1984). The model involves a nonmetric understanding of space and suggests that the presence of pedestrian in a network can be explained by topology. At the same time, direct observation of pedestrian behavior was attempted to quantifiably isolate what elements of the space made it effective or, conversely, ineffective (Whyte, 1980).info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    IT/IST/IPLeiria Response to the Call for Evidence on JPEG Pleno Point Cloud Coding

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    This document proposes two scalable point cloud (PC) geometry codecs, submitted to the JPEG Call for Evidence on Point Cloud Coding (PCC).N/

    Do conteúdo social do espaço e do património como recurso escasso

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    Os lugares que hoje funcionam para a comunidade, para o ambiente e para a economia estão sistematicamente a produzir as culturas espaciais que serão a herança das gerações futuras. Muitos destes lugares são anónimos, pouco valorizados e até mesmo marginalizados pelas entidades públicas como é o caso de alguns bairros informais de carácter emergente e espontâneo. Só com o passar do tempo, quando fica em causa a memória coletiva do lugar, é que alguns destes espaços são reconhecidos como herança cultural. O património é um recurso escasso. E diariamente assistimos à perca desse património: comunidades e habitats demolidos para a construção de novas urbanizações, terramotos que arrasam cidades históricas, etc. Podemos desenvolver novas cidades muito apelativas, no entanto, a criação do processo cultural dos lugares que se converta em património físico e imaterial leva tempo, pelo que se torna num bem escasso. Por isso, devemos ter muito cuidado com a forma como planeamos os lugares, não só para faze-los funcionar hoje, mas também porque eles constituem o nosso património futuro. O espaço joga um papel importante no modo como vivemos as cidades tendo consequências diretas na nossa vida social, porque oferece as condições que predeterminam os padrões de movimento, encontro ou restrição. Por outras palavras, a materialidade do ambiente construído é um mecanismo de produção da vida social e do significado social. O espaço cria economia e sociedade. O padrão espacial que usamos para construir as nossas cidades é o principal médium que temos para gerar uma nova economia e criar comunidade e as conexões que criam a sociedade. Isso acontece pelo modo como o espaço agrega as pessoas e lhes permite comunicar e transacionar. No entanto, este padrão é invisível a olho nu. Está codificado. Não é geométrico, mas sim topológico. É necessário descodifica-lo e consequentemente permitir a sua reprodução no planeamento dos novos espaços urbanos que constituirão o património das gerações futuras. Acreditando que os espaços com vida têm qualidades físicas particulares que influenciam diretamente o comportamento humano, existe desde os anos 1970 um grupo de investigadores na UCL em Londres que providenciaram um método conceptual e empírico para avaliar o modo como o ambiente físico - espacial desempenha um papel fundamental no funcionamento urbano do lugar. O método conhecido por sintaxe espacial ou lógica social do espaço foi desenvolvido em grande medida por Bill Hillier e Julienne Hanson cuja pesquisa analisa a relação entre espaço físico e a vida social, ou mais precisamente, "o conteúdo social da padronização espacial e o conteúdo espacial dos padrões sociais" (Hillier & Hanson, 1984 pp . x - xi). Este trabalho considerado por alguns por “determinismo ambiental” parece fornecer provas irrefutáveis de que o layout espacial específico de uma solução contribui para o tipo de lugar e comunidade em que esse aglomerado se torna. A sintaxe espacial é um campo de análise da dimensão espacial da cidade: as ruas e as praças pelas quais passamos e o modo como o espaço e os padrões espaciais permitem aos indivíduos manter contacto uns com os outros de modo a formar uma sociedade. É uma forma de estudar a cidade de modo a entender o processo social e espacial ao longo do tempo. O aspeto mais bem conhecido da sintaxe espacial é o seu conjunto de métodos e técnicas para analisar padrões espaciais ou configuração espacial no ambiente construído. Estes métodos e técnicas descodificam estruturas espaciais invisíveis na cidade, relacionando-as com o modo como as pessoas se movimentam, param e interagem e consequentemente formam comunidades e culturas espaciais. Neste trabalho iremos desenvolver alguns destes métodos aplicados ao estudo de comunidades locais na Área Metropolitana de Lisboa como é o caso da Cova do Vapor – Almada. Serão exploradas as técnicas de análise axial e segmentos (que analisam padrões de malha urbana), a análise de visibilidade ou isovistas (que analisam padrões de visibilidade nos espaços públicos) e análise de agentes (que criam ambientes virtuais preenchidos por agentes pedestres com uma visão frontal limitada). O objetivo desta investigação é refletir e discutir o património cultural nas suas componentes materiais (espaço físico) e imateriais (comunidade) através da aplicação dos métodos da sintaxe espacial. Revelando os padrões de configuração espacial presentes em aglomerados urbanos informais que funcionam para a comunidade, ambiente e economia locais, procuraremos chamar a atenção para os lugares anónimos de hoje que podem constituir a herança patrimonial das gerações do futuro.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Deep Learning-based Compressed Domain Multimedia for Man and Machine: A Taxonomy and Application to Point Cloud Classification

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    In the current golden age of multimedia, human visualization is no longer the single main target, with the final consumer often being a machine which performs some processing or computer vision tasks. In both cases, deep learning plays a undamental role in extracting features from the multimedia representation data, usually producing a compressed representation referred to as latent representation. The increasing development and adoption of deep learning-based solutions in a wide area of multimedia applications have opened an exciting new vision where a common compressed multimedia representation is used for both man and machine. The main benefits of this vision are two-fold: i) improved performance for the computer vision tasks, since the effects of coding artifacts are mitigated; and ii) reduced computational complexity, since prior decoding is not required. This paper proposes the first taxonomy for designing compressed domain computer vision solutions driven by the architecture and weights compatibility with an available spatio-temporal computer vision processor. The potential of the proposed taxonomy is demonstrated for the specific case of point cloud classification by designing novel compressed domain processors using the JPEG Pleno Point Cloud Coding standard under development and adaptations of the PointGrid classifier. Experimental results show that the designed compressed domain point cloud classification solutions can significantly outperform the spatial-temporal domain classification benchmarks when applied to the decompressed data, containing coding artifacts, and even surpass their performance when applied to the original uncompressed data

    Beta-Cyclodextrin: Eugenol Inclusion Complexes: Characterization and Antifungal Capacity

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    Eugenol (EUG) is the principal component of clove essential oil. It has demonstrated excellent antifungal properties against B. cinerea, one of the most important fungus in the fresh fruit decay. However, this substance is highly volatile, thermolabile and the direct contact with a food induce undesirable changes in the organoleptic properties. For this reason, the application of EUG represents a big challenger and its encapsulation through inclusion complexes formation with β-cyclodextrin (β-CD) is presented as a solution. In this way, the aim of this work was to develop, characterize and assess the antifungal capacity of inclusion complexes β-CD:EUG. For this, co-precipitation was used as method of inclusion complexes synthesis. The quantity of entrapped EUG was determined by gaseous chromatography. The inclusion complexes were characterized by thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) and Fourier transform infrared (FTIR). Moreover, the antifungal activity was probed in a headspace system. Results showed that the EUG entrapped quantity was of 68,5 mg/g inclusion complexes. Furthermore, the characteristic peaks of EUG did not appear in inclusion complexes TGA thermogram and FTIR spectrum which confirm the effective compound encapsulation. Finally, inclusion complexes inhibited the growing of A. cinerea at 53% and avoided the fungal sporulation. These findings suggest that the β- CD:EUG inclusion complexes are suitable to use in the storage and transportation of fresh fruits to prevent their deterioration. Keywords: Botrytis cinerea, fresh fruits, headspace. Resumen El eugenol (EUG) es el principal componente del aceite esencial de clavo de olor. Éste ha destacado por su efectivo control de Botrytis cinerea, uno de los hongos más importantes que provoca la pudrición de frutas frescas. Sin embargo, esta sustancia es altamente volátil, termolábil y provoca cambios desagradables en las propiedades organolépticas del alimento si está en contacto directo con el mismo, por lo que su aplicación presenta un gran desafío. Ante esto, se propone su encapsulación a través de la formación de complejos de inclusión con β-ciclodextrina (β-CD). En este sentido, el objetivo de la presente investigación fue desarrollar, caracterizar y evaluar la capacidad antifúngica de complejos de inclusión β-CD:EUG. Éstos se sintetizaron mediante el método de co-precipitación, y la cantidad de EUG atrapada en la β-CD fue cuantificada por cromatografía de gases. Los complejos de inclusión se caracterizaron a través de análisis termogravimétrico (TGA) y espectroscospía infrarroja con transformada de Fourier (FTIR). Además, su actividad antifúngica se evaluó en un sistema de espacio de cabeza. Los resultados mostraron que la cantidad de EUG atrapada fue de 68,5 mg/g de complejo de inclusión. Además, en su termograma TGA y espectro FTIR no se observaron los picos característicos del EUG, confirmando la efectiva encapsulación del compuesto. Finalmente, los complejos de inclusión inhibieron el 53% del crecimiento de B. cinerea y evitaron su esporulación. Estos resultados permiten sugerir el uso de complejos de inclusión β-CD:EUG en el almacenamiento y transporte de frutas frescas para prevenir su deterioro. Palabras clave: Botrytis cinerea, frutas frescas, espacio de cabeza