29 research outputs found

    Gut Microbes Reveal Pseudomonas Medicates Ingestion Preference via Protein Utilization and Cellular Homeostasis Under Feed Domestication in Freshwater Drum, Aplodinotus grunniens

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    With strong demand for aquatic products, as well as a rapid decrease in global fishery resources and capture fisheries, domesticating animals to provide more high-quality proteins is meaningful for humans. Freshwater drum (Aplodinotus grunniens) is widely distributed in the wild habitats of North America. However, the research on A. grunniens and the feed domestication with diets composed of artificial compounds remains unclear. In this study, a 4-month feeding domestication experiment was conducted with A. grunniens larvae to evaluate the underlying mechanism and molecular targets responsible for alternations in the ingestion performance. The results indicated that a significant increase in the final body weight was exhibited by the feed domesticated group (DOM, 114.8 g) when compared to the group that did not ingest the feed (WT, 5.3 g) as the latest version we raised From the result, the final body weight exhibited significant increase between unfavorable with the feed (WT, 5.3 g) and feed domesticated group (DOM, 114.8 g). In addition, the enzyme activity of digestive enzymes like amylase, lipase, and trypsin was increased in DOM. Genes related to appetite and perception, such as NPY4R, PYY, and LEPR, were activated in DOM. 16s rRNA gene sequencing analysis revealed that Pseudomonas sp. increased from 58.74% to 89.77% in DOM, which accounts for the dominant upregulated microbial community at the genus level, followed by Plesiomonas. Analogously, Mycobacterium, Methylocystis, and Romboutsia also accounted for the down-regulated microbes in the diversity. Transcriptome and RT-PCR analysis revealed that feed domestication significantly improved protein digestion and absorption, inhibited apoptosis by AGE-RAGE signaling, and activated extracellular matrix remodeling by relaxin signaling. Integrated analysis of the microbiome and host transcriptome revealed that Pseudomonas-mediated ingestion capacity, protein utilization, and cellular homeostasis might be the underlying mechanism under feed domestication. These results indicate Pseudomonas and its key genes relating to food ingestion and digestion could serve as the molecular targets for feed domestication and sustainable development in A. grunniens

    Individual Professional Practice in the Company

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    Import 23/08/2017Cílem této bakalářské práce je popsat absolvování odborné praxe ve firmě HS Interactive s.r.o. Praxe byla zaměřena na vývoj mobilní aplikace pro operační systém Android. Aplikace je mobilním klientem pro sociální síť MatchToMe. V úvodu popisuji důvody, které vedly k výběru odborné praxe. Dále se věnuji úkolům, které mi byly zadány s jejich implementací a postupem řešení problémů, které se objevily při vývoji. Závěr práce je věnován zhodnocení získaných zkušeností a dosažených výsledků.Purpose of this bachelor thesis is to describe a professional practice in company HS Interactive s.r.o. Practice was focused on the development of mobile application for the operating system Android. The application is a mobile client for social network MatchToMe. In the introduction I describe reasons that led to the selection of professional practice. Then I describe tasks that I have been awarded with their implementations and process of solution issues that have emerged during development. The conclusion of thesis is dedicated to the evaluation of the experience gained and the results achieved.440 - Katedra telekomunikační technikyvýborn

    Studies on the formation and forming mechanism of the related substance E in potassium clavulanate production by HPLC-MS/MS

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    The objective of this study was to investigate the formation and forming mechanism of the related substance E in potassium clavulanate production. The impurity with retention time of 11.1 min in potassium clavulanate final product was confirmed as the related substance E by high performance liquid chromatography with tandem mass spectrometric detection (HPLC-MS/MS).The related substance E analysis during the production of clavulanic acid showed that this impurity could be formed during both the fermentation and purification processes, especially in the later fermentation stage, filtration concentration and back-extraction procedure. Clavulanic acid was the precursor of the related substance E. Studies on its forming mechanism showed that the related substance E was formed by the combination of the imino group of one molecule of clavulanic acid with the carboxyl group of another molecule of clavulanic acid with the opening of β-lactam ring. Results of a multi-factor orthogonal test confirmed that the concentration of clavulanic acid was the dominant factor to accelerate the reaction, while the temperature was another contributing factor. The pH 5.0-6.5 had little impact on the generation of the related substance E

    Evaluation of Geological Hazard Susceptibility Based on the Regional Division Information Value Method

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    The traditional susceptibility evaluation of geological hazards usually comprises a global susceptibility evaluation of the entire study area but ignores the differences between the local areas caused by spatial non-stationarity. In view of this, the geographically weighted regression model (GWR) was used to divide the study area at regional scale. Seven local areas were obtained with low spatial auto-correlation of each evaluation factor. Additionally, 11 evaluation factors, including the aspect, elevation, curvature, ground roughness, relief amplitude, slope, lithology, distance from the fault, height of the cut slope, multiyear average rainfall and the normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) were selected to establish the evaluation index system of the geological hazard susceptibility. The Pearson coefficient was used to remove the evaluation factors with high correlation. The global and seven local areas were evaluated for susceptibility using the information value model and the global and regional division susceptibility evaluation results were obtained. The results show that the regional division information value model had better prediction performance (AUC = 0.893) and better accuracy. This model adequately considers the influence of the geological hazard impact factors in the different local areas on geological hazard susceptibility and weakens the influence of some factors that have higher influence in the global model but lower influence in local areas on the evaluation results. Therefore, the use of the regional division information value model for susceptibility evaluation is more consistent with the actual situation in the study area and is more suitable for guiding risk management and hazard prevention and mitigation

    Effects of the Microbubble Generation Mode on Hydrodynamic Parameters in Gas–Liquid Bubble Columns

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    The hydrodynamics parameters of microbubbles in a bubble column were studied in an air–water system with a range of superficial gas velocity from 0.013 to 0.100 m/s using a differential pressure transmitter, double probe optical fiber probe, and electrical resistance tomography (ERT) technique. Two kinds of microbubble generators (foam gun, sintered plate) were used to generate microbubbles in the bubble column with a diameter of 90 mm, and to compare the effects of different foaming methods on the hydrodynamics parameters in the bubble column. The hydrodynamic behavior of the homogeneous regime and the transition regime was also studied. The results show that, by changing the microbubble-generating device, the hydrodynamic parameters in the column are changed, and both microbubble-generating devices can obtain a higher gas holdup and a narrower chord length distribution. When the foam gun is used as the gas distributor, a higher gas holdup and a narrower average bubble chord length can be obtained than when the sintered plate is used as the gas distributor. In addition, under different operating conditions, the relative frequency distribution of the chord length at different radial positions is mainly concentrated in the interval of 0–5 mm, and it is the highest in the center of the column

    Dexamethasone-Induced Mitochondrial Dysfunction and Insulin Resistance-Study in 3T3-L1 Adipocytes and Mitochondria Isolated from Mouse Liver

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    Dexamethasone is a glucocorticoid analog, which is reported to induce insulin resistance and to exacerbate diabetic symptoms. In this study, we investigated the association between mitochondrial dysfunction and the pathophysiology of dexamethasone-induced insulin resistance. An insulin resistance model in 3T3-L1 adipocyte was established by 48-h treatment of 1 μM dexamethasone, followed with the detection of mitochondrial function. Results showed that dexamethasone impaired insulin-induced glucose uptake and caused mitochondrial dysfunction. Abnormality in mitochondrial function was supported by decreased intracellular ATP and mitochondrial membrane potential (MMP), increased intracellular and mitochondrial reactive oxygen species (ROS) and mtDNA damage. Mitochondrial dynamic changes and biogenesis were suggested by decreased Drp1, increased Mfn2, and decreased PGC-1, NRF1, and TFam, respectively. The mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) copy number exhibited no change while the mitochondrial mass increased. In agreement, studies in isolated mitochondria from mouse liver also showed dexamethasone-induced reduction of mitochondrial respiratory function, as suggested by decreased mitochondrial respiration controlling rate (RCR), lower MMP, declined ATP synthesis, opening of the mitochondrial permeability transition pore (mPTP), damage of mtDNA, and the accumulation of ROS. In summary, our study suggests that mitochondrial dysfunction occurs along with dexamethasone-induced insulin resistance in 3T3 L1 adipocytes and might be a potential mechanism of dexamethasone-induced insulin resistance

    Arsenic content in the Jie River and its release behaviour from river sediments

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    Water and sediment samples of Jie River, China were collected and analyzed. The results showed that the average arsenic volume of water sample was 0.42 mg L-1 present in the Jie River. Among the riverway, the arsenic volume and pH kept rising with the flow. Standard leaching experiments showed the leachability of the sediments was lower than the hazardous materials permitted threshold volume but the leaching liquid exceeded the environmental quality standard for surface water which means the sediments might be a source to leach arsenic into aqueous system. In order to figure out the actual situation, simulated leaching experiments were performed. The results revealed that the sediments leaching could aggravate the water quality which was mostly influenced by the agitation and temperature. Solidification procedure was tested and suggested that with clean sand paved on the sediment, the amount of leaching arsenic will decrease 77.89%. Thus, it is of great help to apply cleaned sediments to remediate the contaminated sediments to reduce the leaching of arsenic into the aqueous system

    Study on phytoremediation for heavy metal contaminated sediments by hydrophytes

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    The remediation performances of heavy metals contaminaged sediment by hydrophytes including Alternanthera Philoxeroides, Canna indica L., Nymphaea tetragona, Typha orientalis, Phragmites australis, Phragmites australis, Hydrilla verticillata, Cyperus alternifolius L., Eichhornia crassipes, Acorus tatarinowii, Digitaria sanguinalis (L.) Scop were investigated through batch pot experiments. The results showed that the enrichment effect of Pb was better in Alternanthera Philoxeroides and Acorus tatarinowii with the BCFs of 4.42 and 1.22, and the TFs of 7.84 and 4.23, respectively. The Cr enrichment effects by Nymphaea tetragona, Hydrilla verticillata and Eichhornia crassipes (Mart.) Solms were better, which BCFs were 2.69, 1.91 and 3.71, and which TFs were 7.93, 2.07 and 2.18, respectively