13,920 research outputs found

    Novel Compact and High Selectivity Dual-band BPF with Wide Stopband

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    A novel type of compact and high selectivity dual-band bandpass filter (BPF) incorporating a dual-mode defected ground structure resonator (DDGSR) and a dual-mode open-stub loaded stepped impedance resonator (DOLSIR) is proposed in this paper. Utilizing capacitive source-load coupling and the intrinsic characteristics of the two types of dual-mode resonators, compact dual-band BPF with multi transmission zeros near the passband edges as well as a wide stopband which can be used to achieve high selectivity is realized. An experimental dual-band BPF located at 2.4 and 3.2 GHz was designed and fabricated. The validity of the design approach is verified by good agreement between simulated and measurement results

    Time-dependent density functional study of the electronic potential energy curves and excitation spectrum of the oxygen molecule

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    Orbital energies, ionization potentials, molecular constants, potential energy curves, and the excitation spectrum of O(2) are calculated using time-dependent density functional theory (TDDFT) with Tamm-Dancoff approximation (TDA). The calculated negative highest occupied molecular orbital energy (-epsilon(HOMO)) is compared with the energy difference ionization potential for five exchange correlation functionals consisting of the local density approximation (LDAxc), gradient corrected Becke exchange plus Perdew correlation (B(88X)+P(86C)), gradient regulated asymptotic correction (GRAC), statistical average of orbital potentials (SAOP), and van Leeuwen and Baerends asymptotically correct potential (LB94). The potential energy curves calculated using TDDFT with the TDA at internuclear distances from 1.0 to 1.8 A are divided into three groups according to the electron configurations. The 1pi(u) (4)1pi(g) (2) electron configuration gives rise to the X (3)Sigma(g) (-), a (1)Delta(g), and b (1)Sigma(g) (+) states; the 1pi(u) (3)1pi(g) (3) electron configuration gives rise to the c (1)Sigma(u) (-), C (3)Delta(u), and A (3)Sigma(u) (+) states; and the B (3)Sigma(u) (-), A (1)Delta(u), and f (1)Sigma(u) (+) states are determined by the mixing of two or more electron configurations. The excitation spectrum of the oxygen molecule, calculated with the aforementioned exchange correlation functionals, shows that the results are quite sensitive to the choice of functional. The LDAxc and the B(88X)+P(86C) functionals produce similar spectroscopic patterns with a single strongly absorbing band positioned at 19.82 and 19.72 eV, respectively, while the asymptotically corrected exchange correlation functionals of the SAOP and the LB94 varieties yield similar excitation spectra where the computed strongly absorbing band is located at 16.09 and 16.42 eV, respectively. However, all of the exchange correlation functionals yield only one strongly absorbing band (oscillator strength greater than 0.1) in the energy interval of 0-20 eV, which is assigned to a X (3)Sigma(g) (-) to (3)Sigma(u) (-) transition. Furthermore, the oxygen molecule has a rich spectrum in the energy range of 14-20 eV and no spin allowed absorption bands are predicted to be observed in the range of 0-6 eV

    Two problems related to prescribed curvature measures

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    Existence of convex body with prescribed generalized curvature measures is discussed, this result is obtained by making use of Guan-Li-Li's innovative techniques. In surprise, that methods has also brought us to promote Ivochkina's C2C^2 estimates for prescribed curvature equation in \cite{I1, I}.Comment: 12 pages, Corrected typo

    The openness conjecture and complex Brunn-Minkowski inequalities

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    We discuss recent versions of the Brunn-Minkowski inequality in the complex setting, and use it to prove the openness conjecture of Demailly and Koll\'ar.Comment: This is an account of the results in arXiv:1305.5781 together with some background material. It is based on a lecture given at the Abel symposium in Trondheim, June 2013. 13 page

    Recursive solutions for Laplacian spectra and eigenvectors of a class of growing treelike networks

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    The complete knowledge of Laplacian eigenvalues and eigenvectors of complex networks plays an outstanding role in understanding various dynamical processes running on them; however, determining analytically Laplacian eigenvalues and eigenvectors is a theoretical challenge. In this paper, we study the Laplacian spectra and their corresponding eigenvectors of a class of deterministically growing treelike networks. The two interesting quantities are determined through the recurrence relations derived from the structure of the networks. Beginning from the rigorous relations one can obtain the complete eigenvalues and eigenvectors for the networks of arbitrary size. The analytical method opens the way to analytically compute the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of some other deterministic networks, making it possible to accurately calculate their spectral characteristics.Comment: Definitive version accepted for publication in Physical Reivew

    Standard random walks and trapping on the Koch network with scale-free behavior and small-world effect

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    A vast variety of real-life networks display the ubiquitous presence of scale-free phenomenon and small-world effect, both of which play a significant role in the dynamical processes running on networks. Although various dynamical processes have been investigated in scale-free small-world networks, analytical research about random walks on such networks is much less. In this paper, we will study analytically the scaling of the mean first-passage time (MFPT) for random walks on scale-free small-world networks. To this end, we first map the classical Koch fractal to a network, called Koch network. According to this proposed mapping, we present an iterative algorithm for generating the Koch network, based on which we derive closed-form expressions for the relevant topological features, such as degree distribution, clustering coefficient, average path length, and degree correlations. The obtained solutions show that the Koch network exhibits scale-free behavior and small-world effect. Then, we investigate the standard random walks and trapping issue on the Koch network. Through the recurrence relations derived from the structure of the Koch network, we obtain the exact scaling for the MFPT. We show that in the infinite network order limit, the MFPT grows linearly with the number of all nodes in the network. The obtained analytical results are corroborated by direct extensive numerical calculations. In addition, we also determine the scaling efficiency exponents characterizing random walks on the Koch network.Comment: 12 pages, 8 figures. Definitive version published in Physical Review

    Modeling the effect of plume-rise on the transport of carbon monoxide over Africa and its exports with NCAR CAM

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    International audienceWe investigated the effects of fire-induced plume-rise on the predicted export of carbon monoxide (CO) over Africa during SAFARI 2000 using the NCAR Community Atmosphere Model (CAM) with a CO tracer and plume-rise parameterization scheme. The plume-rise parameterization scheme simulates the consequences of strong buoyancy of hot gases emitted from biomass burning, including both dry and cloud-associated (pyrocumulus) lofting. The scheme was first adapted from a regional model. The current implementation of the plume-rise parameterization scheme into the global model provides an opportunity to examine the effect of plume-rise on long-range transport. The CAM simulation with the plume-rise parameterization scheme shows a substantial improvement of the agreements between the modeled and aircraft-measured vertical distribution of CO over southern Africa biomass burning area. The plume-rise mechanism plays a crucial role in lofting biomass burning pollutants to the middle troposphere. In the presence of deep convection we found that the plume-rise mechanism results in a decrease of CO concentration in the upper troposphere. The plume rise depletes the boundary layer, and thus leaves lower concentrations of CO to be lofted by the deep convection process. The effect of the plume-rise on free troposphere CO concentration is more important for the source area (short-distance transport) than for remote areas (long-distance transport). The plume-rise scheme also increases the CO export fluxes from Africa to the Atlantic and Indian Oceans. These results further confirm and extend previous findings in a regional model study. Effective lofting of large concentration of CO by the plume-rise mechanism also has implication for local air quality forecast in areas affected by other fire-related pollutants

    Evidence for a direct band gap in the topological insulator Bi2Se3 from theory and experiment

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    Using angle-resolved photoelectron spectroscopy and ab-initio GW calculations, we unambiguously show that the widely investigated three-dimensional topological insulator Bi2Se3 has a direct band gap at the Gamma point. Experimentally, this is shown by a three-dimensional band mapping in large fractions of the Brillouin zone. Theoretically, we demonstrate that the valence band maximum is located at the Brillouin center only if many-body effects are included in the calculation. Otherwise, it is found in a high-symmetry mirror plane away from the zone center.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figure

    Shared features and reciprocal complementation of the Chlamydomonas and Arabidopsis microbiota

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    Microscopic algae release organic compounds to the region immediately surrounding their cells, known as the phycosphere, constituting a niche for colonization by heterotrophic bacteria. These bacteria take up algal photoassimilates and provide beneficial functions to their host, in a process that resembles the establishment of microbial communities associated with the roots and rhizospheres of land plants. Here, we characterize the microbiota of the model alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii and reveal extensive taxonomic and functional overlap with the root microbiota of land plants. Using synthetic communities derived from C. reinhardtii and Arabidopsis thaliana, we show that phycosphere and root bacteria assemble into taxonomically similar communities on either host. We show that provision of diffusible metabolites is not sufficient for phycosphere community establishment, which additionally requires physical proximity to the host. Our data suggest the existence of shared ecological principles driving the assembly of the A. thaliana root and C. reinhardtii phycosphere microbiota, despite the vast evolutionary distance between these two photosynthetic organisms

    Thermodynamics, spin-charge separation and correlation functions of spin-1/2 fermions with repulsive interaction

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    We investigate the low temperature thermodynamics and correlation functions of one-dimensional spin-1/2 fermions with strong repulsion in an external magnetic field via the thermodynamic Bethe ansatz method. The exact thermodynamics of the model in a weak magnetic field is derived with the help of Wiener-Hopf techniques. It turns out that the low energy physics can be described by spin-charge separated conformal field theories of an effective Tomonaga-Luttinger liquid and an antiferromagnetic SU(2) Heisenberg spin chain. However, these two types of conformally invariant low-lying excitations may break down as excitations take place far away from the Fermi points. The long distance asymptotics of the correlation functions and the critical exponents for the model in the presence of a magnetic field at zero temperature are derived in detail by solving dressed charge equations and by conformal mapping. Furthermore, we calculate the conformal dimensions for particular cases of correlation functions. The leading terms of these correlation functions are given explicitly for a weak magnetic field H≪1H\ll 1 and for a magnetic field close to the critical field H→HcH\rightarrow H_{c}. Our analytical results provide insights into universal thermodynamics and criticality in one-dimensional many-body physics.Comment: revised version, 47 pages, 4 figures, additional tex
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