24 research outputs found

    Construction of Hamiltonian and Nambu forms for the shallow water equations

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    A systematic method to derive the Hamiltonian and Nambu form for the shallow water equations, using the conservation for energy and potential enstrophy, is presented. Different mechanisms, such as vortical flows and emission of gravity waves, emerge from different conservation laws (CLs) for total energy and potential enstrophy. The equations are constructed using exterior differential forms and self-adjoint operators and result in the sum of two Nambu brackets, one for the vortical flow and one for the wave-mean flow interaction, and a Poisson bracket representing the interaction between divergence and geostrophic imbalance. The advantage of this approach is that the Hamiltonian and Nambu forms can be here written in a coordinate independent form

    Hydrodynamic Nambu Brackets derived by Geometric Constraints

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    A geometric approach to derive the Nambu brackets for ideal two-dimensional (2D) hydrodynamics is suggested. The derivation is based on two-forms with vanishing integrals in a periodic domain, and with resulting dynamics constrained by an orthogonality condition. As a result, 2D hydrodynamics with vorticity as dynamic variable emerges as a generic model, with conservation laws which can be interpreted as enstrophy and energy functionals. Generalized forms like surface quasi-geostrophy and fractional Poisson equations for the stream-function are also included as results from the derivation. The formalism is extended to a hydrodynamic system coupled to a second degree of freedom, with the Rayleigh-B\'{e}nard convection as an example. This system is reformulated in terms of constitutive conservation laws with two additive brackets which represent individual processes: a first representing inviscid 2D hydrodynamics, and a second representing the coupling between hydrodynamics and thermodynamics. The results can be used for the formulation of conservative numerical algorithms that can be employed, for example, for the study of fronts and singularities.Comment: 12 page

    Hyperbolic Covariant Coherent Structures in two dimensional flows

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    A new method to describe hyperbolic patterns in two dimensional flows is proposed. The method is based on the Covariant Lyapunov Vectors (CLVs), which have the properties to be covariant with the dynamics, and thus being mapped by the tangent linear operator into another CLVs basis, they are norm independent, invariant under time reversal and can be not orthonormal. CLVs can thus give a more detailed information on the expansion and contraction directions of the flow than the Lyapunov Vector bases, that are instead always orthogonal. We suggest a definition of Hyperbolic Covariant Coherent Structures (HCCSs), that can be defined on the scalar field representing the angle between the CLVs. HCCSs can be defined for every time instant and could be useful to understand the long term behaviour of particle tracers. We consider three examples: a simple autonomous Hamiltonian system, as well as the non-autonomous "double gyre" and Bickley jet, to see how well the angle is able to describe particular patterns and barriers. We compare the results from the HCCSs with other coherent patterns defined on finite time by the Finite Time Lyapunov Exponents (FTLEs), to see how the behaviour of these structures change asymptotically

    Nonlinear stratospheric variability: multifractal detrended fluctuation analysis and singularity spectra

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    Characterising the stratosphere as a turbulent system, temporal fluctuations often show different correlations for different time scales as well as intermittent behaviour that cannot be captured by a single scaling exponent. In this study, the different scaling laws in the long term stratospheric variability are studied using Multifractal de-trended Fluctuation Analysis. The analysis is performed comparing four re-analysis products and different realisations of an idealised numerical model, isolating the role of topographic forcing and seasonal variability, as well as the absence of climate teleconnections and small-scale forcing. The Northern Hemisphere (NH) shows a transition of scaling exponents for time scales shorter than about one year, for which the variability is multifractal and scales in time with a power law corresponding to a red spectrum, to longer time scales, for which the variability is monofractal and scales in time with a power law corresponding to white noise. Southern Hemisphere (SH) variability also shows a transition at annual scales. The SH also shows a narrower dynamical range in multifractality than the NH, as seen in the generalised Hurst exponent and in the singularity spectra. The numerical integrations show that the models are able to reproduce the low-frequency variability but are not able to fully capture the shorter term variability of the stratosphere

    A Search for Chaotic Behavior in Northern Hemisphere Stratospheric Variability

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    Northern Hemisphere stratospheric variability is investigated with respect to chaotic behavior using time series from three different variables extracted from four different reanalysis products and two numerical model runs with different forcing. The time series show red spectra at all frequencies and the probability distribution functions show persistent deviations from a Gaussian distribution. An exception is given by the numerical model forced with perpetual winter conditions—a case that shows more variability and follows a Gaussian distribution, suggesting that the deviation from Gaussianity found in the observations is due to the transition between summer and winter variability. To search for the presence of a chaotic attractor the correlation dimension and entropy, the Lyapunov spectrum, and the associated Kaplan–Yorke dimension are estimated. A finite value of the dimensions can be computed for each variable and data product, with the correlation dimension ranging between 3.0 and 4.0 and the Kaplan–Yorke dimension between 3.3 and 5.5. The correlation entropy varies between 0.6 and 1.1. The model runs show similar values for the correlation and Lyapunov dimensions for both the seasonally forced run and the perpetual-winter run, suggesting that the structure of a possible chaotic attractor is not determined by the seasonality in the forcing, but must be given by other mechanisms

    Collapse of generalized Euler and surface quasi-geostrophic point-vortices

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    Point vortex models are presented for the generalized Euler equations, which are characterized by a fractional Laplacian relation between the active scalar and the streamfunction. Special focus is given to the case of the surface quasi-geostrophic (SQG) equations, for which the existence of finite-time singularities is still a matter of debate. Point vortex trajectories are expressed using Nambu dynamics. The formulation is based on a noncanonical bracket and allows for a geometrical interpretation of trajectories as intersections of level sets of the Hamiltonian and Casimir. Within this setting, we focus on the collapse of solutions for the three point vortex model. In particular, we show that for SQG the collapse can be either self-similar or non-self-similar. Self-similarity occurs only when the Hamiltonian is zero, while non-self-similarity appears for non-zero values of the same. For both cases, collapse is allowed for any choice of circulations within a permitted interval. These results differ strikingly from the classical point vortex model, where collapse is self-similar for any value of the Hamiltonian, but the vortex circulations must satisfy a strict relationship. Results may also shed a light on the formation of singularities in the SQG partial differential equations, where the singularity is thought to be reached only in a self-similar way

    Water Mass Transformations in the Southern Ocean Diagnosed from Observations: Contrasting Effects of Air-Sea Fluxes and Diapycnal Mixing

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    Abstract Transformation and formation rates of water masses in the Southern Ocean are estimated in a neutral-surface framework using air–sea fluxes of heat and freshwater together with in situ estimates of diapycnal mixing. The air–sea fluxes are taken from two different climatologies and a reanalysis dataset, while the diapycnal mixing is estimated from a mixing parameterization applied to five years of Argo float data. Air–sea fluxes lead to a large transformation directed toward lighter waters, typically from −45 to −63 Sv (1 Sv ≡ 106 m3 s−1) centered at γ = 27.2, while interior diapycnal mixing leads to two weaker peaks in transformation, directed toward denser waters, 8 Sv centered at γ = 27.8, and directed toward lighter waters, −16 Sv centered at γ = 28.3. Hence, air–sea fluxes and interior diapycnal mixing are important in transforming different water masses within the Southern Ocean. The transformation of dense to lighter waters by diapycnal mixing within the Southern Ocean is slightly larger, though comparable in magnitude, to the transformation of lighter to dense waters by air–sea fluxes in the North Atlantic. However, there are significant uncertainties in the authors' estimates with errors of at least ±5 W m−2 in air–sea fluxes, a factor 4 uncertainty in diapycnal mixing and limited coverage of air–sea fluxes in the high latitudes and Argo data in the Pacific. These water mass transformations partly relate to the circulation in density space: air–sea fluxes provide a general lightening along the core of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current and diapycnal diffusivity is enhanced at middepths along the current.</jats:p