38 research outputs found

    The invisible businessman: Nuclear physics, patenting practices,and trading activities in the 1930s

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    In the 1930s the production of patents for the protection of intellectual rights became central to the research activities of Enrico Fermi and his group, consistently with a research policy emerging within the Italian Fascist Regime. Behind their work was an international network consisting of businessmen, industrialists, and multinationals who helped them patent their method for the production of artificial radioactive elements and to promote its industrial exploitation. The lack of research funding combined with a more aggressive foreign policy of the regime made it impossible for the group to continue these activities in Rome, and in 1938 the promulgation of racial laws forced them to migrate abroad

    Language production impairments in patients with a first episode of psychosis

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    A multi-element psychosocial intervention for early psychosis (GET UP PIANO TRIAL) conducted in a catchment area of 10 million inhabitants: study protocol for a pragmatic cluster randomized controlled trial

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    Multi-element interventions for first-episode psychosis (FEP) are promising, but have mostly been conducted in non-epidemiologically representative samples, thereby raising the risk of underestimating the complexities involved in treating FEP in 'real-world' services

    Dall\u2019invenzione al brevetto. Guglielmo Marconi e i "tessitori invisibili" della propriet\ue0 intellettuale

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    La elaborazione del testo del primo brevetto di Guglielmo Marconi, la cui domanda venne presentata presso il Patent Office di Londra nel 1897, fu un\u2019opera complessa e travagliata. Alla sua stesura collaborarono alcuni dei pi\uf9 affermati tra i consulenti scientifici e legali inglesi di quel periodo. Il loro contributo non appare se non in modo velato negli studi su Marconi e le origini della telegrafia senza fili, ma fu di fondamentale importanza ai fini di stabilire le basi legali e industriali del suo successo tecnologico e imprenditoriale. The formulation of the the first patent application submitted by Gugliemo Marconi to London Patent Office in 1897 was a highly complex and laborius process. It was the result of the collaboration of some of the most distinguished among the London-based legal and scientific experts who specialized in patenting procedures and litigation. Their contribution was scarcely evident in the literature on Marconi and the early developments of wireless telegraphy; however it played a fundamental role in esatblishing the legal and industria foundations of the Italian inventor\u2019s technological and entrepreneurial success

    Les laboratoires d'études en électrotechnique des Instituts Polytechniques de Milan et de Turin et leur contribution à l’industrie électrique italienne (1896-1915)

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    Guagnini Anna. Les laboratoires d'études en électrotechnique des Instituts Polytechniques de Milan et de Turin et leur contribution à l’industrie électrique italienne (1896-1915). In: Bulletin d'histoire de l'électricité, n°8, décembre 1986. p. 224

    John Fletcher Moulton and Guglielmo Marconi: Bridging science, law and industry

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    Several fellows of the Royal Society had a role in the achievements of Guglielmo Marconi. Among them was John Fletcher Moulton. An outstanding undergraduate mathematician at Cambridge who maintained a lifelong interest in electricity, Moulton went on to become one of the most formidable lawyers practising in the London courts. His collaboration in the preparation of Marconi's first UK patent in 1897 marked the beginning of an important association with Marconi and the Marconi Wireless Telegraph Co

    Programma dell’Unità di Ricerca (Bologna): “L’imprenditoria scientifica e accademica in una prospettiva storica e istituzionale”

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    Coordinatore Scientifico del Programma di Ricerca Professor Luigi Orsenigo Facoltà di Ingegneria Università di Brescia Titolo del Progetto: “Imprenditorialità accademica e scienza imprenditoriale: una analisi multi-disciplinare” Il progetto mira a produrre una nuova definizione operativa di “imprenditoria accademica” raccogliendo un’ampia varietà di contributi derivanti dall’economia, dalla sociologia e dalla storia della scienza e della tecnica, dando vita ad una originale ricerca multi-disciplinare, tanto a livello teorico quanto a livello empirico. Il progetto ha l’ambizione di rispondere ad alcune questioni urgenti di politica della ricerca e al tempo stesso di dar vita ad una più ampia prospettiva di indagine

    Ivory towers? The commercial activity of British professors of engineering and physics, 1880\ue2\u80\u931914

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    The involvement of British academic scientists in commercial work has been often discussed by historians of science and technology. However a systematic study of this activity is still lacking. Focussing on the period 1880 to 1914, I examine the engagement in consulting, patenting and entrepreneurial initiatives of a segment of that community, namely engineering and physics professors. I discuss the institutional context in which it occurred and their motivations. The survey highlights that the majority of the engineering professors examined were involved in consulting and patenting, and a significant number of them pursued also entrepreneurial activities. As for the physics professors, only a few followed the example of their engineering colleagues, but did so vigorously. I argue that far from being reluctantly brought into the market for knowledge, the engineering as well as the physics professors who engaged these extra-academic activities eagerly sought to partake in the commercialization of the products of their scientific work

    La formation des ingénieurs en Grande-Bretagne à la fin du XIXe siècle

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    History of Technology

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    The annual collections in the History of Technology series look at the history of technological discovery and change, exploring the relationship of technology to other aspects of life and showing how technological development is affected by the society in which it occurred. Si fa presente i dati relativi alla rivista non sono corretti. La casa editrice è ora Bloomsbury e li codice ISBN è 978-1-4411-5279-