23 research outputs found

    Administration of early post-partum oral drench in dairy cows: effect on metabolic profile

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    Some prophylactic treatments have been proposed in high-yielding dairy cattle in order to minimize the effects of negative energy balance and some disturbances such as hypocalcaemia and ketosis. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of two doses of Drench within 24 h after calving on the metabolic profile and prevention of ketosis. A total of 48 cows from a herd in Rio Grande do Sul state (southern Brazil) was used in the study. The animals were randomly selected and treated orally with Drench (N= 32, propylene glycol, electrolytes and choline in 40 L of water) and water (N= 16) used as control. Blood samples were collected by blood coccygeal venipuncture through a vacutainer plain system tubes. Biochemical determinations were performed in serum (albumin, urea, cholesterol, triglycerides, non-esterified fatty acids -NEFA-, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, aspartate transaminase -AST- and gammaglutamyl-transferase -GGT-) and a cow-side determination of beta-hydroxybutyrate (BHB) was performed using the Abbot blood Precision Xtra system. All cows in the experiment had their milk production controlled. The Drench treatment produces a tendency to a better milk yield (32.5 vs 29.6 L/cow/day) and helps to prevent subclinical ketosis, as indicated by a lesser prevalence of subclinical ketosis (29.7 vs 37.2%) and mean values of BHB (1.19 vs 1.27 mmol/L) as well as a lesser lipolysis as indicated by NEFA values (509 vs 1.560 µmol/L).  The other components of the metabolic profile did not have substantial effects between treatments. In short, on the conditions of the present work, the Drench treatment is an effective management tool for prevention of subclinical ketosis and severe lipolysis

    Clinical and laboratory aspects of a bovine with left displacement of the abomasum

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    Background: Abomasal diseases of dairy cattle are mainly associated with stress conditions, nutritional disorders and metabolic disorders. Dairy cattle that develop left or right abomasal displacement generally lose their appetite and have 30 to 50% drop in milk production. The objective of this work is to report the clinical and laboratorial aspects of a high yielding Holstein cow suffering left abomasal displacement in Rio Grande do Sul, southern Brazil. Case: The cow was part of a research project of the Veterinary Faculty of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul and was monitored weekly. The animal showed decreased milk production, anorexia, prostration, tremors, diarrhea, smelly metritis and a body score of 3 in a scale of 1-5. In the clinical examination, the animal presented respiratory rate of 26 movements per minute (RV: 26-35), heart rate of 71 beats per minute (RV: 48-84), body temperature of 38.5°C (RV: 38- 39.3), normocorate mucosa, moderate dehydration and no ruminal movements. In the abdominal auscultation the animal presented metallic sound in the left flank. Blood concentration of beta-hydroxybutyrate was 8.3 mmol/L (RV: < 1.2 mmol/L). The cow underwent surgery for correction of left abomasum displacement. After surgery, the animal showed improvement of the clinical condition and ate hay, pasture and silage. Feeding with concentrate was avoided for a week. The animal had satisfactory evolution, being monitored for more 4 weeks and afterward was discharge Discussion: Genetic improvement in milk cattle has led to the selection of animals with higher milk production through the selection of animals with deeper body capacity, which may allow more space in the abdomen for abomasal movement. In the present case, clinical ketosis was confirmed through the presence of ketonuria and ketonemia. Ketosis is caused by excess ketone bodies in organic fluids, with or without clinical signs. The impact of their disorder may be related to weight loss of the animal and occurrence of secondary diseases, as abomasal displacement. The blood activity of AST, an enzyme used as an indicator of liver damage, was increase (352 U/L; RV: < 132). Elevated activity of this enzyme is related to a greater tendency to problems such as retention of placenta and hypocalcemia, among others. In the present case, the most likely is that the animal had a high body score at the time of calving, and reduced dry matter intake. After that, the cow probably initiated a hepatic lipidosis, which is common in cases of ketosis. A decrease in the production of cholesterol occurred (68 mg/dL; RV: 80-120) further aggravated by the hepatic steatosis. With ketosis the animal decreased further the dry matter intake, anad as a consequence of all of the aforementioned factors, retention of placenta and subsequent metritis may occurred, further reducing feed ingestion. Finally, all the associated problems caused the abomasum displacement worsening the condition of the animal. This clinical case confirms the importance of having good pre and postpartum management. The animal presented interrelated diseases that are frequently cause and effect for the overall picture

    Risk factors associated to retained placenta in Holstein cows

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    Background: Retained placenta (RP) is characterized by a failure to remove the fetal membranes within the first 12-24 h after calving. This condition appears to be related to a decrease in neutrophil activity and to the suppression of the immune response in the prepartum period. The specific reasons for some cows to retain the placenta after parturition is still not fully understood, but numerous predisposing factors have been related, which may include mechanical, nutritional, infectious and handling factors. The aim of this study was to analyze the occurrence of retained placenta in dairy cows and to correlate the main predisposing factors related. Materials, Methods & Results: This study was conducted in nine dairy farms located in the Rio Grande do Sul state, Brazil, with an average of 45 lactating dairy cows producing 10,100 kg / dairy cow in a period of 305 days. The total diet for postpartum cows was estimated to meet or exceed the requirements of dairy cows according to previously established guidelines (NRC 2001). A total of 393 calving Holstein cows (126 primiparous and 267 multiparous) were analyzed, of which 203 were kept in a semi-confined production system (free-stall and pasture system) and 190 animals were kept in a free-stall production system. Statistically, the cows were the experimental unit, and the results were analyzed using the Pearson’s Chi-squared test or Fisher’s exact test for the comparisons of occurrence of peripartum disorders. In addition, linear and logistic regression models were constructed to determine the effect of the dependent variable on the other indicators, which may be continuous or categorical. Possible correlations of the occurrence of peripartum disorders related to production system (free-stall or semi-confined), calving order (primiparous or multiparous), season of the year (heat or cold), ECC at calving (1 to 5), calf sex, rectal temperature and dystocia were analyzed. Of the 393 deliveries followed up in this study, 72 presented retained placenta as a postpartum complication. Cows that delivered male calves had a 3.45 times higher chance of presenting dystocia birth (P = 0.0007) and had 1.85 times more chances of presenting placental retention (P = 0.066) when compared to cows with female calves. Cows with dystocia were more likely to present RP (P = 0.0433). Twin pregnancies increased 3.9 times chances of RP (P = 0.0193). Discussion: The incidence of RP in our study was 18.3%, which is close to the previously reported by another Brazilian study (22%) and similar to another study that also verified the risk factor indicators (19.9%). Dystocia, twin births and male births were predisposing factors for RP, similarly to previous studies. The frequency of dystocia was significantly affected by the production system employed, with the semi-confined system presenting more cases of dystocia, unlike other studies. The season of the year had no influence in the RP occurrence, unlike other studies that showed RP may have an increase in spring and summer months. A possible correlation between RP and body condition score at calving and with the production system employed was not observed. The limited options of effective treatments for RP emphasizes the importance of prevention. RP prevention includes the reduction of stressful factors, especially in the peripartum period, with a focus one nutrition and animal health

    Efeitos metabólicos, produtivos e reprodutivos da administração de drench em vacas leiteiras

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    Estratégias para minimizar o efeito do balanço energético negativo (BEN) em vacas leiteiras vêm sendo estudadas constantemente no passar dos anos, pois o período de transição é caracterizado por grande estresse metabólico. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar parâmetros metabólicos, produtivos e reprodutivos em vacas da raça Holandesa após a aplicação de drench no pós-parto imediato e 24 h após, como alternativa para minimizar o BEN e proporcionar melhor desempenho produtivo e reprodutivo aos animais. Foram utilizadas 129 vacas, 64 no grupo 1 (1ª e 2ª lactação) e 65 no grupo 2 (≥ 3ª lactação), distribuídas em: verão (n= 63) e inverno (n= 66) e região da Serra Gaúcha (Fazenda A, n= 48) e Planato Médio (Fazenda B, n= 81). Foram coletadas amostras de sangue para obtenção de soro e plasma e determinação de β-hidroxibutirato (BHB) com sistema Abbot Precision Xtra. Foi medido o escore de condição corporal e a temperatura corporal, e realizado acompanhamento de controle leiteiro para avaliar produção e composição de leite. Foi realizada ultrassonografia ovariana para avaliação de ciclicidade ovárica e primeira ovulação pós-parto. O tratamento drench provocou uma tendência a diminuir os valores de BHB sérico no período experimental, sendo que, no período de verão essa diminuição foi significativa na Fazenda A. Na Fazenda B, nas semanas 3 e 4, o tratamento com drench aumentou significativamente a produção de leite nos grupos 1 e 2. A exceção foi no grupo 1 no período de verão, onde o efeito foi negativo. Também na Fazenda B, o tratamento com drench teve efeito positivo no percentual de gordura nas vacas do grupo 1 e efeito negativo nas vacas do grupo 2. Parâmetros reprodutivos não tiveram interações significativas. Em conclusão, o tratamento com drench preveniu a ocorrência de cetose subclínica, aumentou a produção leiteira no inverno e no verão em vacas de 3 ou mais lactações e também aumentou o percentual de gordura no leite em vacas de uma ou duas lactações.Strategies to minimize the effect of negative energy balance (NEB) in dairy cows are being studied constantly over the years, since the transition period is characterized by excessive metabolic stress. The present study had the objective to evaluate metabolic, productive and reproductive parameters in dairy cows after application of drench in the immediate postpartum period and 24 hours after as an alternative to minimize NEB providing better productive and reproductive performance of animals. 129 cows, 64 were used in group 1 (1st and 2nd lactation ) and 65 in group 2 ( ≥ 3rd lactation ), distributed in: summer ( n = 63 ) and winter ( n = 66 ) and Serra Gaucha (Farm A, n = 48) and Planato Médio (Farm B, n = 81 ) . Blood samples were collected to obtain serum and plasma and determination of β-hydroxybutyrate (BHB) with the Abbott Precision Xtra system . Body condition score and body temperature, were also obtained by milk information system to evaluate production and milk composition was measured. Ovarian ultrasonography was performed for evaluation of cyclicity and days to first ovulation postpartum. The drench treatment had a trend towards significance in the reduction of mean serum BHB during the experimental period, whereas in the summer period this decrease was significant in farm A. On farm B at weeks 3 and 4, drench significantly increased milk production in groups 1 and 2. Except for group 1 during the summer, where the effect was negative. Also on farm B, drench had a positive effect on fat percentage in cows of group 1 and negative effect on cows in group 2. Reproductive parameters showed no significant interactions. In conclusion, drench prevented the occurrence of subclinical ketosis, increased milk production during winter and during summer in cows of third or more lactation and also increased of milk fat percentage in cows of first and second lactations

    Efeitos metabólicos, produtivos e reprodutivos da administração de drench em vacas leiteiras

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    Estratégias para minimizar o efeito do balanço energético negativo (BEN) em vacas leiteiras vêm sendo estudadas constantemente no passar dos anos, pois o período de transição é caracterizado por grande estresse metabólico. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar parâmetros metabólicos, produtivos e reprodutivos em vacas da raça Holandesa após a aplicação de drench no pós-parto imediato e 24 h após, como alternativa para minimizar o BEN e proporcionar melhor desempenho produtivo e reprodutivo aos animais. Foram utilizadas 129 vacas, 64 no grupo 1 (1ª e 2ª lactação) e 65 no grupo 2 (≥ 3ª lactação), distribuídas em: verão (n= 63) e inverno (n= 66) e região da Serra Gaúcha (Fazenda A, n= 48) e Planato Médio (Fazenda B, n= 81). Foram coletadas amostras de sangue para obtenção de soro e plasma e determinação de β-hidroxibutirato (BHB) com sistema Abbot Precision Xtra. Foi medido o escore de condição corporal e a temperatura corporal, e realizado acompanhamento de controle leiteiro para avaliar produção e composição de leite. Foi realizada ultrassonografia ovariana para avaliação de ciclicidade ovárica e primeira ovulação pós-parto. O tratamento drench provocou uma tendência a diminuir os valores de BHB sérico no período experimental, sendo que, no período de verão essa diminuição foi significativa na Fazenda A. Na Fazenda B, nas semanas 3 e 4, o tratamento com drench aumentou significativamente a produção de leite nos grupos 1 e 2. A exceção foi no grupo 1 no período de verão, onde o efeito foi negativo. Também na Fazenda B, o tratamento com drench teve efeito positivo no percentual de gordura nas vacas do grupo 1 e efeito negativo nas vacas do grupo 2. Parâmetros reprodutivos não tiveram interações significativas. Em conclusão, o tratamento com drench preveniu a ocorrência de cetose subclínica, aumentou a produção leiteira no inverno e no verão em vacas de 3 ou mais lactações e também aumentou o percentual de gordura no leite em vacas de uma ou duas lactações.Strategies to minimize the effect of negative energy balance (NEB) in dairy cows are being studied constantly over the years, since the transition period is characterized by excessive metabolic stress. The present study had the objective to evaluate metabolic, productive and reproductive parameters in dairy cows after application of drench in the immediate postpartum period and 24 hours after as an alternative to minimize NEB providing better productive and reproductive performance of animals. 129 cows, 64 were used in group 1 (1st and 2nd lactation ) and 65 in group 2 ( ≥ 3rd lactation ), distributed in: summer ( n = 63 ) and winter ( n = 66 ) and Serra Gaucha (Farm A, n = 48) and Planato Médio (Farm B, n = 81 ) . Blood samples were collected to obtain serum and plasma and determination of β-hydroxybutyrate (BHB) with the Abbott Precision Xtra system . Body condition score and body temperature, were also obtained by milk information system to evaluate production and milk composition was measured. Ovarian ultrasonography was performed for evaluation of cyclicity and days to first ovulation postpartum. The drench treatment had a trend towards significance in the reduction of mean serum BHB during the experimental period, whereas in the summer period this decrease was significant in farm A. On farm B at weeks 3 and 4, drench significantly increased milk production in groups 1 and 2. Except for group 1 during the summer, where the effect was negative. Also on farm B, drench had a positive effect on fat percentage in cows of group 1 and negative effect on cows in group 2. Reproductive parameters showed no significant interactions. In conclusion, drench prevented the occurrence of subclinical ketosis, increased milk production during winter and during summer in cows of third or more lactation and also increased of milk fat percentage in cows of first and second lactations

    Administration of early post-partum oral drench in dairy cows: effect on metabolic profile

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    Some prophylactic treatments have been proposed in high-yielding dairy cattle in order to minimize the effects of negative energy balance and some disturbances such as hypocalcaemia and ketosis. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of two doses of Drench within 24 h after calving on the metabolic profile and prevention of ketosis. A total of 48 cows from a herd in Rio Grande do Sul state (southern Brazil) was used in the study. The animals were randomly selected and treated orally with Drench (N= 32, propylene glycol, electrolytes and choline in 40 L of water) and water (N= 16) used as control. Blood samples were collected by blood coccygeal venipuncture through a vacutainer plain system tubes. Biochemical determinations were performed in serum (albumin, urea, cholesterol, triglycerides, non-esterified fatty acids -NEFA-, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, aspartate transaminase -AST- and gammaglutamyl-transferase -GGT-) and a cow-side determination of beta-hydroxybutyrate (BHB) was performed using the Abbot blood Precision Xtra system. All cows in the experiment had their milk production controlled. The Drench treatment produces a tendency to a better milk yield (32.5 vs 29.6 L/cow/day) and helps to prevent subclinical ketosis, as indicated by a lesser prevalence of subclinical ketosis (29.7 vs 37.2%) and mean values of BHB (1.19 vs 1.27 mmol/L) as well as a lesser lipolysis as indicated by NEFA values (509 vs 1.560 µmol/L).  The other components of the metabolic profile did not have substantial effects between treatments. In short, on the conditions of the present work, the Drench treatment is an effective management tool for prevention of subclinical ketosis and severe lipolysis

    Intoxicação experimental por monensina em búfalos e bovinos.

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    Sinais clínicos e lesões característicos de intoxicação por monensina foram induzidos em búfalos dosados (1 dia) com 15, 10, 7,5 e 5mg/kg de monensina. Apenas os búfalos dosados com 2,5 (1 dia) e 1 mg/kg (7 dias) de monensina não morreram. Os sinais clínicos iniciaram cerca de 6 h após dosagem com monensina e incluíram apatia, anorexia, diarréia, sialorréia, fraqueza muscular, taquicardia, dificuldade locomotora, dispnéia, distensão da jugular, decúbito e morte. As dosagens de creatinina quinase (CK) dos búfalos aumentaram acentuadamente após dosagem com monensina. As alterações macroscópicas foram ascite, hidrotórax, hidropericárdio, cardiomegalia, hepatomegalia e áreas pálidas focais no miocárdio e nos músculos esqueléticos. Degeneração e necrose de miofibras foram os principais achados histopatológicos. Por outro lado, nenhuma evidência de doença, nem mesmo alteração nos níveis de CK, foram observados nos bovinos dosados com as mesmas dosagens de monensina, confirmando observações preliminares que esses animais são mais resistentes à monensina que os búfalos.Monensin is widely used as a feed additive to improve performance of livestock; however accidental poisoning by this ionophore compound has been reported in a number of animal species. Typical clinical signs and lesions of monensin poisoning were induced in water buffaloes dosed with single dosages of 15, 10, 7.5, and 5mg/kg of the compound. Only buffaloes dosed with 2.5 mg/kg (1 day) and 1mg/kg (7 days) survived. Clinical signs initiated about 6 h post-dosing and included apathy, anorexia, diarrhea, drooling, muscular weakness, locomotion disorders, dyspnea, tachycardia, jugular distension and pulse, recumbency and death. The creatine kinase (CK) levels were highly augmented in blood samples of buffaloes dosed with monensin. Most prominent gross changes were ascites, hydrothorax, hydropericardium, cardiomegaly, hepatomegaly, and focal pale areas in the myocardium and in skeletal muscles. Degeneration and necrosis of myofibers were the principal histopathological findings. Conversely, no evidence of disease, neither change in CK levels were observed in the beef cattle steers dosed with same doses, confirming preliminary findings that buffaloes are more susceptible to monensin than cattle. In addition, this communication presents the minimal toxic dosage of monensin to buffaloes and suggests that CK tests may serve as health monitoring tools in the management of buffalo herds supplemented with monensin

    Intoxicação experimental por monensina em búfalos e bovinos.

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    Sinais clínicos e lesões característicos de intoxicação por monensina foram induzidos em búfalos dosados (1 dia) com 15, 10, 7,5 e 5mg/kg de monensina. Apenas os búfalos dosados com 2,5 (1 dia) e 1 mg/kg (7 dias) de monensina não morreram. Os sinais clínicos iniciaram cerca de 6 h após dosagem com monensina e incluíram apatia, anorexia, diarréia, sialorréia, fraqueza muscular, taquicardia, dificuldade locomotora, dispnéia, distensão da jugular, decúbito e morte. As dosagens de creatinina quinase (CK) dos búfalos aumentaram acentuadamente após dosagem com monensina. As alterações macroscópicas foram ascite, hidrotórax, hidropericárdio, cardiomegalia, hepatomegalia e áreas pálidas focais no miocárdio e nos músculos esqueléticos. Degeneração e necrose de miofibras foram os principais achados histopatológicos. Por outro lado, nenhuma evidência de doença, nem mesmo alteração nos níveis de CK, foram observados nos bovinos dosados com as mesmas dosagens de monensina, confirmando observações preliminares que esses animais são mais resistentes à monensina que os búfalos.Monensin is widely used as a feed additive to improve performance of livestock; however accidental poisoning by this ionophore compound has been reported in a number of animal species. Typical clinical signs and lesions of monensin poisoning were induced in water buffaloes dosed with single dosages of 15, 10, 7.5, and 5mg/kg of the compound. Only buffaloes dosed with 2.5 mg/kg (1 day) and 1mg/kg (7 days) survived. Clinical signs initiated about 6 h post-dosing and included apathy, anorexia, diarrhea, drooling, muscular weakness, locomotion disorders, dyspnea, tachycardia, jugular distension and pulse, recumbency and death. The creatine kinase (CK) levels were highly augmented in blood samples of buffaloes dosed with monensin. Most prominent gross changes were ascites, hydrothorax, hydropericardium, cardiomegaly, hepatomegaly, and focal pale areas in the myocardium and in skeletal muscles. Degeneration and necrosis of myofibers were the principal histopathological findings. Conversely, no evidence of disease, neither change in CK levels were observed in the beef cattle steers dosed with same doses, confirming preliminary findings that buffaloes are more susceptible to monensin than cattle. In addition, this communication presents the minimal toxic dosage of monensin to buffaloes and suggests that CK tests may serve as health monitoring tools in the management of buffalo herds supplemented with monensin