76 research outputs found

    La regencia de Mª Cristina de Borbón (1833-1840): un avance significativo en el reconocimiento de los derechos de autor en el siglo XIX

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    [Resumen] El proceso de reconocimiento de la propiedad intelectual en España comienza desde las primeras décadas del siglo XIX influido por la corriente ideológica liberal que promueve un nuevo modelo económico y social basado en la propiedad privada y en el aprovechamiento económico de la misma. A medida que se avance en la construcción ese Estado liberal se irán reconociendo mayores derechos y facultades a los autores de obras literarias y artísticas. Los cambios políticos vividos tras la muerte de Fernando VII propiciarán la promulgación de una serie de normas durante la regencia de Mª Cristina de Borbón que avanzarán en el reconocimiento de esta clase de derechos a los autores y que serán el antecedente directo de la primera Ley de Propiedad Literaria de 10 de junio de 1847.[Abstrac] The process of recognition of intellectual property rights in Spain starts from the first decades of the nineteenth century influenced by the liberal ideology that promotes a new economic and social model based on private property and the economic use of it. As the building of the liberal state progresses, more rights and faculties will be recognized to authors of literary and artistic works. Political changes experienced after the death of Fernando VII shall encourage the enactment of a series of rules during the regency of Maria Cristina de Borbon which will be an important advance in the recognition of such rights to authors, and will be the direct antecedent of the first Literary Property Law promulgated on June 10, 184

    Targeted depletion of pks+ bacteria from a fecal microbiota using specific antibodies

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    The pks island is one of the most prevalent pathogenicity islands among the Escherichia coli strains that colonize the colon of colorectal carcinoma (CRC) patients. This pathogenic island encodes the production of a nonribosomal polyketide-peptide named colibactin, which induces double-strand breaks in DNA molecules. Detection or even depletion of this pks-producing bacteria could help to understand the role of these strains in the context of CRC. In this work, we performed a large-scale in silico screening of the pks cluster in more than 6,000 isolates of E. coli. The results obtained reveal that not all the pks-detected strains could produce a functional genotoxin and, using antibodies against pks-specific peptides from surface cell proteins, a methodology for detection and depletion of pks+ bacteria in gut microbiotas was proposed. With our method, we were able to deplete a human gut microbiota of this pks+ strains, opening the door to strain-directed microbiota modification and intervention studies that allow us to understand the relation between these genotoxic strains and some gastrointestinal diseases. The human gut microbiome has also been hypothesized to play a crucial role in the development and progression of colorectal carcinoma (CRC). Between the microorganisms of this community, the Escherichia coli strains carrying the pks genomic island were shown to be capable of promoting colon tumorigenesis in a colorectal cancer mouse model, and their presence seems to be directly related to a distinct mutational signature in patients suffering CRC. This work proposes a novel method for the detection and depletion of pks-carrying bacteria in human gut microbiotas. In contrast to methods based on probes, this methodology allows the depletion of low-abundance bacterial strains maintaining the viability of both targeted and non-targeted fractions of the microbiota, allowing the study of the contribution of these pks-carrying strains to different diseases, such as CRC, and their role in other physiological, metabolic or immune processes.This work was supported by the Spanish “Programa Estatal de Investigación, Desarrollo e Innovación Orientada a los Retos de la Sociedad” (Grant AGL2016-78311-R and contract BES-2017-080978, funded by AEI/FEDER, UEAGL2016-78311-R); the Asociación Española Contra el Cáncer (“Obtención de péptidos bioactivos contra el Cáncer Colo-Rectal a partir de secuencias genéticas de microbiomas intestinales”, Grant PS-2016 and by the Asturias Regional Plan I+D+i for research groups (FICYT-IDI/2018/000236, funded by PCTI Gobierno del Principado de Asturias/FEDER, UE). This study was also supported by the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) under the scope of the strategic funding of UID/BIO/04469/2013 unit and COMPETE 2020 (POCI-01-0145-FEDER006684). SING group thanks CITI (Centro de Investigación, Transferencia e Innovación) from the University of Vigo for hosting its IT infrastructure. A.B.M. was supported by a predoctoral contract from the AECC. Borja Sánchez and Abelardo Margolles are on the scientific board and are co-founders of Microviable Therapeutics SL. The other authors have no competing interests. Results presented in this paper are protected under European Patent EP19383077 (WO2021110833A1 and US20230029322A1; Tools and methods to detect and isolate colibactin producing bacteria).info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    The genome of Bifidobacterium pseudocatenulatum IPLA 36007, a human intestinal strain with isoflavone-activation activity

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    Background: Bifidobacterium species, including Bifidobacterium pseudocatenulatum, are among the dominant microbial populations of the human gastrointestinal tract. They are also major components of many commercial probiotic products. Resident and transient bifidobacteria are thought to have several beneficial health effects. However, our knowledge of how these bacteria interact and communicate with host cells remains poor. This knowledge is essential for scientific support of their purported health benefits and their rational inclusion in functional foods. Results: This work describes the draft genome sequence of Bifidobacterium pseudocatenulatum IPLA 36007, a strain isolated as dominant from the feces of a healthy human. Besides several properties of probiosis, IPLA 36007 exhibited the capability of releasing aglycones from soy isoflavone glycosides. The genome contains 1,851 predicted genes, including 54 genes for tRNAs and fie copies of unique 16S, 23S and 5S rRNA genes. As key attributes of the IPLA 36007 genome we can mention the presence of a lysogenic phage, a cluster encoding type IV fimbriae, and a locus encoding a clustered, regularly interspaced, short, palindromic repeat (CRISPR)-Cas system. Four open reading frames (orfs) encoding \u3b2-glucosidases belonging to the glycosyl hydrolase family 3, which may act on isoflavone glycosides, were encountered. Additionally, one gene was found to code for a glycosyl hydrolase of family 1 that might also have \u3b2-glucosidase activity. Conclusion: The availability of the B. pseudocatenulatum IPLA 36007 genome should allow the enzyme system involved in the release of soy isoflavone aglycones from isoflavone glycosides, and the molecular mechanisms underlying the strain's probiotic properties, to be more easily understood

    Isoflavonas de soja y poblaciones microbianas intestinales: identificación y caracterización de microorganismos involucrados en su metabolismo

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    Los efectos beneficiosos de la soja en la salud se atribuyen a su alto contenido en proteínas de gran valor biológico y a su contenido en isoflavonas. Las isoflavonas son polifenoles con similitud química con el 17-β-estradiol que poseen actividad estrogénica. En las plantas las isoflavonas se encuentran conjugadas con azúcares en forma de glucósidos. La desglicosilación de los glucósidos de la soja libera las correspondientes agliconas, con mayor biodisponibilidad y actividad que los glucósidos. Las agliconas se metabolizan en el intestino dando lugar a compuestos con mayor actividad biológica (como el equol a partir de la daidzeína) o inactivos (como el O-DMA). Poco se conoce de las rutas y los microorganismos involucrados en este metabolismo. Al igual que otros polifenoles, las isoflavonas (o sus metabolitos) muestran cierta actividad antimicrobiana. Algunos metabolitos podrían también promover el desarrollo de determinados biotipos. La modulación de las poblaciones intestinales podría ser uno de los mecanismos de los efectos beneficiosos de las isoflavonas en la salud. En este contexto, la Tesis Doctoral que aquí se presenta ha perseguido dos objetivos principales: (i) estudiar el efecto de la ingesta de isoflavonas sobre las poblaciones microbianas intestinales y su metabolismo y (ii) identificar y seleccionar microorganismos que activen las isoflavonas y que puedan emplearse como cultivos iniciadores funcionales. Ante la falta de metodología, fue necesario también mejorar o desarrollar métodos de extracción, detección y cuantificación de las isoflavonas y sus metabolitos a partir de muestras biológicas humanas.The study was supported by projects from the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness to B.M. (ref. AGL2011-24300-ALI and AGL-2014-57820-R) and to M.V.M.-A. (ref.AGL2012-40172-C02-01). L.G. was supported by a research contract of FPI Program from MINECO (ref. BES-2012-062502), and A.B.F. and A.M.J.-G. were supported by research contracts of JAE-Doc Program from CSIC.Peer reviewe

    Impact of soy isoflavone treatment during menopause in the intestinal microbiota and metabolism of women

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    Trabajo presentado en la ENGIHR Conference 2013 (The Intestinal Microbiota and Gut Health: Contribution of the Diet, Bacterial Metabolites, Host Interactions and Impact on Health and Disease), celebrada en Valencia del 18 al 20 de septiembre de 2013.It is well recognized that dietary isoflavones require the action of components of the intestinal microbiota for tran sformation and activation ( Crozier et al. , 2009; Kemperman et al. , 2010 ) . On the other hand , as polyphenolics, isoflavones may also have an inhibitory effect on certain intestinal microbial groups. Identifying the microbial species involved in isoflavone a ctivation and metabolism w ill help in design ing strategies aimed to increase desirable populations, enhancing isoflavone activation and minimizing isoflavone degradation. Little is also known on the evolution of metabolic markers of (intestinal) health during isoflavone interventions. These aspects are critical for understanding the mechanisms through which their intake has beneficial effects in menopause symptoms ( Bolaños et al. , 2010; M essina, 2010 ) and other diseases ( Virk - Baker et al. , 2010; Bhupathy et al. , 2010 ) . In this study , we evaluated the effect of isoflavone s on faecal microbiota composition of 18 climacteric women receiving a daily treatment for six months with a dietary supp lement rich in soy isoflavones (Fisiogen, Zambon). Identification and quantification of equol, an isoflavone metabolite, in urine during the treatment was also monitored.Peer Reviewe

    The regency of Maria Cristina de Borbón (1833-1840): a significant advance in the recognition of intellectual property rights in the nineteenth century

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    El proceso de reconocimiento de la propiedad intelectual en España comienza desde las primeras décadas del siglo XIX influido por la corriente ideológica liberal que promueve un nuevo modelo económico y social basado en la propiedad privada y en el aprovechamiento económico de la misma. A medida que se avance en la construcción ese Estado liberal se irán reconociendo mayores derechos y facultades a los autores de obras literarias y artísticas. Los cambios políticos vividos tras la muerte de Fernando VII propiciarán la promulgación de una serie de normas durante la regencia de Mª Cristina de Borbón que avanzarán en el reconocimiento de esta clase de derechos a los autores y que serán el antecedente directo de la primera Ley de Propiedad Literaria de 10 de junio de 1847.The process of recognition of intellectual property rights in Spain starts from the first decades of the nineteenth century influenced by the liberal ideology that promotes a new economic and social model based on private property and the economic use of it. As the building of the liberal state progresses, more rights and faculties will be recognized to authors of literary and artistic works. Political changes experienced after the death of Fernando VII shall encourage the enactment of a series of rules during the regency of Maria Cristina de Borbon which will be an important advance in the recognition of such rights to authors, and will be the direct antecedent of the first Literary Property Law promulgated on June 10, 1847

    Metabolismo de isoflavonas por bacterias intestinales

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    Trabajo presentado en la 8ª Reunión de la Red Temática BAL (Red Española de Bacterias Lácticas), "Participación de las Bacterias Lácticas en la Salud Humana y en la Calidad Alimentaria", celebrada en San Adrián (Navarra) el 25 de junio de 2014.El grupo de Cultivos Lácteos Funcionales lleva ya unos años trabajando en el estudio del metabolismo de isoflavonas por bacterias intestinales, como una de sus principales líneas de investigación. Las isoflavonas son fitoestrógenos vegetales presentes de forma natural en alimentos como la soja, donde se encuentran en su mayor parte conjugadas con residuos de azúcares. Las formas conjugadas (daidcina y genistina fundamentalmente), son transformadas en el tracto gastrointestinal por la microbiota endógena en daidceína y genisteína, agliconas de más fácil absorción y mayor actividad estrogénica.Peer reviewe

    Los derechos de propiedad intelectual en España sobre música española y extranjera (1879-1932): y su incidencia en la gestión de la industria musical

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    Tesis realizada en la Universidad de OviedoIrene Guadamuro García, autora de la tesis, habla sobre la investigación de la tesis, el origen de la ley de propiedad intelectual, la creación de la Sociedad de Autores Españoles y el final de la Sociedad de Autore