107 research outputs found

    Aplicación de cáscara de plátano (Musa paradisiaca) pulverizado para la reducción del cadmio de las aguas de la actividad minera de Huanza

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    Consumir y a su vez utilizar agua contaminada con metales pesados, es considerado un problema general para la salud del ser humano y para el ambiente, esto conforme a diversos estudios y lo observado en diversos lugares del mundo. El objetivo de esta investigación se ha enfocado en determinar la eficiencia del uso de la cáscara de plátano (Musa paradisiaca) para la reducción del Cadmio en las aguas de las actividades mineras de Huanza. Dentro de los resultados obtenidos se ha encontrado una concentración inicial de 0.1 mg/L de Cadmio, para el tratamiento de este, se ha aplicado tres tratamientos, en los cuales se ha manipulado las cantidades de gramos de la cáscara de plátano pulverizado y se ha determinado el tiempo de contacto apropiado para obtener un resultado favorable, dentro de los tres tratamientos se observó que si existe una reducción del Cadmio, sin embargo se ha considerado la dosis más óptima para este tratamiento, el cual es 5g de cáscara de plátano pulverizado y un tiempo de contacto de 30 minutos, este ha reducido hasta 0.0096 mg/L de Cadmio con el tratamiento N° 1. Los resultados de esta investigación muestran que el uso de la cáscara de plátano pulverizado como tratamiento de los metales pesados en el agua son eficientes y de bajo costo para aplicarlo en la sociedad

    Estrategias lúdicas que aplica la docente en el Proceso de Enseñanza Aprendizaje de la comprensión lectora en los alumnos del tercer grado “A’’ del Colegio Público Gabriela Mistral, ubicado en Villa Miguel Gutiérrez del distrito VI de la ciudad de Managua, durante el I semestre del año escolar 2019

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    Este trabajo muestra en qué medida las estrategias lúdicas que aplica la docente en el proceso de enseñanza aprendizaje, se relacionan con los factores que inciden en la enseñanza de la comprensión lectora en los alumnos de tercer grado “A” y mediante la propuesta de actividades lúdicas se puede mejorar la comprensión lectora, por tanto dar una posible solución a estos agentes que inciden en el proceso de la lectura. La investigación realizada por medio de la prueba diagnóstica que se les aplicó a 16 alumnos de tercer grado “A” del Colegio Público Gabriela Mistral, se identificó según los resultados obtenidos: el nivel de comprensión lectora que poseen y que por ende han logrado alcanzar en los primeros meses del año escolar 2019. Por otro lado se realizaron entrevistas y guías de observación a la Docente en la asignatura de Lengua y Literatura, para indagar a fondo la problemática, según lo obtenido, se contrastó la información recopilada con la teoría y la práctica docente. Teniendo en cuenta el buen uso de las estrategias lúdicas en el proceso de la comprensión lectora, este trabajo, propone actividades pedagógicas que respondan a las necesidades educativas y a la vez crear un ambiente placentero y significativo para cada alumno al momento de llevar a cabo el proceso de lectura comprensiv

    The most common applications in language learning.

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    The report of this document presents a small summary of all the topics studied during the specialization course. Everything presented during this course was focused on the reality that we have experienced since the COVID-19 pandemic: virtual classes. In the development of the course, it was possible to learn the use and management of the platforms and how to take advantage of the technological resources in order to have a better quality in online teaching. With the arrival of the pandemic, our country, as well as many countries around the planet, faced a situation that no one was prepared, especially in education. That was one of the main reason the course the course focused on training and learning the management of each virtual platform, recognizing online classes are an alternative for this type of situation. Likewise, the course helped on knowing and learning about technologies that can be used at the moment of teaching the English and French languages, that are the ones we as students learnt during the career. In addition, during the curse was taught how technology offers an easy way to keep a record of didactic material, either in a face-to-face or online classes

    Degradation of 4-Chlorophenol in a Batch Electrochemical Reactor Using BDD Electrodes

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    The influence of current density (j) (0.25, 0.30, 0.25 and 0.40 A/cm2), initial pH (2.6, 6.5 and 12), stirring speed (As) (400, 500 and 600 rpm), and initial concentration of 4-chlorophenol ([4-CP]0) (300, 500 and 700 mg/L) on degradation of persistent pollutant in a batch electrochemical cell without divisions is presented in this paper. The electrochemical cell was composed of two boron-doped diamond electrodes (BDD). The results of the study showed that best conditions for total degradation of 4-CP were: j of 0.40 A/cm , initial pH of 6.5, As of 500 rpm, and [4-CP]0 of 500 mg/L, after 150 min of reaction time. Removal of total organic carbon (TOC) was 83% at these conditions. The byproducts were identified by UHPLC. This allowed for the proposal of a degradation pathway of 4-CP at the best conditions. Furthermore, these results demonstrate that the electrochemical method employed in this study allows high percentages (96%) of degradation of 4-CP and that the process is applicable to wastewater treatment.CONACYT 26909


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    A partir del ascenso de Donal Trump a la Presidencia de los Estados Unidos se han recrudecido las políticas sobre deportación de migrantes, en México y con ello la violencia, el terrorismo y la violación a los derechos humanos de los mexicanos residentes en ese país. Siendo esta frontera el corredor de migrantes más importante a nivel mundial, donde el desplazamiento de personas está continuamente sucediendo, principalmente de mexicanos pero también centroamericanos y de otros países es importante reflexionarla y tomar acciones El principal destino mexicano (98%) es a Estados Unidos, viven 12 millones de mexicanos, un 50% aproximadamente tiene problemas de residencia legal, la Secretaria de Relaciones Exteriores (SRE) y la Comisión Nacional de los Derechos Humanos (CNDH) han tenido que tomar acciones importantes ante la deportación masiva de mexicanos radicados en EU, que está afectando de forma drástica a las familias. Tanto la SRE como la CNDH han llevado a cabo campañas de información para la protección de los derechos humanos y legales de los mexicanos en el territorio de Estado Unidos, sin embargo no se puede negar que están siendo deportados generando un desplazamiento que a su vez genera condiciones de violencia y vulnerabilidad. El objetivo de este trabajo es reflexionar en torno al discurso gráfico actual que se observa en las campañas de la CNDH y SRE de México para apoyar a los migrantes y residentes mexicanos en el territorio de Estados Unidos. Se lleva a cabo un análisis dos campañas y seis carteles, se lleva a cabo en dos fases una a nivel descriptivo sintáctico y la otra a nivel conceptual semántico-pragmático que nos permite avanzar algunas conclusiones las condiciones de leibilidad y composición, así como la mejora de las campañas a nivel contextual y conceptual que puedan permitir un mayor impacto

    Perceptions of childcare staff for preventing overweight in Mexican preschool children: A SWOT analysis

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    Objective. To identify strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats (SWOT) perceived by childcare staff for prevent­ing childhood overweight. Materials and methods. Qualitative study using an interpretative phenomenological approach; 18 in-depth, semi-structured interviews and 12 focus groups with 89 key informants working in six Mexican public childcare centers (CCC) were conducted. Through content and SWOT analyses, experts further ranked fifty-nine recurrent perceptions regarding healthy feeding and physical activity (PA), using the Delphi method. Results. Strengths: Acknowledgement of the CCC’s responsibility in fostering healthy feeding, availability of organizational regulations, and access to PA infrastructure/indoor activities. Weaknesses: Disregard of preschool overweight as a health problem, nu­tritional misperceptions, and perceived risk of child injuries while conducting PA. Opportunities: Willingness to reduce children’s access to junk foods, and parental active play with children during weekends. Threats: Limited family nutritional education, and restricted parental time/economic constraints/ access to safe public spaces for PA. Conclusion. The identi­fied SWOT must be considered when developing obesity-prevention interventions targeted at CCC

    Lower urinary tract symptoms secondary to a vaginal leiomioma the female prostate: case report

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    This is a case report of lower urinary tract symptoms secondary to a vaginal leiomioma “the female prostate”. A 45-year-old female patient with no significant personal history, sensation of a vaginal foreign body accompanied by lower urinary tract symptoms, on vaginal physical examination with a 7×7 cm deep tumor, increased consistency, not painful, without hemorrhage. Magnetic resonance imaging with hypointense T1 and T2 images, few linear hyperintense areas in T2, homogeneous postgadolinium enhancement 69×66×53 mm, solid tumor dependent on the vaginal vault. Tumor markers CA 19-9: 5.98 U/ml, CEA: 1.09 ng/ml and CA 125: 11.73 U/ml. Open surgery was performed in which a 8×6 cm tumor was found in the vaginal vault dependent on the posterior wall of the vagina. Histopathological report: conventional leiomyoma measuring 9×7.5 cm in long axes, without nuclear atypia. With resolution of symptoms in the lower urinary tract, with normal urinary frequency, without presence of urgency, without urinary incontinence or voiding symptoms. It is important to identify and diagnose lower urinary tract symptoms always, since they could be an initial manifestation of pelvic tumors in which the treatment approach should not be delayed.

    Histomorphometric and Immunohistochemical Study of Early Adaptative Response of the Vascular Wall in a Termino-Terminal Microsurgical Model of Femoral Vessels in Wistar Rat

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    SUMMARY: When a vein segment is grafted into arterial circulation, biomechanical forces stimulate modification of its structure. This morphological adaptive response is progressive during a medium or long term and occludes the vessel lumen, leading to a graft failure. The objective of this study was to characterize the early morphological response of the vascular wall in a terminal-terminal vascular vein graft model in Wistar rats. A segment of the femoral vein was placed in the femoral circulation. An end to end microsurgical graft anastomosis technique was implemented and standardized in twenty rats. The samples were processed with histological technique to analyze the overall structure with hematoxylin and eosin, the composition of the vessel wall with Masson trichrome technique, the proliferating and smooth muscle cells were detected with immunohistochemistry (anti-PCNA, anti-actin and anti CD68) and the induction of apoptosis with TUNEL technique. The times periods studied were 1, 3 and 5 days postoperative. There is progressive increase of cell proliferation and intensity of the density detected by PCNA with its peak at postoperative day 3. Apoptosis was not evident in any of the postoperative days. Smooth muscle had no significant change in any of the time periods studied. Macrophage and leukocyte migration was evident since the first postoperative day with infiltration into the media by the 5th day. This study characterizes the morphological aspects in the early arterialization of the vascular wall in a vein graft process. These results contribute to a better understanding of the morphopathological mechanism involved in vein graft failure. KEY WORDS: Hyperplasia; Morphology; Microsurgical model; Vascular adaptive changes; Venous graft

    Green Synthesis of Silver Nanoparticles Using Heterotheca inuloides and Its Antimicrobial Activity in Catgut Suture Threads

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    Abstract Silver nanoparticles were synthesized through a green method, using Heterotheca inuloides as a bioreducing agent. Moreover, catgut suture threads were decorated with those biogenic silver nanoparticles, and their antibacterial activity versus highly resistant pathogenic microorganisms was evaluated. The principles of green chemistry and nanotechnology allow us to obtain advanced materials, such as suture threads, which can reduce or avoid the prevalence of infectious processes in the medical field. Mexican medicinal plants, such as H. inuloides, represent an adequate alternative for biosynthesis; this plant species is known for its medicinal benefits and its antibacterial activity, and for that reason, it is being used in folk medicine

    Urethro-cutaneous fistula: a rare complication in anti-incontinence surgery with trans-obturator tapes sling

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    This case report presents a rare complication of tension-free mid-urethral tape surgery by the obturator approach (TOT) in the form of a urethro-cutaneous fistula. The patient underwent successful surgical repair, highlighting the importance of intraoperative cystoscopy to minimize surgical risks and complications. Tension-free mid-urethral tape surgery is a commonly performed procedure for the treatment of stress urinary incontinence (SUI). However, complications can occur, albeit rarely. In this case, a 52-year-old female patient developed a urethro-cutaneous fistula following TOT surgery. The fistula was identified by the presence of urine leakage at the right inguinal level, leading to significant distress and discomfort for the patient. Prompt diagnosis and appropriate management are crucial in such cases. The patient underwent surgical repair, which involved excision of the fistulous tract. The procedure was successful, resulting in complete resolution of the fistula and restoration of normal urinary function. In conclusion, this case report highlights the occurrence of a rare complication, namely a urethro-cutaneous fistula, following TOT surgery. The successful surgical repair emphasizes the importance of prompt diagnosis and appropriate management. Furthermore, the authors propose that an intraoperative cystoscopic evaluation be considered, even after a TOT procedure. Especially in cases that present risk factors or in hospital-school institutions. By implementing this practice, surgeons can enhance patient safety and improve surgical outcomes in anti-incontinence procedures