28 research outputs found

    Pea proteins oral supplementation promotes muscle thickness gains during resistance training: a double-blind, randomized, Placebo-controlled clinical trial vs. Whey protein

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    BACKGROUND: The effects of protein supplementation on muscle thickness and strength seem largely dependent on its composition. The current study aimed at comparing the impact of an oral supplementation with vegetable Pea protein (NUTRALYS®) vs. Whey protein and Placebo on biceps brachii muscle thickness and strength after a 12-week resistance training program. METHODS: One hundred and sixty one males, aged 18 to 35 years were enrolled in the study and underwent 12 weeks of resistance training on upper limb muscles. According to randomization, they were included in the Pea protein (n = 53), Whey protein (n = 54) or Placebo (n = 54) group. All had to take 25 g of the proteins or placebo twice a day during the 12-week training period. Tests were performed on biceps muscles at inclusion (D0), mid (D42) and post training (D84). Muscle thickness was evaluated using ultrasonography, and strength was measured on an isokinetic dynamometer. RESULTS: Results showed a significant time effect for biceps brachii muscle thickness (P < 0.0001). Thickness increased from 24.9 ± 3.8 mm to 26.9 ± 4.1 mm and 27.3 ± 4.4 mm at D0, D42 and D84, respectively, with only a trend toward significant differences between groups (P = 0.09). Performing a sensitivity study on the weakest participants (with regards to strength at inclusion), thickness increases were significantly different between groups (+20.2 ± 12.3%, +15.6 ± 13.5% and +8.6 ± 7.3% for Pea, Whey and Placebo, respectively; P < 0.05). Increases in thickness were significantly greater in the Pea group as compared to Placebo whereas there was no difference between Whey and the two other conditions. Muscle strength also increased with time with no statistical difference between groups. CONCLUSIONS: In addition to an appropriate training, the supplementation with pea protein promoted a greater increase of muscle thickness as compared to Placebo and especially for people starting or returning to a muscular strengthening. Since no difference was obtained between the two protein groups, vegetable pea proteins could be used as an alternative to Whey-based dietary products. TRIAL REGISTRATION: The present trial has been registered at ClinicalTrials.gov (NCT02128516)

    Co-ingestion of NUTRALYS® pea protein and a high-carbohydrate beverage influences the glycaemic, insulinaemic, glucose-dependent insulinotropic polypeptide (GIP) and glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) responses: Preliminary results of a randomised controlled trial

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    Purpose. Plant-based proteins may have the potential to improve glycaemic and gastrointestinal hormone responses to foods and beverages. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of two doses of pea protein on postprandial glycaemic, insulinaemic, glucose-dependent insulinotropic polypeptide (GIP) and glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) response following a high-carbohydrate beverage intake in healthy individuals. Methods. In a single-blind, randomised, controlled, repeat measure, crossover design trial, thirty-one participants were randomly assigned to ingest 50 g glucose (Control), 50 g glucose with 25 g pea protein (Test 1) and 50 g glucose with 50 g pea protein (Test 2) on three separate days. Capillary blood samples (blood glucose and plasma insulin measurements) and venous blood samples (GIP and GLP-1 concentrations) were taken before each test and at fixed intervals for 180 min. The data were compared using repeated-measures ANOVA or the Friedman test. Results. Glucose incremental Area under the Curve (iAUC180) was significantly lower (p < 0.001) after Test 2 compared with Control (− 53%), after Test 1 compared with Control (− 31%) and after Test 2 compared with Test 1 (−32%). Insulin iAUC 180 was significantly higher (p < 0.001) for Test 1 (+ 28%) and Test 2 (+ 40%) compared with Control and for Test 2 (+ 17%) compared with Test 1 (p = 0.003). GIP and GLP-1 release showed no clear difference between Control and Pea protein drinks. Conclusion. The consumption of pea protein reduced postprandial glycaemia and stimulated insulin release in healthy adults with a dose–response effect, supporting its role in regulating glycaemic and insulinaemic responses

    Effect of Resistant Dextrin on Intestinal Gas Homeostasis and Microbiota

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    Previous studies have shown that a resistant dextrin soluble fibre has prebiotic properties with related health benefits on blood glucose management and satiety. Our aim was to demonstrate the effects of continuous administration of resistant dextrin on intestinal gas production, digestive sensations, and gut microbiota metabolism and composition. Healthy subjects (n = 20) were given resistant dextrin (14 g/d NUTRIOSE ®, Roquette Frères, Lestrem, France) for four weeks. Outcomes were measured before, at the beginning, end, and two weeks after administration: anal evacuations of gas during daytime; digestive perception, girth, and gas production in response to a standard meal; sensory and digestive responses to a comfort meal; volume of colonic biomass by magnetic resonance; taxonomy and metabolic functions of fecal microbiota by shotgun sequencing; metabolomics in urine. Dextrin administration produced an initial increase in intestinal gas production and gas-related sensations, followed by a subsequent decrease, which magnified after discontinuation. Dextrin enlarged the volume of colonic biomass, inducing changes in microbial metabolism and composition with an increase in short chain fatty acids-producing species and modulation of bile acids and biotin metabolism. These data indicate that consumption of a soluble fibre induces an adaptative response of gut microbiota towards fermentative pathways with lower gas productio

    NUTRALYS® pea protein: characterization of in vitro gastric digestion and in vivo gastrointestinal peptide responses relevant to satiety

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    Background: Pea protein (from Pisum sativum) is under consideration as a sustainable, satiety-inducing food ingredient. Objective: In the current study, pea-protein-induced physiological signals relevant to satiety were characterized in vitro via gastric digestion kinetics and in vivo by monitoring post-meal gastrointestinal hormonal responses in rats. Design: Under in vitro simulated gastric conditions, the digestion of NUTRALYS® pea protein was compared to that of two dairy proteins, slow-digestible casein and fast-digestible whey. In vivo, blood glucose and gastrointestinal hormonal (insulin, ghrelin, cholecystokinin [CCK], glucagon-like peptide 1 [GLP-1], and peptide YY [PYY]) responses were monitored in nine male Wistar rats following isocaloric (11 kcal) meals containing 35 energy% of either NUTRALYS® pea protein, whey protein, or carbohydrate (non-protein). Results: In vitro, pea protein transiently aggregated into particles, whereas casein formed a more enduring protein network and whey protein remained dissolved. Pea-protein particle size ranged from 50 to 500 µm, well below the 2 mm threshold for gastric retention in humans. In vivo, pea-protein and whey-protein meals induced comparable responses for CCK, GLP-1, and PYY, that is, the anorexigenic hormones. Pea protein induced weaker initial, but equal 3-h integrated ghrelin and insulin responses than whey protein, possibly due to the slower gastric breakdown of pea protein observed in vitro. Two hours after meals, CCK levels were more elevated in the case of protein meals compared to that of non-protein meals. Conclusions: These results indicate that 1) pea protein transiently aggregates in the stomach and has an intermediately fast intestinal bioavailability in between that of whey and casein; 2) pea-protein- and dairy-protein-containing meals were comparably efficacious in triggering gastrointestinal satiety signals

    Cholesterol-lowering effect of non-viscous soluble dietary fiber NUTRIOSE (R) 6 in moderately hypercholesterolemic hamsters

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    International audienceNUTRIOSE (R) 6 is a new wheat starch-based low-digestible carbohydrate. This study investigated the effect of this soluble non-viscous fiber on cholesterol metabolism. Hamsters fed with 0.25% cholesterol-enriched diet (CHO) were given graded amounts of NUTRIOSE (R) 6, i.e. 0% (cellulose, CHO), 3% (N3), 6% (N6) or 9% (N9) (w:w). As compared to CHO diet, 9% NUTRIOSE (R) 6 significantly lowered plasma and LDL cholesterol by 14.5 and 23.8%, respectively. The LDL-cholesterol lowering effect was also significant with the 6% dose (-21.4%). NUTRIOSE (R) 6 diets prevented hepatic cholesterol accumulation (-10 to -20%) and significantly decreased bile cholesterol (-47 to -68%) and phospholipids (-30 to -45%) concentrations. The 9% NUTRIOSE (R) 6 diet significantly decreased the rate of dietary cholesterol absorption (-25%) and markedly stimulated faecal neutral sterol (+81%) and bile salts (+220%) excretion. No significant change in cholesterol 7-alpha-hydroxylase or LDL-receptor activities was observed whereas 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl-coenzyme A reductase activity was reduced by 29%. Reduced cholesterol and bile salt absorptions and lowered cholesterol synthesis are likely mechanisms underlying the cholesterol lowering effect of NUTRIOSE (R) 6. Results suggest the use of NUTRIOSE (R) 6 as a new dietary cholesterol-lowering agent that should be tested in humans as treatment and evenly prevention of mild hypercholesterolemia

    Improvement of energy metabolism associated with NUTRIOSE® soluble fiber, a dietary ingredient exhibiting prebiotic properties, requires intestinal gluconeogenesis

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    While the prevalence of obesity progresses worldwide, the consumption of sugars and dietary fiber increases and decreases, respectively. In this context, NUTRIOSE® soluble fiber is a plant-based food ingredient with beneficial effects in Humans. Here, we studied in mice the mechanisms involved, particularly the involvement of intestinal gluconeogenesis (IGN), the essential function in the beneficial effects of dietary fibers. To determine whether NUTRIOSE® exerts its beneficial effects via the activation of IGN, we studied the effects of dietary NUTRIOSE® on the development of obesity, diabetes and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD), which IGN is able to prevent. To assert the role of IGN in the observed effects, we studied wild-type (WT) and IGN-deficient mice. In line with our hypothesis, NUTRIOSE® exerts metabolic benefits in WT mice, but not in IGN-deficient mice. Indeed, WT mice are protected from body weight gain and NAFLD induced by a high calorie diet. In addition, our data suggests that NUTRIOSE® may improve energy balance by activating a browning process in subcutaneous white adipose tissue. While the gut microbiota composition changes with NUTRIOSE®, this is not sufficient in itself to account for the benefits observed. On the contrary, IGN is obligatory in the NUTRIOSE® benefits, since no benefit take place in absence of IGN. In conclusion, IGN plays a crucial and essential role in the set-up of the beneficial effects of NUTRIOSE®, highlighting the interest of the supplementation of food with healthy ingredients in the context of the current obesity epidemic