354 research outputs found

    \u3cem\u3eL’Appel des arènes:\u3c/em\u3e A Postcolonial Development of the \u3cem\u3eBuildungsroman\u3c/em\u3e

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    Despite the fact that many critics consider the Buildungsroman obsolete, the genre is still alive. Many African writers have revised the classical Buildungsroman in order to underscore the conflict of cultures and the complex subjectivities of their characters. By analyzing the discourse on identity in L’Appel des arènes, we understand how Aminata Sow Fall recreates the modalities of enunciation found in African traditional literature while structuringL’Appel des arènes with generic patterns from the Buildungsroman

    Accouchement de jumeaux conjoints de découverte fortuite au cours du travail au CHU de Dakar

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    L’objectif de cette étude était de rapporter 3 cas de jumeaux conjoints, discuter de l’importance du diagnostic anténatal et de décrire les particularités diagnostiques, thérapeutiques et évolutives. Sur 45700 accouchements du 1er Février 2009 au 31 Décembre 2011, 3 cas de jumeaux conjoints ont été enregistrés, soit 1 cas pour 15000 accouchements. Ces cas ont été diagnostiqués au cours du travail au décours d’une dystocie mécanique ou d’une césarienne réalisée pour une autre indication. Il s’agissait d’un cas de jumeaux conjoints thoraco-omphalopages, un cas de diprosopes et un cas de dicéphales. L’accouchement dans les trois cas était fait par voie haute permettant d’extraire des mort-nés frais. Nous insistons sur l’intérêt d’un diagnostic anténatal précoce par le recours à l’échographie afin d’éviter les accidents mécaniques d’un accouchement qui ne saurait s’accomplir par voie basse.Key words: Jumeaux conjoints, diprosopes, dicéphales, thoraco-omphalopage

    Invasive mole: a rare cause of postmenopausal bleeding

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    Gestational trophoblastic disease (GTD) describes a number of gynaecological tumours that originate in the trophoblast layer, including hydatidiform mole (complete or partial), placental site trophoblastic tumour, choriocarcinoma and invasive mole. Invasive moles are responsible of most cases of localized gestational trophoblastic neoplasia (GTN). Invasive mole is a condition where a molar pregnancy, such as a partial hydatidiform mole or complete hydatidiform mole, invades the wall of the uterus. It is an extremely rare condition. As GTN is not considered in the differential diagnosis of postmenopausal uterine malignancies, its preoperative diagnosis is challenging. We report a case of invasive hydatidiform mole in a postmenopausal woman discovered in a context of postmenopausal bleeding. She underwent hysterectomy and followed up till her beta hCG levels were within normal limits. The patient is in complete remission in the first postoperative year.

    Considerations on the Spanish Curriculum of Secondary Education in Senegal: Design, Development and Suggestions For Improvement

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    Conseguir que el alumnado de español en Senegal aprenda de manera significativa no es sólo cosa del profesorado. El propio alumnado, así como su entorno familiar, la sociedad, las autoridades educativas tanto a nivel del centro como a nivel estatal... han de aportar su grano de arena. Para que así sea, se debe planificar, diseñar y desarrollar un currículum interesante que tome en cuenta los contextos socioculturales, sociopolíticos y socioeconómicos del alumnado. La meta principal de este trabajo es dar a conocer el currículum que utilizan los profesores de español en Senegal y eventualmente hacer propuestas encaminadas a mejorarlo.Succeeding in leading Senegalese students to learn in a significant way, successfully, is not an exclusive task of teachers. The students themselves, as well as their family, society in general and all educative authorities..., have to participate, playing important roles. To achieve that goal, it’s necessary to plan, design and implement an interesting curriculum that has sociocultural, sociopolitical and socioeconomic contexts of learners in mind. The main objective of this work is to inform about the curriculum that Spanish teachers are using in Senegal and, eventually, offer proposals intended to improve it

    Lutte contre les ravageurs des stocks de céréales et de légumineuses au Sénégal et en Afrique occidentale : synthèse bibliographique

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    Controlling pests of cereals and legumes in Senegal and West Africa: a review. Post-harvest losses of cereals and legumes are a major problem in Senegal and West Africa. The solutions to eliminate insects, major pests of stored products were mainly chemical. However, due to pollution associated with pesticides use, selection of resistant strains, environmental pollution, poisoning, the search for alternatives is needed. It is reported on different methods of protecting stocks performed alternatively or in combination with pesticides. The major pest species encountered, particularly Prostephanus truncatus (Horn), insect emerging in Senegal, could be controlled by alternative methods including specially the use of insecticide plants. Different aspects related to this alternative way to chemical pesticides are reviewed herein

    Les nanotechnologies, par-delà l’« indéfinissabilité »

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    Les premiers spécialistes, tant en sciences humaines qu’en physique et en chimie, se sont vite rendus à l’idée selon laquelle chacun pourrait avoir sa définition des nanotechnologies. Ils s’inscrivent ainsi dans ce que nous considérons comme une culture des « faits alternatifs » plutôt répandue dans les sciences contemporaines. Ce texte est une note critique autour de la difficulté à définir précisément ce qu’il faut entendre par nanosciences et nanotechnologies. Dans la première partie, nous faisons ressortir la multiplication des définitions, liée aux luttes économiques, aux enjeux stratégiques et aux intérêts hétérogènes des acteurs. Puis, nous cherchons à dépasser ce relativisme en nous focalisant sur les outils qui permettent l’accès à l’échelle nanométrique et sur les changements de propriétés inhérents à l’échelle quantique.Specialists in the humanities as well as in physics and chemistry quickly came to the conclusion that anyone could have his or her own definition of nanotechnology. This issue thus becomes part of what we see as a culture of “alternative facts” widely accepted in contemporary sciences. This paper is an analysis of the difficulty of defining what is meant by nanoscience and nanotechnology. In the first part, it highlights the proliferation of definitions, due to economic struggles, taking into account the strategic stakes and the heterogeneous interests of the actors involved. In this second part, we seek to overcome this relativism by focusing on the tools that allow access to the nanoscale and the changes in properties inherent to the quantum scale


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    -Este trabajo es un estudio acerca de la enseñanza de la lengua española en Senegal. En él se resaltan algunos aspectos tales como el número de discentes y de docentes de español que hay en el sistema educativo senegalés, pero abarca también aspectos metodológicos, curriculares, etc. Al mismo tiempo, analiza la política educativa actual, emprendida por las autoridades gubernamentales, así como la formación del profesorado, la organización de la enseñanza y aprendizaje del español, sobre todo en Secundaria. -This paper is part of a research project on teaching and learning Spanish in Senegal. It discusses present educational policies, specifically teacher training and the way the teaching/learning process is organized at secondary school level. It also looks at aspects such as the number of students and teachers of Spanish in the Senegalese educational system, as well as some methodological and curricular aspects
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