7 research outputs found
The Brazilian labor law according to international recommendations on gender discrimination
The present monography aims to analyze the Brazilian labor law, focusing on the specifics laws about women, and highlight the limitations that this document still has to women in the labor force, whether through the existence of laws, or by their inexistence. Therefore, it is based on both national and worldwide history of women’s productive labor, nationally emphasizing the achievements and acquirements of women’s fight at the legislative sphere. The analysis shows four restrictions to the female worker: the restrictions by type of work generated by the article 390 of the Brazilian Labor Code; the absence of labor law about sexual harassment; the little labor protection to the sex workers due to the non-regulation of prostitution; and, lastly, the
reproductive work still as a hindrance to the insertion and permanency of woman at the productive job market, due to the devaluation of domestic labor, remunerated or not, and the difficulty caused by the double burden. Faced to these restrictions, this monography searches at the international recommendations about gender discrimination of the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW) and of the conventions written by International Labor Organization (ILO), legal background to the argument that there are restrictions to woman’s labor at the Brazilian job market. The used approach method is hypothetical-deductive, because this unites the experience generated by the intuitive method and the analysis of the deductive method. Therefore, it starts from the assumption that there are gender limitations in a document that already exists, the Brazilian Labor Code. Thereby, it gets to the conclusion that the Brazilian labor laws are already extremely forwarded and encompass much of the recommendations received from international bodies. However, practical and legislative changes are still needed to terminate the four gender discriminations founded at the Brazilian legislative sphere.Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Graduação)A presente monografia tem o objetivo de analisar a legislação trabalhista brasileira, com foco especial em suas leis específicas a respeito das mulheres, e destacar as limitações que esse documento ainda traz ao trabalho da mulher, seja por meio da existência de leis, como devido à inexistência destas. Para tanto, se utiliza da história, mundial e nacional, do trabalho produtivo da mulher, destacando nacionalmente os avanços e conquistas da luta das mulheres no âmbito legislativo. A análise encontra quatro restrições à trabalhadora brasileira, são elas a restrição por tipo de trabalho causada pelo artigo 390 da Consolidação das Leis do Trabalho (CLT), a ausência de legislação trabalhista a respeito de assédio sexual, a baixa proteção trabalhista às profissionais do sexo devido a não regulamentação da prostituição e, por último, o trabalho reprodutivo ainda como empecilho a inserção e permanência da mulher no mercado de trabalho produtivo, visto a desvalorização do trabalho doméstico, remunerado ou não, e as dificuldades causadas pela dupla jornada. Frente a essas restrições, o trabalho busca nas recomendações internacionais sobre a discriminação de gênero da Convenção Sobre a Eliminação de Todas as Formas de Discriminação Contra a Mulher (CEDAW) e das convenções escritas pela Organização Internacional do Trabalho (OIT), embasamento para seus argumentos de que existem restrições ao trabalho da mulher no mercado de trabalho brasileiro. O método de
abordagem que será utilizado é o hipotético-dedutivo, pois este une a experiência gerada pelo método indutivo e a análise do método dedutivo. Sendo assim, parte-se da suposição de que existem limitações de gênero em um documento já posto, a CLT. Com isso, chega-se à conclusão de que as legislações trabalhistas brasileiras são bastante avançadas e englobam grande parte das recomendações que recebe dos órgãos internacionais, entretanto, ainda são necessárias medidas, práticas e legislativas, para se acabar com as quatro
discriminações de gênero encontradas no âmbito legislativo brasileiro
The Philosophy of Law in Modern Russia
Współczesna rosyjska filozofia prawa znajduje się pod przemożnym wpływem dawnej radzieckiej teorii państwa i prawa. Artykuł ukazuje jej rozwój od początku XX w., dzieląc ten okres na sześć głównych etapów odpowiadających historycznym, politycznym i naukowym przemianom w tym kraju. Szczególną uwagę poświęca się współczesnym trendom i osobowościom.Modern Russian philosophy of law is under the great influence of Soviet theory of state and law. The article shows its development from the beginning of the XX century, dividing this period into 6 main stages according to the historical, political and scientific changes in the country. Most attention is paid to the modern trends and personalities
Pathways of cerebrospinal fluid outflow: a deeper understanding of resorption
Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) absorption has long been held to predominantly entail drainage into the venous outflow system via the intracranial arachnoid granulations. Newer data suggest pathways involving spinal arachnoid granulations and lymphatic channels may also make substantial contributions to CSF outflow
Genetic Heritage of the Balto-Slavic Speaking Populations: A Synthesis of Autosomal, Mitochondrial and Y-Chromosomal Data
The Slavic branch of the Balto-Slavic sub-family of Indo-European languages underwent rapid divergence as a result of the spatial expansion of its speakers from Central-East Europe, in early medieval times. This expansion–mainly to East Europe and the northern Balkans–resulted in the incorporation of genetic components from numerous autochthonous populations into the Slavic gene pools. Here, we characterize genetic variation in all extant ethnic groups speaking Balto-Slavic languages by analyzing mitochondrial DNA (n = 6,876), Y-chromosomes (n = 6,079) and genome-wide SNP profiles (n = 296), within the context of other European populations. We also reassess the phylogeny of Slavic languages within the Balto-Slavic branch of Indo-European. We find that genetic distances among Balto-Slavic populations, based on autosomal and Y-chromosomal loci, show a high correlation (0.9) both with each other and with geography, but a slightly lower correlation (0.7) with mitochondrial DNA and linguistic affiliation. The data suggest that genetic diversity of the present-day Slavs was predominantly shaped in situ, and we detect two different substrata: ‘central-east European’ for West and East Slavs, and ‘south-east European’ for South Slavs. A pattern of distribution of segments identical by descent between groups of East-West and South Slavs suggests shared ancestry or a modest gene flow between those two groups, which might derive from the historic spread of Slavic people