33 research outputs found

    On power in the workplace

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    Diese Arbeit beschäftigt sich mit dem Thema „Macht(ausübung) am Arbeitsplatz“. Das Forschungsgebiet ist hierfür in zwei Abschnitte aufgeteilt. Der Erste konzentriert sich auf Sprechakte der Kontrolle, wobei das Hauptaugenmerk auf Direktiven, Aufforderungen und Ratschlägen gelegt ist. Der zweite Teil ist ausschließlich der Gender-Studie gewidmet. Die Analyse basiert auf Dialogen, die aus den beiden amerikanischen Filmen „Selbst ist die Braut“ und „Erin Brokovich“ stammen. Das Ergebnis zeigt, dass 181 Kontrollsprechakte erkannt wurden, welche in 120 Direktiven, 38 Aufforderungen, 7 Ratschläge und 16 Grenzfälle aufgegliedert werden konnten. Unter anderem beinhaltet die Untersuchung auch die verschiedenen Subtypen der Kontrollsprechakte, wie auch deren Kategorisierung anhand ihrer Form. Diese Form ist die offensichtlichste Art um Direktiven, Aufforderungen und Ratschläge im Alltag auszudrücken (vgl. Vine 2004: 40), was auch das Ergebnis der Forschung bestätigt. 60% der identifizierten Kontrollsprechakte konnten als Imperative ausgemacht werden. In der Untersuchung wurde hauptsächlich eine formale Analyse als die Basis für die Kategorisierung benutzt. Es ist jedoch nicht immer möglich, sich nur auf die Kategorisierung durch die Form zu verlassen, da dies nicht ausreichend für Daten wäre. Deshalb wurde die Unterscheidung zwischen den Kontrollakte zusätzlich auch anhand der Eigenschaften des Inhalts gemacht. Folglich, beinhaltet die Analyse auch die Klassifizierung verschiedener Subtypen von Kontrollakte, wobei die interessantesten Instanzen herausgegriffen und detailliert beschrieben werden. Die Gender-Studie ist in zwei Bereiche gliedert. Erstens wird versucht Höflichkeitsstrategien zwischen beiden Geschlechtern herauszufiltern. Diese wurden in den Komplimenten des Datensatzes identifiziert. Interessanterweise, konnte eine Korrelation zwischen dem Akt des Komplimente machens und der Machtdemonstration am Arbeitsplatz festgestellt werden. Auf Basis der Analyse der Kontrollakte, welche mit Machtausübung assoziiert werden, konnte eine die Geschlechtsuntersuchung eingeleitet werden. Auf Grundlage der Theorie “powerful versus powerless language” (O’Barr and Atkins 1988) wird veranschaulicht, dass der Sprachstil nicht geschlechterabhängig ist.The focus of this research paper is on power in the workplace. The research area is divided into two sections. The first section deals with the speech acts of control: directives, request, and advice, by formally focusing on their head acts. The second section focuses exclusively on the gender-related study. The analysis is based on dialog stemming from two American films: The Proposal and Erin Brockovich. There are 181 control speech acts identified: 120 directives, 38 requests, 7 pieces of advice, and 16 borderline cases. The different sub-types of the control head acts, as well as their categorization according to form has been provided. The control speech acts identified in the dataset in most cases take the form of the imperative, which is the most obvious and recognizable way of issuing directives, requests or advice in a situation (cf. Vine 2004: 40). There are 109 instances (60%) of imperatives. In the analysis the form is frequently used as the basis for categorizing the control acts. However, it is not always possible to rely on a purely formal categorization system as it does not adequately account for the control act head acts data. Therefore, a distinction between the head acts has also been drawn according to the features of the content. Consequently, the classification of different sub-types of control acts is offered, and the most interesting instances are discussed in detail. The focus in the gender study is on two different aspects of language. The first traces out and discerns politeness strategies amongst the two genders. The politeness strategies are identified in the examples of compliments. There are 7 instances of complementing in the dataset. The speech acts of complimenting are selected due to an observation that there is a remarkable correlation between complimenting and power in the workplace. Due to the study on the control speech acts, which are closely associated with power exercise and power management, the second gender-related study is conducted. It is based on the “powerful versus powerless language” theory (O’Barr and Atkins 1998) and supports the view: saying that the way people talk is independent of their gender

    Przegląd wybranych metod rehabilitacji kończyny górnej u pacjentów po przebytym udarze niedokrwiennym mózgu = A review of selected methods for the rehabilitation of the upper extremity in patients after undergone brain ischemic stroke

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    Siminska Joanna, Pietkun Katarzyna, Porzych Piotr, Głowacka Iwona, Świątkowska Anna, Ogurkowski Karol, Grzyb Sebastian, Nowacka Krystyna, Beuth Wojciech. Przegląd wybranych metod rehabilitacji kończyny górnej u pacjentów po przebytym udarze niedokrwiennym mózgu = A review of selected methods for the rehabilitation of the upper extremity in patients after undergone brain ischemic stroke. Journal of Education, Health and Sport. 2016;6(4):240-248. eISSN 2391-8306. DOI http://dx.doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.50155http://ojs.ukw.edu.pl/index.php/johs/article/view/3466 The journal has had 7 points in Ministry of Science and Higher Education parametric evaluation. Part B item 755 (23.12.2015).755 Journal of Education, Health and Sport eISSN 2391-8306 7© The Author (s) 2016;This article is published with open access at Licensee Open Journal Systems of Kazimierz Wielki University in Bydgoszcz, PolandOpen Access. This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Noncommercial License which permits any noncommercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium,provided the original author(s) and source are credited. This is an open access article licensed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial License(http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/) which permits unrestricted, non commercial use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the work is properly cited.This is an open access article licensed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/) which permits unrestricted, non commercialuse, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the work is properly cited.The authors declare that there is no conflict of interests regarding the publication of this paper.Received: 20.03.2016. Revised 17.04.2016. Accepted: 17.04.2016.  PRZEGLĄD WYBRANYCH METOD REHABILITACJI KOŃCZYNY GÓRNEJ U PACJENTÓW PO PRZEBYTYM UDARZE NIEDOKRWIENNYM MÓZGUA review of selected methods for the rehabilitation of the upper extremity in patients after undergone brain ischemic stroke Siminska Joanna1, Pietkun Katarzyna1,2, Porzych Piotr1, Głowacka Iwona1, Świątkowska Anna1, Ogurkowski Karol1, Grzyb Sebastian3, Nowacka Krystyna1, Beuth Wojciech4 1Katedra i Klinika Rehabilitacji CM UMK Bydgoszcz2Katedry Kosmetologii i Dermatologii Estetycznej CM UMK Bydgoszcz3Klinika Neurochirurgii, Neurotraumatologii i Neurochirurgii Dziecięcej CM UMK Bydgoszcz4Oddział Neurochirurgii, Wojewódzki Szpital Specjalistyczny, Włocławek Słowa kluczowe: udar niedokrwienny mózgu.Keywords: ischemic stroke.  Streszczenie Analizując dane statystyczne uważa się, że udary mózgu stanowią około 15% wszystkich zgonów na świecie. W Polsce na udar mózgu zapada około 70 tysięcy osób rocznie , spośród których w okresie pierwszego miesiąca umiera około 20%, kolejne 10-25% pacjentów odzyskuje pełną samodzielność, u 40% chorych pozostaje umiarkowana niepełnosprawność, zaś około 15-30%  osób wymaga stałej pomocy osób drugich. Dlatego tak niezwykle istotnym faktem staje się wczesne wdrążenie właściwych algorytmów postępowania procedur rehabilitacji. Wiadomo, że optymalnym okresem powrotu i poprawy funkcji, w tym wykonywania czynności samoobsługowych, są pierwsze 3 miesiące od wystąpienia incydentu udaru mózgu. W tym okresie należy odpowiednio zaplanować i zastosować możliwie najefektywniejsze metody leczenia i usprawniania, co pozwala na poprawę jakości życia jak i podniesienie możliwości wykonywania czynności w zakresie samoobsługi tych chorych. Abstract Analysing statistical data, it is considered that strokes account for approximately 15% of all deaths in the world. In Poland the stroke falls approximately 70 thousand people per year, of which during the first month dies around 20%, 10-25% of patients recover full autonomy in 40% of patients remains a moderate disability, while about 15-30% of people requires constant assistance of another person. Why it is so extremely important fact becomes early implementation of the relevant algorithms conduct rehabilitation procedures. It is known that the optimal period of return and improved features, including self-service operations, are the first 3 months of the occurrence of an incident of stroke. During this period, please plan accordingly and apply as soon as possible the most effective methods of treatment and improve, allowing you to improve the quality of life and raise the possibility of performing self-service operations of these patients

    Od szkoły klasycznej do neoklasycznej w prawie karnym

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    Praca recenzowana / Peer-reviewed paperZebrane w tej książce artykuły i eseje oczywiście nie wyczerpują problematyki ewolucji myśli prawnokarnej od czasów szkoły klasycznej do neoklasycznej. Omówione w niej zostały jedynie wybrane – może ktoś powiedzieć: dość przypadkowo – różne zagadnienia. Ale wydaje się, że nawet to niepełne, a niechby nawet chaotyczne przedstawienie problemów stanowić może zaczyn dyskusji – skłonić do myślenia, do głębszej refleksji nad prawem karnym i jego instytucjami

    Comparison of α-Helix and β-Sheet Structure Adaptation to a Quantum Dot Geometry: Toward the Identification of an Optimal Motif for a Protein Nanoparticle Cover

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    While quantum dots (QDs) are useful as fluorescent labels, their application in biosciences is limited due to the stability and hydrophobicity of their surface. In this study, we tested two types of proteins for use as a cover for spherical QDs, composed of cadmium selenide. Pumilio homology domain (Puf), which is mostly α-helical, and leucine-rich repeat (LRR) domain, which is rich in β-sheets, were selected to determine if there is a preference for one of these secondary structure types for nanoparticle covers. The protein sequences were optimized to improve their interaction with the surface of QDs. The solubilization of the apoproteins and their assembly with nanoparticles required the application of a detergent, which was removed in subsequent steps. Finally, only the Puf-based cover was successful enough as a QD hydrophilic cover. We showed that a single polypeptide dimer of Puf, PufPuf, can form a cover. We characterized the size and fluorescent properties of the obtained QD:protein assemblies. We showed that the secondary structure of the Puf proteins was not destroyed upon contact with the QDs. We demonstrated that these assemblies do not promote the formation of reactive oxygen species during illumination of the nanoparticles. The data represent advances in the effort to obtain a stable biocompatible cover for QDs

    The effect of glycan shift on antibodies against HCV E2 412-425 epitope elicited by chimeric sHBsAg-based virus-like particles

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    Two of the most important mechanisms of hepatitis C virus (HCV) immune evasion are the high variability of the amino acid sequence and epitope shielding via heavy glycosylation of the envelope (E) proteins. Previously, we showed that chimeric sHBsAg (hepatitis B virus [HBV] small surface antigen)-based virus-like particles (VLPs) carrying highly conserved epitope I from the HCV E2 glycoprotein (sHBsAg_412–425) elicit broadly neutralizing antibodies (bnAbs). However, many reports have identified escape mutations for such bnAbs that shift the N-glycosylation site from N417 to N415. This shift effectively masks the recognition of epitope I by antibodies raised against the wild-type glycoprotein. To investigate if glycan-shift-mediated immune evasion could be overcome by targeted vaccination strategies, we designed sHBsAg-based VLPs carrying epitope I with an N417S change (sHBsAg_N417S). Studies in BALB/c mice revealed that both sHBsAg_412–425 and sHBsAg_N417S VLPs were immunogenic, eliciting antibodies that recognized peptides encompassing epitope I regardless of the N417S change. However, we observed substantial differences in E1E2 glycoprotein binding and cell culture-derived HCV (HCVcc) neutralization between the sera elicited by sHBsAg_412–425 and those elicited by sHBsAg_N417S VLPs. Our results suggest a complex interplay among antibodies targeting epitope I, the E1E2 glycosylation status, and the epitope or global E1E2 conformation. Additionally, we observed striking similarities in the E1E2 glycoprotein binding patterns and HCVcc neutralization between sHBsAg_412–425 sera and AP33, suggesting that the immunization of mice with sHBsAg_412–425 VLPs can elicit AP33-like antibodies. This study emphasizes the role of antibodies against epitope I and represents an initial effort toward designing an antigen that elicits an immune response against epitope I with a glycan shift change

    4C Mortality Score correlates with in-hospital functional outcome after COVID-19-associated ischaemic stroke

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    Aim of the study. The 4C Mortality Score was created to predict mortality in hospitalised patients with COVID-19 and has to date been evaluated only in respiratory system disorders. The aim of this study was to investigate its application in patients with COVID-19-associated acute ischaemic stroke (AIS).Clinical rationale for study. COVID-19 is a risk factor for AIS. COVID-19-associated AIS results in higher mortality and worse functional outcome. Predictors of functional outcome in COVID-19-associated AIS are required.Materials and methods. This was a retrospective observational study of patients with AIS hospitalised in seven neurological wards in Małopolska Voivodship (Poland) between August and December 2020. We gathered data concerning the patients’ age, sex, presence of cardiovascular risk factors, type of treatment received, and the presence of stroke-associated infections (including pneumonia, urinary tract infection and infection of unknown source). We calculated 4C Mortality Score at stroke onset, and investigated whether there was a correlation with neurological deficit measured using the National Health Institute Stroke Scale (NIHSS) and functional outcome assessed using the modified Rankin Scale (mRS) at discharge.Results. The study included 52 patients with COVID-19-associated AIS. The 4C Mortality Score at stroke onset correlated with mRS (rs = 0.565, p < 0.01) at discharge. There was also a statistically significant difference in the mean 4C Mortality Score between patients who died and patients who survived the stroke (13.08 ± 2.71 vs. 9.85 ± 3.47, p = 0.04).Conclusions and clinical implications. 4C Mortality Score predicts functional outcome at discharge in COVID-19-associated AIS patients

    From a shamanic trance to death. Discussion on Marylin Monroe’s intimate notes, letters and poems

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    The paper puts forward a thesis that Marylin Monroe, regarded as a culture icon of the 20th century, has a lot in common with a shaman, because she experiences alternative states of consciousness under the influence of psychoanalytical sessions. There is an association between what is happening in the mind of a shaman who is in a trance and the soul of an actress – regarded as the idol of collective imagination – who is regularly psychoanalyzed. In her poems, letters and intimate notes, whose style is very psycho-biographic, Marylin Monroe gives an account of her auto-analysis, talks about a growing feeling of being different from others and writes down the moments of shamanic elation. By writing she expresses all things which fail to be expressed in other way, and her own notes are the post-notes of the trance states of the shaman. Nevertheless, she does not realize the fact that psychoanalysis is having a destructive effect on her life, and that it pushes her towards death, and finally kills her

    Fairy-tale writing in the works of Franciszek Dionizy Kniaźnin

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    Celem pracy jest analiza treści, budowy, zasad kompozycji, bohaterów wybranych bajek Kniaźnina oraz ich proponowany podział. Praca została podzielona na trzy rozdziały. Pierwszy poświęcony jest ogólnej charakterystyce bajki z uwzględnieniem wyznaczników gatunku. Omówione są również etapy rozwoju bajkopisarstwa Kniaźnina w zależności od miejsca pobytu oraz wpływu ze strony otoczenia. Drugi rozdział skupia się na porównaniu przedrukowanych bajek z pierwszego wydania: Bajki, do późniejszego: Bajki i powieści, z uwzględnieniem zmian w wersyfikacji, sposobie opisów, długości oraz doborze środków poetyckich. Przedmiot badań stanowią tutaj trzy utwory: Muł, syn osła, Pielgrzym i Osieł, Furman i Koń. Trzeci, najobszerniejszy rozdział, prezentuje podział bajek Kniaźnina we względu na tematykę i motywy. Wyróżnia się bajki: polityczne, społeczne, filozoficzne, mitologiczne oraz sentymentalne.The aim of the work is to analyze the content, structure, rules of composition, heroes of selected Kniaźnin's fairy tales and their proposed division. The work has been divided into three chapters. The first is devoted to the general characteristics of a fairy tale, taking into account the determinants of the genre. The stages of development of Kniaźnin's fairy-tale writing are also discussed, depending on the place of stay and the influence of the environment. The second chapter focuses on the comparison of reprinted fairy tales from the first edition: Fairy Tales to the later: Fairy Tales and Novels, taking into account changes in versification, description, length and selection of poetic means. The subject of research here are three works: Muł, son of an donkey, Pilgrim and Donkey, Driver and Horse. The third, most extensive chapter, presents the division of Kniaźnin's fairy tales by subject and motive. There are following fairy tales: political, social, philosophical, mythological and sentimental