325 research outputs found

    Psico-análisis y análisis escénico. Freud, la psicología y la Vanguardia artística alrededor del 1900 / Psycho-analysis and performance analysis. Freud, the psychology and artistic Avangarde around 1900

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    Las estrategias de atención, así como de los mecanismos de hacer memoria que debe tener en consideración el médico en contextos terapéuticos con pacientes fue una de las preocupaciones del psicoanálisis freudiano. Por su parte, la emergencia de la psicología a fines del siglo XIX tuvo en la atención de la experiencia un eje meodológico fundamental con el cual articularse como ciencia. El artículo revisa los principales plantiamientos en torno a la noción de “atención flotante” y la “pizarra mágica” elaborados por Freud apuntando tanto al contexto artístico alrededor del 1900 en el cual emergieron y fueron puestas en práctica éstas ideas como a los posibles vínculos, usos y las diferencias que ambas nociones tienen con el ejercicio que, al interior de la teatrología, se despliega al analizar las artes escénicas/performativas del teatro, la música y la danza.Atention strategies and mechanisms to make memory that should take into consideration the medical patients in therapeutic contexts was one of the concerns of Freudian psychoanalysis. Meanwhile, the emergence of psychology in the late nineteenth century was in the care of a fundamental experience which meodológico axis articulated as science. The article reviews the main plantiamientos around the notion of "floating attention" and "magic slate" developed by Freud pointing to both the artistic context around 1900 in which they emerged and were put into practice these ideas as possible links, uses and differences that both notions have to exercise, within the teatrología, is deployed to analyze the scenic / performative arts theater, music and dance

    Design and fabrication of a centrifugally driven microfluidic disk for fully integrated metabolic assays on whole blood

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    For the first time, we present a novel and fully integrated centrifugal microfluidic “ lab-on-a-disk” for rapid metabolic assays in human whole blood. All essential steps comprising blood sampling, metering, plasma extraction and the final optical detection are conducted within t = 150 s in passive structures integrated on one disposable disk. Our technology features a novel plasma extraction structure (V = 500 nL, CV < 5%) without using any hydrophobic microfluidics where the purified plasma (cRBC< 0.11%) is centrifugally separated and subsequently extracted through a capillarily primed extraction channel into the detection chamber. While this capillary extraction requires precisely defined, narrow micro-structures, the reactive mixing and detection is most efficient within larger cavities. The corresponding manufacturing technique of these macro- and micro structures in the range of 30 µ m to 1000 µ m is also presented for the first time: A novel, cost-efficient hybrid prototyping technique of a multiscale epoxy master for subsequent hot embossing of polymer disks

    Optical beam guidance in monolithic polymer chips for miniaturized colorimetric assays

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    For the first time, we present a simple and robust optical concept to enable precise and sensitive read-out of colorimetric assays in flat lab-on-a-chip devices. The optical guidance of the probe beam through an incorporated measurement chamber to the detector is based on the total internal reflection at V-grooves in the polymer chip. This way, the optical path length through the flat measurement chamber and thus the performance of the measurements are massively enhanced compared to direct (perpendicular) beam incidence. This is demonstrated by a chip-based, colorimetric glucose-assay on serum. Outstanding features are an excellent reproducibility (CV= 1.91 %), a competitive lower limit of detection (cmin = 124 μM), and a high degree of linearity (R2 = 0.998) within a working range extending over nearly three orders of magnitude

    Direct hemoglobin measurement by monolithically integrated optical beam guidance

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    We present a concept for optical beam guidance by total internal reflection (TIR) at V-grooves as retro reflectors which are monolithically integrated on a microfluidic "lab-on-a-disk". This way, the optical path length through a measurement chamber and thus the sensitivity of colorimetric assays is massively enhanced compared to direct (perpendicular) beam incidence. With this rugged optical concept, we determine the concentration of hemoglobin (Hb) in human whole blood. Outstanding features are a high degree of linearity (R2 = 0.993) between the optical signal and the Hb together with a reproducibility of CV= 2.9 %, and a time-to-result of 100 seconds, only

    La subversión política. Ideario de lo político y niveles de participación en "Carne de Cañón" del "Colectivo de Arte La Vitrina"

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    Este ensayo parte de la hipótesis general que la experiencia de Carne de Cañón del Colectivo de Arte La Vitrina corresponde un inmejorable modelo para la comprensión y el análisis de la danza independiente chilena de principios del siglo XXI. Bajo ésta premisa general, que recorre todo el estudio, se propone un análisis de la teatralidad desde el aspecto de la percepción que la puesta en escena establece con y para el espectador como así también los niveles de participación a la que esta escenificación nos invita como espectadores. &nbsp;This essay is based on the general assumption that the experience of Carne de Cañon from the Art Collective "La Vitrina" is an excellent model for understanding and analyzing the independent Chilean dance from the beginning of XXI century. Under this assumption that runs throughout the whole study, the author proposes an analysis from the aspect of the perception that the scene establishes with the viewer as well as the participation levels to which this scenario invites us as viewers

    Qualidade de energia de um inversor de microgeração fotovoltaica: estudo de caso utilizando medições em regime permanente

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    Este trabalho tem por objetivo analisar aspectos da qualidade da energia elétrica de um inversor presente no mercado brasileiro, no município de Porto Alegre/RS, de uma instalação de microgeração fotovoltaica, tendo por base o Módulo 8 do PRODIST para a condição de regime permanente e a ABNT NBR 16149. Para isso são realizadas medidas em campo, ao longo de 20 dias completos do mês de setembro, através do qualímetro MI 2292 da METREL. Esse analisador de energia está conectado ao inversor monofásico WEG SIW300H M050 da instalação, obtendo medições de tensão, corrente, potências ativa, reativa e aparente, assim como distorções harmônicas de tensão e corrente, em intervalos de integração de 10 minutos conforme o PRODIST. Depois de coletados e efetuado o tratamento adequado desses dados, pode-se calcular indicadores de interesse. As análises são feitas, basicamente, em 3 períodos: ao longo dos 20 dias, em uma semana de geração irregular denominada Semana Nublada e, por fim, em uma semana de geração regular denominada Semana Ensolarada. Observações em dias específicos de cada semana considerada também são particularizadas. Deseja-se, com isso, verificar se o inversor atende aos requisitos de qualidade do produto na interface com a rede, levando também em consideração demais dados de operação fornecidos pelo fabricante do inversor e seu próprio sistema de aquisição de dados e monitoramento remoto denominado NetEco. O inversor, no fim, atende aos requisitos avaliados e também está em conformidade com seu catálogo, havendo apenas transgressões relacionadas à sobretensão que cabe à concessionária efetuar a regulação e readequação aos limites.This paper aims to analyze aspects of the power quality of an inverter present in the Brazilian market, at the city of Porto Alegre/RS, from a photovoltaic microgeneration installation, based on PRODIST Module 8 for steady state condition and ABNT NBR 16149. For this purpose, measurements are carried out at the field over 20 complete days of September, through the Power Quality Analyzer METREL MI 2292. This power analyzer is connected to the single-phase inverter WEG SIW300H M050, obtaining measurements of voltage, current, active power, reactive power and apparent power, as well as harmonic voltage and current distortions, at 10-minute integration intervals according to PRODIST. Once these data have been obtained and properly processed, indicators of interest can be calculated. The analysis are made, basically, in 3 periods: over the 20 days, in an irregular generation week called Cloudy Week, and finally in a regular generation week called Sunny Week. Observations on specific days of each considered week are also individualized. This is to verify whether the inverter meets the product quality requirements at the network interface, also taking into account other operating data provided by the inverter manufacturer and its own data acquisition system and remote monitoring called NetEco. The inverter ultimately meets the evaluated requirements and conforms with its catalog too, since overvoltage-related violations depend on the utility to regulate and adjust it back to the limits

    Parallelization of chip-based fluorescence immuno-assays with quantum-dot labelled beads

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    This paper presents an optical concept for the read-out of a parallel, bead-based fluorescence immunoassay conducted on a lab-on-a-disk platform. The reusable part of the modular setup comprises a detection unit featuring a single LED as light source, two emission-filters, and a color CCD-camera as standard components together with a spinning drive as actuation unit. The miniaturized lab-on-a-disk is devised as a disposable. In the read-out process of the parallel assay, beads are first identified by the color of incorporated quantum dots (QDs). Next, the reaction-specific fluorescence signal is quantified with FluoSpheres-labeled detection anti-bodies. To enable a fast and automated read-out, suitable algorithms have been implemented in this work. Based on this concept, we successfully demonstrated a Hepatitis-A assay on our disk-based lab-on-a-chip

    A influência da lesão medular na autonomia dos indivíduos e formas de mensuração: uma revisão integrativa

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    Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro de Ciências da Saúde, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Enfermagem, Florianópolis, 2015.Introdução: A autonomia consiste na liberdade de escolha, na tomada de decisões, na execução de tarefas, no autogoverno e na autodeterminação. Algumas condições crônicas, como é o caso da lesão medular, acarretam na diminuição da autonomia, em decorrência das limitações após a lesão. A lesão medular é um trauma na medula que pode ser completo ou incompleto, causando paraplegia ou tetraplegia. As limitações irão variar, de acordo com o nível e a classificação da lesão. Quanto mais alta a lesão medular, maiores serão as deficiências. Porém mesmo com severas deficiências, é possível ter autonomia, desde que, os planos e objetivos traçados sejam possíveis de serem realizados. Objetivos: avaliar a influência da lesão medular na autonomia e as formas de mensurá-la disponíveis na literatura. Método: Este estudo trata-se de uma Revisão Narrativa, na qual se realizou busca nas seguintes bases de dados: Lilacs, Scielo, BDENF, Pubmed/Medline, Scopus e CINAHL. Antes de iniciar a pesquisa realizou-se um protocolo para determinar cada passo do estudo. A coleta de dados ocorreu entre o período de abril a junho de 2015, por duas pessoas especialmente treinadas para tal, na qual uma não tinha conhecimento sobre os achados da outra. Inicialmente, após retirar os duplicados, encontrou-se 7453 artigos. Resultados: Leu-se na seguinte sequência: títulos, resumos e íntegra. Por fim, foram aplicados os checklists: STROBE, COREQ e PRISMA, conforme cada tipo de pesquisa, para avaliar a qualidade dos artigos. Permaneceram, portanto, para análise, 41 trabalhos, dos quais 20 para o manuscrito 1, que estudou a interferência da lesão medular na autonomia e, 20 para o manuscrito 2, que analisou as formas de mensuração da autonomia na lesão medular. Os artigos selecionados foram colocados numa pasta do Excel para serem analisados. Utilizou-se, também, o gerenciador Endnote Web para organizar as referências. Discussão: Observou-se, na pesquisa, inúmeros conceitos de autonomia, que se relaciona com palavras, tais como: independência, participação, autogoverno, determinação, autocuidado, esperança e otimismo, sendo muito importante para adquirir autonomia a rede de apoio e a religião. A acessibilidade e as informações facilitam a autonomia, enquanto o suporte financeiro pode dificultar, sendo seu conceito e a reabilitação uns dos principais desafios da autonomia. A reabilitação é longa e árdua, mas deve ser iniciada ainda no ambiente hospitalar, para se ter melhores resultados. Notou-se que o único instrumento que diz mensurar autonomia é o Impact of Partcipation in Autonomy Questionnarie (IPAQ). Porém, existem outros que trabalham com termos relacionados ao ser autônomo, sendo importantes para a10pesquisa. Os instrumentos são essenciais para avaliar a evolução na reabilitação e, se as metas pretendidas foram alcançadas. Conclusão: Concluiu-se com este estudo que a autonomia apresenta um conceito amplo e depende do foco de cada indivíduo que a conceitua. O IPAQ embora aborde a autonomia, apresenta algumas limitações, pois não engloba a esperança, a acessibilidade, a rede de apoio e a identidade, tão importantes para a autonomia. Portanto, torna-se necessária a construção de um instrumento para mensurar autonomia que englobe todos os aspectos relacionados a ela.Abstract : Introduction: Autonomy consists in the freedom of choice, in decision making, in tasks execution, in self-governance and self-determination. Certain chronic conditions, such as spinal cord injury, result in the decrease of autonomy due to post-injury limitations. The spinal cord injury is a trauma in the spine that can be complete or incomplete, causing paraplegia or tetraplegia. The limitations vary according to the injury level and classification. The higher the spinal cord injury, the greater will be the disabilities. Although even with severe disabilities, it is still possible to have autonomy, once the plans and goals are viable. Purpose: evaluate the influence of spinal cord injury on the autonomy and its measuring methods available in the literature. Method: this study is a narrative revision where the following databases were researched: Liliacs, Scielo, BDENF, Pubmed/Medline, Scopus and CINAHL. Before starting the research, a protocol was set in place to determine each step of the study. The data was collected from April to June 2015 by two specially trained people, where one of them had no knowledge about the other's one result. 7453 articles were found after a trial where the duplicate ones were excluded. Results: The articles were read in the following order: titles, abstracts and entire article. At the end, the following checklists were applied: STROBE, COREQ and PRISMA according to each type of research to evaluate the article?s quality. 41 articles remained to be analysed among which 20 for the manuscript 1, which studied the interference of the spinal cord injury in the patient's autonomy and 20 for the manuscript 2, which analysed ways of measuring autonomy following a spinal cord injury. The selected articles were put in an Excel chart to be analysed. To organise the references, the manager Endnote Web was used. Discussion: In the research several concepts of autonomy were found and its relation with words such as: independence, participation, self-governance, determination, self-care, hope and optimism. A support network and religion are very important to acquire autonomy. The accessibility and information facilitate the autonomy while monetary support can complicate it. Autonomy's concept and rehabilitations are their principal challenges. The rehabilitation is long and hard, but should begin while the patient is still at the hospital for best results. The only instrument noted that measures autonomy is the Impact of Participation in Autonomy Questionnaire (IPAQ). However there are other articles using terms related to the self-governance which are important to the research. The instruments are essential to evaluate the rehabilitation's evolution and if the intended goals were achieved. Conclusion: it has been concluded in this study that autonomy is a large concept and depends on the focus of the individual who conceptualises it. Although the IPAQ measures autonomy, it presents some limitations, seeing as it does not include important concepts of autonomy such as hope, accessibility, support network and identity. Therefore, the construction of an instrument that measures autonomy while including all the aspects and concepts related to it is necessary

    Characteristics of Encephalic Vascular Accident patients treated at a state reference center

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    Encephalic Vascular Accident is a clinical sign of brain dysfunction and it might result in permanent and irreversible lesions. Objective: Define the characteristics such as age, sex and date of the first treatment at a Santa Catarina State's Rehabilitation Center. Methods: This is a quantitative cross-sectional descriptive study. The Ethnics in Human Research (CEPSH), the Pro Rector for Research and Extension Federal University of Santa Catarina, number 1024 reviewed this study. Results: CVA affected 25,11% of women between 71-80 years old and 34,09% of the men aged between 61-70 years old. The most common consequence due to CVA was hemiplegia and the study observed that many patients only looked for proper treatment after several years post CVA. Conclusions: The physical therapy is important, so patients can relearn daily tasks and furthermore reintegrate their social life