29 research outputs found

    Empleo de fichas dirigidas para la mejora en el aprendizaje de las asignaturas Técnicas Instrumentales y Fisicoquímica

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    Las asignaturas del área de Química Física del Grado en Farmacia, entre las que se encuentran Técnicas Instrumentales (2º curso, 2º cuatrimestre) y Fisicoquímica (1er curso, 2º cuatrimestre), ambas de carácter obligatorio, siguen siendo con mucho aquellas que encabezan la lista con mayor porcentaje de suspensos en la titulación, de ahí la necesidad de seguir trabajando en mejorar la asimilación y comprensión de sus contenidos. En este curso académico 2017/2018 se ha propuesto una nueva estrategia basada en el empleo de fichas dirigidas para fomentar el trabajo en grupo de alumnos, y alentar así, su razonamiento deductivo y su capacidad crítica. La innovación empleada fue llevada a cabo en dos ciclos de mejora encadenados, con una duración de 15 horas cada uno, obteniéndose resultados constatables que denotan la mejora en la asimilación de los contenidos con el consecuente aprendizaje significativo del alumno

    Noncovalent interactions of tiopronin-protected gold nanoparticles with DNA: two methods to quantify free energy of binding

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    The binding of gold nanoparticles capped with N-(2-mercaptopropionyl)glycine (Au@tiopronin) with double-stranded DNA has been investigated and quantified in terms of free energies by using two different approaches. The first approach follows the DNA conformational changes induced by gold nanoparticles using the CD technique. The second methodology consists in the use of pyrene-1-carboxaldehyde as a fluorescent probe. This second procedure implies the determination of the “true” free energy of binding of the probe with DNA, after corrections through solubility measurements. Working at different salt concentrations, the nonelectrostatic and electrostatic components of the binding free energy have been separated.The results obtained revealed that the binding is of nonelectrostatic character, fundamentally.The procedure used in this work could be extended to quantify the binding affinity of other AuNPs/DNA systems.Junta de Andalucia, Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia DIGYT CTQ2008-0008/BQ

    Uso de una aplicación móvil para aumentar la motivación del alumnado en formulación y nomenclatura química

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    Learning of chemical formulation and nomenclature for university students is becoming less and less stimulating for first-course degree students, which further have marked deficiencies in both the initial level of knowledge and skill sets. As a consequence, this fact leads to motivational and interest problems for the subject, and more specifically, for the seminar classes. An initiative have been proposed which includes the use of a free mobile application (Socrative®) to complete initial and final questionnaires, with the aim to improve the level of participation in the seminar classes of formulation, and to establish the bases for a new evaluation system. This work details the new followed methodology as well as the obtained results. The results show how the use of the application improves the marks in formulation and nomenclature, the class attendance, as well as that increment the student satisfaction for this type of teaching.El aprendizaje de la formulación y nomenclatura química a nivel universitario resulta cada vez menos estimulante para los estudiantes de primer curso, que además poseen marcadas deficiencias tanto en el nivel inicial de conocimientos como en las destrezas asociadas a dicha materia. Esto hecho trae como consecuencia problemas de motivación y de interés por la asignatura y, más concretamente, por las clases de seminarios. Con el fin de mejorar la participación en clase de seminarios de formulación, y de establecer las bases de un nuevo sistema de evaluación, se ha propuesto una iniciativa que incluye el uso de una aplicación móvil gratuita (Socrative®) para la realización de cuestionarios iniciales y finales a la práctica docente. Este trabajo detalla la nueva metodología seguida así como los resultados obtenidos. Los resultados ponen de manifiesto como el uso de la aplicación móvil mejora las calificaciones en las cuestiones de formulación y nomenclatura, la asistencia a clase, así como incrementa el grado de satisfacción de los alumnos por este tipo de docencia.L’aprenentatge de la formulació i nomenclatura química a nivell universitari resulta cada vegada menys estimulant per als estudiants de primer curs, que a més posseeixen marcades deficiències tant en el nivell inicial de coneixements com en les destreses associades a aquesta matèria. Aquet fet porta com a conseqüència problemes de motivació i d’interès per l’assignatura i, més concretament, per les classes de seminaris. Per tal de millorar la participació a classe de seminaris de formulació, i d’establir les bases d’un nou sistema d’avaluació, s’ha proposat una iniciativa que inclou l’ús d’una aplicació mòbil gratuïta (Socrative®) per a la realització de qüestionaris inicials i finals a la pràctica docent. Aquest treball detalla la nova metodologia seguida així com els resultats obtinguts. Els resultats posen de manifest com l›ús de l›aplicació mòbil millora les qualificacions en les qüestions de formulació i nomenclatura, l›assistència a classe, així com incrementa el grau de satisfacció dels alumnes per aquest tipus de docència.Vicerrectorado de Estudiantes de la Universidad de SevillaII Plan Propio de Docencia (Ayudas de Innovación y Mejora Docente, Convocatoria 2015

    AuNPs-DNA non-covalent interactions: improve of some studies and new avenues of research from negative results

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    Due to their chemical stability, high biocompatibility, excellent structural, optical, magnetic and catalytic properties, gold nanoparticles (AuNPs) have been widely used as therapeutics, delivery agents and transfection vectors. Since successful therapy for curing cancer, and other genetic diseases, requires the transport of DNA into the cell by delivery vehicles, the effective complexation of the DNA is a subject of great interest. In this sense, increasing concerns have been raised in regards to the thermodynamics and kinetics of non-covalent interactions of AuNPs with DNA. Although insights have been gained into the effects of AuNPs on DNA systems, there is still much ground to be covered, particularly in respect to our knowledge of the binding modes, conformational changes, the salt effects and the aggregation properties of these systems. This review highlights recent progress in the study of the interactive effects of AuNPs with DNA and the factors that influence the kinetics and thermodynamic of this interaction.Oficina de Transferencia de los Resultados de la Investigación 2010/00000762Dirección General de Investigación Científica y Técnica CTQ2008- 00008/BQ

    Aprendizaje significativo del alumnado de física aplicada del grado en farmacia: evaluación basada en el empleo de cuestionarios

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    Objetivos: Se han detectado claras deficiencias en el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje en las prácticas de la asignatura de “Física Aplicada a Ciencias de la Salud” del primer curso del Grado en Farmacia. Por tanto, el objetivo de este trabajo es desarrollar un sencillo programa de evaluación que permita extraer información inmediata sobre la práctica docente, permitiendo modificar la secuencia de actividades y la metodología. Material y Métodos: Se emplearon idénticos cuestionarios iniciales y finales a la práctica docente que fueron diseñados en base a problemas y/o preguntas clave, trabajadas en clase. Los resultados fueron clasificados en distintos modelos y representados, de acuerdo con su complejidad, en escaleras de aprendizaje. Resultados: La clasificación de los resultados de los cuestionarios inicial y final en modelos de pensamiento mostró una evolución positiva del aprendizaje del alumnado. En concreto, el 57% de los alumnos evolucionó hacia esquemas de pensamientos más complejos en el caso de la práctica del Calor Específico, mientras que un 60% de los alumnos lo hicieron en el caso de la Práctica de Arquímedes. Conclusiones: Profesores y alumnos coinciden en que el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje resulta mucho más completo y atractivo cuando se fomenta la participación del alumno y la reflexión. Un objetivo en un futuro próximo es tratar de repetir esta experiencia en diferentes grupos de alumnos para comparar resultados, analizar con más profundidad las dificultades en la asimilación de conceptos y diseñar nuevas estrategias docentes.Aim: It have been detected clearly deficiencies in the teaching-learning process for the practice subject of “Physics Applied Health Sciences” which is taught in the first course of the Degree in Pharmacy. Therefore, the motivation of this work is the development of a simple evaluation program that permits to gain prompt information about the teaching process which allows the modification of the activities sequence and methodology. Materials and Methods: Identical initial and final questionnaires were employed in the teaching practice based on problems and/or key questions worked in class. The results were classified in different models and represented, according to their complexity, in stairs of learning. Results: The classification of the questionnaires results in model thinking denoted a positive evolution of the student learning. In particular, in the case of the Determination of the Specific Heat around a 57 % of the students evolved into more complex thoughts schemes, while a 60% of the students did the same for the Archimedes practice. Conclusion: Teachers and students concur that the teaching-learning process is much more complete and attractive when student participation and reflection was encouraged. A goal in the near future could be try to repeat this experience with students of different groups to compare results, analyze in depth the difficulties in the assimilation of concepts and the design of new teaching strategies

    Gold Nanosystems Covered with Doxorubicin/DNA Complexes: A Therapeutic Target for Prostate and Liver Cancer

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    Different gold nanosystems covered with DNA and doxorubicin (Doxo) were designed and synthesized for cancer therapy, starting from Au@16-Ph-16 cationic nanoparticles and DNA–Doxo complexes prepared under saturation conditions. For the preparation of stable, biocompatible, and small-sized compacted Au@16-Ph-16/DNA–Doxo nanotransporters, the conditions for the DNA–Doxo compaction process induced by gold nanoparticles were first explored using fluorescence spectroscopy, circular dichroism and atomic force microscopy techniques. The reverse process, which is fundamental for Doxo liberation at the site of action, was found to occur at higher CAu@16-Ph-16 concentrations using these techniques. Zeta potential, dynamic light scattering and UV–visible spectroscopy reveal that the prepared compacted nanosystems are stable, highly charged and of adequate size for the effective delivery of Doxo to the cell. This fact is verified by in vitro biocompatibility and internalization studies using two prostate cancer-derived cell lines (LNCaP and DU145) and one hepatocellular carcinoma-derived cell line (SNU-387), as well as a non-tumor prostate (PNT2) cell line and a non-hepatocarcinoma hepatoblastoma cell line (Hep-G2) model used as a control in liver cells. However, the most outstanding results of this work are derived from the use of the CI+NI combined treatments which present strong action in cancer-derived cell lines, while a protective effect is observed in non-tumor cell lines. Hence, novel therapeutic targets based on gold nanoparticles denote high selectivity compared to conventional treatment based on free Doxo at the same concentration. The results obtained show the viability of both the proposed methodology for internalization of compacted nanocomplexes inside the cell and the effectiveness of the possible treatment and minimization of side effects in prostate and liver cancer

    Au@16-pH-16/miR-21 mimic nanosystem: An efficient treatment for obesity through browning and thermogenesis induction

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    Despite the abundance of registered clinical trials worldwide, the availability of effective drugs for obesity treatment is limited due to their associated side effects. Thus, there is growing interest in therapies that stimulate energy expenditure in white adipose tissue. Recently, we demonstrated that the delivery of a miR-21 mimic using JetPEI effectively inhibits weight gain in an obese mouse model by promoting metabolism, browning, and thermogenesis, suggesting the potential of miR-21 mimic as a treatment for obesity. Despite these promising results, the implementation of more advanced delivery system techniques for miR-21 mimic would greatly enhance the advancement of safe and efficient treatment approaches for individuals with obesity in the future. Our objective is to explore whether a new delivery system based on gold nanoparticles and Gemini surfactants (Au@16-ph-16) can replicate the favorable effects of the miR-21 mimic on weight gain, browning, and thermogenesis. We found that dosages as low as 0.2 μg miR-21 mimic /animal significantly inhibited weight gain and induced browning and thermogenic parameters. This was evidenced by the upregulation of specific genes and proteins associated with these processes, as well as the biogenesis of beige adipocytes and mitochondria. Significant increases in miR-21 levels were observed in adipose tissue but not in other tissue types. Our data indicates that Au@16-ph-16 could serve as an effective delivery system for miRNA mimics, suggesting its potential suitability for the development of future clinical treatments against obesity.Instituto de Salud Carlos III (ISCIII) PI21/01924, PI18/00785European Union (UE) PI21/01924, PI18/00785European Commission (EC). Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER) PI20-01274Universidad de Sevilla 2021/00001297Junta de Andalucía PI20-01274, PI-0235-2021, DOC-01138, RC-0006-2020, C-0060-2018, PI-0092–2017Universidad de Málaga RC-0001-2021Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (MINECO). España SAF2014-60649-JI

    Transferencias de las primeras experiencias docentes a las investigaciones predoctorales en Arquitectura y Patrimonio

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    Background. Predoctoral researchers in Spain combine the development of the doctoral thesis with teaching collaboration in their department of adscription, within four years. In the regulatory framework of the recently approved statute (Spain, 2019), the teaching load they teach is unified in a total of up to 18 ECTS. Methods. We study the initiation to teaching of contractual PhD students in parallel to the development of the thesis in Architecture and Heritage. We will examine how this commitment can enrich the thesis. To do this, quantitative and qualitative analyses are carried out of the teaching projects of 2 the subjects taught by the authors in the Department of Architectural History, Theory and Composition, in relation to the themes of ongoing research. Also, its connection with the training activities of the doctoral programme itself will also be assessed. Results. We consider that predoctoral researchers work between the specificity of their research and a more general teaching in undergraduate studies. This study determines the opportunities and difficulties they face. Conclusions. It is necessary to establish a relationship between the teaching and the doctoral thesis, to combine content transfer and time optimisation.Antecedentes. En España, el Personal Investigador en Formación combina el desarrollo de la tesis doctoral con la colaboración docente en el departamento universitario de adscripción, por hasta cuatro años. En el marco regulador del estatuto recientemente aprobado (España, 2019), la carga docente de los doctorandos contractuales queda unificada en un total de hasta 18 ECTS. Método. Analizamos la iniciación a la docencia del contratado predoctoral en paralelo al desarrollo de la tesis en Arquitectura y Patrimonio. Examinaremos cómo este compromiso puede enriquecer la tesis. Para ello, se efectúan análisis cuantitativos y cualitativos de los proyectos docentes de las asignaturas impartidas por las autoras en el Departamento de Historia, Teoría y Composición Arquitectónicas, en relación con los temas de las investigaciones en curso. Asimismo, también se buscará su conexión con las actividades formativas del propio programa de doctorado. Resultados. De este estudio se extraen las oportunidades y dificultades a las que se enfrenta el contratado predoctoral, que trabaja entre la especificidad propia de su investigación y una docencia más generalista en los estudios de Grado. Conclusiones. La vinculación entre la docencia y la tesis doctoral es fundamental para combinar la transferencia de contenidos y la optimización del tiempo

    ¿Cuál es la situación del doctorado en Europa?: tres experiencias de investigación en Arquitectura y Patrimonio en Sevilla, París y Milán

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    Antecedentes. Las estancias breves de investigación en universidades extranjeras enriquecen las tesis doctorales, así como su grado de internacionalización. Además de la obtención de la Mención de Doctorado Internacional, estos periodos fomentan el desarrollo de trabajos en régimen de cotutela. Así se estimula el establecimiento de redes interuniversitarias y se permite conocer de primera mano cómo entienden otros países los estudios de tercer ciclo. Método. Analizamos los estudios de doctorado, a partir de Escuelas y Programas centrados en la Arquitectura y el Patrimonio, en tres contextos universitarios europeos (España, Francia e Italia). Se ha efectuado un estudio comparativo centrado en la trayectoria, la organización, la duración, los contenidos, los modos de seguimiento y las perspectivas laborales que caracterizan a la formación doctoral en las universidades de Sevilla, Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne y el Politecnico di Milano. Resultados. Este estudio de otros modelos de doctorado en materia patrimonial, pertenecientes al Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior, permite valorar aspectos como su nivel de especificidad y seguimiento o su relación con la docencia y atribuciones profesionales. Conclusiones. Estas claves son determinantes para detectar los retos potenciales de los estudios de doctorado y argumentar la necesidad de su reconocimiento fuera del mundo académico.Background. Short research stays in foreign universities nourish predoctoral research, as well they contribute to their internationalization. In addition to obtaining the mention of International Doctorate, these periods encourage the development of double-supervision agreements. Therefore, the establishment of interuniversity networks is stimulated. It is a great opportunity to get a first-hand knowledge on how other countries understand third cycle studies. Method. We have analysed doctoral study programmes, focusing on those 2 linked to Architecture and Heritage. Three European university contexts have been examined (Spain, France and Italy). A comparative study has been carried out considering aspects such as their trajectory, organisation, duration, contents, monitoring methods and job opportunities. This survey features doctoral training at the universities of Seville, Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne and the Politecnico di Milano. Results. This study of various doctoral systems is relevant since they share an education in heritage and an adscription to the European Higher Education Area. Thus, it is possible to assess aspects such as their level of specificity and monitoring or their relationship with teaching and professional attributions. Conclusions. These considerations are decisive to detect the potential challenges of doctoral studies and argue the need for their recognition outside the academic worl

    Au@16-pH-16/miR-21 mimic nanosystem: An efficient treatment for obesity through browning and thermogenesis induction

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    Despite the abundance of registered clinical trials worldwide, the availability of effective drugs for obesity treatment is limited due to their associated side effects. Thus, there is growing interest in therapies that stimulate energy expenditure in white adipose tissue. Recently, we demonstrated that the delivery of a miR-21 mimic using JetPEI effectively inhibits weight gain in an obese mouse model by promoting metabolism, browning, and thermogenesis, suggesting the potential of miR-21 mimic as a treatment for obesity. Despite these promising results, the implementation of more advanced delivery system techniques for miR-21 mimic would greatly enhance the advancement of safe and efficient treatment approaches for individuals with obesity in the future. Our objective is to explore whether a new delivery system based on gold nanoparticles and Gemini surfactants (Au@16-ph-16) can replicate the favorable effects of the miR-21 mimic on weight gain, browning, and thermogenesis. We found that dosages as low as 0.2 μg miR-21 mimic /animal significantly inhibited weight gain and induced browning and thermogenic parameters. This was evidenced by the upregulation of specific genes and proteins associated with these processes, as well as the biogenesis of beige adipocytes and mitochondria. Significant increases in miR-21 levels were observed in adipose tissue but not in other tissue types. Our data indicates that Au@16-ph-16 could serve as an effective delivery system for miRNA mimics, suggesting its potential suitability for the development of future clinical treatments against obesity.This research was supported by the following grants: This study has been funded by Instituto de Salud Carlos III (ISCIII) through the project PI21/01924 and PI18/00785 and co-funded by the European Union, by the Consejería de Transformación Económica, Industria, Conocimiento y Universidades-Junta de Andalucía and ERDF-EU (PI20-01274) and by University of Sevilla VI PP USO SSGG (2021/00001297). PI-0092–2017 and PI-0235–2021 from Consejeria de Salud (Junta de Andalucia), Spain. S.L. is a recipient of a Plan Andaluz de Investigación, Desarrollo e Innovación post-doctoral grant from the Consejería de Economía, Conocimiento, Empresas y Universidades (DOC-01138). A.M.G. was a recipient of a Plan Propio de Investigación, Transferencia y Divulgación Científica postdoctoral grant from University of Málaga. FJBS, and REBAV-R are under contract with the ‘Nicolas Monardes’ program from the Servicio Andaluz de Salud, Consejería de Salud y Consumo-Junta de Andalucía (RC-0001-2021, RC-0006-2020 and C-0060-2018, respectively. A.V-R. was supported by a grant from the Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (Proyectos I+D+i para Jóvenes Investigadores, SAF2014-60649-JIN).Peer reviewe