35 research outputs found

    WARACS: Wrappers to Automate the Reconstruction of Ancestral Character States

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    Premise of the study: Reconstructions of ancestral character states are among the most widely used analyses for evaluating the morphological, cytological, or ecological evolution of an organismic lineage. The software application Mesquite remains the most popular application for such reconstructions among plant scientists, even though its support for automating complex analyses is limited. A software tool is needed that automates the reconstruction and visualization of ancestral character states with Mesquite and similar applications. Methods and Results: A set of command line–based Python scripts was developed that (a) communicates standardized input to and output from the software applications Mesquite, BayesTraits, and TreeGraph2; (b) automates the process of ancestral character state reconstruction; and (c) facilitates the visualization of reconstruction results. Conclusions: WARACS provides a simple tool that streamlines the reconstruction and visualization of ancestral character states over a wide array of parameters, including tree distribution, character state, and optimality criterion

    EMBL2checklists: A Python package to facilitate the user-friendly submission of plant and fungal DNA barcoding sequences to ENA

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    The submission of DNA sequences to public sequence databases is an essential, but insufficiently automated step in the process of generating and disseminating novel DNA sequence data. Despite the centrality of database submissions to biological research, the range of available software tools that facilitate the preparation of sequence data for database submissions is low, especially for sequences generated via plant and fungal DNA barcoding. Current submission procedures can be complex and prohibitively time expensive for any but a small number of input sequences. A user-friendly software tool is needed that streamlines the file preparation for database submissions of DNA sequences that are commonly generated in plant and fungal DNA barcoding

    Bioinformatic Workflows for Generating Complete Plastid Genome Sequences - An Example from Cabomba (Cabombaceae) in the Context of the Phylogenomic Analysis of the Water-Lily Clade

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    The sequencing and comparison of plastid genomes are becoming a standard method in plant genomics, and many researchers are using this approach to infer plant phylogenetic relationships. Due to the widespread availability of next-generation sequencing, plastid genome sequences are being generated at breakneck pace. This trend towards massive sequencing of plastid genomes highlights the need for standardized bioinformatic workflows. In particular, documentation and dissemination of the details of genome assembly, annotation, alignment and phylogenetic tree inference are needed, as these processes are highly sensitive to the choice of software and the precise settings used. Here, we present the procedure and results of sequencing, assembling, annotating and quality-checking of three complete plastid genomes of the aquatic plant genus Cabomba as well as subsequent gene alignment and phylogenetic tree inference. We accompany our findings by a detailed description of the bioinformatic workflow employed. Importantly, we share a total of eleven software scripts for each of these bioinformatic processes, enabling other researchers to evaluate and replicate our analyses step by step. The results of our analyses illustrate that the plastid genomes of Cabomba are highly conserved in both structure and gene content

    Pemasaran Hijau Yang Semakin Menjadi Kebutuhan Dalam Dunia Bisnis

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    Green marketing is a type of marketing where a company sells a product that is envi-ronmentally friendly. In the concept of green marketing, a company has done greenmarketing since the beginning of the production process which transform raw materi-als into environmentally friendly finished product, called green product. The growingglobal warming make the green marketing is a major issue in today\u27s business world.Green marketing has become a necessity for both producers and consumers for thecreation of a healthy environment. A company can do green marketing that matchesto the company\u27s business. Implementation of green marketing can cover many ac-tivities depending on what the company wants to do. Automotive manufacturers arean example of a company that must implement a comprehensive green marketingbecause its products could potentially damage the environment due to pollution fromvehicle fumes

    Software Choice and Sequencing Coverage Can Impact Plastid Genome Assembly–A Case Study in the Narrow Endemic Calligonum bakuense

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    Most plastid genome sequences are assembled from short-read whole-genome sequencing data, yet the impact that sequencing coverage and the choice of assembly software can have on the accuracy of the resulting assemblies is poorly understood. In this study, we test the impact of both factors on plastid genome assembly in the threatened and rare endemic shrub Calligonum bakuense. We aim to characterize the differences across plastid genome assemblies generated by different assembly software tools and levels of sequencing coverage and to determine if these differences are large enough to affect the phylogenetic position inferred for C. bakuense compared to congeners. Four assembly software tools (FastPlast, GetOrganelle, IOGA, and NOVOPlasty) and seven levels of sequencing coverage across the plastid genome (original sequencing depth, 2,000x, 1,000x, 500x, 250x, 100x, and 50x) are compared in our analyses. The resulting assemblies are evaluated with regard to reproducibility, contig number, gene complement, inverted repeat length, and computation time; the impact of sequence differences on phylogenetic reconstruction is assessed. Our results show that software choice can have a considerable impact on the accuracy and reproducibility of plastid genome assembly and that GetOrganelle produces the most consistent assemblies for C. bakuense. Moreover, we demonstrate that a sequencing coverage between 500x and 100x can reduce both the sequence variability across assembly contigs and computation time. When comparing the most reliable plastid genome assemblies of C. bakuense, a sequence difference in only three nucleotide positions is detected, which is less than the difference potentially introduced through software choice

    Pengaruh Macam Bahan Organik Dan Inokulum Rhizobium Terhadap Pertumbuhan Dan Hasil Tanaman Kedelai (Glycine Max (L.) Merril)

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    Kedelai (Glycine max (L.) Merril) merupakan tanaman pangan yang penting di Indonesia. Sebagai tanaman golongan Leguminoceae, tanaman kedelai mampu mengadakan simbiosis dengan bakteri tertentu sehingga dapat langsung memfiksasi nitrogen dari udara. Tujuan penelitian ini ialah mempelajari pengaruh interaksi macam bahan organik dan dosis legin terhadap peningkatan pertumbuhan dan hasil tanaman kedelai (Glycine max (L.) Merril). Hipotesis yang diajukan ialah macam bahan organik dapat mempengaruhi kebutuhan dosis legin untuk meningkatkan pertumbuhan dan hasil tanaman kedelai (Glycine max (L.) Merril). Penelitian dilaksanakan di Kebun Percobaan Fakultas Pertanian desa Jatikerto, kecamatan Kromengan, kabupaten Malang. Penelitian dilaksanakan pada bulan Juni 2014 sampai bulan September 2014. Alat yang digunakan pada penelitian ialah Leaf Area Meter (LAM), timbangan analitik, meteran dan oven. Bahan yang digunakan adalah benih kedelai varietas Grobogan. Perlakuan yang diberikan yaitu faktor satu adalah pemberian bahan organik yang terdiri dari: B1=tanpa aplikasi bahan organik, B2=residu biochar dan B3= kompos 10 ton ha-1. Faktor kedua adalah penggunaan legin yang terdiri dari: L1 = tanpa legin, L2 = dosis legin 8 g kg-1 dan L3 = dosis legin 12 g kg-1. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan penambahan bahan organik kompos 10 ton ha-1 dan residu biochar tidak mempengaruhi kebutuhan dosis legin. Kompos 10 ton ha-1 nyata untuk meningkatkan jumlah polong per tanaman kedelai (Glycine max (L.) Merril) sebesar 71,21 %. Dosis legin tidak nyata terhadap hasil panen tanaman kedelai (Glycine max (L.) Merril)

    airpg: automatically accessing the inverted repeats of archived plastid genomes

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    Abstract Background In most flowering plants, the plastid genome exhibits a quadripartite genome structure, comprising a large and a small single copy as well as two inverted repeat regions. Thousands of plastid genomes have been sequenced and submitted to public sequence repositories in recent years. The quality of sequence annotations in many of these submissions is known to be problematic, especially regarding annotations that specify the length and location of the inverted repeats: such annotations are either missing or portray the length or location of the repeats incorrectly. However, many biological investigations employ publicly available plastid genomes at face value and implicitly assume the correctness of their sequence annotations. Results We introduce airpg, a Python package that automatically assesses the frequency of incomplete or incorrect annotations of the inverted repeats among publicly available plastid genomes. Specifically, the tool automatically retrieves plastid genomes from NCBI Nucleotide under variable search parameters, surveys them for length and location specifications of inverted repeats, and confirms any inverted repeat annotations through self-comparisons of the genome sequences. The package also includes functionality for automatic identification and removal of duplicate genome records and accounts for taxa that genuinely lack inverted repeats. A survey of the presence of inverted repeat annotations among all plastid genomes of flowering plants submitted to NCBI Nucleotide until the end of 2020 using airpg, followed by a statistical analysis of potential associations with record metadata, highlights that release year and publication status of the genome records have a significant effect on the frequency of complete and equal-length inverted repeat annotations. Conclusion The number of plastid genomes on NCBI Nucleotide has increased dramatically in recent years, and many more genomes will likely be submitted over the next decade. airpg enables researchers to automatically access and evaluate the inverted repeats of these plastid genomes as well as their sequence annotations and, thus, contributes to increasing the reliability of publicly available plastid genomes. The software is freely available via the Python package index at http://pypi.python.org/pypi/airpg

    Plastid genome structure and phylogenomics of Nymphaeales: conserved gene order and new insights into relationships

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    The plastid genomes of early-diverging angiosperms were among the first land plant plastomes investigated. Despite their importance to understanding angiosperm evolution, no investigation has so far compared gene content or gene synteny of these plastid genomes with a focus on the Nymphaeales. Here, we report an evaluation and comparison of gene content, gene synteny and inverted repeat length for a set of 15 plastid genomes of early-diverging angiosperms. Seven plastid genomes of the Nymphaeales were newly sequenced for this investigation. We compare gene order and inverted repeat (IR) length across all genomes, review the gene annotations of previously published genomes, generate a multi-gene alignment of 77 plastid-encoded genes and reconstruct the phylogenetic relationships of the taxa under study. Our results show that gene content and synteny are highly conserved across early-diverging angiosperms: All species analyzed display complete gene synteny when accounting for expansions and contractions of the IRs. This conservation was initially obscured by ambiguous and potentially incorrect gene annotations in previously published genomes. We also report the presence of intact open reading frames across all taxa analyzed. The multi-gene phylogeny displays maximum support for the families Cabombaceae and Hydatellaceae, but no support for a clade of all Nymphaeaceae. It further indicates that the genus Victoria is embedded within Nymphaea. Plastid genomes of Trithuria were found to deviate by numerous substitutions and length changes in the IRs. Phylogenetic analyses further indicate that a previously published plastome named Nymphaea mexicana falls into a clade of N. odorata and should be re-evaluated