9 research outputs found

    Prawdziwe znaczenie obrazów? Wokół twórczości Shelby'ego Lee Adamsa

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    Udostępnienie publikacji Wydawnictwa Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego finansowane w ramach projektu „Doskonałość naukowa kluczem do doskonałości kształcenia”. Projekt realizowany jest ze środków Europejskiego Funduszu Społecznego w ramach Programu Operacyjnego Wiedza Edukacja Rozwój; nr umowy: POWER.03.05.00-00-Z092/17-00

    Czas, ciało, pamięć : fotografia w paradygmacie kina

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    The aim of the present thesis is to embrace the common denominators between photography and cinema as they were in the beginnings of cinema. Via discovery of the tensions and intersections between the moving image and the still frame in the early motion pictures, and juxtaposing them with the chosen instances of the nineteenth century photography, the author explores the relationships bonding and/or differentiating the two modes of the act of seeing with its technologically-imposed indirectness, which, in turn, shaped the new ways of understanding and (re-)presenting the time, the body and the remembering. The early days of cinema are examined in the context of the contemporary revival the bond between the photography and motion picture has been undergoing, as one can clearly observe in the digital convergence, audiovisual arts and cinema-inspired photography. The questions undertaken in the course of the present thesis, one may argue, incorporate themselves in the “turn towards the history” trend, a significant constituent of the modern still/moving field study which accordingly scrutinizes the liaisons between the still and the moving images

    Pejzaże głębin : o osobnych światach Lucile Hadžihalilović

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    Th e author performs an analysis of Innocence and Evolution – the films of Lucile Hadžihalilović, which she proposes to treat as a diptych due to similarities in the thematic layer and plot, as well as signifi cant parallels in the construction of presented worlds. The ambiguous morphology of the surroundings and meaningful landscape shots are viewed in two dimensions: on the one hand, as references to the structure of myth, fairytale and utopia; on the other hand, as elements of the depiction of nature. Besides forest, sea or underwater landscapes, this way of depiction includes, among others, poetic pictures of atmospheric phenomena and observations of vegetation and animal life, which are endowed with symbolic meaning. Among her sources of the depiction of nature, the author indicates documentary fi lms of Jean Painlevé and the fascination with an element of water present in the works of surrealists. Moreover, Lucile Hadžihalilović approaches the aquatic imagination as a manifestation of underwater optics, which performs a symbolic function

    W mgnieniu migawki : nowe życie trików Eadwearda Muybridge'a

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    The aim of this article is to show the role that Eadweard Muybridge’s work and wide-angle snapshot photography, perfected at the end of the 19th century by the Lumière brothers, played in the development of the levitation technique. The author emphasizes the visual fascination with spectacular images of a body suspended in the air, which can take various forms: from the stop motion effect, bringing to mind the notion of a frozen time, by suggesting the suspension of the law of gravity, to the visualization of the various time dimensions possible through the film mobilization of the gaze. Taking the affinity between Muybridge’s studies and the bullet time effect as her starting point, the author also looks at the relationships between the various versions of the trick of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, and the present time. Gruenpeter considers the popularity of this theme in modern audio-visual culture using selected films, and in the context of recreational photography and the art of illusion

    Działania Interdyscyplinarnego Centrum Modelowania Matematycznego i Komputerowego Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego w obszarze otwartej nauki

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    The article presents the scope and directions of activities of the Interdisciplinary Center for Mathematical and Computational Modeling, University of Warsaw, in open science. It includes the development of infrastructure for the open sharing of research results, the development of open scientific resources (publications and research data), outreach and promotion activities, international cooperation, and expert and advisory work.Artykuł prezentuje zakres i kierunki działań Interdyscyplinarnego Centrum Modelowania Matematycznego i Komputerowego Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego w obszarze otwartej nauki. Ujęto w nim rozwój infrastruktury służącej do otwartego udostępniania rezultatów badań, rozwój otwartych zasobów naukowych (publikacji i danych badawczych), a także działania szkoleniowe, informacyjno-promocyjne, międzynarodową współpracę oraz prace eksperckie i doradcze

    Research Data Management in the context of researchers’ needs and Open Science advancements in Poland. Overview of the training programme of Interdisciplinary Centre for Mathematical and Computational Modelling, University of Warsaw

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    The article presents conclusions from research data management (RDM) trainings conducted since 2015 as part of the activities of the Open Science Platform, an initiative of the Interdisciplinary Centre for Mathematical and Computational Modelling, University of Warsaw. The aim of the article is to present a training programme and conclusions based on 5 years of experience (in the years 2015–2020 more than 40 workshops and trainings were carried out, face-to-face and online). The frequently asked questions and problems raised by the participants will be discussed. Also, issues addressed during the trainings will be placed in a broader context of changes in scientific communication in Poland, including, in particular, the implementation of openness policies and the development of new research data repositories (as part of the Disciplinary Open Research Data Repositories project). The article will also suggest possible improvements and developments in RDM training

    The Instant of the Shutter Shuts: The New Life of Eadweard Muybridge’s Tricks

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    Celem artykułu jest ukazanie roli, jaką w wypracowaniu sztuczki z lewitacją odegrała twórczość Eadwearda Muybridge’a, a także szeroko rozumiana fotografia migawkowa, doskonalona w końcu XIX w. między innymi przez braci Lumière. Autorka akcentuje wizualną fascynację spektakularnymi obrazami ciała zawieszonego w powietrzu, która może przybierać rozmaite formy: od efektu zatrzymania ruchu, nasuwającego na myśl także zamrożenie czasu, przez sugestię zawieszenia prawa ciążenia, aż do wizualizacji różnych wymiarów czasowych możliwej dzięki filmowej mobilizacji spojrzenia. Czyniąc punktem wyjścia pokrewieństwo między studiami Muybridge’a a efektem bullet time, autorka przygląda się także związkom między różnymi wariantami sztuczki funkcjonującymi na przełomie XIX i XX w. oraz współcześnie. Popularność tego motywu we współczesnej kulturze audiowizualnej Gruenpeter rozpatruje nie tylko na przykładzie wybranych filmów, ale i w kontekście rekreacyjnego nurtu fotografii oraz sztuki iluzjonistycznej.The aim of this article is to show the role that Eadweard Muybridge’s work and wide-angle snapshot photography, perfected at the end of the 19th century by the Lumiere brothers, played in the development of the levitation technique. The author emphasizes the visual fascination with spectacular images of a body suspended in the air, which can take various forms: from the stop motion effect, bringing to mind the notion of a frozen time, by suggesting the suspension of the law of gravity, to the visualization of the various time dimensions possible through the film mobilization of the gaze. Taking the affinity between Muybridge’s studies and the bullet time effect as her starting point, the author also looks at the relationships between the various versions of the trick of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, and the present time. Gruenpeter considers the popularity of this theme in modern audio-visual culture using selected films, and in the context of recreational photography and the art of illusion

    11. Seminarium Open Access, 19-23.10.2020

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    Seminarium Open Access organizowane jest każdego roku w Bibliotece Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego w ramach obchodów International Open Access Week. Edycja 2020 odbyła się w dniach 19-25.10.2020 r. pod hasłem „Open with purpose: taking action to built structural equity and inclusion” - „Otwieraj z sensem: działaj, by wyrównywać szanse i zapobiegać wykluczeniu”

    Proceedings of the 23rd Paediatric Rheumatology European Society Congress: part one

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